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Replaying UC4 has made me realize just how disappointing TLOU2 was.


Unless the comparison is the genre of course. Production in TLOU2 is probably above Uncharted, story cohesion and performances I would say are better in TLOU2. From the OP genre seems to be the main gameplay argument:

"Sure, these types of set pieces maybe don't suit TLOU as much, but that doesn't excuse the fact that TLOU2 has no gameplay sequences that even came close to entertaining me as much as this in a general sense."

It's pretty clear from the OP that he likes action adventure set pieces and funny characters. You don't watch "Lincoln" by Spielberg and expect car chases and explosions for example. OP liked the chase sequence in Uncharted. TLOU2 aimed to have intense encounters, scary moments, and survival and it did that rather well, it didn’t aim to be an Indiana Jones family adventure. He likes one genre more than the other and that's great. Doesn't make the other a disappoint unless his only gripe is that he wanted more Uncharted from the studio instead of TLOU. TLOU is a different type of game. What it aimed to do it did well and a comparison to Uncharted to me seems a little out of place.
One is an arcade shooter that lets you eat rounds while sprinting to cover and allows the player to regenerate health.

The other is hands down the most brutal and realistic shooter/combat game of all time. Each encounter is a tense life or death exchange.

OP clearly values the relaxed, arcade style of shooting offered by Uncharted.

I consider TLOU1 to be one of the great games of all-time. And Escape from Tarkov is a game that has much more realistic, tense gunplay than TLOUII. I play that game often because of the intense nature of the gameplay; I appreciate a wide variety of tones and styles of games.
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Gold Member
I consider TLOU1 to be one of the great games of all-time. And Escape from Tarkov is a game that has much more realistic, tense gunplay than TLOUII. I play that game often because of the intense nature of the gameplay; I appreciate a wide variety of tones and styles of games.
What were the set pieces in TLOU1 that were comparable to Uncharted 4 though? How did the tone of the gameplay change between 1 and 2 to be a disappointment compared to Uncharted 4?

To me TLOU2 played like TLOU1 except less floating crate puzzles and more intense enemy encounters. Everything was better in 2 too unless your favourite thing was playing as Joel. The realism, the kick and feeling of the guns, the gun fights, even the puzzles with the rope mechanics.
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Cant say agree, and i was one of the people that was annoyed by the equal amount of Abby presence in the game. Even so, both her and Ellies parts were so well put together, I literally cant think of a boring section at least for your first playthrough. I actually did a second run as soon as I finished it so that says a lot. The story was gripping and combined well and that Santa Monica was a total surprise and even more fucked up change of pace. Also I felt U4 had such floaty....almost impossible to miss jumps because of the grappling hook. It felt liek some extra force was guiding you no matter if you pressed jump 2 meters before or after the cliff.
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Uncharted 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *abyss* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLOU > Uncharted 4 > TLOU2
Uc3 is not that bad bro… really it’s better than drake’s fortune minus the god damn cinematic desert walk.

And as much as I have beef with fuckmann wrecking uc4 in all honesty I prefer playing it to uc1 as well. Not talking about story here. But if I had to i’d put uc1 above 4 just because it doesn’t make me face palm like 4.
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I think both are pretty mediocre games all told. There are games that have better stories. Games that have more in-depth gameplay and systems. Games that do *both* and far better than what has been seen here (and it isn't even uncommon to find those games, its the norm).
Games that share the same genre & game type generally haven't gone as far as ND has with their games. You've cherry picked surface level criticism leveled at their games (usually by those who haven't spent more than a minute playing them). Regardless, you are trying to push your opinion onto others — people are allowed to feel differently than you as long as they can explain why they feel that way. Usually on forums like these, you will see a lot of people criticize something that is not on their favorite box over things they are completely OK with in a game that is on their favorite box. I am not saying this applies to you (it doesn't) but all I am trying to point out by saying this is.....you can easily tell those people from those who just don't have a taste for the type of games ND makes.

The only thing I can't really argue with is the graphical fidelity and animations. They truly are some of the best in the industry and for the lowest common denominators in the consumer base, that is like catnip to a cat. Its also why I can't take anyone seriously when they consider either game to be "masterpieces". They are the same kind of person who would eat Culvers and consider it high class dining.
People have different tastes and based on their tastes they can consider something a 'masterpiece'.

Yep. Though to be fair, they could have pulled off the Joel scene a lot better if they just tweaked it a *slight* bit so to not have them act so out of character. Still wouldn't fix any of the other numerous issues with the story, but that scene would have at least been good.
Yes, I agree with this. They could have pulled that off much better than they did in the game.

I am curious to see what the story would have been if Straley stayed on. TLOU1 had no new or interesting ideas and borrowed heavily for more interesting, better written sources, but it at least told its story competently. I have a feeling Bruce was the reason why that happened.
You are still making an assumption though.

Just a fanboy who gets really butthurt whenever someone dares criticize his favorite little game. Got quite a few of them who popped up immediately in here.
Most people don't care for modern Naughty Dog aside from diehard fanboys and console warriors.
These read as: "If you don't agree with what I am saying then your opinion doesn't count."
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voted poster of the decade by bots
I think thier both amazing games, but really completely different, apples to oranges.

On a side note, I've been playing the legacy of Theives collection, and I can't bring myself to play it in the 60fps mode, it's just too big of hit in terms of graphics / resolution. The game looks straight up amazing in fidelity mode.
I have a soft spot for the first one. It had its charm.
I do as well, I remember playing a demo of it in a gamestop when it came out and all I had was a wii at the time… and I just said god damn it nintendo you cheap fucks lol.

I have the physical stand alone copy of uc1 on ps4, which makes the game feel
much better to play vs original. Ditto uc2 and 3 (3 in particular had messed up aiming on ps3.)

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I agree pretty much 100%

TLOU2 was too far up it’s own ass. It’s an OK first play through, and some sections were pretty damn cool, but making you scavenge for 15 hours and then throwing away all progress is BAD GAME DESIGN

TLOU2 is title that should have ended a little after the halfway point. Nothing wrong with a 15-20 hour game instead of a 25+ hour game

Ellie becoming a blood thirsty monster at the end just really didn’t seem realistic. The revenge plot was weak and unconvincing. Drunkmann probably thought he was a genius for such “untraditional” storytelling but it honestly made the game way worse

Tbh though I’ve always enjoyed uncharted way more than TLOU. Hate scavenging the environments, hate the slow walking and combat.

Uncharted is lighthearted bombastic fun with way better set pieces and way more interesting and vibrant locations. TLOU is dull and depressing

And yeah, I think Bruce was a huge part of the magic touch


Gold Member
Both are great games. UC4 is the better story and funner game and I loved the ending. TLOU2 is better in gameplay, graphics, animations weighted down by creatively missing its mark with a plodding narrative.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Even Lost Legacy is better than TLOU2.
ManaByte said something I agree with.....?!
Futurama Squinting GIF

Anyway, My only problem with Lost Legacy was I just didn't understand why Nadine was there.


What time is it?
Part of my biggest disappointment with TLOU2 was that it let too much of the Uncharted DNA into it with over-the-top set pieces and bombast which had become tiresome after UC2. I still prefer the "meaty" feel of the weapons in TLOU series. Naughty Dog peaked with TLOU and I'm not convinced that Neil and company really understand why.


….. You think it’s weird to compare the two most recent releases from one studio.

What the hell is wrong with some people.
Sure, you can compare them. But feels like an excuse to kick a dead horse at this point.

Look at these posts. Its 90% about TLOU2, not Uncharted.

We had so many threads about people hating on TLOU 2, it got tiresome already

Can wait until the "how GOW Ragnarok is better than TLOU 2" threads
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• They both have amazing gameplay mechanics, great directing and production values. Both also have pretentious writing.

• One of them makes good use of its gameplay mechanics, and it's a better structured and engaging game. Although the story itself is so poor it makes me prefer U4 by a long shot.

• Both betrayed their prequels; one in tone and intent, the other in every possible way.

• Both are overall inferior to what came before, despite being massively improved in many ways.

• Both severely undermined my enjoyment of countless other third person games, which in comparison feel stiff, clunky and amateurish.

P.S. Lost Legacy is probably a better Uncharted than a Thief's End, and one of the most underrated games of the past generation. Too bad i can't enjoy an Uncharted game without Nate and Sully as much as one with them, and writing in TLL isn't really less pretentious than U4.

P.P.S. Bruce Straley was the GOAT, and i miss him.
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TLoU1 is one of my favorite games ever made, TLoU2 is technically amazing and the gameplay is fantastic but the story is so ungodly bad that its maybe a low 7/10 at best. I sincerely hope Druckmann never gets to write a game again, his ideas for the story and the characters and beats and everything are dogshit.

For example, I am perfectly aware of Joel's actions and how it would catch up to him. Him dying in this game does not bothering me. But the way he dies is so stupid and out of character. Him and Tommy knew what he did, why in the name of fuck would they give away their names to a complete stranger???

Honestly I feel like whenever people say "You just don't like this game because Joel dies!" they understand zero nuance to what people say, which probably explains why they like the story in the first place. Its almost annoying how many times the game drives the revenge theme home, its juvenile writing.


Uc4 is the game that got me into uc, after i made a thread a year or two ago saying I don't like the uc gameplay... I think it's the same reason for me as it is for you: it's just a joyful game. It's okay to love that. TLOU2 might not be as feel-good, doesn't mean it isn't great.


Gold Member
I consider UC4 to be one of the worst of the series and I’ve platinumed every game on every release but this new PS5 one due to a lack of said PS5.

The story is terrible and involves poor pacing due to the flashbacks, one of which is even a flashback to a fictional encounter (Sam’s jail escape). In terms of tone, it really steps backward for shaming the hero’s call to adventure and once again avoids the supernatural elements thanks to listening to idiots who whined about it and ludonarrative dissonance. Drake kills too many people? WTF?

The villains are about as developed as Uncharted 3’s which doesn’t say much (Nadine Angry; Rafe Jealous). Even the treasures you uncover are somewhat bland, bordering on junk (it actually includes junk).

The combat is extremely limited, pushing players towards stealth for the most part and the few wide open areas lack the enemies to fully utilize so that by the time you get into the flow of combat, its over.

Remember the crashed plane in UC 1 where the enemies come from in front, then the back, and then the front again? Remember UC3 where you start the post-desert survival battle unarmed and surrounded by heavily armed soldiers who immediately want to kill you?

Don’t expect that in this game.

The shooting mechanics is also a step backward as Drake can no longer throwback grenades and his targeting pales in comparison to the enemies resulting in less mixed fighting across an arena (running, hand to hand, shooting) unless you’re playing it on an easier difficulty. Combine with harder to spot enemies, and it is just less entertaining than its predecessors.

Remember the wall of snipers in UC2? Remember the train yard siege before Nathan gets in the train?
Remember all of the shield enemies?

Yeah don’t expect anything like that in UC4.

There are also a limited number of extras in comparison to prior games showing the rush it was put under, and poorer quality control if you’ve ever tried reading the tiny textures or tried playing past the exploding mummies on the hardest difficulties. Even the button prompts are inconsistent for actions regarding push, pull activities.

It’s not a wholly bad game as there are some great moments, but it is a far cry from the original trilogy.
UC4's story is told better than TLOU2.

Personally, i dont feel like TLOU2 needed to be made. I loved the ambiguity of the original's ending

That said, I think if they told TLOU2's story from Abby's perspective (without mentioning who she lost and why exactly she needed revenge) it could've been a cool twist when we find out at the end that Joel owed her a game of golf


Gold Member
Working on platinum the game second time. The game has personality, Sam is such a attractive character that I am craving for his Uncharted game. And no I would never want an Abby TLOU game.
No it wouldn't. This is a rather silly comparison to make. Drake had been the main character of 3 games up to that point (4 if you count the PSV game) and the game series as a whole is a light hearted adventure tale. Doing something so dark would have been out of place for the series. Meanwhile TLOU only has 2 games of which Joel was the main character in 1 and he wasn't even the main character of that game's DLC. It is a darker, more serious series and what happened to Joel is an expected result of the actions he commited at the end of the first game.

Not really…the story and pacing in lou2 was written in a very tone deaf sort of way and that’s it’s main problem….it didn’t read the room well enough

You kill off a loved main character with 1 new character and then you spend most of the first part of the game playing as this character who is very uninteresting and a completely different character to her introduction in the opening act and they hamfist a few flashbacks into the game and expect people to sympathise with her and the people she is with being pack murderers and they failed spectacularly which is why I made the comparison to uncharted ..a game was written and executed beautifully from start to finish

It reads the room perfectly…it knows it’s audience

Had you started lou2 from the point of one of Abbie’s flashbacks in the hospital (in lou1) it would of started part 2 off much better but it didn’t and it’s simply a great playing game with a story that was written and executed shit

U4 is probably naughty dogs best game next to lou1


Reminder to myself for when I replay U4:

Create thread named "Replaying UC4 has made me realize just how brilliant Uncharted and TLOU2 are."


Can’t Git Gud
It’s a different game.
I like uc4 most of uncharted games.
But tlou2 is incredible. I really can’t imagine how it’s disappointing. People are still mad about pre release leaks or something?

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
It’s a different game.
I like uc4 most of uncharted games.
But tlou2 is incredible. I really can’t imagine how it’s disappointing. People are still mad about pre release leaks or something?

No, tlou2 just has bad pacing and weird game design and goes on far too long

It’s by no means bad, he’ll it is still great….it’s just the extremely divisive decisions they made which imho prevent a good game from being a true masterpiece


TLOU2 was 10 hours too long, but UC4 was a terrible game from start to finish. The fact that anyone can claim it's a great game, much less a masterpiece, just shows that there are people out there that care more about cutscenes and set pieces than actually playing video games.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
We all know people dislike this game only for 1 stupid reason
I can understand why some people don't like this game. Killing off Joel and having to play as the killer is a lot to ask for.

I just find that many people have weak arguments for the so-called "bad writing". I think many people are upset about what happened and they try to find reasons to dislike every single aspect of the game. Most of their arguments seem to be regurgitated by other people who dislike the game. I can't count how many times I heard people say, "They sent out a woman to fight in combat. That's bad writing!" without realizing that never happened.


Both are amazing games, ND is truly amazing! I see some of you stating that TLOU2 is a bad game and the ''argument'' about what happens in the beginning and who you play.... that's just insane. Also using some spoiler tags couldn't kill anyone!


My big problem with every Naughty Dog game since the first Uncharted is that shooting gameplay in all their games are just straight up bad, the aim assist is bad and enemies are bullet sponges. Will be interesting to checkout if keyboard+mouse helps in this regard when Uncharted comes out on PC.


uncharted 4 is a masterpiece. people who say otherwise clearly have no idea and are stuck in the past saying uncharted 1 is the best

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
I adore both series, and think both UC4 and TLoU2 are masterpieces.

Can’t wait until UC4 is out on PC so I can give it another whirl.
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I haven't played either but I have to agree with the poster above, by virtue of them being the last poster that commented on this.


Serious question for the people that liked U4 - I quit playing at the bit where you are looking for some guy's grave (in Scotland, I think). If the game didn't grab me by that point, does it change significantly later on or is it safe to assume that if I wasn't into it at that point I never would be?


NaughtyDog Defense Force
The only thing that bothers me in NG games is the pacing in certain sections and boss battles.

The Final Battle in UC4 was pretty meh.

It felt better in Lost Legacy, but they took it to another level in TLOU 2.


Gold Member
Both games have terrible stories, pacing and charas, so it all comes to gameplay and i vastly prefer tlou2.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Serious question for the people that liked U4 - I quit playing at the bit where you are looking for some guy's grave (in Scotland, I think). If the game didn't grab me by that point, does it change significantly later on or is it safe to assume that if I wasn't into it at that point I never would be?

I think the Scotland chapter really kills the pacing early on, but to me, the game really starts to kick up right as the chapter is about to end.



Idk how anyone can think Uncharted 4 isn't a masterpiece. Especially considering the fact it almost came out 6 years ago. The Last of Us 2 is a different style all together. Both demonstrate how Naughty Dog is the top dog in their genre


I think the Scotland chapter really kills the pacing early on, but to me, the game really starts to kick up right as the chapter is about to end.

I had honestly found most of the game dragging - but thinking about it, that was an especially slow bit, which is probably why it was the point that I just drifted off and played something else instead. I still have the disc, so I will probably get back to it (or more likely restart it, since I can't remember most of what happened now) at some point.


Idk how anyone can think Uncharted 4 isn't a masterpiece. Especially considering the fact it almost came out 6 years ago. The Last of Us 2 is a different style all together. Both demonstrate how Naughty Dog is the top dog in their genre

How about "I didn't enjoy it much? Clearly I'm going to find it hard to consider a game a quit less than half way through due to boredom a "masterpiece".
I agree OP U4 is a much better game
If you had Rafe kill drake in the opening act and then it forced you to play as him for the rest of the game looking for the treasure it would be a similar feel to how shit the story was in LOU2

The gameplay was never the issue with LOU2...the storyline and pacing is and you can tell its been directed by someone who had his head too far up his ass and wasnt kept in check
and if he has hand anywhere near the script for the tv series im hoping they slap it away
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