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Report: Sony overhauling PlayStation Plus with new tiers and streaming


They already are generating more money with game subscriptions and have more subscribers than MS, and if this rumor/leak is true I think the distance will become bigger.
You seriously think the gap between ps plus and Xbox gamepass will grown in the next 12 months? What do you think the growth is in the last 12 months and what do you predict it will be in the next 12 months?


Ask me about my Stream Deck
PS+ is 2:! to GP and GP is roughly 5:1 to PS Now

I need to find the site but xbox is showing 433 games on console, 389 games on pc, i think it's about 450 games in total.

From the PS Now wiki: As of 2020, there are over 800 games available
I saw another link from summer 2021 that said over 700, so I'm not sure which is accurate.

Sony disclosed 47.2 million plus subscribers in Sept 2021, Microsoft disclosed 18+ million in Jan 2021. Not sure if those are the best numbers at the moment.

...And I keep seeing "100+" games for game pass. Is it really 450? Would be really odd if it was over 4x the advertised amount.


I dunno. If it included the odd 3rd party day 1 so there was on average 12-15 big games a year, PS+ and an improved PS Now, then I think it could be feasible.
no man GIF

Realistically it'll be:

$5 (what it is now) T1
$10 T2
$15 T3

Basically matching GamePass/XBL.

On Demand

Just an fyi, this was a comparison of PS Now and Game Pass libraries from earlier this year.

Obviously the exact number of games changes over time.

But the point is Sony has room to add hundreds of PS1, PS2, and PSP games to the service. With 400+ PS3 games already. That's enough for its own separate tier.

And with 400+ PS4 games already there, they can soon get to a point where they would have a library of over 500 PS4 & PS5 games.


secret smell GIF
Calling this Sony's answer to game pass is like thinking the same with Nintendo's NSO offerings.

Can we actually get a proper equivalent please?


People think a streaming/sub service is only good if it has new day one releases.

Couldn’t be a more idiotic opinion. A subscription service shouldn’t be dictated only by what new content it has. The overall library is what matters
Not sure that's the argument made by others definitely not me. My position is that marketing of the new hot and viral game is easier than the back library. Both are important but there is a reason that Disney plus and other content services highlight new releases. You need both.


...And I keep seeing "100+" games for game pass. Is it really 450? Would be really odd if it was over 4x the advertised amount.
It’s been more than 100+ for years now, on console it’s 423 on standard GP. Used to be more but EA removed plenty of titles from EA Play recently.

Agent X

Probably going to be a disaster. I fucking hate tiers. Look at the Nintendo Switch online tier shit. They could have just given us those N64 games at the current price. They didn't. I expect the same type of thing to happen here. The lowest tier will be worse than what we currently get and the highest tier won't be worth it.

That's what it looks like, if Mr. Schreier is to be believed. It's as though Sony saw what Nintendo was doing with their service and said, "Yeah, that's the ticket!"

I don't think they even need to introduce a three-tier service. Two ought to be enough. The three tiers described by the article would be confusing for the casual customer, and (for those who aren't confused) not compelling enough for most people to want to pay for the highest tier.

There are just so many things wrong here that I can't help but believe this article is inaccurate. If Sony is revamping PS Plus and PS Now, then I expect the final offering to be noticeably different than what the article describes.


Both Sony and MS can shove their sub services deep in their corpo A$$E$.
The gaming industry is getting worse by the day. From normalizing broken games during release, greedy monetization schemes, to wanting to remove any type of ownership. All of this is thanks to YOU lazy, smug corpo worshiping gamers out there for bending over to your lord and saviour Phil ”I’m a true gamer” Jimbo.

Rhyming Leonardo Dicaprio GIF
You are aware that you still have the option to buy your games right?...
I dunno. If it included the odd 3rd party day 1 so there was on average 12-15 big games a year, PS+ and an improved PS Now, then I think it could be feasible.

Not at the current pace of FP games. There needs to be one AAA game every 2 months minimum to justify that price. Factor in the personal tastes and that it's just for monthly access? Nah.

You'd be better off just paying the $70 for whichever FP game you want


Sony has sure been following MS' trends lately. People criticized MS for putting games on PC, then sony does the same. Then Sony tries to avoid Cross-Play, but then does the same. Then people say GamePass isn't profitable/sustainable, then sony does the same thing lol.

Looks like MS' approach was right. Soon exclusives will matter less and less too.
It was the reverse in the early 360 days.

That's what happens when you're the market leader in something. See Apple. Never the first to do something. You've a lot to lose and little to gain. Instead you seek the second mover advantage.

Conversely the loser - so Microsoft in the current state of consoles - has everything to gain. This means you take more risks and bold moves to try and shake things up.

More broadly Jim has said long ago that Sony will have a comparable service coming at some stage, just not now (or, then).


The three tiers described by the article would be confusing for the casual customer, and (for those who aren't confused) not compelling enough for most people to want to pay for the highest tier.
Not an issue really. The higher tier is just an attempt to charge hardcore retro fans extra for old games.

Not aimed at casuals.


Gold Member
The tier might be something like this:

1. PS+ and PS Now (PS1, PS2, PSP only)

2. PS+ and PS Now (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP). Option #1 +$5/mth

3. PS+ and PS Now (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP + anime channels) Option #1 +$10/mth
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On Demand

Not sure that's the argument made by others definitely not me. My position is that marketing of the new hot and viral game is easier than the back library. Both are important but there is a reason that Disney plus and other content services highlight new releases. You need both.

You need both yeah and people choose to focus on one and ignore the other as not important and doesn’t count. MS marketing day one games for gamepass helps with this narrative.

The streaming providers go crazy and promote a lot when they get new exclusive rights to classic TV shows. Netflix paid $500M for Seinfeld. Back catalogue content is extremely important for a sub service.

Sony should market heavily this new tier as having the best most memorable and beloved library from PlayStation’s legacy. From gaming period.

They can do something similar to what they did for 20th anniversary of PS-



Gold Member
Horrible day if/when more than 50% of the gaming population become subscribers to one such service and independent game creators have no choice but to bow down to whatever whims and conditions the service owners impose on them (see spotify).

The renting model is a real fucking danger.
Nobody has to bend.

R* only puts on their games occasionally years later. And Activision basically never does. EA does but only after 9 months. I dont follow UBI so not sure where they are at with PS Now/GP games. It seems only MS does first party day one games.

So aside from MS, just about every AAA game or big publisher doesn't do sub plan games except for after the sales die down. And only some games come to sub plan. Most games dont.

Indies are the ones actively choosing to be part of sub plans day one or not. If they want they can do the big publisher route and never do it, or only do it 9 months later like EA. But many take the partnership money.
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Looks like Microsoft was ahead of the game when they launched Xbox Game Pass 4 years ago and now the rest of the industry is going to be playing catch-up. Will be hard to match the built-in advantage that Microsoft has with XCloud, PC, the most expansive BC library, and the deepest pockets in the world to snatch up brand new games and developers.
Relax warrior, Gamepass is a service not your God and you have to worship it.


It was only a matter of time. They should have just re-launched PlayStation Now but since they are combining services I guess this makes some sense.

It doesn't need to be a 1:1 service to be a competing service and Sony already had a competing service (people often forget) to Game Pass and PlayStation Now was it; they just weren't pushing it as heavily as MS was pushing Game Pass.

We'll need to learn more about Sony's plans on how games will rotate in/out. When GS launched, I thought it was 100 games in/100 games out but it wasn't set up like that. Games do come and go every month but there is no consistency as far as I can tell on how many come and go (I haven't really been tracking, since services like GS allow me to try games I otherwise wouldn't, the ones I want, I always purchase.)

It doesn't, but it's not going to stop games journalists and gamers from doing that comparison. Also, Sony isn't going to do itself any favor if it markets this thing as their Gamepass. They're only going to fuel those comparisons further.


Btw I think the headline is a bit misleading since this is not a take on Gamepass but it's more a way of rebranding and repackaging existing services in a way that is more attractive and makes more sense for current consumers.
You're wrong, they are making 3 tiers similar to the MS ones:

-Gold/current PS Plus
-Game Pass / current PS Plus + collection of PS4 + PS5 downloadable games (I assume it's a download only version of PS Now limiting it to PS4+PS5)
-GP Ultimate/ current PS Plus + collection of PS4 + PS5 downloadable games + current PS Now (adding PS1, PS5 and PSP games to the current one)
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The tier might be something like this:

1. PS+ and PS Now (PS1, PS2, PSP only)

2. PS+ and PS Now (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP). Option #1 +$5/mth

3. PS+ and PS Now (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP + anime channels) Option #1 +$10/mth
Nope, read the article again.

Tier 1 is just normal Plus as is.

Tier 2 is Plus and a library of PS4 PS5 games.

Tier 3 is Plus, and and a library of PS4 PS5 games, and a library of PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP games, and streaming.


I'm just waiting for price strategy

Because if it will be 14,99$ for middle tier without day one PS Studios in service then I will laugh my ass off.

But on the other hand, I fully expect Playstation fans to gobble it whatever it will cost.


Streaming tho?

imagine if they end up using Azure servers, which would mean that you will be playing Sony games on series X server blades :messenger_open_mouth:

Dr Bass

Gamepass is already sustainable. No need to be concerned.
I'm not. :) I think MS is gonna do just fine with their combo of 3rd party licensing fees, GP subs, and F2P MTX games.

Sustainable and highly successful are very different things btw.

And I just don't think Sony or Nintendo will change their direction anytime soon.

Ps +
And now it's also sustainable ? I thought gamepass was not sustainable

It's "sustainable" when one of the richest companies on the planet have other ways of subsidizing it. On what planet is "sustainable" a business goal though? Again, Sony or Nintendo won't move in this direction, because it would hurt their bottom line.
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You're wrong, they are making 3 tiers similar to the MS ones:

-Gold/current PS Plus
-Game Pass / current PS Plus + collection of PS4 + PS5 downloadable games (I assume it's a download only version of PS Now limiting it to PS4+PS5)
-GP Ultimate/ current PS Plus + collection of PS4 + PS5 downloadable games + current PS Now (adding PS1, PS5 and PSP games to the current one)

But this is precisely what I meant, this is no Gamepass. They're not giving away their AAA games day one which is the key point of Gamepass.
They're mixing and rebranding their current services in a way that might be more interesting for consumers.
The only news here is the back catalogue which is probably going to be streamed through emulators running on cloud servers and the different price tiers.
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Dick Jones

I need to see what the actual plan is before commenting. I wouldn't trust Jason when all Sony fucking hates that tubster, I doubt people are leaking the full details. Having a discounted merging of PS+ and Now would be good going forward. I dont really want them to devalue games going day 1 leading to underfunded games.

I'm currently playing my new Switch Pro released this year (news broken by Bloomberg) 😉
Just out of interest (could be an interesting poll), how much would you guys pay for a monthly sub if Sony included all 1st party games day one?

Going by what PS users on GAF have been saying over the past few years about gamepass..... There's zero things Sony could do to persuade them into a 'gamepass' type subscription service because

- subscription service are bad for the industry
- PS users don't like renting their games.

If what people have been saying is genuine and true then these new subscription services will be the biggest flops in PS history. My guess is that people weren't genuine and true about the critiques of gamepass.
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