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(Really, really) LTTP: Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995)



ITT, I want to take you back to a simpler time: the 90s. So, I am somewhat of a diehard Star Wars fan. Born in the late 80s, my first few experiences with Star Wars-games were Rogue Squadron on the N64 and Episode I: Racer and The Phantom Menace on the PC. Craving for more, I once found a game with this awesome cover in a sale at a store:


As stunning as the action on the cover looked, the actual in-game action was a little... rough around the edges, to say the least. At this point, I had played the aforementioned games plus Shadows of the Empire, so I was already used to more advanced technology. Nonetheless, Jedi Knight proved to be very entertaining, not in small part due to the (back then) extremely impressive live action cutscenes. Remember, back in the 90s, these were pretty much our first and only glimpses into a live action Expanded Universe that seemed somewhat on par with the actual movies! Of course, I would later end up being impressed by Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast as well as Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and blown away by how far gaming had come. But one thing always lurked in the back of my mind: how the Jedi Knight cover said it was "Dark Forces II", so there had to be a Dark Forces I – right?
Well, some quick research showed that DF did indeed exist and already back then, in the early 2000s, it looked like an "old-ass" game to me due to being pretty much a Doom clone, so my interest in playing it was low. Fast-forward a few years, and I got the game as part of a bigger sale on Steam eventually, because why not. So, it had been sitting in my library ever since... until the beginning of this year, when I suddenly had an urge to return to the days of Lucasarts' glory and dive back into some good 90s memories. And thus, my journey into Dark Forces finally started.

Old-ass graphics


This is pretty much what a playthrough of this game on today's hardware will look like. Everything is a pixelated mess, designed to run at a resolution of a whopping 320x200. Not a pretty sight – but tbh, there is a charme to it. Additionally, there is something that I noticed compared to other, modern Star Wars-games of notably the EA-era like Battlefront II, Squadrons or Jedi: Fallen Order; the games of the early 2000s and the 90s, including Dark Forces, seem to do a better job in the art department to convey what I consider to be the "typical Star Wars-look". Mainly, it's the colors. Games like Dark Forces, Jedi Outcast oder Shadows of the Empire really nail that Imperial look from the 80s, where most of the movie sets inside the Death Star and such were artificially lit sceneries. The globally lit stages of earlier games matched that pretty well. In today's games, the colors are somehow off and look much more like generic SF and fantasy to me, as opposed to Star Wars.
So, despite the very rough technical presentation, I found this game to be pleasing from an artdesign POV. No matter how pixelated and blocky, the game looked and felt like Star Wars.

Most impressive presentation​


What the game lacks in technical prowess, it makes up for in overall presentation. Already back then, before complete FMVs like in Jedi Knight became a thing, the games strived for a cinematic look and feel. Dark Forces nailed that – in that it featured cutscenes that were part CG-renders of flying starships, and part animated images with recognizable character art. Even more impressive: those cutscenes, as well as dialogue in the game, were 100% voice-acted. So, we didn't just get to see the characters interact, but we would also hear them talk in distinct and relatively clear voices. During gameplay, too, you will hear Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors talk over comm about the mission's progress and get an occasional heads up about where to go and what to do. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one: this, along other LA games, was one of the earliest examples of games that I can think of that also had a fully-voiced german translation. Back then, it was not uncommon for games to have english voices with merely german subtitles.

The music, despite being some very low-tech midi renditions, compliments the gameplay excellently. You will hear both original themes and well-known Star Wars melodies, combined and mixed together into a great OST. There is also a high quality Remastered version available on Youtube! Added to that are some of the most recognizable sound effects from Star Wars, like iconic blaster fire sounds and others. The sound portion of the game is pretty well done for the time and I found myself really enjoying most of the tunes and the way they complimented the in-game action.

Old-school cool​


I'm not gonna lie: when I started up Dark Forces, I didn't know if I would pull through with this playthrough. The game was so... old! And that doesn't limit itself to the graphics or sound capabilities of the engine, but the overall handling and gameplay as well. Bringing up the menu to look at the map, your inventory or mission objectives takes a whole second, and you have to use does big chunky buttons on the right side to navigate the map. You remember those mid-90s point 'n click games? Yeah, something like that. So, more often than not, I ended up not navigating the mapscreen in detail at all, but just zooming out so that I could see everything at once and try to make sense of it in its little detail. That being one obstacle, and the other being that everything in-game was so badly rendered and so pixelated, especially at a distance, that often it wasn't easy to fully understand what you were looking at; all in all, all signs pointed to this game being a confusing and frustrating mess and bound to make me get lost endlessly on every map. And occasionally, it did, but surprisingly... most of the time, it didn't. After about 3-4 levels in (out of a total of 12 playable stages), I couldn't help but actually find myself admiring the developers for how they designed and laid out the stages. It's not that gaming was just in the dark ages back then and nobody didn't know any better – I got the deep sense that when making the game, the developers perfectly knew about the shortcomings and possible problems of the limited graphics and designed the maps' layout with regard to that. So, very often, I would be able to make my way through the stages by just wandering and continuing to go on; sometimes, I would run in circles a little before I discovered where to go, and I think twice during my playthrough, I had to look for help in a guide on how to progress. But all things considered, it was a lot better and more userfriendly to navigate the stages than it had any right to be given the game's limited visual capabilities.

One thing that I was not too fond of, however, was the game's relative overreliance on puzzlesolving. Being a Doom clone, the shooting portion of the game was pretty fun and it felt good to gun enemies down with your assortment of blasters; sadly, in a lot of stages, you would only get occasional shooting action and spend most of your time tracking the place for switches, hidden passages, keycards or even some light platforming challenges. Had the game had a little more focus on action and less on hidden mechanisms and locked doors, it would have helped with orientation in stages as well, in my opinion. But overall, it was pretty well balanced and when you have shootouts with your enemies, they tend to be good fun.

The mission parameters tended to be varied and interesting; while the gameplay variety was kinda limited in that kind of game, the developers definitely made an effort to not make two missions feel alike, and succeeded. Between missions, you would normally get a detailed briefing, embedding the stage well into the overall narrative of the game. At all times, it was clear what was going on and why you were sent to the places you visited and what you wanted to achieve there. Technically, the mission goals were always the same: go from point A to point B, and in some instances, once you arrived at B to find/retrieve something, you had to return to point A in order to complete the mission. But still, it felt diverse because every map required you to do something different before progressing to the next stage. Once, you would infiltrate an Imperial facilty in order to steal some data and get extracted from the rooftop; another time, mission objectives would require you to set explosives in order to blow up a laboratory and get out in time. Another time, you would be held prisoner by a crime syndicate and have to escape from their clutches or in another stage, you would have to search the sewers of a city to find the hiding place of an Imperial moff. Things felt fresh and interesting and I especially liked when one mission sent you to infiltrate the Imperial Security Bureau right in the heart of Imperial City on Coruscant; it felt much like stepping into the lion's den. I felt that every stage had distinct characteristics and was quite unique, and that it was always motivating to see where the story would go and what kind of world you would visit next.

What's next​


My original intent when starting up DF was to dive back into a time when Star Wars-games were starting to really take off, quality-wise, and respecting the source material a lot more. Ever noticed how in the 90s, every Star Wars game seemed to be about the galactic civil war in general, about Rebels and Imps fighting each other; and after the year 2000, there began this shift to focus almost solely on the Force- and Jedi-centric side of the franchise? To me, personally, games never felt as much like Star Wars as they did in early entries like Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron or X-Wing Alliance. Much like the movies, beginning with TPM, started to shift their focus almost entirely on lightsabers and Force users, the games mimicked that development and by the time Jedi Academy hit the scene, I was personally almost oversaturated with the Jedi gameplay. Sure, it was still fun to go around and swing lightsabers, but I couldn't take the storylines seriously anymore (remember, this is the game that had Tavion Axmis go around with a staff and suck the Force energy out of historic Star Wars places like a vaccuum). So, when I decided to look to older games, I found that there was a whole treasure trove of content that entertained my personal preference of Star Wars a lot more than later iterations would. Playing Dark Forces has definitely struck a chord with me in that regard; I'll take conspiring Imperials and outnumbered Rebel troopers over big, epic Jedi vs. Sith battles anyday. So, I will eventually continue this journey; after all, from here on out, at least in a technical sense, it will only get better. I hear that some people worked on a full-fledged Dark Forces-mod for Jedi Academy, which could be fun; and as always, people experiment in UE4 with bringing those old ideas back, though I doubt that there will ever be a complete release of anything in that regard. Still, there's a number of games in my backlog that I will now have to look into, like the older X-Wing games as well as the continuation of Jedi Knight that I never played through: Mysteries of the Sith. I can't wait to dive right back into the next "old-ass" game, but wanted to give a detailed impression on my latest one first. Dark Forces was a surprisingly well-done experience and still a fun game after all these years, despite how much time and technical progress might make it pale in comparison to modern gaming.
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Suffers with mild autism
A classic. I love this game, and am not bothered in the slightest by the dated visuals. In context they just work, and honestly nothing feels worse to me than "upscaling" an old game like this one with a mod, when the assets etc were built for that original presentation.

My only advice would be to run it on a more classic CRT computer screen or to simulate that effect somehow, but that's not as easy to do anymore.
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Salmon Snake

Gold Member
I loved Dark Forces on PS1 as a kid!
Eventhough it had terrible framerate and FOV, but I didn't know any better until I later saw the PC version at my friends' house.

I was so young that my English was pretty limited so the plot flew over my head. For some reason I also pictured Kyle Katarn as Han Solo 😄
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Jelly Belly
Remember when it launched on pc here. I played the demo at my buddies coz my pc couldn’t handle run it. Blew me away


I played and finish it for the first time last year. It is one of my favorite classic FPSs now. I put it in my Top 10 best games I played last year in a thread here.

The atmosphere is full Star Wars as you mentioned in the OP, great music, charming pixel art. But what made me love the game is the level design.

I liked how the levels are not as wide as Doom 2 but not as linear as Half Life. They have interesting challenges and they make sense. When you are in the factory, it feels like a factory but the designers used enough abstraction and stylization to make it adequate for a proper classic FPS level. There is storytelling in the levels.

Puzzles only bothered me one time,in that damned elevator. Aside from that, I liked everything. Also, I liked how there are lives and checkpoints.It made the encounters more tense since there is consequence in dying.

The weakest part of the game are the weapons IMO. They are far from being bad but the variety and diferences between them lacks in comparison with Doom, Duke or Blood.
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I loved reading every bit of this Gifmaker Gifmaker

Most recently, I played the PS1 version via PS Vita. It's workable, but the PC version is what I played endlessly as a kid. That hidden room with the demented ewok... lol

I think sometimes it gets a bit too "find the key" but since the level design is so good, it doesn't matter much.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I actually havent played this since I was a kid. The dark colors for whatever reason freaked me out then so I didnt get far. I should try it out now a days.

I played Dark Forces II and Jedi Outcast a ton though. When I was younger the fact you got a lightsaber was mind blowing.


I recently replayed both Dark Forces and found both games to be excellent. Especially Dark Forces 2 when you get your lightsaber for the first time is way more satisfying than in Jedi Knight 2. Mysteries of the Sith is also an incredible expansion, playing as Mara is great and the final level is amazing.


A great game. I remember playing this & Rebel Assault back in the day. Two very different games but enjoyable nontheless.


A game I've replayed 2 years ago
i still like it very much.
I've looked into the UE4 project. My hopes are not really high. They don't seems to a lot of people working on the project and it's on free time
i would love a modern revisit of the game
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Dark Forces 2 is the only one I played but I agree.

Jedi Knight is not a middle term between Doom and Half Life, like Dark Forces. It is mainly Half Life school and is worse because of it IMO.
Jedi Knight was released before Half Life.


Jedi Knight was released before Half Life.

I know. But they have a similar line of thought for level design, so I called Half Life school since the Valve game is the most successful and best game in this style.

I called Dark Forces 1 a middle term between Doom and Half Life also and Dark Forces is way before Half Life.


Thank you all for your answers and impressions. It's cool to see that I am not the only one who still enjoys the merits of this game, despite its old age. It really is as classic a Star Wars experience as it gets.

The sewer level is terrible
I dreaded that one as well, but in the end, it was a lot more manageable than I thought it would be. Though, running out of goggle battery and blaster ammo in the sewers and having to fight Dianogas with your bare hands in the dark is pretty miserable, I'll give you that.
What an incredible game this is! I had this when it came out on CD-ROM. One of my first CD games. That first level where you find the Death Star plans is legendary.

This is a really cool game. There is even a Coruscant level in it, I believe! The MIDI music is perfect and the cinematics are very cool. 90s Star Wars was so rad. I was also reading the Dark Empire Dark Horse comics around this time.


Fantastic game. To this day I am waiting for a funcitonal souceport to come out so we can play this with mouse control and modern resolutions.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I would LOVE to replay this, but I can't.

I would play it in a heartbeat if it had a port similar to GZDoom, but right now it relies on DosBox and I just hate playing old games that way.


I would love to replay this game. I've bought a fairly decent laptop to work from home when needed, is it pretty simple to download and play off Steam?
I would love to replay this game. I've bought a fairly decent laptop to work from home when needed, is it pretty simple to download and play off Steam?
Yeah, it runs on DOSBox so you should just be able to press play. There's a source port if you want to experiment with higher resolutions and stuff.
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