Didn't they remake this like just a few years ago?
that was just a movie
Didn't they remake this like just a few years ago?
now that I am watching the latam dub again, I realize that watching this without the dub errors won't be the same lol they talk so seriously even if they're saying nonsense 'Caballero de junini' lmao
also no more Jesús Barrero as Seiya :c
The energy attacks were used on the show, just very very VERY sparsely.
Tell you what, if by some miracle it gets made, just don't buy it, but to say that the quintessential shonen about fighting won't translate into a a quality 2D fighting game is ridiculous.
Tell you what, if by some miracle it gets made, just don't buy it, but to say that the quintessential shonen about fighting won't translate into a a quality 2D fighting game is ridiculous.
You are overthinking it, it would work like the Dragon Ball Fighters game, each characters will have their basic punches combos and special attacks in a hopefully "balanced" way and with that nice cell-shaded art Arc System Works can make, that's all.
That game was mediocre, like someone already told you Saint Seiya deserves better than serviceable.
Fuck, now I want those games you are suggesting too, those ideas you propose are not bad at all, will probably never get anymore Saint Seiya games anyway since the last one was just created to promote Soul of Gold, our only hope is that this Netflix show becomes as smash hit in USA and more seasons/episodes get made and hopefully a new video game too.No, that's not "all". Every "basic punch and special" in DBFZ is taken directly from the manga, because Dragon Ball was basically "martial arts with super powers".
Plus who said I wouldn't buy it ? We're talking about a game that will NEVER BE MADE, so I said if we talk dream game, might as well get something that fits Saint Seiya. I'd buy any good Saint Seiya anyway, regardless if it perfectly fits it or not.
Saint Seiya had some characters fighting the same way, but they were only a handful. The fights had a much much slower pace and the majority revolved around special attack and strategy more than they ever did about melee or brawling. They don't have fleshed out melee style for most of them like the DBZ characters do.
Fighting doesn't only mean "close combat" and "2D fighter !" you know. There was a great Yuyu Hakusho game on Snes that was pretty ambitious for the time, where they had like defensive, offensive, special, utility etc... moves they could use, the battles would be like interactive cutscenes of sorts that you had full control of, with a versus mode. Something like that would be interesting.
It had melee phases (and supers for those that fought with melee heavily), even clashes of super attacks, dodges in every directions including super jumping in the air, it fits Saint Seiya a lot ! A Modern on such system would be dope.
But even a more traditional RPG would be great IMO.
Like that.
And as I already said, the game had decent combat. The previous game was mediocre, the last one was competent on that front. It ran smoothly, had lots of fanservice, faithful attacks, and the characters all had their own stuff to work with with the new combo system.
The story was complete shit but the game a step up from the last one gameplay wise.
They added a lot of little details from the manga too, you'd get an iconic pose when you finish the opponent with a certain attack etc...
It's not perfect by any means but it was better than the usual awful Saint Seiya games, gameplay wise.
Fuck, now I want those games you are suggesting too, those ideas you propose are not bad at all, will probably never get anymore Saint Seiya games anyway since the last one was just created to promote Soul of Gold, our only hope is that this Netflix show becomes as smash hit in USA and more seasons/episodes get made and hopefully a new video game too.
Slaythe what SS fighting game is that? It's not the one on Steam, I've done a few supers in that and they look nothing like that
Saint Seiya as a game would probably work best as some sort of card-based, turn-based RPG.
I would love to have played a "Super Saint Seiya" on the SNES along the lines of the old NES original though.
Just finish next dimension and give me that final heaven arc.. might have to wait 10 years for it.
Its not over yet
Resumes in sept again, it's a seasonal manga now. I just want to see Seiya vs Zeus #maximumhype.. don't know how I feel about the time travel aspect now.
Always thought it made no sense how Athena was a good person yet people like Guilty, Tatsumi, etc. were under her command.
Guilty was kinda explained in the anime tho, Esmeralda mentions that he became a different person when he went to the Sanctuary shortly before Ikki arrived in the Death Queen Island. Maybe Saga used the Genrou Maou Ken on Guilty.
I hope the new animation is on par
I hope the new animation is on par
isn't that from a movie