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Reggie speaks: MP2:E commercial, DS, Future etc.

Deku Tree said:
I wonder who the tall blond Iron Woman model is... that commerical sounds great.

I think it sounds like crap. Sony only does these video commercials when the in-game footage is fugly (Which is why they've mostly abandoned it, but brought it back for ATV3). Show the god damn footage... and get someone who can spot the truly impressive parts.

MP's commercial sucked. They were so afraid of having it labeled "mature" by the Mommies, they spent the majority of the commercial with a very kid friendly CG video that was cute and cudly and SOOO not Metroid.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ravingloon said:
I think it sounds like crap. Sony only does these video commercials when the in-game footage is fugly (Which is why they've mostly abandoned it, but brought it back for ATV3). Show the god damn footage... and get someone who can spot the truly impressive parts.

Wait are you talking about the ATV3 where everybody is offroading, they finish, say goodbye and then start walking through all these standby themselves doors in the desert, then cut to the gameplay footage?

Geez I actually like that commercial. :(
That's the commercial I'm talking about. And it seems Sony used to do these commercials all the time... with very little gameplay footage. But fast forward to now. Sony commercials feature tons of gameplay footage. Almost exclusively gameplay footage. But ATV3 goes back to the live actors because why? Because the footage is terrible? It's pretty surprising (Or not) to compare the games that get the actors treatment compared to the footage treatment. The actor treatment (where the majority is acting) is almost exclusive to game's with crap graphics. I think if you've got a gorgeous game, you can have a cool commercial and highlight how great the graphics are. Most casuals have a lousy impression of the Gamecube and a long commercial full of tense in-game moments highlighting the graphics would go a long way towards maybe getting them to take a second look at the Gamecube. "You mean Gamecube graphics don't suck?"


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ravingloon said:
That's the commercial I'm talking about. And it seems Sony used to do these commercials all the time... with very little gameplay footage. But fast forward to now. Sony commercials feature tons of gameplay footage. Almost exclusively gameplay footage. But ATV3 goes back to the live actors because why? Because the footage is terrible?

That's strange because most ATV3 reviews I've read acknowledge the graphics as being at least a step up than those earlier in the series... and I know commercials I saw for 2 featured footage... IIRC 2's commercials were a mix of the real life kid playing/groaning about the other rider that kept knocking him off his bike... and it turned out to be a clown? I thought that was ATV2....
DarienA said:
Nintendo doesn't know what their worldwide console share is?

He meant #2 overall share (including handhelds) and #3 share among consoles. I may add the word "overall" there to make it clear.
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