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Replaying UC4 has made me realize just how disappointing TLOU2 was.


Gold Member
Interesting topic, I feel both titles show creatives who desperately need to now when to edit things back and is a continuation of a problem.

Gameplay: TLOU2 easily wins here imo, you criticise TLOU2 for not doing anything fundamentally new yet only mention minor improvements for Uncharted. Both had a rope added for their latest games and neither really utilised it as much or as well as it could have been. Both were very situational. The Madagascar scenes etc. aren't really gameplay, they're just an on rails action sequence, like the bike in FFVII - but the graphics are really good. The sequence in the scars village with Abbie was just as good and evoactive imo.

There is no extra depth added to Uncharted. TLOU2 had new enemy archetypes, prone combat, emergent encounters, options within crafting for smoke, stun, kill, ways to distract enemies, options to make enemies fight each other which added layers to the options (see the Rattlers). Uncharted - although did add the stealth indicators - was still pretty much a find the best path for stealth takedowns in each encounter (see Scotland for a perfect example).

Storytelling: Both weak and indulgent.

Pacing: Both were up and down, but Uncharted struggled way more with this. You knew there was no danger in between the arena encounters in Uncharted until you saw the stacks of guns shining. At least TLOU2 you could suddenly stumble on enemies hidden in buildings etc. which maintained the tension (except the exposition scenes).

Both games very technically sound, but shows people who need their indulgence reigning in a bit.


Report me if I continue to console war
I love them both,

They are both different sort of games, TLOU2 is more stealth and guerilla warfare, where UC4 is more indiana jones meets rambo (however stealth is still well implemented in UC4).

For me as good as the gameplay is in ND games, its the story which keeps me playing them.

The nathan drake story has come to a close, where Ellie, abbies and danas story has not yet concluded. It needs finishing.
I kinda wished that ND went straight to TLOU3 development and have be a 12hr game to conclude the story releasing in dec 2023. 3yrs is plenty of time for a 12hr game.


Like these games or not they sell a ton so clearly some people do care.

One reason I like TLOU2 is that maybe no other game embodies the funky your feelings approach. It is certainly not a game for snowflakes.

Boss Mog

TLOU2 really shines in the gameplay and technical side (graphics, animations, AI), but everything else is complete garbage: the story (or at least the way it's executed), the pacing, the characters, and the propaganda it tries to push. U4 shines way less gameplay-wise but more than makes up for it with solid story and pacing and a likable cast of characters. In the end I agree with the OP that U4 is the better game overall, but TLOU1 is better than U4.

Boss Mog

The sales show otherwise.
This is a stupid argument. Sales have nothing to do with quality. Sales are bound to go up as gaming has become more and more mainstream in the last couple of decades. FFXV sold a lot more copies on PS4 than FFVI did on SNES but that doesn't mean FFXV is the better game.
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Gold Member
The sales show otherwise.

As does the GOTY awards from both critics and readers.

This is a stupid argument. Sales have nothing to do with quality. Sales are bound to go up as gaming has become more and more mainstream in the last couple of decades. FFXV sold a lot more copies on PS4 than FFVI did on SNES but that doesn't mean FFXV is the better game.

That's a better argument than saying what the "majority" preferred based on absolutely nothing at all.
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I'd agree with the post if the 60fps was actually looking good on my oled, and it doesn't. Light sources in particular look all fucked too for whatever reason, however in fidelity it looks way, way too good.

The improvements in lod, lighting and HDR ARE EXTREMELY noticeable


Uncharted 4 was great.

I know lots of those who’ve disapproved of the pacing, but I enjoyed the more methodical approach, allowing Drake’s memories to really take center stage as you inch towards the finale.

TLOU 2 is easily better in every single aspect, though and honestly, how couldn’t it?

It pretty much improved upon each system designed in UC4, while taking melee combat and stealth to another new level (play without HUD and autocollect on Grounded!)

I can’t wait until TLOU 2 gets the native PS5 app treatment.


Gold Member
Uncharted 4 was great.

I know lots of those who’ve disapproved of the pacing, but I enjoyed the more methodical approach, allowing Drake’s memories to really take center stage as you inch towards the finale.

TLOU 2 is easily better in every single aspect, though and honestly, how couldn’t it?

It pretty much improved upon each system designed in UC4, while taking melee combat and stealth to another new level (play without HUD and autocollect on Grounded!)

I can’t wait until TLOU 2 gets the native PS5 app treatment.

Agree. Ultimately we are comparing two of the best games last gen and both are great in their own right. TLOU 2 stands alone, however, imo, as top five greatest games all time. But I say that knowing it is a divisive game and a lot of people don't like it for various reasons and that is fine, but I look at how the game performed in sales, critical reception, number of GOTY awards and that builds one hell of a resume. Based on all that, I think it is obvious who the true minority here are. That doesn't make their opinion any less valid though.

Boss Mog

That's a better argument than saying what the "majority" preferred based on absolutely nothing at all.
I don't know if most people liked the older ones or not, but as a general rule using sales as a metric is bad for many reasons. Just because you buy something doesn't mean you'll like it; this is especially true for entertainment media such as books, movies and games since you're going into it mostly blind.


Gold Member
I don't know if most people liked the older ones or not, but as a general rule using sales as a metric is bad for many reasons. Just because you buy something doesn't mean you'll like it; this is especially true for entertainment media such as books, movies and games since you're going into it mostly blind.

That's fine, but what "most people liked" is the point he was responding to. If someone is going to make that argument then they need something to back it up. Like I said, sales is a better argument than nothing. Generally speaking, however, a game that sells as well as TLOU 2 is generally well liked.


Interesting topic, I feel both titles show creatives who desperately need to now when to edit things back and is a continuation of a problem.

Gameplay: TLOU2 easily wins here imo, you criticise TLOU2 for not doing anything fundamentally new yet only mention minor improvements for Uncharted. Both had a rope added for their latest games and neither really utilised it as much or as well as it could have been. Both were very situational. The Madagascar scenes etc. aren't really gameplay, they're just an on rails action sequence, like the bike in FFVII - but the graphics are really good. The sequence in the scars village with Abbie was just as good and evoactive imo.

I said both games were close in their gameplay improvements to their respective series, but that TLOU2 suffers more from being too drawn out and repetitive, so jts mechanical improvements are less palpable.

Also how is the Madagascar sequence “not gameplay”? I feel this totally ignores what I said in my first post about all the different things you can do in it. It’s an amazing piece of gameplay. The shootout in the burning village in TLOU2 is just another shootout with a unique environmental backdrop. It’s alright, but nothing compared to the Madagascar chase sequence.


everyone's entitled to their opinion but in no way does UC4 wipe the floor of the TLOU2..say what you want about the story (which i think is a cool twist to play as the "enemy") but technically their both monsters. love both games for different reasons.


Nah they both suffer from similar issues, both a slog to play and with pacing issues. Both take themselves too seriously but fail in execution and end up looking silly.

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
Him and Tommy knew what he did, why in the name of fuck would they give away their names to a complete stranger???
Just as bad as that, or even worse, is that they just follow the other group around to where they're surrounded and then Tommy reveals his brother...

As protectors of Jackson, who fight off bandits and infected regularly, they really should've known better.


Gold Member
Storytelling: Both weak and indulgent.
The only problem I had with UC4 was they ditched the supernatural element the first games had. But other than that it had a MUCH better story that didn’t trip over itself and fall flat on its face trying to make its point.


Simps for Amouranth
No, tlou2 just has bad pacing and weird game design and goes on far too long

It’s by no means bad, he’ll it is still great….it’s just the extremely divisive decisions they made which imho prevent a good game from being a true masterpiece
That's the thing, I and many others including pretty much all of the industry etc consider it a true masterpiece, I honestly couldn't fault the game in my first playthrough, maybe I'll pick up stuff on a 2nd but I'm waiting for the remaster of TLOU1 so I can do a double playthrough but as it stands it was an absolute marvel of game


The pacing of UC4 is bad IMO, but LL quite enjoyable, more than UC4 for me.

TLOUS2 is by far the worst pacing game in the existence.

Never finished LL. Got stuck on the fight against a tank on crushed and eventually just moved on to other games. Was great from what I played as well tho.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I wasn't expecting much from the Legacy of Thieves Collection, but after playing it I can surely say that UC4 at 60fps, with HDR, and the DualSense features is a flat-out amazing experience that feels like it is at the top of the industry, even though the vast majority of what I am experiencing was developed 6 years ago. I've played TLL much more recently and love that game as well, but here I'll be focusing on UC4.

I haven't played the game since launch and so I've forgotten a good bit of it. The story feels mostly fresh to me and I have trouble not playing the game for 3-4 hours (twice my usual gaming session) at a time because I am so enthralled. The game's segments fit together so seamlessly there never seems like a good point to stop. The shooting mechanics feel much better at 60fps and the graphics are just astounding. It goes to show you that graphics have not really improved all that much since this game's release, but that sort of macro-comparison has been taking a back seat in my mind to a more micro one...

UC4 wipes the floor with TLOU2 in every department. Comparing the two games, I can safely say that TLOU2 is the first dud that ND has released since starting their incredible run with UC2, and is an extreme disappointment, because wow, UC4 was really, really damn good.
I'll make a few categorical comparisons below:

- Gameplay: This is TLOU2's strongest category in my opinion, but even here it loses out to UC4 for me. TLOU2's gameplay improvements were nothing spectacular, while being overall a welcome upgrade over the first game. But UC4's gameplay is just as good, and just as much of a step up over previous games. The guns feel tight and impactful, the movement and cover system was much improved so that you get unintended movement much less often, and the combat arenas were much more open-ended compared to previous games. In terms of platforming, there were some significant editions with the climbing/swinging from the rope, sliding, and some cool platforming "puzzles" such as turning the clock arms in Madagascar that just give platforming sections that little bit of spice and novelty compared to previous entries. Having just replayed the Madagascar chase sequence, I can safely say this set piece has not been topped by any game. My jaw was wide open several times throughout it because I forgot just how many things you can do in this sequence -- you can shoot while sliding on the ground on the rope, you can climb the rope and stop in mind-air and shoot while swinging from the rope, you can jump on any trucks and shoot from the back, you can jump on jeeps and drive them after meleeing the driver, someone can jump on your jeep and you can melee them off, etc. It's really quite amazing, especially when you consider how seamlessly this section ties into the shootout and driving sequence that just happened previously. Sure, these types of set pieces maybe don't suit TLOU as much, but that doesn't excuse the fact that TLOU2 has no gameplay sequences that even came close to entertaining me as much as this in a general sense. In summary, both games brought gameplay improvements, but UC4 arguably advanced its series' gameplay more while also having much more memorable set pieces.

(Note: this gif doesn't have HDR. Madagascar looks way prettier now in HDR!)​

- Storytelling: UC4's story is enjoyable and interesting every step of the way. It has likable and funny characters, intense twists, and consistent and interesting themes (passion vs. people, ambition, the value of honesty, what it means to protect a loved one, what love means, etc.). I'm not saying it's dialogue rivals Dostoevsky, and sure there are some potholes for which you have to suspend your disbelief (though the series tonal consistency dilutes the damage of this IMO), but it is a coherent and enjoyable story that will make you think, feel suspense, and have put a smile on your face several times before the credits roll. TLOU2 on the other hand, has an absolutely terrible story with contradictory characters that betray their own nature several times throughout, massive plotholes that cannot be overlooked in the face of the game's relatively realistic and serious tone, and ultimately, nothing interesting to say about it's central theme of revenge. The plot has terrible pacing where you spend long stretches of hours where nothing really happens, and the entire second half of the game is spent trying to communicate something to you that does not require nearly that amount of time (i.e. "the second protagonist has friends too! If you are selfish in the post-apocalypse, you are actually being selfish and hurting other people who also have friends!" No shit Druckmann, I think we understood this perfectly fine from the first game...). It also just doesn't have a good understanding of what the audience has experienced at a certain point, how well the audience understands the characters on screen, and how much the audience cares about certain characters...I could go on, but this post is already too long so I won't.

- Pacing: UC4 is a bit slower than the previous games, trading some shooting for some more platforming and puzzle-solving, but I think this is a fine trade-off. You don't spend long stretches of time doing things you have done before as nearly every section of the game -- platforming, shooting, or puzzle-solving -- is unique due to some kind of environmental gimmick. It's really quite amazing. On the other hand, by the halfway point of TLOU2's 35hours I was absolutely dreading how much I had to walk around very samey looking environments tapping triangle in order to loot items so that combat (on the higher difficulties) didn't become a frustrating slog. I did not have fun playing TLOU2 and it has horrible gameplay pacing, weakening the impact of some of its mechanical improvements such as prone.

Personally, after realizing the above, I am quite worried about ND as a studio moving forward. I think that they still have amazing technical prowess in their graphics and animation engineers, but that it may have been Bruce Straley who was the real genius game director there, and Neil Druckmann far too impractical when left to his own devices. TLOU2 feels like a director trying to make a game out of shock value, rather than one being ambitious while keeping a sense of the big picture of what makes a game great.

What do you think? If you have played UC4 (especially LoT version) and TLOU2 recently, how would you compare them? If you think one is better than the other, why?


Replaying UC4 in The Legacy of Thieves Collection made me realize that TLOU2 was a huge disappointment because before it, Naughty Dog was in absolutely top form, which I had forgotten (perhaps because of the relatively long stretch of time between UC4 and TLOU2).

lol I have never disagreed with a post more.

U4 is a fucking bloated mess of a game. You literally go hours without doing anything. No puzzles, no combat, no setpieces. Just climb. It should be called Boredom: A Thief's Climb. Chapter 4,5 and nearly all of 6. Thats almost 2 hours of mind numbing nonsense. Then they do this again in chapter 12 and then again in chapter 16. Not to mention the large swaths of chapters where there is no action and all you do is press up and x to climb. It's AWFUL gameplay. it is NOT fun. It is bad game design. Not good, simply bad.

In summary, both games brought gameplay improvements, but UC4 arguably advanced its series' gameplay more while also having much more memorable set pieces.

Just because Uncharted has 1 good setpiece in a 15 hour game doesnt mean the myriad of new upgrades in TLOU2's combat system didnt exist. It isnt just a massive leap over TLOU, it's a massive leap over Uncharted 4. THe enemy A.I is way better. The combat scenarios are way better. The combat animations, bosses and yes, levels. Yes, story in Abby's chapters was shit, but the combat encounters, setpieces, boss fights were some of the best shit on playstation. There is this insane backlash against this game that faults its gameplay for its story, and im like Bloodborne's story fucking sucks, does it make a bad game? DMC, RE4, MGS2, literally every game not made by Bioware or Naughty Dog has bad story or storytelling. We PLAY games and games should be judged by gameplay.

UC4 wipes the floor with TLOU2 in every department.

How can anyone say this when TLOU2 has better graphics, better motion matching tech, better A.I, better mechanics, better boss fights, and way better level design. It is objectively a better game. I dont want to hear how you liked the story more. Story doesnt make a video game.
and ultimately, nothing interesting to say about it's central theme of revenge.

Nothing interesting?? I personally think TLOu2's story and its execution is flawed as fuck, but interesting is the one thing you can say about it. The game couldve just made a simple story about revenge like kill bill, but instead Neil brings the player in and has them directly go through the forgiveness process like Ellie. It is the first time anyone's done this meta game within a game since Kojima did it with the character switch in MGS2. It is way more ambitious than you give it credit for. The approach is far more interesting and unique. In fact, the fact that it wasnt received well shouldve been expected because not everyone can learn to forgive Abby. And thats the point.

I mean you call U4's platforming and puzzles amazing. Like wtf dude. It is pressing up and x for literally hours. You do nothing different. I really dont get what people want from their games anymore. And puzzles were straight up trash. Look at your notebook for the solution? i am sorry that is BAD game design. Lost Legacy on the other has incredible puzzles. The mix in platforming with setpieces. they mix in platforming with Indiana Jones inspired puzzles. they have physics based puzzles, skill based puzzles, timed based puzzles. THAT is good design. Looking for the solution in your handbook for literally every single puzzle in the game isnt.

And dont even get me started on the plotholes in Uncharted or Elena's character assassination. This adrenaline junkie reporter turned into a nagging housewife as soon as Neil took over? Come the fuck on. How sexist is that?
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lol I have never disagreed with a most more.

U4 is a fucking bloated mess of a game. You literally go hours without doing anything. No puzzles, no combat, no setpieces. Just climb. It should be called Boredom: A Thief's Climb. Chapter 4,5 and nearly all of 6. Thats almost 2 hours of mind numbing nonsense. Then they do this again in chapter 12 and then again in chapter 16. Not to mention the large swaths of chapters where there is no action and all you do is press up and x to climb. It's AWFUL gameplay. it is NOT fun. It is bad game design. Not good, simply bad.

Just because Uncharted has 1 good setpiece in a 15 hour game doesnt mean the myriad of new upgrades in TLOU2's combat system didnt exist. It isnt just a massive leap over TLOU, it's a massive leap over Uncharted 4. THe enemy A.I is way better. The combat scenarios are way better. The combat animations, bosses and yes, levels. Yes, story in Abby's chapters was shit, but the combat encounters, setpieces, boss fights were some of the best shit on playstation. There is this insane backlash against this game that faults its gameplay for its story, and im like Bloodborne's story fucking sucks, does it make a bad game? DMC, RE4, MGS2, literally every game not made by Bioware or Naughty Dog has bad story or storytelling. We PLAY games and games should be judged by gameplay.

How can anyone say this when TLOU2 has better graphics, better motion matching tech, better A.I, better mechanics, better boss fights, and way better level design. It is objectively a better game. I dont want to hear how you liked the story more. Story doesnt make a video game.

Nothing interesting?? I personally think TLOu2's story and its execution is flawed as fuck, but interesting is the one thing you can say about it. The game couldve just made a simple story about revenge like kill bill, but instead Neil brings the player in and has them directly go through the forgiveness process like Ellie. It is the first time anyone's done this meta game within a game since Kojima did it with the character switch in MGS2. It is way more ambitious than you give it credit for. The approach is far more interesting and unique. In fact, the fact that it wasnt received well shouldve been expected because not everyone can learn to forgive Abby. And thats the point.

I mean you call U4's platforming and puzzles amazing. Like wtf dude. It is pressing up and x for literally hours. You do nothing different. I really dont get what people want from their games anymore. And puzzles were straight up trash. Look at your notebook for the solution? i am sorry that is BAD game design. Lost Legacy on the other has incredible puzzles. The mix in platforming with setpieces. they mix in platforming with Indiana Jones inspired puzzles. they have physics based puzzles, skill based puzzles, timed based puzzles. THAT is good design. Looking for the solution in your handbook for literally every single puzzle in the game isnt.

And dont even get me started on the plotholes in Uncharted or Elena's character assassination. This adrenaline junkie reporter turned into a nagging housewife as soon as Neil took over? Come the fuck on. How sexist is that?
Don't disagree — you've made some good points nor fully agree with every point BUT the part about pressing up and x for literally hours is a silly thing to point out given in most games that is exactly what we are doing hours on end → press the stick for direction and a combination of the face buttons to get the characters to interact (pre-defined by the developer). Games are simply an illusion of control — no matter how crazy the sequence of pressing them becomes does not change that. Uncharted has always done a good job of having good blend of each — platforming, shooting etc.
Currently playing it in 4K/30. Hate me if you want, but it just looks the best this way. Everything is so sharp and detailed. It reminds me of how I felt playing the uncharted collection on PS4 for the first time except this time they kept 30fps as an option.


I'm replaying the game thanks to the "remaster" and I'm also amazed. The first couple of chapters are a bit disappointing but after that I feel it like a true masterpiece. It simply blows away any actual AAA.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Don't disagree — you've made some good points nor fully agree with every point BUT the part about pressing up and x for literally hours is a silly thing to point out given in most games that is exactly what we are doing hours on end → press the stick for direction and a combination of the face buttons to get the characters to interact (pre-defined by the developer). Games are simply an illusion of control — no matter how crazy the sequence of pressing them becomes does not change that. Uncharted has always done a good job of having good blend of each — platforming, shooting etc.
Always until Uncharted 4. I spent way too long in way too many chapters just doing platforming. I would say the platforming and combat ratio in the first three games was roughly around 50:50. Maybe 60:40 in favor of combat, but in uncharted 4 it felt like 70-30. Those long chapters without any action really hurt too. I loved the village chapter 16 in Uncharted 2. it was like 2 minutes long. Drake wakes up and goes through a small village in maybe 5 minutes. 45 minutes is too much for an action adventure game to not have any action. And they do this several times throughout the game.

Lost Legacy is perfect.
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Always until Uncharted 4. I spent way too long in way too many chapters just doing platforming. I would say the platforming and combat ratio in the first three games was roughly around 50:50. Maybe 60:40 in favor of combat, but in uncharted 4 it felt like 70-30. Those long chapters without any action really hurt too. I loved the village chapter 16 in Uncharted 2. it was like 2 minutes long. Drake wakes up and goes through a small village in maybe 5 minutes. 45 minutes is too much for an action adventure game to not have any action. And they do this several times throughout the game.

Lost Legacy is perfect.
Okay, yeah, I gotcha. I can understand that.


While I agree UC4 is better than TLOU2… that is mostly because i like the story and characters more in UC4

… replaying UC4 now and I think UC4 is awful in the gameplay department. It is better to watch than play. It is painfully scripted to a stupid degree

Here is a good summary of how i feel about uc4

Jak and Daxter 1 is still the pinnacle of gameplay from ND.


While I agree UC4 is better than TLOU2… that is mostly because i like the story and characters more in UC4

… replaying UC4 now and I think UC4 is awful in the gameplay department. It is better to watch than play. It is painfully scripted to a stupid degree

Here is a good summary of how i feel about uc4

Jak and Daxter 1 is still the pinnacle of gameplay from ND.

I think that is an example of ND wrestling with what the story requires vs what the player should have control over (so likely a Neil influence)...but yeah, with UC4 I can say they went a little overboard. They should have stuck to UC1-UC3 formula. I personally wouldn't call the gameplay awful just due to that...but maybe just me.
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ChatGPT 0.1
Let me put this thread to rest, one game is about big pirate names, and thieves and the other is a service to apocalypse fans. PlayStation leans heavily on both.


Gold Member
It will be interesting to see what they do with a new Uncharted game with Neil Wokeman in charge.....LOU2 story was a complete dumpster fire of trash although the tech and gameplay was decent. I fear the same will happen with any new Uncharted game sadly.


Gold Member

Don't forget everyone's fav part's of the game, the unwinnable "boss" fight, it was so fun they did it twice with the same character...

Hmmmmmmm... I wonder why they picked this specific character to do this with...


Gold Member
lol I have never disagreed with a post more.

U4 is a fucking bloated mess of a game. You literally go hours without doing anything. No puzzles, no combat, no setpieces. Just climb. It should be called Boredom: A Thief's Climb. Chapter 4,5 and nearly all of 6. Thats almost 2 hours of mind numbing nonsense. Then they do this again in chapter 12 and then again in chapter 16. Not to mention the large swaths of chapters where there is no action and all you do is press up and x to climb. It's AWFUL gameplay. it is NOT fun. It is bad game design. Not good, simply bad.

Just because Uncharted has 1 good setpiece in a 15 hour game doesnt mean the myriad of new upgrades in TLOU2's combat system didnt exist. It isnt just a massive leap over TLOU, it's a massive leap over Uncharted 4. THe enemy A.I is way better. The combat scenarios are way better. The combat animations, bosses and yes, levels. Yes, story in Abby's chapters was shit, but the combat encounters, setpieces, boss fights were some of the best shit on playstation. There is this insane backlash against this game that faults its gameplay for its story, and im like Bloodborne's story fucking sucks, does it make a bad game? DMC, RE4, MGS2, literally every game not made by Bioware or Naughty Dog has bad story or storytelling. We PLAY games and games should be judged by gameplay.

How can anyone say this when TLOU2 has better graphics, better motion matching tech, better A.I, better mechanics, better boss fights, and way better level design. It is objectively a better game. I dont want to hear how you liked the story more. Story doesnt make a video game.

Nothing interesting?? I personally think TLOu2's story and its execution is flawed as fuck, but interesting is the one thing you can say about it. The game couldve just made a simple story about revenge like kill bill, but instead Neil brings the player in and has them directly go through the forgiveness process like Ellie. It is the first time anyone's done this meta game within a game since Kojima did it with the character switch in MGS2. It is way more ambitious than you give it credit for. The approach is far more interesting and unique. In fact, the fact that it wasnt received well shouldve been expected because not everyone can learn to forgive Abby. And thats the point.

I mean you call U4's platforming and puzzles amazing. Like wtf dude. It is pressing up and x for literally hours. You do nothing different. I really dont get what people want from their games anymore. And puzzles were straight up trash. Look at your notebook for the solution? i am sorry that is BAD game design. Lost Legacy on the other has incredible puzzles. The mix in platforming with setpieces. they mix in platforming with Indiana Jones inspired puzzles. they have physics based puzzles, skill based puzzles, timed based puzzles. THAT is good design. Looking for the solution in your handbook for literally every single puzzle in the game isnt.

And dont even get me started on the plotholes in Uncharted or Elena's character assassination. This adrenaline junkie reporter turned into a nagging housewife as soon as Neil took over? Come the fuck on. How sexist is that?
That dude is gonna miss his face




Don't forget everyone's fav part's of the game, the unwinnable "boss" fight, it was so fun they did it twice with the same character...

Hmmmmmmm... I wonder why they picked this specific character to do this with...
I thought that was an interesting aspect.....generally the player is "expected" to win a boss encounter. In this encounter the player needed to be OK with losing but I think they could have executed it better.
This is like comparing ZBTOW with Mario Kart.

UC4 and TLOU2 are completely different games in entirely different genres. One is a dark post-apocalyptic stealth zombie game, the other is a pretty typical third-person shooter adventure game.

It's apples to oranges.

TLOU2 is a fantastic game. Uncharted 4 is a great game that doesn't even rise above the greatest of its predecessor Uncharted 2. Both are worth playing and very differen from each other so comparing them seems pretty meaningless.


Gold Member
The lost legacy is better than both by the simple virtue of not having horrible pacing.

Out of the 2 I like combat better in TLOU2, but enjoy the more varied locations of UC4. Both really struggle with pacing in different ways (one is way too long and repetitive, the other is full of boring barely interactive stuff) and I think in both cases the bad pacing accentuates how Naughty Dog still struggles to make compelling gameplay outside of combat.


Gold Member

Don't forget everyone's fav part's of the game, the unwinnable "boss" fight, it was so fun they did it twice with the same character...

Hmmmmmmm... I wonder why they picked this specific character to do this with...

Are people forgetting the rage this character incited because she was voiced by Druckmann's WHITE mistress?
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