Bro u keep coming back to race, are u some hitler descendand who only portrays ppl on behalf of their race or something, srsly? Humans value/identity isnt about their race, or at least thats what majority of the world thinks and believes in- the ppl who arent racists fucks
To get back to topic- professional sports arent charity, ppl work there on the base of merit, thats it, if some1 doesnt perform they get fired(yes even before their contract time is up too, very common practice here with coaches, dunno how it is in the US but i guess not that different).
My country's national soccer team had few foreign coaches last few years, including 2 portugese guys, that look like this
paulo sousa
and another- fernando santos
And my country-poland- is like 99,9% white, no1 cared they are latinos, we only wanted/needed good performance(which we didnt get but its fault of our players for the most part

TLDR- real life/professional sports dont give u freebies for whatever race- u need to perform or u are fked- all that woke agenda ppl teach in leftists colleges/u hear in woke bubble media goes down the drain coz it is simply not real.