Highest tier could include PS1/PS2/PSP games
Anyone that's actually played Gamepass probably knows its the future. Things change.
yeesh if they still aren't even going to offer a tier that includes first party day one then why bother. this must be a rebrand only. ZZzzzz
Pretty much all of what you've mentioned is supported by gamers. They continue to pre-order and buy games at full price without waiting to see if they're crap or not and they willingly funnel billions of dollars into MTX. People want to be sold stuff piecemeal and broken. Corps are giving the people what they want.Both Sony and MS can shove their sub services deep in the their corpo A$$E$.
The gaming industry is getting worst by the day. From normalizing broken games during release, greedy monotizarion schemes, to wanting to remove any type of ownership. All of this is thanks to YOU lazy, smug corpo worshiping gamers out there for bending over to your lord and saviour Phil ”I’m a true gamer” Jimbo.
sony playing copy cat and catch up
can't wait for people to praise this model now that sony are doing it.
I hope just for seeing journos triggered about years of GP is bad for the industries and after writing "is a smart move"Doesn't mean day one 1st party.
But it COULD.
Sony could charge $20 a month flat out IMO, and make a killing.
Press Sneak Cuck said:"Details on Spartacus may still not be finalized, but documentation reviewed by Bloomberg outlines a service with three tiers. The first would include existing PlayStation Plus benefits. The second would offer a large catalog of PlayStation 4 and, eventually, PlayStation 5 games. The third tier would add extended demos, game streaming and a library of classic PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP games. A representative for PlayStation didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment."
Im more interested in the PS1/PS2/PSP games mentioned.
Yea this was bound to happen, combine both services into one with tiers.
PS+ tier 1 = online multiplayer, storage and free monthly games
PS+ tier 2 = tier 1 + PS Now included
PS+ tier 3 = tier 1 & 2 + PS1,2,PSP games
Playstation Now finally dead?
Papa bless. I hope Sony puts up a good fight. Everyone wins with this btw.
Having a subscription service that gives access to PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3 and PS Plus games seems like a no brainer to me.
Prepare for some people's opinion on subscription services to miraculous change.
They won't. Gaming doesn't have those kinds of numbers. And Netflix still loses money.Kudos to JIM ryan. He got everything right from the start. Sony is in SAFE HAND. They have the numbers,subscribers, blockbuster games and fastest selling hardware. Remember guys future is all about service based revenue just like netflix. You collect money every month no matter what and keep it going. Netflix has 200 million subscribers. Imaging if sony or microsoft replicates the same in gaming field.
Wrong. The business does not win.Papa bless. I hope Sony puts up a good fight. Everyone wins with this btw.
If they're smart, it will always be sold as optional.The whole industry goes to shit if everything goes in this direction.
If you think the number of subpar, undercooked and flat out unfinished games is something now then prepare your butt.
It would crash the industry.
Yes sure... Because the 5-10 games a year more make such a huge difference if they aren't released day one on PSNow....
They're real people. They don't need to be in quotes. There's more of them and in aggregate and they spend more money on gaming in aggregate than the niche group of collectors. That's why they're being catered to with subscription services. For people who don't care about ownership and just want to play games a smorgasbord of modern games is exactly what they want. Sorry to say, but collectors are going to be screwed in the digital future.These "people" are the same who play FIFA and COD the whole year until the next entry (and therefore don't need a subscription service) or are casual af and don't give a damn about quality.
These "people" are the same who play FIFA and COD the whole year until the next entry (and therefore don't need a subscription service) or are casual af and don't give a damn about quality.
I hate to be this way but we have been seeing way too many games release in a state like BF 2042 with years of "polish" and they are straight trash and then get a game like Forza Horizon 5 on GamepassThe whole industry goes to shit if everything goes in this direction.
If you think the number of subpar, undercooked and flat out unfinished games is something now then prepare your butt.
It would crash the industry.
Nope. Ignore the click bait. This is PS Now repackaged. This is not a day 1 release offering.Interesting development for sure. At the end of the day, we’ll be able to publicly see exactly how this service affects the bottom dollar in quarterly financial reports, unlike other players.
Of course it does, those are the most wanted games, and the key to actually adding value for subscribers. Imagine Netflix with no new shows, just old ones that have already been on TV, it fails.
It didn't take a genius to predict this was coming.
You started off strong with that first sentence. I expected so much better from the rest of the ad.Half measure if there is no new content.
This is actually going to increase Gamepass subs. This will bring more awareness to the netflix like subscription model for games. Now even more people will talk about how crappy Sony's sub is compared to Gamepass in online and real world discussions
MS has probably been planning for this moment that Sony responds. I bet MS have been locking down "Subscription Exclusive content" deals from third parties for the last few yrs. In other words games that can be bought at full price on both consoles but Gamepass will be the only sub that you can play it on.
In the future when a big game drops people will want to know which subscription service its on. I dont think Sony understands that. MS will spend large sums of money to make sure they get the best new content deals. They are all in.
Because it would make zero sense for them to do that.yeesh if they still aren't even going to offer a tier that includes first party day one then why bother. this must be a rebrand only. ZZzzzz
Nope.It didn't take a genius to predict this was coming. They'll start out however they start out, but sooner rather than later, there will start to be newer PS5 game perks for this service. There has been no stronger proving of Game Pass's benefits for strong first party releases than recent weeks.
it has to have more strings to its bow, it's going to be interesting what they do with it.PS Now is literally the same thing this is going to be.
Sounds like all they're really doing is a rebranding in my opinion. Because most people see the Now logo and instantly tune it out.
The whole industry goes to shit if everything goes in this direction.
If you think the number of subpar, undercooked and flat out unfinished games is something now then prepare your butt.
It would crash the industry.
Netflix booked $1.4 billion in profit according to their most recent quarterly earnings statement and made $4.5 billion in the first 9 months of 2021. If you're building an argument off of Netflix you're doing it wrong.They won't. Gaming doesn't have those kinds of numbers. And Netflix still loses money.
This rumor is surely, surely, bogus. At least in terms of it being a "game pass" competitor, he even straight up says the big games aren't coming to this new PS+. It sounds like a merging of PS Now into PS+, and then raising the price for that tier. That's it. Simplify the branding. Maybe offer more old games on that tier as well. Games that aren't selling anymore.
But again, this is just PS+ and PS Now as it stands now.
Wrong. The business does not win.
The absolute state of cope.Do people know that PS Now/Gaikai was out before gamepass? why are they saying that they are following Xbox.
technically they began the trend, xbox altered it and pushed marketing hard for a similar service and now Sony is rebranding theirs with a larger push after seeing how successful it could be.
This is the beauty of competition and business strategies, not who copied who.
I feel like a lot of people predicted or expected this to be a thing, they can even add a tier including crunchyroll/funimation
Generally shows/movies cost less than triple A games and Netflix needed 214 million subs to make a profit.Netflix booked $1.4 billion in profit according to their most recent quarterly earnings statement and made $4.5 billion in the first 9 months of 2021. If you're building an argument off of Netflix you're doing it wrong.