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I'm not allowing myself to play Skyrim until I've spent some quality time with Morrowind and Oblivion. It's for the best; my current video card wouldn't do it justice.


I'm not allowing myself to play Skyrim until I've spent some quality time with Morrowind and Oblivion. It's for the best; my current video card wouldn't do it justice.

Good plan, I wish I had the patience for that. I want to go back and give Oblivion another chance since I didn't like it when it came out and only put about 4 hours into it. I have a feeling
that Kingdoms of Amalur will make me forget about wanting to go back and try older games.


Reluctant Member
Okay, first:



(I am beginning to rethink this hat. I thought it was a bit odd on the original, don't think it works on anyone more human looking :x)

Tence (in special laaaaaaaaarge mode for being such a good sport and making all our avatars this month.)

That moogle needs to stop looking so Tence :O Calm down little guy.


Reluctant Member
Glad you guys approve :D

So many more to do.

So far I've completed:


Tomorrow on my list I have...


+ 8 more.

Anyone who hasn't PMed me but is thinking they want one, go for it :D I don't bite!


The weird bug compels you ._.


Okay, first:


(I am beginning to rethink this hat. I thought it was a bit odd on the original, don't think it works on anyone more human looking :x)

Tence (in special laaaaaaaaarge mode for being such a good sport and making all our avatars this month.)

That moogle needs to stop looking so Tence :O Calm down little guy.[/QUOTE]

Those are awesome!
*throws controller*

Okay, I am done with Neverdead

Imagine, if you will, an event where a building collapses on you while you're on the street and the only way to survive is to line yourself up with a window so the building misses you.

Now imagine that smoke and dust block your view so you can't see the window once the building starts falling



wouldn't the window pane kill you just as much as the wall?

also, isn't John NeverDead supposed to be immortal or something?
wouldn't the window pane kill you just as much as the wall?

also, isn't John NeverDead supposed to be immortal or something?

It's an empty pane.

Also you totally die if your brain is crushed

Which makes the scenarios where you're just rolling around as a head kind of frustrating!


Reluctant Member
Depends how long it lasts for. Hopefully it is gone in a few days. Snow is okay as long as it doesn't outstay its welcome.

I figure snow is great as long as I don't have plans to go anywhere.

40 minute drive down a mountain just to get to town while in deep snow is not ideal.


Same, which is why I had to go to sleep "early" last night. My body was pretty angry at how I was staying up every night to talk to you guys.

Yeah I also only had 6 hours of sleep. But it was a nice day... when I woke up it was -13 degrees :O

But we went through the snow to my uncle anyway. Ran around on the ice and then had some great spicy Thai soup with Guotiao. Then to Wah Nam Hong, a huge Chinese foodstore.
Came home with 10 kg of rice, couple of sambals, a shitload of noodle-soups, Indonesian peanutcookies etc.

Now warm at home :D
Morning, RP Gaf! So nice to wake up to kickass art (Damn, Lissar!) and jokes about New Jersey (sorry, Raw). This day is starting off right. ^_^
I was listening to a (true) story the other day about a turkey that terrorized a neighborhood and would just attack anyone it saw

Eventually the cops had to shoot it


There was also a story a few years back about a peacock getting chased and eventually killed by some hobo, or something to that effect.

NBC was not pleased.


I was listening to a (true) story the other day about a turkey that terrorized a neighborhood and would just attack anyone it saw

Eventually the cops had to shoot it
I swear I've heard that story before.

The turkeys are weird here, they go around pecking everyone's cars. Such strange creatures.
I can't even imagine how disease ridden they are. They're fun to chase around when they get out of the trees.

Do you know how to catch a turkey during mating season, Acid? You suspend a log from a tree branch at the ground level... and wait. They inevitably try to make the sexy with it. Turkeys are so dumb. They're amazing.

I was listening to a (true) story the other day about a turkey that terrorized a neighborhood and would just attack anyone it saw

Eventually the cops had to shoot it

Seems legit.
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