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Rejected Pixar Movie [Mafia] | Won't Someone Think of the Children?


How likely you think it is doesn't matter. Point is she gave us scum on a silver platter. Only other scenario where she could have had the info is if she was scum, and it'd be pretty dumb to bus your teammate D2 with a fake cop claim.

Well actually there have been quite a few fake cop gambits as town lately. So I was seeing if that was the case. Because the ninja flip left me confused about the game state. Which is bad and not helpful to figuring out what is happening. Figuring out what is happening is helpful. Not everyone plays that way but generally my play style is very much that way.


If scum wanted to target a non obvious target in the hopes of having their kill actually go through, who do you think would be likely?


Ok scratch what I said. I'd like the doctor to claim.

Get mad at me or call me scum for asking it if you want, but I want to confirm something.


Just got here and it seems like the bus is already taking off without me. Don't know what to make of mellon's tracker/watcher claim, but it's the best lead to go off of, and L_P's looked kinda sus already, so...


Also when I was rereading yesterday this post and its verbiage jumped out at me.
I’m giving Ouro the benefit of the doubt for now. Let's pretend he's our very efficient doctor.

Nin still feels kinda off but I'm not able to place the feeling yet as to why.

Gorlak, I’ve been off and on about but his post yesterday that singled out LP really seemed more of a town move than scum. LP wasn’t on anyone’s radars going into D2.

Of the people left I’m inclined to believe scum is one of these four:



Also godfather as other scum would be given credence by the kill attempt being someone other than melon. So if(when) they come forward that bjt of info would be useful to share.


I have a theory on what happened last night. If it's correct, it's a genius tactic by scum and I'm a little impressed.


It relies on there being no other explanation for there being a no kill last night. If someone has info I'd like to hear it. Worst case we then have 3 PRs out in the open - cop, doctor, and whatever - but then scum has to choose which one to kill and we get results from the other two tomorrow.

So once everyone checks in, I'll float the idea and see what you all think.


Wait. What?

Explain that again. I'm not following you here.

put yourself in the shoes of a 2 man scum team who consist of a ninja and a godfather

from this you can assume that there are 2 town sided investigation roles, or maaaaybe a joat.

if each invest role can only find one of the scum, and infact gives false town reads on the other scum, it would behoove them to leave their relative invest role alive as last scum.

cop only helps a godfather earn town cred, so they would not kill you.

ergo, when the doctor comes forward, saying whether they protected you and so stopped an attempt on you, or took the riskier strat and protected someone else could help us try to parse what we are dealing with


I have a theory on what happened last night. If it's correct, it's a genius tactic by scum and I'm a little impressed.


It relies on there being no other explanation for there being a no kill last night. If someone has info I'd like to hear it. Worst case we then have 3 PRs out in the open - cop, doctor, and whatever - but then scum has to choose which one to kill and we get results from the other two tomorrow.

So once everyone checks in, I'll float the idea and see what you all think.



oh god i can't even say the words

you think we have a hydro cannon situation on our hands?
put yourself in the shoes of a 2 man scum team who consist of a ninja and a godfather

from this you can assume that there are 2 town sided investigation roles, or maaaaybe a joat.

if each invest role can only find one of the scum, and infact gives false town reads on the other scum, it would behoove them to leave their relative invest role alive as last scum.

cop only helps a godfather earn town cred, so they would not kill you.

ergo, when the doctor comes forward, saying whether they protected you and so stopped an attempt on you, or took the riskier strat and protected someone else could help us try to parse what we are dealing with

See? That I understood.



oh god i can't even say the words

you think we have a hydro cannon situation on our hands?

How ominous.


Just so I can keep track:

1. [m] Gorlak - hasn't checked in
2. [m] Ourobolus - nothing yet
3. [m] Lone_Prodigy - dead
4. [f] melonrabbit - claimed to cop nin as town
5. [m] Sorian - HAHAHAHA HE'S DEAD
6. [m] exmachina64 - hasn't checked in
7. [m] nin1000 - showed as town to melon, claims vanilla
8. [m] StanleyPalmtree - dead
9. [m] Pop-O-Matic - hasn't said one way or another if they have info from last night
10. [m] Kawl_USC - hasn't said one way or another if they have info from last night
11. [m] Kyanrute - hasn't checked in


Also, if we do have a tracker (likely since there is a ninja), keep your results to yourself unless you really think it is pertinent.


Don't thank me yet.

Well, i thank you for clearing my name today, i assume that i will get killed the next night pahse though :3.

Nin, what's your read on the situation?

Currently ? I guess we are at a pretty good one considering we killed a mafia player ( a fricking NINJA that could have made our lifes pretty hard ) and no one died because of a doctor/ blocker

Who do you think is scum?

will have to scroll through some more posts before making any assumtions.
But Exmachina/pop feel kinda off to me atm. This can ofc change as soon as i reviewed posts from the earlier day phases.

What does LP being a ninja mean to you?

I am thankful that the fucker is dead
love you L_P i just hate the role


i dont know but that vote on me , giving no explanation at all even though he was lurking the thread to defend himself in the last hour, felt kinda off to me. I dont mind a vote on me but a vote without any reasoning ? I even had to ask one day phase later for it and then it was just "my gut".

Not trying to throw shade at you ex-machina but i am just pointing out that you should consider to give a bit more reason towards your actions. ( at best in the same day phase )
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