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Reports: North Korea have fired ballistic missile test



Breaking News:

North Korea has fired what appears to be a ballistic missile, reports from South Korea say.

The missile was fired from a region near its west coast, Yonhap news agency reported.

North Korea has carried out a series of missile tests this year, increasing tensions with the US.

Pyongyang has accelerated its nuclear and missile tests in recent years, despite international condemnation and UN sanctions.
Two missile tests last month both failed.

The world awaits Trumps reaction.


Just posturing, pretty crazy posturing though considering the man baby who has potential to throw his toys out of the park and react to the posturing.


You should really at the word "Test" somewhere into the OP.

At the time of writing the word test wasn't used on the BBC article. It has since been updated and in turn I have updated the thread title.

Edit: can a mod help out. Thanks.



Trump's response resembles his tan: severe, unorthodox, alarming.
You'd think with the new SK president talking about wanting a better relation with NK and wanting a de-escalation NK would keep quiet for a while.

But guess not.


You'd think with the new SK president talking about wanting a better relation with NK and wanting a de-escalation NK would keep quiet for a while.

But guess not.

You're assuming a tyrannical fascist dictator who just assassinated his brother in another country using a deadly nerve agent is thinking rationally.

Kim Jong-Un is a spoiled fat piece of shit with a fraction of the intelligence that his grandfather Kim Il-Sung had or the political loyalty of his father Jong-Il. This is a man who exploded his own uncle in front of an anti-aircraft gun. Raised since birth to believe he is a god. Funny thing is, a lot of Japanese and South Koreans are still naive and think there will be a de-escalation. It is inevitable if this regime isn't stopped, that they will develop miniaturization of nuclear warheads and also develop ballistic missilea capable of striking most of East Asia, possibly Hawaii and the US west coast reliably within the next decade.


So I guess no Russia talk for a few more weeks.

In one sense, might this not actually be a good thing? If Trump actually has to handle a North Korea problem, especially if he wants to micro-manage it, doesn't that mean he can devote less time to shutting down the FBI investigation, and this gives the FBI the breathing room it needs to pursue the case?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
You're assuming a tyrannical fascist dictator who just assassinated his brother in another country using a deadly nerve agent is thinking rationally.

Kim Jong-Un is a spoiled fat piece of shit with a fraction of the intelligence that his grandfather Kim Il-Sung had or the political loyalty of his father Jong-Il. This is a man who exploded his own uncle in front of an anti-aircraft gun. Raised since birth to believe he is a god. Funny thing is, a lot of Japanese and South Koreans are still naive and think there will be a de-escalation. It is inevitable if this regime isn't stopped, that they will develop miniaturization of nuclear warheads and also develop ballistic missilea capable of striking most of East Asia, possibly Hawaii and the US west coast reliably within the next decade.

A real possibility. But the country is built on a one note economy of brinksmanship that only survives in the status quo. They have no plan or direction.


In one sense, might this not actually be a good thing? If Trump actually has to handle a North Korea problem, especially if he wants to micro-manage it, doesn't that mean he can devote less time to shutting down the FBI investigation, and this gives the FBI the breathing room it needs to pursue the case?

This is a man who is a pathological liar who one minute tweets a malicious lie like being wiretapped by Obama to making fun of Arnold Schwarzeneggar for low ratings the next. He will care more about what people think of his firing of Comey than what would happen to NK. A man who still cannot stop bringing up his win from November at every chance. He is a senile old man.


This is only going to be a successful distraction if people let themselves be distracted. In terms of actual events that could happen, North Korea doing another missile test is worth acknowledging but not really a massively unexpected thing that's inevitably going to consume the media cycle.

Like, if the only way that we can keep our eyes on the Comey situation is if the entire rest of the world agrees to just not do anything at all for the next couple of years, we're probably already doomed. Otherwise we can acknowledge this, he can react, SNL will bait him with a skit about the Comey thing tonight, he'll tweet, and we can all be back on it by morning.


It's suggested the missile travelled 700 kilometers.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea on Sunday launched a ballistic missile that flew about 700 kilometers (435 miles), South Korea's military said. It comes just days after the election of a new South Korean president and as U.S., Japanese and European militaries gather for war games in the Pacific.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed the early morning launch but had few other details, including what type of ballistic missile was fired. A statement said that the missile was fired from near Kusong City, in North Pyongan province, and that the South Korean and U.S. militaries are analyzing the details.

And the missle launches so far this year via AP:
Feb. 11 - In February, North Korea successfully tested a land-based KN-15 missile, a new solid-fuel intermediate-range missile, which traveled 310 miles into the Sea of Japan.

March 5 - In early March, North Korea launched five medium-range Scud-type missiles. Four traveled more than 600 miles, the upper limit of their range, into the Sea of Japan. The fifth took off, but later crashed. Three of missiles landed in waters in Japan's economic exclusion zone, which extends 200 miles from its shoreline.

March 21 - Later in the month, North Korea tested a mobile-launched missile which exploded "within seconds of launch," according to U.S. Pacific Command.

April 4 - U.S. officials said the missile spun out of control and landed in the Sea of Japan after traveling 34 miles. It was being assessed as an in-flight failure.

April 15 - Less than two weeks later, North Korea launched another KN-17 that exploded shortly after launch.

April 28 - North Korea fired a KN-17 for at least the third launch in April; this time the missile traveled 21 miles before breaking up in mid-air, according to a U.S. official.


I guess it's not a big deal right now not even CNN talking about it with Will Ripley who is the only western journalist in Pyongyang that we have to be reminded 40 times.


I guess it's not a big deal right now not even CNN talking about it with Will Ripley who is the only western journalist in Pyongyang that we have to be reminded 40 times.

You are pretending like CNN is still a credible news group and not entertainment news who pushes their own personalities and will probably dissect the next Trump tweet in an hourlong segment with 8 panelists, 2 of which will be some dumb fuck hypocritical Trump voters absolving Trump of whatever he has done this time.

It is also normalization and desensitization to it. Similar to how the first ISIS beheading was breaking news and yet now half their war crimes go untold. Look at the attention given to Syria during that first chemical weapons attack and the Obama red line to now. Far less, and far less cared. It only got more attention because soon after Trump launched 60+ cruise missiles. NK has done so many recent missile tests, journalists are just thinking so what.

Edit: and just like that CNN makes it breaking news with Ana Cabrera reporting.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You're assuming a tyrannical fascist dictator who just assassinated his brother in another country using a deadly nerve agent is thinking rationally.

Kim Jong-Un is a spoiled fat piece of shit with a fraction of the intelligence that his grandfather Kim Il-Sung had or the political loyalty of his father Jong-Il. This is a man who exploded his own uncle in front of an anti-aircraft gun. Raised since birth to believe he is a god. Funny thing is, a lot of Japanese and South Koreans are still naive and think there will be a de-escalation. It is inevitable if this regime isn't stopped, that they will develop miniaturization of nuclear warheads and also develop ballistic missilea capable of striking most of East Asia, possibly Hawaii and the US west coast reliably within the next decade.
I think the same thing will happen but for the opposite reason you do:

It's entirely rational for NK to want to become a nuclear power.

I've said it before but I don't really know where some of you get your ideas about Kim Jong Un being an especially wild-eyed nutcase. He seems like a relatively stable tyrannical dictator, as tyrannical dictators go. Oh he murdered his uncle? These guys always purge disloyalists on their way to the throne. His father did it too when he ascended to power. That's the name of the game.

He seems less of a crazy irrational diva than his father, I'd say. Or for that matter: Trump.

The role itself makes him an evil bastard, to be sure.


They guys have nuclear weapons knowledge and is working towards getting it upp and work. I don't think we can ignore them/
To be fair, no on in history has yet tried to just ignore a belligerant nuclear power. Maybe if they get no reaction after bombing Seoul and forming the "Greater Korean Republic", Kim will just get bored and leave the world in peace.
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