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Remembering Shinya Nishigaki and his "Crazy Games" Blue Stinger and Illbleed


The title says it all, a lengthy blog post at Gamasutra reveals that Sega wanted Shinya Nishigaki the creator of Blue Stinger to make a sequel, but he wanted to make Illbleed instead.

Here's another interesting excerpt about the camera angle from Blue Stinger:

Activision wanted the camera angle closely following the character behind in every direction. This was a drastic change from Nishigaki's approach for the Japanese version, in which the camera followed character action from a distance using a wide-angle view to showcase the background design of each environment. Climax Graphics changed the angle to what Activision would call the "Follow Cam". This change seriously damaged the likeability of Blue Stinger abroad and drew criticism from many players of its English localization.

"Change!" Nishigaki said, sticking out his finger and playfully imitating Activision in our interview, calling it the "gero camera" (gero being the Japanese sound of vomiting).

LINK: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JohnAndersen/20150213/236413/


Neo Member
Blue Stinger was my shit on Dreamcast! Crazy story, good graphics, creative weapons and pretty difficult. Camera angles sucking was my biggest knock. I always thought Capcom copied it for Dead Rising...


Of course, who could forget the tribute to Hassy in Illbleed?

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