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Rejected Pixar Movie [Mafia] | Won't Someone Think of the Children?

I gave some small reasoning above.

Kawl for his excessive emoting about hydro cannon
exmachina has just kinda been...there
Kyan is Kyan and is just one big ball of WIFOM

I'm like super tired

And your feeling on Gorlak and his post? Exmachina? Pop?



And your feeling on Gorlak and his post? Exmachina? Pop?


Hydro Cannon was the name that Blarg/Kawl came up with in Love Boat for deciding not to kill during N1 for some inexplicable reason.

The difference here is that you would have a relatively safe out the following day if you indeed thought I would protect you.
Hydro Cannon was the name that Blarg/Kawl came up with in Love Boat for deciding not to kill during N1 for some inexplicable reason.

The difference here is that you would have a relatively safe out the following day if you indeed thought I would protect you.

But if I was scum why wouldn't I kill someone? It is the only way for scum to win. I have two choices as scum with a false cop claim either I frame someone as scum and get lynched D3. Or I keep "hitting" only townie for the remainer of the game and it looks more and more suspicious why I'm left. There is no good end game for scum with such a claim especially if they are only 2 in the game.


But if I was scum why wouldn't I kill someone? It is the only way for scum to win. I have two choices as scum with a false cop claim either I frame someone as scum and get lynched D3. Or I keep "hitting" only townie for the remainer of the game and it looks more and more suspicious why I'm left. There is no good end game for scum with such a claim especially if they are only 2 in the game.

Well we're assuming only 2 scum. I'd be surprised if there are 3, but i'll keep the idea in my head just in case. And 3 scum would be a little odd to me given that there was no kill last night.

But like I said, you getting "protected" basically clears you for the rest of the game and you can coast with your investigations of town.
Well we're assuming only 2 scum. I'd be surprised if there are 3, but i'll keep the idea in my head just in case. And 3 scum would be a little odd to me given that there was no kill last night.

But like I said, you getting "protected" basically clears you for the rest of the game and you can coast with your investigations of town.

But doctor can't protect the same person consecutive nights.


Oh I see what you're saying.

No, you only have to get protected once. After that, you can kill willy-nilly since the doctor would likely protect you when he can, and you can hope to kill others on the nights he doesn't.


If there was a no-kill night, and I came out and said, "I protected melonrabbit," and there was no other proffered explanation, town would naturally come to the conclusion that you were town.
Oh I see what you're saying.

No, you only have to get protected once. After that, you can kill willy-nilly since the doctor would likely protect you when he can, and you can hope to kill others on the nights he doesn't.

And my grand excuse for not being NKed during the day phase?


yea dawg i guess i'll just flat out say it

i'm the town protective role

did not protect melon

did protect someone else

which is why i was all over hydro cannon not being the case,

but wanted to see how your mind was working


yea dawg i guess i'll just flat out say it

i'm the town protective role

did not protect melon

did protect someone else

which is why i was all over hydro cannon not being the case,

but wanted to see how your mind was working

Well then. Apologies for the run-around.


Well, may as well ask, who is town from last night, Kawl?

unfortunately its not quite that simple.

i would like to hear from some others before dominating the discussion with another topic straight away.

only came out and claimed straight up so that we could move beyond melon for the moment.


unfortunately its not quite that simple.

i would like to hear from some others before dominating the discussion with another topic straight away.

only came out and claimed straight up so that we could move beyond melon for the moment.

oh fine

*begins 40 hour nap*


lol i'm not going to keep playing the three stooges.

let's wait for other players to be able to wake up and posts.

i'm sure nin and gorlak will have something for us come the morn.


Ok, if we take the claims as read:

1. [m] Gorlak - ??
2. [m] Ourobolus - Town, unknown (yeah, yeah, I know I'm unconfirmed, fite me)
4. [f] melonrabbit - Town, cop
6. [m] exmachina64 - claims vanilla
7. [m] nin1000 - Town, claims vanilla
9. [m] Pop-O-Matic - ??
10. [m] Kawl_USC - Town, doctor/protection
11. [m] Kyanrute - ??

So of Gorlak, Pop, and Kyan, there is probably a Tracker.
Exmachina is still in the air as well.

If we do indeed have a cop and a tracker, then scum probably has a godfather, so melon might be useless from here on out, PR-wise.

If we get a claimed Tracker, that leaves us with 3 unknowns - 1 scum, maybe a neutral, and 1-2 Town.

With 8 people left, we get 3 mislynches before we lose.


So far Kawl seems like a safe bet for what happened last night, but that still doesn't clear melon. A bus is risky on D2, but it's still possible - the existence of a cop gives a nonzero chance for a godfather, and if the remaining scum is claiming cop then it makes sense that they would only give Town reads from here on out. I'll give melon the benefit of the doubt for the time being, but it's just something to be wary of.
The following are the main hypotheticals that I'm currently considering:

1) Ouro's lying. Since Day 1, Ouro's been the most aggressive player. He began today in a furious haste, seemingly determined to find a lynch target early in the day. Most of us don't really see the need for such urgency because we have a large amount of time left in the day. He could be scum looking to lynch a town PR or possibly a neutral PR that needs something done quickly. That's not outside the realm of possibility given the flavor text.

2) Melon's lying. Ouro raises good points and perhaps Melon is playing an excellent gambit. I'm not an expert Mafia player, but the inconsistencies Ouro has highlighted might be real. If Melon is revealed to be scum, that would make Nin an easy target for the next day.

3) Ouro and Melon are lying. Perhaps both of them are scum trying to establish each other as credible through an intricate series of accusations or perhaps one of them is neutral and each of them are lying about their roles.

4) Some combination of Gorlak, Pop, Nin, and Kyan are scum. Yeah, we know that Melon vouched for Nin, however, he might be a godfather or Melon could be lying. We won't really have a better idea regarding Nin's alignment until either he or Melon die. We need Gorlak, Pop and Kyan here to get better reads on them.

I can't rule out the possibility that someone like Melon might actually be a neutral.

It's unlikely that we'll see more in-depth role claims from Ouro or Kawl today, but I'd like to see that on Day 4.

I'm more open to lynching Ouro than Melon currently because of his behavior so far.

Gorlak, Pop and Kyan are completely invisible currently, which raises suspicions. We might all be town fighting against each other while one or more of them aren't town-aligned.

I invite all trackers, watchers and cops to monitor me tonight to verify that I am Town-aligned/vanilla/not doing anything.

I'll try to make another post in the morning with links to what people have been saying, but it's late and I'm tired.


so umm i dunno what the fuck happened last night just wanted to say that


*shakes in fear*

there be million posts to read... back laters


Hey, I'm awake.

LP's flip made it pretty clear that melon is not a tracker. The thing was her whole behaviour D1 and all the suspicion she harboured against LP totally fit her move to check LP. She said multiple times she feels sth. was off with LP.
Now there was absolutely no need at all to bus LP at this point in the game. I have my doubts about her being town, but she is not scum in my eyes.
This leads me to the reactions to her claim. Ouro, Pop and Exma are the ones to believe her and almost immediatly lynch LP. All three show little doubt about the claim. This makes me feel good about them, especially Pop and Exma.
Scum however would know that melon's claim was bullshit. A ninja can't be tracked. They would hesitate to throw a vote down on LP instantly - like Kyan. He was the only one to post but not vote LP in the short period of time.

The people missing melon's claim were: Kawl, lp, nin and me. At this point the scum suspects for me were nin, Kawl and Kyan. Ouro is still alive even after hinting at doc. I wonder if he assessed swiftly that LP was going down and went in, this

The further down, the scummier:

Pop | Exma

I want to hear Kawl's reasoning for voting me yesterday. You did so without any explanation immediatly after I voted LP.

Kyan gets an extra mention for not suggesting to look into LP as Stan's vote but to look at the Stan voters.


If Kawl is the doc he can probably semi confirm another town player. We miss your N1 target and reasoning btw.

I'd also like to hear from melon why she went after nin of all people.

I want Ouro to claim here and now, you consistently ask for PR to reveal but keep yourself out of it.

I'm vanilla town.



Votes don't tell me much at this point.


I looked into LP's interactions during D1 and there was little:

Interactions with LP
LP - votes exmachina (37)
Sorian votes him (46)
LP - get own prod vote nin (152)
nin corrects him (153)
melon says he isn't as observant as usual (154)
LP - defends his "attack" against nin
LP - mentions pop, me, stan, kawl (later?), nin (179)
melon says sth is off
melon/lp shizzle
Stan votes LP (281)
LP - critisizing Stan (355)
LP - mentions kawl, melon, exma, sorian, kyan, votes Stan (358)
LP - talks about Ouro Stan push, Kyan following (392)

Offside note:
Ouro goes after Stan (the one with the vote on LP remember?)

So he engaged little in actual discussion. The most was 2 or 3 posts with melon. But he mentioned every player in the game without any focus I could note.

Another remark: He had the chance to vote out Ouro D1 but opted for Sorian.


This all gives me reason to doubt Ouro which is depicted in his position in my list. Please state your scum suspect with reasoning.

Kyan obviously did not want to put LP in focus but other players to chase after yesterday. I'd like to hear his stance and who he suspects to be scum and why.

Kawl feels wrong, this believe was strengthened yesterday with his odd behaviour. If you are telling the truth about your power... actually it would make no sense to claim doctor as scum, as there is no way you could be sure there isn't one.
While writing this my doubt was diminished. I'm not completely free of it... but I can't see a good reason why you would false claim that role. I have to revaluate.
Hopefully you can and will tell us about your N1 target. I also want to hear your explanations for yesterday.


I also have to reread Nin, he's a complete non-entitiy this game. I only remember him crying D1 and nothing more. I share the thought that a godfather might be in play. And certainly a Tracker/Watcher as well. It looks like Ouro is the most eager to get the that role out in the open.


I also have to reread Nin, he's a complete non-entitiy this game.

True enough, as you already mentioned besides me crying complaining about several people voting on me because they are afraid I would once more fuck up their game, there was nothing I did to push the game forward.

To be clear again, I was absent the last day phase because I was at a Christmas party. As I was coming home from it, the day was already over. Sorry for that


True enough, as you already mentioned besides me crying complaining about several people voting on me because they are afraid I would once more fuck up their game, there was nothing I did to push the game forward.

To be clear again, I was absent the last day phase because I was at a Christmas party. As I was coming home from it, the day was already over. Sorry for that

Last day phase was rather short, it happens.

So what are your current reads? Do you believe every claim out there? Who would you vote right now? What do you think about melon's claim? What's your feeling on Kawl? Anyone standing out?
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