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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

Because for it's time it was a well-made movie and opinions and tastes are different? It's good, but for my own part I find it pretty boring even if it was one of the first movies to give me nightmares as a 4-5 year old.


you can't put a price on sparks
Shame it's audio only. I'd love to go extended but especially when I'm unfamiliar with the movie they're covering I'm going to prefer to watch the video version, and I don't want to see/hear it twice even if it would have extra bits the second time around.

yeah, id rather that they have an extended video and the regular video. not sure what they gain with audio-only.


you can't put a price on sparks
Someone still would have to edit the video, even if it is just back and forth with them talking. Add in more movie footage, and it continues to eat up time.

they're getting the audio from the video. i think we can excuse an extended version from having "more" movie footage etc -- obviously at that point it is their artistic decision whether or not they want to keep doing that.

the point is they have to edit it anyway, the source is the same. instead of audio only, they could include video.


I'm trying to think when they've ever mentioned Kevin Smith. I think there was a brief mention of him in the Plinkett Star Wars reviews.

Jay, Jack and Rich have mentioned once in a while in Pre-rec streams, no hate but some dislike these days, one of them said that enjoyed Clerks etc when growing up.
Jay tweeted something bad about the horror holiday anthology flick recently, something mild that it comes to a grinding halt with Kevs segment


I'm trying to think when they've ever mentioned Kevin Smith. I think there was a brief mention of him in the Plinkett Star Wars reviews.
"People sucking up to Lucasfilm by saying they like The Phantom Menace (unrelated Kevin Smith photo)" in Revenge of the Sith review

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Oh Jesus fuck Christ thank you thank you Mike is being sincere again. New show is a really good idea.


That Tremors re-view pointed out stuff I didn't appreciate before. Somehow I missed that the "wall of guns" reveal was supposed to be a joke, I think I saw the movie so much at a young age that I just assume we already knew about the wall of guns beforehand.

Even though I watched the "Making Of" doc that was on the Tremors DVD, I didn't appreciate that whole gun to miniature gun switch they pulled off. I still suggest watching it, the whole basement bit is impressive in how well it comes together despite switching between live action and miniatures. Except for that one shot.


That was pretty dope.

More please.
it's okay to say that because it was Mike and definitely not Rich who came up with it.
LOL. Awwww. #richshaming
Flip the question: why don't Europeans love this obviously great movie?
Don't listen to that crazy person. I love the film.
Those chairs are too nice for those hacks.


Tremors is a great movie. I watched it over and over and over as a kid. I always got scared at the part where they pick the hat up off the ground. This Re:View gave me new appreciation for how well-made the movie is.


nrinr1 : How does RLM feel about Ghostbusters (2016)? Mike and Jay seems to not be fans...

Rich: Anything interesting going on in the chat?

Jack: I'm watching right now. The chat is currently trying to bait us into talking about the new Ghostbusters movie, which isn't going to work.

Rich: It looks like a lame comedy, of course. Everyone is going to criticize it and they'll be labeled a sexist. What's wrong with talking about it?

Jack: No... No... this is what they want...

Jack: Because once again, a small minority of the people will label people sexist for taking badly about the movie. Those people don't matter that label people sexists. There will be some people, I think, that will review the movie just as a movie and everything will be fine.

Rich: I'm convinced that the Angry Video Game Nerd tried to side-stepped the whole issue. He said he wasn't going to review it, because he didn't want to give them money, but he just didn't want to deal with the sexism bullshit. It completely backfired on him. That's what I think happened there, would you agree?

Jack: Absolutly. Yea, I think he just didn't want to deal with the... And that's the thing. There is a remote and very tiny posibility, Rich, that the new movie will be funny.

Rich: Will it be better than "Ghostbusters?"

Jack: Doesn't matter.

Rich: It matters.

Jack: Doesn't matter.

Rich: It matters. Here's the thing, alright. If the movie is okay, then it's okay. Then they just shot themselves in the foot.

Jack: Let's say the movie is funny. Let's go out on a limb here. Not just okay, not just a comedy movie, lets say its a funny movie. Okay, then what?

Rich: Alright, by calling the movie "Ghostbusters," they have invited comparisons. They sent out RSVPs saying, "Please compare us to Ghostbusters."

Jack: Absolutely. You all remember that old "Ghostbusters" movie. This is like "Ghostbusters."

Rich: And even if it's good... let's say averagely good, it's still going to be shit in comparison to the the movie they are inviting comparisons to. Now, on the other hand, had they just made a unique franchise... some sort of supernatural/paranormal comedy with an all female cast and called it something else, "Oh that was pretty good," is what people would have said.

Jack: Absolutely.

Rich: Now if it's the same quality, people are going to say, "It's no "Ghostbusters." Why did they call it "Ghostbusters?"

Jack: *Laughs*

Rich: Now they're going to get more ticket sales this way and that's all they care about, but as far as perception, they shoot themselves in the foot.

Jack: Your absolutely right. I'm just saying, there is a possibility-- obviously the trailer looks bad, the jokes in the trailer don't work, but there is a remote and tiny possibility that the movie could be funny. There are talented people involved in the making of the movie.

Rich: Yea, but they invited comparisons to an all-time great classic, which is a huge mistake.

Jack: Absolutely. By the way, even if it was a cast of hot male comedians...

Rich: I'm sure I'm on audio record somewhere back when I thought it was going to be Seth Rogen and friends-- Like don't do it. I hope they don't do it. It's going to be Seth Rogen or its going to be whoever.

Jack: That's exactly who it was going to be: Seth Rogen, James Franco... who is the tiny Seth Rogen?

Rich: Ant-Man? Paul Rudd?

Jack: Not Paul Rudd. Who was the one in the Scorsese movie? And in 21 Jump Street? And in Superbad?

Rich: I don't know. I don't know names.

Jack: He's like a tiny Seth Rogen. Who is that? What's his name?

Rich: *Laughs*

Jack: Chat! Chat, help!... Jonah Hill! Jesus... Jesus...Jesus... Jonah Hill. Yea, maybe Paul Rudd. Jon Hamm would have to be in it somewhere. He would have to be the bad guy. That's the point. What Rich is saying is that even if it was a male cast and even if it is funny, its being compared to...

Rich: Sony announced an all male Ghostbusters reboot as well. That won't ever get off the ground or they put if off for a few years until the one they are working on now bombs.

Jack: Oh yea, you can't do that one right away.

Rich: That just means we are double fucked.

The Real Abed

That's amazing.

Personally I hope the new GhostBusters is funny and enjoyable. Why does it need to bomb? It can exist. It's not like its existence makes the original not exist. Like Spider-Man. Just because Amazing Spider-Man exists doesn't mean the Toby versions disappeared. Difference is I think GhostBusters has a better chance of not being a complete bore-fest like the ASM movies.

So I wish it luck. And if it sucks, well then whatever. The originals still exist.

El Topo

I don't know. I find that excerpt pretty weird to be honest. It is just asinine to completely ignore that sexism has been an important factor. It just doesn't reflect well on whoever does that.
So many people are going out of their way to ignore the sexism of it for... reasons.

Let's take the actual openly sexist people out of the equation for a moment

All the not sexist people criticizing the film be it simply for existing or because the trailers make it look like an unfunny nostalgia cash in get called "subconsciously sexist/spoiled man babies " by people regardless of gender, what their comments specifically are, what their thoughts on the classic film are, or what their taste and past experience in comedies are. This doesn't do anybody any good, the openly sexist people continue to act like horrible people and the non sexists now have to defend themselves from the "your sexist" internet mob.

Why do you think Jack talks about not wanting to be baited into talking about the new film before the discussion takes off? It's because if you make any kind of vocal negative statement about the new film you get labeled a sexist, it's why Jay made that joke in the re:view episode after Mike criticized the vomit scene from the trailer which had nothing to do with the gender of the main cast since the joke of "goo in my butt crack" would be equally unfunny if male or females made it.

El Topo

Nah. You can talk about the movie in a reasonable manner and criticize it (or since it is not yet out more specifically the trailers) without being labeled a sexist.
It is of course understandable if they are afraid that they might say things that could put them in a bad light. Good, smart, reasonable people can say things that may seem stupid.

RLM just posted this on their twitter, oh god lol
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