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Reggie pokes at the PSP at the ZD summit


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
"sometimes technology just doesn’t belong together. you could manufacture a combined toaster and espresso machine, but i don’t know how many people would pay to have that in their kitchen."

I'll have some other choice reggie quotes in a minute...


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I have the transcript too :(

I just wanted to be cool and post the fun bits. Damn you GAF and your incredible speed!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Let's face it people, what he's talking there is a double edged sword. I see his quoted thought to be more applicable to DS than to PSP, honestly.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Well, touchy or not, I stand by what I've said :p

*edit* and I'm sure KobunHat will have something to say about my statement. He's kinda touchy too ;)


GDJustin said:
"sometimes technology just doesn’t belong together. you could manufacture a combined toaster and espresso machine, but i don’t know how many people would pay to have that in their kitchen."

I'll have some other choice reggie quotes in a minute...

Kinda like a stylus in a handheld that will ultimately be bought by teh kids :)

Sho Nuff

GDJustin said:
"sometimes technology just doesn’t belong together. you could manufacture a combined toaster and espresso machine, but i don’t know how many people would pay to have that in their kitchen."

I'll have some other choice reggie quotes in a minute...

Reggie, you bitch!
Marconelly said:
Well, touchy or not, I stand by what I've said :p

*edit* and I'm sure KobunHat will have something to say about my statement. He's kinda touchy too ;)
You know what I'm touchy about?


...what's this KobunHat shit?
I thougth HAT = Huge Ass Thread as in:



I dont think Reggie will have any impact on sales at your local EB. He's just a muppet for the journalists


Insertia said:
this guy is so lame.

Well put, my friend. Your cautious but persuasive eloquence is so effective -- your words, so carefully chosen, like a Jarritos-drinking migrant worker picking only the freshest berries from the summer harvest -- that no human could resist the mind-shattering conviction of your thought-provoking points.

I hereby nominate you Toastmaster Of The Year!

kpop100 said:
Why did they need him..to make their image more kewl...the dude is corny as fuck.

More corny than that Ex-Sega guy making a stupid tatoo of the release date of halo2???i think not.....


Bluemercury said:
More corny than that Ex-Sega guy making a stupid tatoo of the release date of halo2???i think not.....

Poor Peter Moore. Didn't even know the Xbox was a deep green.


"Haha kind of like how you can make a video game console that plays DVDs but I don't know who would buy it haha!* Oh wait, isn't that part of why we're getting our ass kicked in America? Stop the cameras!"

*Reggie is also a voice actor on Speed Racer


"Yamauchi still talks, but good god, I'm very glad he's not in charge of Nintendo anymore (directly)."

Um... yeah. I will pretend i did not read that. You talk as the company was in better shape then when he was there. Yamauchi is a visonary, period.


Um... yeah. I will pretend i did not read that. You talk as the company was in better shape then when he was there. Yamauchi is a visonary, period.

This guy speaks the truth. Yamauchi invented this industry, kudos to him.


This is what Nintendo's Zelda marketing campaign needs to be.

Reggie walks in and grabs a mushroom.

Then a radish

Then a grappling hook.

Then he finally comes to a decision.



Kobun Heat said:
Are you trying to set the indoor record for pulling stuff out your ass?

Why, what has Iwata done which has been so horrible?

And I can back up most of what I said. Some of it is only speculation based on his attitude.
AniHawk said:
Why, what has Iwata done which has been so horrible?
Uh, nothing, but you're jumping to all kinds of crazy conclusions about Yamauchi in which you buy completely into the "crazy old eccentric evil goofball weirdo" image that's about 99% invented by the Intarweb.
you could manufacture a combined toaster and espresso machine, but i don’t know how many people would pay to have that in their kitchen

That's not the way to sell me on the DS, Reggie. At least the PSP is a pure games machine (whose hardware power and design happens to allow for other functions), rather than a PSOne mutilated by a pointless second screen and a silly touchpad.


Kobun Heat said:
Uh, nothing, but you're jumping to all kinds of crazy conclusions about Yamauchi in which you buy completely into the "crazy old eccentric evil goofball weirdo" image that's about 99% invented by the Intarweb.

The stuff I read about him on the net is usually the stuff which makes me respect him.


Drinky Crow said:
That's not the way to sell me on the DS, Reggie. At least the PSP is a pure games machine (whose hardware power and design happens to allow for other functions), rather than a PSOne mutilated by a pointless second screen and a silly touchpad.

You're right. It's a PS2 which has an unreasonable battery life, no second analog stick for free look and camera (which kills every game I've played in the past 2 years) and a game lineup that doesn't even aspire to improve the PS2 experience, let alone the handheld experience.

I can use the two screens for something, minor though it might be. I can still use the touchpad, useless though it might be. Once I'm done with the PSP's graphics, that's it. It's 250-300 dollar PS2 with 6 month old games that I could have bought at a fraction of the price, for their entirety in one sitting, at 10x the resolution.
That'd be a compelling argument *if* the DS didn't have the most primitive and glitchy 3D graphics imaginable. That was easy to overlook back in 1997, when 3D required a powerful PC. In 2004, the DS specs are shameful; if they wanted to keep costs down, they should've stuck to 2D.

Texture warping and pixellation should not exist in 2004's 3D, just as sprite flicker and slowdown were unacceptable in 1996's 2D. Even worse, the DS is obviously being poised as a 3D system (embarrassingly enough), and it doesn't even have ONE analog stick.

And outside of Gran Turismo 4 and select few other ports from the PS2, there's NOTHING stopping PSP developers from making handheld-friendly games similar to those you see on ther GBA SP and DS -- the only difference is, they'll look, sound, and control vastly better.

I'll take a vastly improved screen resolution, an optical format, and ridiculously superior feature set over an additional screen and a stylus ANY day. If hardware specifications didn't matter, as our naive little pal Reggie suggests, we'd still be playing the fuckin' Gameboy Color and lovin' it.


Speevy said:
...and a game lineup that doesn't even aspire to improve the PS2 experience, let alone the handheld experience.

That might almost make sense... if the 'PS2 experience' didn't kick the crap out of the experience offered by any handheld to date. Just to be able to play PS2-caliber games on a handheld is quite a draw, for myself and many others.


Tellaerin said:
That might almost make sense... if the 'PS2 experience' didn't kick the crap out of the experience offered by any handheld to date. Just to be able to play PS2-caliber games on a handheld is quite a draw, for myself and many others.


No shit, how the fuck can people play GBA games...then have the nerve to complain about a handheld that can play PS2 caliber games. Not saying that GBA games are bad, but c'mon look at them.


ypo said:
Oh really? What the fuck are you going to do about that zero analog stick on the DS?

Not buy it. Unlike many of the sudden console to handheld converts, I have the sense to know that the novelty of any great looking games or a second screen doesn't even compare to the great console games we'll be getting next generation.

Heck, the Xbox has outclassed the PS2 experience in more than a few instances. I don't see why that same recycled experience, or even the recycled N64 experience of the DS, won't pale in comparison with the PS3, Xbox 2, and even Revolution. (whatever that is)
I suspect that it's heterogenous goods, possibly of the holographic variety. It's definitely the fourth pillar, although whether it supports the fourth wall is anyone's guess.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You know what I'm touchy about?
No offense man, but I can't believe you even asked :p Is there a single Nintendo related thread where you're not doing some hyping, or trying to correct some 'injustice'? Nothing wrong with that, but that's how it is.

...what's this KobunHat shit?
Don't take it to heart, I just forgot if it was KobunHat or KobunHeat.


You are not going to buy it? Are you sure?

"I can use the two screens for something, minor though it might be. I can still use the touchpad, useless though it might be."

Sure sound like you are getting it and have no problem using it, even if one of the features is uesless though it might be.

If you really don't care about neither portables why are you in this thread?
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