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Replacing Xbox, how can I transfer saves?

Of course I get the plague of DDE's a mere week plus before ____ 2 hits the shelves so I quickly threw down the money for a new system (Microsoft wants $100 plus shipping & insurance to fix it and I'll get it back in 6 weeks, haha NO). So memory card transfer isn't really an option as I have multiple saves topping 10K blocks thanks to downloadable content and such. Is there some easy FTP or something I can use? All help appreciated


You could soft-mod it and transfer the saves via FTP. However, there are some signed-saves that won't make it though. (Tecmo games, some EA Games)
No worries Ryck. Already had a Thompson in there from about 6 months ago when this first came up, cost me $25 and it extended da Box for a little longer so I guess it was worth it.

Any sites you can point me to Suikodan or should I just google it?


Manick Joe said:
No worries Ryck. Already had a Thompson in there from about 6 months ago when this first came up, cost me $25 and it extended da Box for a little longer so I guess it was worth it.

Any sites you can point me to Suikodan or should I just google it?

Bah, xbox-scene should be your answer.


You should be able to pick up an Xbox USB adapter, and then use it to plug in a regular USB flash key (up to 1 GB). Never tried it myself.
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