Smiles and Cries
I think the OP is trying to tell y'all the Wii U was the best gaming hardware ever created
Ultimately, good game design doesn't require particularly potent hardware, even if it can help.I think the OP is trying to tell y'all the Wii U was the best gaming hardware ever created
That's kinda the point of his post.
Sure, the Series X is theoretically more powerful. That's undeniable. And you're right the difference in that processing power may actually not amount to much, native 4K vs 82% of 4K with checkerboarding or maybe 1 billion ray bounces vs 800 million. You're right we'll probably need DF to tell us.
But the question the OP poses is that you need to consider, in addition to the theoretical maximum performance, how easily can you extract that performance. Because no computer system runs at 100% performance continuously. So for sake of argument say that on average SeriesX gets 75% then that's 9.1 Tflops but if PS5 gets 90% then thats 9.2 (numbers plucked out my arse to make the point).
The OP's point is that efficiency is just as important as max power and can equalise things. This exact scenario was demonstrated in real life with both PS3 and Dreamcast which were outperformed by theoretically weaker systems.
The CU delta is so small that you're not going to see any quantum leap of difference, at all.
The same.I wonder what the arguments would be if the PS5 had the GPU, CPU and RAM advantage, and the Xbox had the SSD/IO and Tempest.![]()
The same.
The same in the sense of "according to reality", like now."Same" as in both sides using their opponent's narrative; or "same" as in Sony fans appreciating the efficiency of the SSD/IO and Tempest audio design choices, with Xbox fans praising the PS5's brute force advantage?
Former: definitely.
The discussion on which next gen console is more "powerful" has been heating up lately with most believing the Xbox Series X to be more powerful solely on higher spec counts in certain categories. Yet some folks counter that with how the custom hardware in PS5 will alleviate some of it's relative performance deficit and the difference will be minimal.
Before I proceed, let's really think about what we mean by "powerful" in this context because it could mean several different things. People tend to just toss that number around and say "system X has more TFLOPs so it's more powerful" or "System Y can run at higher framerates so it's more powerful". It is an important distinction in the context of the next generation consoles since both system have advantages in different areas.
For this discussion, I want to focus on actual game performance as the goal. Meaning which system can actually process the most data in the shortest amount of time. This will yield richer worlds at higher framerates. Thus, I am getting away from the theoretical and the TFLOPS and high level specs and focusing on which system ultimately runs games with same or higher details and higher framerates.
Now of course let me state the obvious: at this point, nobody really knows which system is more powerful between the Xbox Series X and PS5. Why? Because nobody has seen both running in final hardware form up close with the same game side by side to do a comparison. So I'm not here to declare either one as more "powerful" but just to check some folks on claiming one as superior solely based on numbers on paper or video streams.
Now many people in the know including developers have said this but let me reiterate: virtually no real world game running on any system does so in a manner which utilizes 100% of that system's capability at all times. As beautiful as TLOU2 or God of War looks on PS4, it is completely incorrect to think that either of those games are extracting the maximum 1.8 TFLOPs of GPU power for any sustained period. Yes, even if the clock speeds are fixed the actual utilization is based on the software running on it. For example, I can have a 5 Ghz CPU and a 2Ghz top of the line GPU running a simple 'for' loop or simple binary search algorithm. Does that mean that the system is running at it's theoretical 14 TFLOPs while running those few lines of code in that for loop simply because it's frequencies are locked? Theoretically, I could build a 15 PetaFlop machine (15000 TFLOPS) that is several orders of magnitude more powerful than anything on the market today. But if all it could play were Wii games by design, would that be a system which is utilizing it's full potential? Would that be next gen?
The point here is something that I've mentioned several times in this forum and I think a lot of people miss. When we really think about "next gen" gaming and transitioning to a new generation it really isn't the hardware that achieve those milestones. It's the actual software/games that truly define a new generation. We don't remember the specs of the N64 and how much more horsepower it had over the PS1, but we remember how seeing Super Mario 64 for the first time took our breath away. Try as we might, few people could look at Mario 64 in motion and translate that to exactly what hardware specs made that possible and how any theoretical advantages over competing hardware is showing up in the images being rendered before in front of them. The same could be said in moving to PS2: it was seeing GT3, Metal Gears Solid 2, and GTA III that defined what "next gen" really meant for that generation. It was not a GFLOP count or marketing buzz words like "Emotion Engine". We could go on with seeing Halo for the first time, Gears of War, Uncharted 2, and Killzone Shadowfall in later generations but you get my point. But here is the question: if you didn't know the hardware specs of the system running those games, would that change how you looked at that system? In other words, if Kojima today mentioned that MGS2 on PS2 only used <1 GFLOP of performance, would you now look at the PS2 as being "weaker" than the Dreamcast (capable of a theoretical 1.4 GFLOPS) even though it clearly looked better than anything on the Dreamcast at that time?
In thinking with that, we should realize that all of this talk about TFLOPs and theoretical numbers is really moot at the end of the day and misses the point. If we understand that maximum theoretical numbers are quite meaningless in determining actual real game performance and we agree that the real world performance or demonstrative power is actual more meaningful to evaluate, then we should be focusing on which system will actually be able to deliver it's theoretical performance best to the screen. There are indeed a tremendous number of system components and variables that all have to play nice and align perfectly for a system to operate at it's maximum capacity. In truth, it almost never happens with real workloads but the systems that are perceived to be the most "powerful" are generally the ones that have come closest to it's theoretical maximums…meaning the ones that are most efficient. That truly is the name of the game…trying to remove bottlenecks and create a balanced system that can work together effectively is the really the art of designing a game console ( or any system).
I recently got into a back and forth with someone who shouted to me: Xbox Series X is clearly more powerful because "The numbers don't lie". I literally LMAO and shouted back "LOL. YES THEY DO!" There are countless examples of this and many on this forum have posted PC GPU comparisons demonstrating the lower TFLOP GPU outperforming (in real games) a higher TFLOP GPU etc. But there are 2 examples I want to remind people of in particular:
- The first and more recent example of "numbers telling lies" is with the PS3 and Xbox 360 comparison. Now on paper, there is no denying that the PS3 had a much higher theoretical performance ceiling when you factored in the Cell, it's SPUs, along with the RSX GPU. Yet, most multiplatform games ran better on the Xbox 360. Why? Because the X360 was a much more balanced system that allowed developers to extract more performance with less effort than the PS3. In other words, it's "power" was much more accessible and the system more efficient. It's unified memory, symmetrical CPU design, and larger GPU with more parallel pipelines meant there was more power on tap in the X360. This was evident in many third party games throughout the generation but was very evident in the first few years (Anyone remember Madden 07 running at 60fps on X360 vs only 30fps on PS3). But other big titles such as Read Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and many others ran at lower resolution and/or lower framerates on the PS3. One way to categorize this at a high level of abstraction (not literal figures, just an example to illustrate the point) is that 70% of the Xbox 360 was better than 40% of the PS3.
- For those old enough to remember, the second major example of this was with the original PS1 vs the Sega Saturn. People may not remember but on paper the Sega Saturn was superior to the PS1 in almost every respect! More polygon pushing power, higher pixel fillrate, more RAM and VRAM, better sprite processing, higher maximum resolution and more! Yet and still, the vast majority of 3rd party multiplatform games looked and ran better on the PS1. Games like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, and Wipeout are just some example where the Saturn version had poorer performance or was missing visual elements altogether. Why was this? Again, the Saturn was notoriously difficult to develop on and particularly to harness it's max potential. It featured dual CPU processors that was very tricky to code and in fact most developers literally ignored the 2nd processor altogether reducing the theoretical performance of the system by a tremendous amount. The PS1 on the other hand was well balanced and easy to get the desired level of performance out of it. For developers, you got much more out of it with less effort. Again, high level abstraction description: 60% of the PS1 was a lot better than 30% of the Saturn
So how does this relate to the current discussions around PS5 and Xbox Series X. Again let me reiterate, I'm not saying that one is more powerful than the other. In fact, by my comments in this thread I cannot say that until I've seen games running side by side on both. I believe like many that both will have their advantages in different areas. But we've been hearing and talking a lot recently about how so many developers seem to be singing the praises of the PS5 using big hyperbolic words like "masterpiece", "best ever", "dream machine" etc. The general excitement from the development community around the PS5 seems tangible and there isn't that same vibe at this time around the Series X (despite the higher spec numbers). Why is that?
We've heard things mentioned about the PS5 such as it's one of the easiest systems ever to develop on, it's very easy to get the power out of it, it removes many of the bottlenecks that have existed for many years, it frees developers from design constraints that they have been working around for decades etc. These kinds of statements all point to a system that will be extremely efficient and allow developers to harness more power for less time and effort. The fact that we haven't heard the same sorts of statements around Series X lead me to believe that the PS5 is in fact the more efficient between the two.
This means that you can get much closer (still not likely 100%) to that 10.28 TFLOPs of GPU power more consistently in actual workloads. This means that you can utilize much more of those 8 Zen 2 cores to doing meaningful work that that the player will see as opposed to "under the hood" tasks around data management, audio processing etc. This means that can actually achieve near 100% of the theoretical SSD read/write speeds without the traditional bottlenecks that have existed with HDDs in games for years. This means that you can get much more efficient use out of the physical RAM allotment because there is less wasteful or unnecessary assets taking up space.
The people that truly follow what I'm saying in this thread will realize that these things are much more exciting to both a developer and end user than some higher numbers on a spec sheet. These are the things that can make a meaningful difference in the quality of games we play in the next few years. These are things that will directly improve the quality of the software, which is really what delivers the next gen experience. This is absolutely cause to sing the praises of the PS5 as many developers have done.
Unfortunately for Cerny and the team at Sony, most of the real work and genius in the PS5 design is not easy to communicate to end users. It's also not something that end users can really appreciate since it's not something they can truly understand until they see the results. And that of course will not happen right away at launch in 2020. But ultimately, there is much to be excited about with the innovations Sony is bringing in the PS5 and the level of efficiency they could have possibly achieved.
So while I am not saying the PS5 is definitely more powerful (meaning more performance) than the Series X, I am saying that it is absolutely inaccurate to say that the Series X is more powerful solely based on TFLOPs ratings and other theoretical specs. In other words, despite what the numbers say it is entirely possible that we may see many cases where games are performing better (i.e. more complex scenes and/or higher framerates) on PS5. To use my analogy above: 85% of the PS5 maybe better than 60% of the Series X (for example). It wouldn't be the first time that the numbers did not tell the whole truth![]()
Great comments guys. This was the point of this thread. Much of this was already being said by many around the forum but i thought it would be good to have it centralized and visible for more to see.
Let me add another nugget here. In terms of the efficiency difference between the PS5 and Xbox Series X, we can already see it in practice. Particularly with regards to I/O and SSD speeds we have some comparison points. Now mathematically, the full 100% utilization of the SSD speed for Seriex X would be 2.4 GB/s. So to load a full game into memory would take roughly 16 GB / 2.4 GB/s = 6.6s. So IF the Series X was 100% efficient with its SSD loads, then the worst case scenario for loading would be roughly 6-7s.
Now on the PS5 side, 100% efficiency from its raw SSD speed would be 5.5GB/s. Thus the time it would take to load a full game into memory would be 16GB/5.5GB/s = 2.9s. So assuming 100% efficiency, it should take worst case ~3s to load a full game into memory on the PS5. (NOTE: I intentionally did not account for compression. Worst case would be the data isn't compressed at all)
Now what have we already seen from both sides? Microsoft has already shown several demos highlighting the speed of their loading and quick resume feature. In particular, their official loading demo from their marketing team shows a the time to load a game on Series X compared to the Xbox One X. In that demo, the Series X took about 9s to load the game (for those that would point out this not being a great game to demo due to Backwards Compatibility, its the game their PR and marketing team selected! Believe me, if they had a better game to demo they would have).
Now what have we seen from Sony specifically with regards to loading. Well 2 things: one official and one unofficial. The official example which is great because it's in a live real-time game is in the Rachet & Clank demo on PS5. Go back and watch that trailer and count how long it takes for Rachet to travel to a new world through the dimensional rifts. He does this 5 times in the trailer and every single time, the new world was loaded in under 3s! Go back with a stopwatch and time it if you need to
The other unofficial demo of course is of the Spiderman PS5 loading demo. There we see PS5 loading a scene 10x faster than PS4 pro and doing it in just under 1s. Now you can say this isn't the actual game etc but it's still important because it actually demonstrates at least one example where the PS5 can load something in under 1s which was the goal mentioned by Cerny several times. Just as important, we actually see a real example where 10x improvement over current generation was realized. What a lot of people miss about this demo, is that the PS4 Pro was actually using an SSD! So that 8s load is fairly fast by current gen standards but the demo really highlights not just the raw SSD speed on PS5 but rather how PS5 removes the bottlenecks with the I/O and SSD bandwidth to actually get near 100% efficiency out of the raw theoretical specs.
If we go back to the Series X loading demo vs Xbox One X, the Series X did it in ~9s while the One X did it in ~50s. That's a great improvement for sure but that was only a 5x improvement over the One X which was using a standard HDD (as opposed to an SSD). Remember, PS5 demo was 10x over an SSD!
So guys, this discussion on efficiency isn't conjecture at this point. Everything that we have been privy to thus far including paper specs, direct communication from Sony and Xbox, and demos point to PS5 being the more efficient machine.
Now there has been talk about how some of those efficiencies can benefit the CPU and GPU as well as the SSD from developers and Sony directly. Things like how the Tempest engine, Coherency engine, Cache scrubbers, and other aspects of the I/O controller block will significantly alleviate the CPU and GPU allowing it to put more of its power directly into the game processing. IF the lengths of those efforts toward efficiency come close to matching what they've achieved with the SSD, then it is not far fetched to think that in real game workloads, that efficiency could make up for a 2% CPU advantage, 18% GPU advantage, and 20% bandwidth least in some cases![]()
Short answer: Show us results, not talk us to death with PR and no games or running on other hardware.
That's not really true. The Series X RAM is split with 10GB of GDDR6 @ 556GB/s and 6GB of GDDR6 @ 336GB/s
That CPU side will depend completely on how much of the PS5's Unified RAM will be used for games. This is the point of the OP, but many of you have dismissed it completely even though the 12TF number only represents the Series X GPU, not the console as a whole.
I am not reading that wall of text![]()
Your missing the point, there aren't going to be XSX exclusives for a few years. There going to be cross gen games for Xbox one and Xbox series X/S. Sony is going exclusively Next Gen.While that is true to some extent, if you have better hardware you've got more to work with...
You don't even know what exclusives the XSX really has yet.
Microsoft bought a shit ton of studios that haven't showcased anything yet.
Considering how TLOU2 turned out I don't think that people should just assume that Sony exclusives ( especially sequels ) are automatically amazing or as good as the first.
Both companies are shoving in custom chips designed to help offload work or minimize bottlenecks of primary components. For example Sony claims that their proprietary GPU cache scrubbing technology will remove bottlenecks and improve efficiency. Sony also took debatable pragmatic approaches to certain areas such as to how many CUs they will include and the clock rate that they use. They argue that it's harder to keep many CUs busy with substantial work that it's better to have less CUs that are faster. They also claim that having a high clock speed drives other components of the GPU to also work more efficiently. Things like that can result in PS5 getting more out of their GPU than the XSX can. But Microsoft does a lot of custom stuff too. Then the SSD also reduces a bottle neck for future workloads that may require working with a lot of data in secondary storage by reducing the chances of processing components idling because they need data to work with. In computer science, this is commonly taught bottleneck but it's usually talked about in relation to the CPU and main memory but if your data is in secondary, it's jut the bottleneck exasperated. Of course though developers can try to program their game to do other things while waiting for data. But that's only if there's other things to do at the time, that work may not be substantial in having a positive impact on the user's quality perceptions, and there's both development time and resource management overhead in doing so. On the PS5, developers arguably wouldn't have to worry as much about this and get more efficiency from the GPU with less/no overhead and work.There is nothing on the PS5 that is going to allow it to get more out of the GPU than the XSX can. And in Fact, with the PS5 using variable clocks, there is more chance of the PS5 not getting the most out of it.
The reality is, even if the XSX can use the full 12.2tflops, and the PS5 can use the full 10.24tflops, its not going to make it look much better, if at all.
That's the only point that needs to be made here.
I just joined last month. I got tired of arguing with Xbox fanboys who don't know anything on N4G and Gamefaqs. I see the discussions here are somewhat civil, but there are definitely people here who haven't got a clue as to what they're talking about, especially when it comes to teraflops. I guess you got tired of N4G too huh?Oooo I didn't know you were on Gaf as well.
Its more like a great SSD vs a custom-designed awesome SSD faster than anything out there.Realistically?
It's like arguing that:
- A PC with an i9-9900k running at a faster clock speed, with faster RAM, a 2080TI, and a good SSD... going be outperformed by:
- A PC with a slower i9-9900k running in boost mode, with slower RAM, a 2070 Super also running in boost mode, but equipped with a great SSD.
I don't buy it. Not for a second.
Now, will Sony's first party developers have better looking games than anything on Series X? That I do buy, and that's because DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS.
MS: "industry experts" say Xbox One has "a better line-up", gamers "don't buy stats"
Microsoft's corporate vice-president Yusuf Mehdi has told investors that the upcoming clash between Xbox One and PS4 is great for consumers, and reiterated his colleague Albert Penello's claim that the statistical capabilities of each machine are "meaningless" in themselves.
"One of the things that has never happened is we go head-to-head with a competitor on a console launch. "Competitively speaking, so far, I feel like we have a much better... more complete value prop," Mehdi went on. "We do things that aren't found on other platforms with the Kinect, a huge piece of differentiation. As I said before, the fact that we do entertainment and gaming.
"And then even if you just take gamers, hardcore gamers, gamers buy for the game. They don't buy for stats on a spec sheet. And if you look at the games we have, according to most industry experts now, a better lineup of games."
Sep 9, 2013
Phil Spencer felt “even better” after knowing the PS5 specs
Apr 3, 2020
Phil Spencer "Just being honest" Claims Advantage over PS5
“Just being honest, I felt good after seeing their show. I think the hardware advantages that we have built are going to show up as we’re talking more about our games and frame rates and other things,”
Saturday at 2:20 AM
The past 7 years have been a goldmine. Microsoft will never stop, not to be manipulative, bending the rules to fit their narrative. Based on the games we´ve seen from Microsoft ... after overhyping the event, claiming for 7 years to have the best e3 line-up in xbox history (every january) ...
We better all have enough aspirin ready, because gonna be unbearable from now on.
Its more like a great SSD vs a custom-designed awesome SSD faster than anything out there.
Like the rest of the system, Xbox Series HDD was designed around sustained performance.. SSD performance nosedives when the chips heat up. MS accounted for this in the performance.
I just joined last month. I got tired of arguing with Xbox fanboys who don't know anything on N4G and Gamefaqs. I see the discussions here are somewhat civil, but there are definitely people here who haven't got a clue as to what they're talking about, especially when it comes to teraflops. I guess you got tired of N4G too huh?
There's a whole new group of people in charge vs the people back in 2013. Same is true with Sony. Past performance is no indication of future success or failure.
How can you be old enough to use a message board but not old enough to understand how marketing works?
I love this bottleneck theory. Tell me about the bottlenecks the Series X has.
Show me the quote where Epic said that the PS5 will display more detail than the XSX will.
You got the quote?
“This is not just a whole lot of polygons and memory. It’s also a lot of polygons being loaded every frame as you walk around through the environment and this sort of detail you don’t see in the world would absolutely not be possible at any scale without these breakthroughs that Sony’s made.”
Sweeney says that Sony’s storage architecture is far ahead of “the best SSD solution you can buy on PC today. And so it’s really exciting to be seeing the console market push forward the high-end PC market in this way.”
Thanks for the heads upJust a word of advice. They don't like console warring at all here so don't call anyone a pony, Xbots or a fanboy.
I still post on N4G from time to time but I like Gaf better. You can actually maintain a lengthy discussion instead of being limited by an invisible bubble count.
You are throwing around the world "efficiency" a bit loose.Both companies are shoving in custom chips designed to help offload work or minimize bottlenecks of primary components. For example Sony claims that their proprietary GPU cache scrubbing technology will remove bottlenecks and improve efficiency. Sony also took debatable pragmatic approaches to certain areas such as to how many CUs they will include and the clock rate that they use. They argue that it's harder to keep many CUs busy with substantial work that it's better to have less CUs that are faster. They also claim that having a high clock speed drives other components of the GPU to also work more efficiently. Things like that can result in PS5 getting more out of their GPU than the XSX can. But Microsoft does a lot of custom stuff too. Then the SSD also reduces a bottle neck for future workloads that may require working with a lot of data in secondary storage by reducing the chances of processing components idling because they need data to work with. In computer science, this is commonly taught bottleneck but it's usually talked about in relation to the CPU and main memory but if your data is in secondary, it's jut the bottleneck exasperated. Of course though developers can try to program their game to do other things while waiting for data. But that's only if there's other things to do at the time, that work may not be substantial in having a positive impact on the user's quality perceptions, and there's both development time and resource management overhead in doing so. On the PS5, developers arguably wouldn't have to worry as much about this and get more efficiency from the GPU with less/no overhead and work.
Whether or not these optimizations outweigh the more "brute-force" approach , would depend on the individual games, and the overall game development trend of how games are designed.
He said PC. He did not say XSX.Below it’s stated the level of detail shown is only possible on PS5 due to the SSD being able to stream at its incredibly fast rate which we know is pulling directly from zBrush.
PS5 SSD Is 'Far Ahead' of High-End PCs, Epic Games CEO Says - IGN
The PlayStation 5 breakthroughs on SSD and storage are ahead of any PC
They have said nothing that gives the PS5 any efficency over XSX.
I don't see how I'm using it "a bit loose" I used it twice; the first being to describe a claim and the second to also describe how a developer could easily use more available resources by maybe doing less.You are throwing around the world "efficiency" a bit loose.
MS has released far more information about their optimizations to increase efficiencies.
Sampler Feedback
Velocity Architecture
Mesh Shading
Machine Learning
At this point all we have is Mark Cerny saying he likes to go faster and narrower. I guess you have to sell what you have.
They have said nothing that gives the PS5 any efficency over XSX.
There is a saying. "There is no replacement for displacement."
Its apt here.
He said PC. He did not say XSX.
Show me a quote where he compares the PS5 directly to the XSX, and where he says that the PS5 will be able to display better details than the XSX.
That Was your claim.
Below it’s stated the level of detail shown is only possible on PS5 due to the SSD being able to stream at its incredibly fast rate which we know is pulling directly from zBrush.
PS5 SSD Is 'Far Ahead' of High-End PCs, Epic Games CEO Says - IGN
The PlayStation 5 breakthroughs on SSD and storage are ahead of any PC
They announced alot of tech and features to increase efficiencies. Obviously between the two some tech will be better than others. It's up to you to decide which ones you prefer.
The “technology” behind Quixel Megascans is nothing at all to do with Nanite virtualised micro-polygon geometry.
Megascans are assets you can use in your game or other production. That they are included or recommended as part of the Unreal Engine developer kit doesn’t mean that’s all Nanite is, or it is at all the same thing.
“1440P” isn’t a texture size, either. Nor is a 4K texture the same as a 4K frame buffer.
Load of gibberish.
We have no idea how much IO latency/bandwidth was required to demonstrate the UE5 demo.
All we know is that it was a collaboration between Epic and Sony, the result of which seems to be Sony selecting the speed they did for PS5, and Sweeney saying what we saw was only possible thanks to the work Sony did on IO.
We also know and have been told that not only is UE5 designed to scale down to mobile devices, but that Nanite itself is also tuneable.
Lumen in the Land of Nanite may very well only be possible on PS5 in the manner it was presented, just as Ratchet & Clank is only possible on PS5 in the manner it was presented in the trailer.
That doesn’t mean UE5 or Nanite as a useful technology only works on PS5. We’ve been told that’s scalable across systems with NVMe drives. How many assets are being loaded at once and the quality of the source assets being potentially limiting factors, and how many pixels per triangle being a scalable parameter.
If Lumen in the Land of Nanite was designed to really stretch the IO capabilities of the PS5 at the level of quality demonstrated then it will only be possible on it. That’s not a contentious or controversial point.
If it was only using something like a quarter of its capability then maybe it’s possible to render as shown on almost anything with a decent NVMe drive. If this is the case then it’s a mystery as to why Sony would spend so much money and die space on what they have done if it’s all unnecessary. That implication I do find a bit nonsensical.
But this has already been discussed to death entire chapters ago.
TBF, that isn't Sweeney saying anything regarding XSX, just comparing PS5's SSD I/O to PCs ATM. It's not like XSX can't stream directly from the SSD at high levels.
You have to watch the subtle marketing double-speak in pieces like that, which pops up in the last sentence of the first paragraph you quoted. That is a generalized comparison, it's nothing specific to any given hardware and certainly not to another next-gen console given that if anyone at Epic were to even suggest this, MS would not take too kindly to that and probably scale back support of their engine software on their platform and/or other punitive actions.
That's part and parcel of this type of stuff.
Yet, most multiplatform games ran better on the Xbox 360. Why?
XSX can certainly stream the quote was specific to the detail being the best on PS5.
My interpretation of that is the 8K textures as it would need a very hefty SSD to deliver such large textures in little time.
You need to go and see what makes both the PS5 and XSXs SSDs different from a PC SSD as well as different to just changing out you PS4 or XOX hard drive for an SSD. And its not just optimization.XSX isn’t better than PC.
Real talk...gaming hardware for the last few generations is about spin control and making the consumer base buy into said PR spin. We have heard the "balanced", "Developed to the metal", "maximized efficiency" and "optimized" spin before.
You need to go and see what makes both the PS5 and XSXs SSDs different from a PC SSD as well as different to just changing out you PS4 or XOX hard drive for an SSD. And its not just optimization.
Go and see how both the new consoles SSDs are "wired" into the system, and then you will understand why they are both very different to a PC with an SSD.
You are just so wrong.That doesn’t change what I said.
XSX isn’t better than PC.
You need to go and see what makes both the PS5 and XSXs SSDs different from a PC SSD as well as different to just changing out you PS4 or XOX hard drive for an SSD. And its not just optimization.
Go and see how both the new consoles SSDs are "wired" into the system, and then you will understand why they are both very different to a PC with an SSD.