I'm a super duper casual when it comes to sports but I'll watch highlights every know and then.
I have to switch it to a different sport to better illustrate why being the major without any power is meaningless.
This article is about the NFL and something called "race morning" and how Black players were being screwed out of compensation for the damage they received as professional athletes. To loop this back around to my usage of "grunts" is the Black players are the most physically active people in the business of basketball and they aren't paid as well as the owner nor can the ensure regular Black people can partake in other aspects of basketba
A snippet from NPR about race norming and the NFL, remember,the Black players are 50% of the total players by race:
The league had agreed in June, amid the uproar,
to halt the use of race-norming, which assumes Black players start with lower cognitive function. That makes it harder to show they suffer from a mental deficit linked to their playing days.
The NFL would admit no wrongdoing under terms of the agreement.
Lawyers for the Black players suspect that white men were qualifying for awards at two or three times the rate of Blacks since the payouts began in 2017.