AssMan said:
McCain is a neocon, right? I seriously don't see a worthy GOP candidate in 08. I think americans are sick of what the republicans are doing in Washington. This is where Billary steps in.
I think most of the political pundits don't really group McCain as a "neocon"; he's more of a moderate Republican, at least I think to most, but he's definitely been catering to this administration more than usual of late, which skews him more to the right than he probably was previously. The biggest gripe I think most people have against him is just that he's lost any spine he once had; he spends a lot of time during the interview circuit on TV and he just caves in and defends the administration far too much, even on issues where I think most people feel he should speak out against the administration more. He's become too complacent and that's placing himself towards becoming increasingly irrelevant, but even so, his tendency to kind of drag his feet in agreeing with the administration and the fact that a lot of the more right wing extremist measures don't originate from him probably saves him from the "neocon" title. Incognito, Mandark, or someone more attuned with his past will probably be able to clarify more on McCain in particular.
As far as the Republicans go, I just don't see much promise there. There are notably few moderate Republicans around at this point, so it's a toss up in my eyes if there's anyone I expect to have any sense of backing whatsoever from me in '08. The new issue of the Economist is suggesting Mark Warner, the governor of Virginia, team up with Joe Biden, the Senator from Connecticut, as a Democratic alternative to Hillary Clinton; the premise being that they are a complementary pair that would particularly help the Dems win the South and provide a strong critique against the administration. I'm not real sold on that assessment, as I think Biden is essentially the Democrats' McCain at this point.
Regarding the original topic at hand, well, it's safe to say that Hayes is an idiot, and that there are a metric ton of idiotic Republicans in the House that spew this nonsense. Duncan Hunter's attempts to dress up the Guatanamo abuses by showcasing the menu being another very recent occurance of that.