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Redfall Is Always Online Even In Single-Player, Bethesda Confirms



People liking furries is no different to liking Avatar as well, they are blue and have tails, I don't see the difference.
Far in the future this will be the norm. We'll be banging aliens like in Mass Effect and genetically engineered hybrids.



No one should be surprised about this.

Will be interesting to see what schemes Microsoft comes up with next to monetize Gamepass.

Weren’t they just talking about how this game provided a full single player experience?


No one should be surprised about this.

Will be interesting to see what schemes Microsoft comes up with next to monetize Gamepass.

Weren’t they just talking about how this game provided a full single player experience?
this game is going to fail like Halo Infinite.


To those defending anti-consumer practices :

I hope you enjoy backing yourselves up to that gigantic corporate cock that's getting buried deeper and deeper into the depths of your ass as time goes on.

That's why games in the 90's and early 2000's were the best. Games were designed to be products and not services.
No microtransactions, no battle passes, no loot boxes, no psychological exploitation, no fomo, no traps, no political and ulterior agendas, no woke, none of that shit.
Gaming was for nerds by nerds fuelled by enthusiasm and potential. Then the corporate business people seeded it with dark motives and made it a casino and gaming lost its way.


That's why games in the 90's and early 2000's were the best. Games were designed to be products and not services.
No microtransactions, no battle passes, no loot boxes, no psychological exploitation, no fomo, no traps, no political and ulterior agendas, no woke, none of that shit.
Gaming was for nerds by nerds fuelled by enthusiasm and potential. Then the corporate business people seeded it with dark motives and made it a casino and gaming lost its way.
80s games > 90s games


That’s not really the issue though. The issue stems from not being able to play a single player mode when the servers are inevitably turned off, despite having paid for the privilege of playing the game.

It’s about game preservation and being able to revisit titles later down the line.

This is happening to The Avengers and even though it isn’t a good game, it sucks for people who want to revisit it in the future or who are still playing it in single player mode. The game isn’t even 3 years old.
OT. Your profile pic is ..... Nice

Old Man Lips GIF


So are there people in your game world whether you co-op or not?

Like is it an MMO-lite like Destiny where you are on a server with a few people and there are "public events" and whatnot?
I would assume so. From the preview, it wasn't really clear to me, but I expect we will run into other people; in fact, there was one part in the preview that I think kind of suggested that (where you see the floating person with a white robe on).

This you?

It's like shooting shills in a barrel.
Oh snap! lol He likely won't respond or will just block you (he likes his echo chamber and all).
I personally have no issues with the game requiring you to be online; most games are (whether we like it or not), but I also think there is most likely a good reason for Redfall requiring us to be online, given that it is going to be GaaS-like in nature, so it does align with that.

Oh, uh, ow....this thread definitely went in....another direction.

Confused Tbs Network GIF by The Detour
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Any game that can be played SP should be able to operate offline. Regardless of the platform, subscriptions aside.

Anyone saying anything else in this thread is coming off like a fucking clown.
Make-Up Meme GIF by Justin

Some of these people are the same people I see championing accessibility options for controllers and games...which makes it much fucking worse.

Have some god damn respect for yourselves and stop trying to defend your platform of choice for once.
I'm thinking this has to do with keeping people from duping items and keeping things fair when playing online. Choosing to play solo is a choice but I don't think it something that can be completely disabled because there is always the potential for a player to go online and play with people later. GT7 requiring online connectivity even when playing solo doesn't change the fact that you COULD go online and play with others online another time. Same is true of Redfall. Overall this isn't a big deal. This is the internet age people. More and more games are digital and have online connectivity. If you dislike that you might have to stick to older games that came out before the internet was a thing.


Not really an issue for me as I have had always on internet since 1997. Are there many nowadays that don't have it? Just seems like a non-issue.

That's not the point. It's a needless requirement for single player games. Also, if the servers ever go down, you won;t be able to revisit your game.
100% expect Starfield to be the same.

How else are they gonna support the battle royale mode with space combat and full multi-planet exploration? Will be the only battle royale game where you can play for a year and not spot another enemy to kill. I feel for the campers.


"Redfall Is Always Online Even In Single-Player, Bethesda Confirms"

Well, this sucks!
There is no excuse for single-player games having always online connection...
Some really dumb people in here, herrr durr 2023 currrent year....reee.... wtf.... Servers go off on companies end no play. Can you understand?
Also companies have been known to turn off servers after a few years. So 4-5 years from now, your game is worthless. I can still play other games that are decades old, and do.


Always online isn't the issue. Maybe someone would still like to play the game that has replay value 10 years from now when they shut the servers down. It would be like Unreal Tournament and Quake Arena or Left for Dead bot play no longer working if they relied on hosted servers that no longer exist from the publisher.

Yep. Me right now concerned about the preservation future of a game I didn't even knew existed until this Thread:


sarcasm is the lowest form of wit ....you know that, right? get over yourself, fella. We all love video games here...but they are just that...games. take the day off the internet or something.
Same clowns defending this can't even see these games servers go down for hours or days and you can't even play it. Or when they decide to shut the servers off permanently.

What if the game is a flop and barely any players. Bye-bye servers.
What's the bigger problem? This antiquated notion of "owning" games that simply does not exist anymore?
A combination of things to include what you mentioned but more importantly what if THIER servers go down? Do you think its fair after paying for your console, the online sub service, the game and your internet that thier servers can shutdown for maintenance or literally any other reason and you cant play your game on single player offline? I used to be like you, then realized after haveing a day off with no kiddos for the afternoon, went to sink in and boot up GT7 for some old school gaming fun in single player and bam! A big fuck you from Polyphony Digital. Never again.
It is what it is. Obviously the real downside is there will come a day (likely many years from now) when the game no longer works which is sad. I don't really understand the need for persistent connections in single player, even for cheating purposes I don't get it. Just make the achievements and any kind of leader-boards only function with an online mode, but leave an offline mode in the mix. We will lose a lot of games to this eventually, and the publishers will lose sales of old games too (sales they literally do nothing for).

Doesn't effect me at all (or anyone really, please, who doesn't have a internet connection available on their console in this day and age), so, I'm still pumped for the game.
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Same clowns defending this can't even see these games servers go down for hours or days and you can't even play it. Or when they decide to shut the servers off permanently.

What if the game is a flop and barely any players. Bye-bye servers.

Good thing Microsoft is a leading server company and even old ass games still have their multiplayer supported thanks to dynamic server allocations.

Oh, and also, then Arkane, Bethesda and Microsoft would just release a patch for it. The End. Offline mode supported with no internet in the event the game is a mega flop and servers are shut down. (not happening)
It is what it is. Obviously the real downside is there will come a day (likely many years from now) when the game no longer works which is sad. I don't really understand the need for persistent connections in single player, even for cheating purposes I don't get it. Just make the achievements and any kind of leader-boards only function with an online mode, but leave an offline mode in the mix. We will lose a lot of games to this eventually, and the publishers will lose sales of old games too (sales they literally do nothing for).

Doesn't effect me at all (or anyone really, please, who doesn't have a internet connection available on their console in this day and age), so, I'm still pumped for the game.

There will never be a day where it doesn't work. They'll just release a patch to allow offline play. And players will still be able to match up with one another thanks to dynamic server allocations.
There will never be a day where it doesn't work. They'll just release a patch to allow offline play. And players will still be able to match up with one another thanks to dynamic server allocations.

Maybe, but if it is a trivial correction, why release it like that in the first place? A lot of the times these systems are so deeply woven into the software that it just isn't worth the effort when the time comes (the suits just figure no one was interested in the software anymore anyways). Doesn't effect the quality of the game at all, and would certainly be a really stupid reason to avoid it, to be sure, but I would still prefer single player games just didn't do this. I understand that the data and charts can be interesting and all the anti-cheat benefits too, but I would just rather have the campaign available in two flavors (online and offline). 98% of users are going to go with the online mode anyway for the advantages, but years down the road at least the offline mode is still working.

Hitman III is a good example of a game I might come back to in a decade and find it gone, when I've played the originals after they were already older than that. Again, not a reason to hate on it, but unfortunate just the same.
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The problem whit this is not that you have internet connection, it's relative safe to assume that almost all people that own one of the three consoles have stable internet connection nowadays, the problem is that the servers can be down or heck they even shut down the servers and then it doesn't work to play it at all.
Its unbelievable how many poeple DO NOT get this simple concept, even in this thread. Im so tired of reading the same stupid argument "ur durrr you dont have internet in 2023???!!!111" even worse when people refuse to acknowledge the issues for some dumb console wars reasons. ITS SHIT that it is happening with this game and IT WAS SHIT when it happened with GT7 too, dumb fucks.
Good thing Microsoft is a leading server company and even old ass games still have their multiplayer supported thanks to dynamic server allocations.

Oh, and also, then Arkane, Bethesda and Microsoft would just release a patch for it. The End. Offline mode supported with no internet in the event the game is a mega flop and servers are shut down. (not happening)
The same company that just laid of 10k employees, oh you're hero corporation saving the day.

The truth is you have zero idea if they'll keep the servers open or some magical patch, keep the dream alive phil.
It’s already like that for games you buy digitally. Even physical games require servers now days to download the game.

Also, this is a GAAS game, this might be a way to prevent cheaters.
Digital games I buy all can be transferred. I deliberately do not buy games that act otherwise.

And as for GAAS game, that is even more reason to avoid it. "Cheaters" are just people who don't want to be financially ripped off. Basically you just explained why people shouldn't buy it. It is GAAS.
Maybe, but if it is a trivial correction, why release it like that in the first place? A lot of the times these systems are so deeply woven into the software that it just isn't worth the effort when the time comes (the suits just figure no one was interested in the software anymore anyways). Doesn't effect the quality of the game at all, and would certainly be a really stupid reason to avoid it, to be sure, but I would still prefer single player games just didn't do this.

Hitman III is a good example of a game I might come back to in a decade and find it gone, when I've played the originals after they were already older than that. Again, not a reason to hate on it, but unfortunate just the same.

Could be DRM purposes, could be tied to how the game is designed. They mention something about the Vampire Gods not liking when you take out specific vampires and can dynamically target you? Something also about storms beginning when Vampire Gods are close? Maybe they're doing something server related along with changing the game world, and they need to be able to track when to trigger some change to the world? I have no idea what it is really. I'm sure we could find out before May.

Grasping at straws here.

Also, games are “an investment” now?
How many games have lost server access and are now not playable, or loose dlc access or online. There are tons. Having single player tied to always online is the problem.

I am starting to think there are two types of gamers here. Those who are casual players who play 1 or two shooters and play the "newest thing" then discard it, and those who like to keep a collection and go back to classics and older games.
I noticed this with a lot of gen z gamers (son and friends) who seem to play more f2p multiplayer then anything else. It must be a generational thing or that some people will go along with all change and others will push back.
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Could be DRM purposes, could be tied to how the game is designed. They mention something about the Vampire Gods not liking when you take out specific vampires and can dynamically target you? Something also about storms beginning when Vampire Gods are close? Maybe they're doing something server related along with changing the game world, and they need to be able to track when to trigger some change to the world? I have no idea what it is really. I'm sure we could find out before May.

I mean if they needed the features to make the game they wanted to make or for things they plan on doing with it down the road, than it is what is. Hopefully they are meaningful things that will make the game a solid experience.
The same company that just laid of 10k employees, oh you're hero corporation saving the day.

The truth is you have zero idea if they'll keep the servers open or some magical patch, keep the dream alive phil.

Actually, I do. What exactly do layoffs, all of which have not yet transpired, have to do exactly with their ability to patch a game for offline play and preservation purposes? Microsoft isn't stupid. Do you realize how easy a class action lawsuit that would be if people bought or subscribed to Redfall only to never be able to play it again at all? Just stop and think for a moment. Put the Xbox hatred aside.
I think you should have just said you wanted character customization and left it at that. You are just digging yourself a bigger hole.
Why? Are people not allowed opinions? Are you the arbiter of this? His prefence we all have them. I didn't play halo for years as I thought the green helmet guy was dumb looking. (gasp ) Eventually when it was real cheap on pc I got around to playing it and it was alright, (still don't understand the hype though as I was pc only at that time)


Gold Member
Why? Are people not allowed opinions? Are you the arbiter of this? His prefence we all have them. I didn't play halo for years as I thought the green helmet guy was dumb looking. (gasp ) Eventually when it was real cheap on pc I got around to playing it and it was alright, (still don't understand the hype though as I was pc only at that time)

Am I not allowed to express my opinion about his? Are you the arbiter of that? See? Works both ways, don't it?

And yeah, I think he should have referenced "character customization" rather than saying he didn't like the "ethnic race" of the characters. That's my opinion.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Same clowns defending this can't even see these games servers go down for hours or days and you can't even play it. Or when they decide to shut the servers off permanently.

What if the game is a flop and barely any players. Bye-bye servers.
Why would you be upset about not being able to play a game years after release if it's a flop with barely any players?
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