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Reluctant Member
You went to Germany too? Gah, I want to live in your suit case.

I hope that didn't sound perverted.

Better to live in SA's suitcase, he's been more places than I have.

Other than Japan and Germany, I've only been in airports in Vancouver and Amsterdam. These are the extent of my travels.


Countries I really visited: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Indonesia

Countries I fake visited (stop-overs) Austria, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Dubai, Thailand.


Reluctant Member
Countries I really visited: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Indonesia

Countries I fake visited (stop-overs) Austria, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Dubai, Thailand.

Man, living in Europe is so cheating. In the US we actually have to work at it to go to other countries.

I visited Mexico for a few hours.

Don't really travel much.

We need to organize a GAF trip!


I've been to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Spain, the Netherlands, England, Wales, Ireland and Mexico.

Edit: and Myanmar/Burma.


I've been to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Spain, the Netherlands, England, Wales, Ireland and Mexico.

I flew over at least half of those.
If there's a gaf trip it needs to be vegas and no where else!

I'll drive.

I've only been to Mexico and Philippines. I don't have the same wanderlust as other folks.

I'm not opposed to traveling but I'm not compelled to hop on a plane and go anywhere. When you live in LA, pretty much everything is at your fingertips. Snowboarding? Two hours away. Surfing? One hour away. White water rafting? Two or three hours away (I think).


Man, living in Europe is so cheating. In the US we actually have to work at it to go to other countries.

It is a bit of 'cheating'. The Netherlands is such a tiny country, it has a history of seafaring and conquering 'the world' (not always good) We are taught as little kids, to learn as much languages as possible, to make it easier to talk (read: trade) with foreigners.
In highscool we were sent to Hungary, and a year later to Italy.

It's such a huge difference with the US, which in itself is such a HUGE country.
Ooooo, travel lists!

Japan, South Korea, Thailand, China, Mongolia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Nepal, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Borneo, Bangladesh, Singapore...?

Damn. Puddles is beating me! Well, I have vacation coming up soon, so just you wait! EDIT: (want the south of Africa or Australia/NZ next)


Ooooo, travel lists!

Japan, South Korea, Thailand, China, Mongolia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Nepal, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Borneo, Bangladesh, Singapore...?

Damn. Puddles is beating me! Well, I have vacation coming up soon, so just you wait! EDIT: (want the south of Africa or Australia/NZ next)

Wtf...you've been to Belgium but not Holland?? Get your ass over here.


What the fuck you guys? I feel like uncultured American swine! Been to Mexico and Canada......shoot. Take me with you next time, I'm yearning for adventure.


Ooooo, travel lists!

Japan, South Korea, Thailand, China, Mongolia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Nepal, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Borneo, Bangladesh, Singapore...?

Damn. Puddles is beating me! Well, I have vacation coming up soon, so just you wait! EDIT: (want the south of Africa or Australia/NZ next)

Argh, this jealousy is killing me.
Not the biggest list

Germany, Netherlands, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Djibouti, Somalia

Never visited anywhere in Asia. Should probably do that at some point


China, Mongolia, Russia


Annapurna Circuit or Everest Base Camp?


Also, I see you have Scotland. I still need to visit that place to complete my United Kingdom quadfecta.

I want to go to India.

Just as long as you're not squeamish.
Wtf...you've been to Belgium but not Holland?? Get your ass over here.

Sorry! It was a whirlwind trip. Next time, though!

What the fuck you guys? I feel like uncultured American swine! Been to Mexico and Canada......shoot. Take me with you next time, I'm yearning for adventure.

At least you have a passport. I know so many that have never even left their state. Boggles my mind.

Argh, this jealousy is killing me.

Then get your ass up and go! :) I'm guessing you're early or mid-twenties, so now's the perfect time. And don't say you have no money because I went to China with $60 in my pocket (teaching exchange for travel ~ a month). You can go anywhere as long as you're willing and can get a bit creative. ;)

Annapurna Circuit or Everest Base Camp?


Also, I see you have Scotland. I still need to visit that place to complete my United Kingdom quadfecta.

Just as long as you're not squeamish.

Trans-Siberian from China --> Mongolia --> Russia and then out in Latvia! Awesome trip. I heard that I went the wrong direction, though, and missed all the cool travelers. Oh well.

For Nepal I did a 3 week study abroad there in Kathmandu. ^_^

Heehee @ Turkey and I lived in Scotland for ~2 years.

And, I had a 4 hour layover in Qatar. Does that count? ;)


Then get your ass up and go! :) I'm guessing you're early or mid-twenties, so now's the perfect time. And don't say you have no money because I went to China with $60 in my pocket (teaching exchange for travel ~ a month). You can go anywhere as long as you're willing and can get a bit creative. ;)

Scratch that, I'm hiding in YOUR suit case next time. XD

I was almost a roadie for my friends bands trip to Europe. I was too sick to go. That was the worst day of my life.


Some people have the idea that Kathmandu is going to be this serene mountain paradise.

It really, really isn't.

I had fun there though. Monkey Temple ftw (stairs getting up there were a killer though).


I enjoyed Ireland. I have a few friends from there, and they took me to some nice places. I also saw U2 at the big stadium in Dublin, which was nice. They had that massive claw setup above the stage. Say what you want about Bono, but those lads put on an amazing live show.

I had intended to head out to the Cliffs of Moher, but I unfortunately ran out of time.

unless you spent min one night away from the airport it doesn't count

Haha. I know. Have you been before? Seems like an interesting place.

If you ever do, let me know. Me and the missus have a spare room so you won't have to worry about a place to stay.

...the cats will fuck up your sleep though.

Thanks, Tence. After 'meeting' all of you guys I feel like I have way-points all over the world that I should hit when I travel now. Be great to go drinking/eating with everyone. And, no worries about the cats. I have one too, remember (she steps on my head every morning)? Let me know if you and your lady are ever in LA. I have futon and a coffee maker. :)

Some people have the idea that Kathmandu is going to be this serene mountain paradise.

It really, really isn't.

I had fun there though. Monkey Temple ftw (stairs getting up there were a killer though).

Seriously. Kathmandu was extremely packed, very poor and very sad (but kind of ethereal at the same time via the weight of its history). It was also very dangerous. Our hotel got bombed not a week after we left. (I was there during the Maoist rebellion)

I'm jealous that you got to hit the rest of the Golden Triangle. Feels such a waste since I was right there, but time did not permit. If you like that area I highly recommend Borneo. Amazing hiking/the most badass (climbable) mountain ever. ;)

Which country has been your fav so far?

Those of you who went there, what did you think of Ireland?

Hmmm... I need to go back because honestly I didn't have the best of times. This is partly my fault for ill planning, and I have family there, so I must revisit... and not sleep in some random greenhouse in the middle of January with a dog under my shirt.


Thanks, Tence. After 'meeting' all of you guys I feel like I have way-points all over the world that I should hit when I travel now. Be great to go drinking/eating with everyone. And, no worries about the cats. I have one too, remember (she steps on my head every morning)? Let me know if you and your lady are ever in LA. I have futon and a coffee maker. :)

Not much to see here in Jersey. But I'd definitely hang with anybody that came over here. This way I could brag to my geek friends about meeting someone from XSEED. XD
Free from work! Off to the store to buy food! Real food! :D Catch you later, RP Gaf.

Time to go to bed...I wish you a good night my RP-Gaf friends.. see you tomorrow.

Night, Tence!

I'd probably go with Croatia, although Thailand, Vietnam, and Turkey all have strong cases.

Jersey near the UK, or New Jersey?

Croatia, huh? I'll have to look into that one. Nothing really stood out for me at a glance, but then again Poland was hella fun.

I'd like to go places and taste all the delicious foods they have. O:

Go! Go now! Food awaits!

Not there specifically but I have been to the Middle East as I mentioned earlier. I imagine it wouldn't be far off from the UAE.

Cool. I would like to hit more ME countries in the future.
Man, living in Europe is so cheating. In the US we actually have to work at it to go to other countries.

Well, geographically, states are the equivalent of what countries are in Europe. We can just rattle those off. I've been to Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Connecticut, New York, Delaware, Nevada, Pennsylvania and California.

The sex was good in the last six of that list.

Massachusetts should have been much better, and I can't believe nothing's happened in Jersey yet!


Well actually, Puddles had the longest list. Puddles, it is!

The one time I've been to Jersey the entire experience was negative. I've never had an entirely negative travel experience except for that.

I can't really blame anyone for not wanting to come here. I hate this place. I'd be the only reason any of you would want to come here, and even that is dubious.
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