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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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He's pretty brazenly expressed his intention to "clean house" and install his own "people" in the intelligence agencies as soon as humanly possible. The entire point is he's going to remove everyone who would provide a check on his abuses of intelligence and assets.
Pretty much this. He'll have a whole battalion of crooked Comeys entrenched in key IC positions in no time.


They should feed him a fake and see if the Russians act on it. He'd be cold busted.
Oh, I can GUARANTEE you there are currently US operatives in the CIA and elsewhere RIGHT NOW who are pretending to remain loyal to Trump to help educe leverage. It's straight out of 24, and I'm not even joking, obviously.


these are weird days.

Has Trump surpassed the most hated President ever milestone yet?

He's starting with one of the lowest ever approval ratings (around 37%). Most of his policy positions and that of the republicans in general are deeply unpopular. I imagine his approval won't go down too much as there's a bedrock of fuckwits but it might drop another 5% or so.


He's starting with one of the lowest ever approval ratings (around 37%). Most of his policy positions and that of the republicans in general are deeply unpopular. I imagine his approval won't go down too much as there's a bedrock of fuckwits but it might drop another 5% or so.

Like over 70% of republicans support him right now. Only around 15% of democrats support him. Not sure about independents. If his support with republicans drops into the 50's or below I can easily see him in the 20's for approval.


He's pretty brazenly expressed his intention to "clean house" and install his own "people" in the intelligence agencies as soon as humanly possible. The entire point is he's going to remove everyone who would provide a check on his abuses of intelligence and assets.

Best interest to keep intelligence agents intact. If he just clears them out, boy, the secrets will come flying out. If agents have anything on him, forcing them out practically guarantees that that comes out.

Trump presidency will be the Age of Whistleblowers, my prediction.


He's pretty brazenly expressed his intention to "clean house" and install his own "people" in the intelligence agencies as soon as humanly possible. The entire point is he's going to remove everyone who would provide a check on his abuses of intelligence and assets.

One of the most terrifying things about him becoming president.
This dossier has been around a long time and a ton of people have seen it. If it was real it would have allowed Trump's republican and democrat enemies to crush him a long time ago. And it would have given a news agency that was able to break the story with proof one of the biggest stories of all time. If it was true it would have been proven by now. And add in that ludicrous story about prostitutes peeing on the bed the Obama's slept in, and the whole thing just sounds absurd. There's just no way it's true.


This dossier has been around a long time and a ton of people have seen it. If it was real it would have allowed Trump's republican and democrat enemies to crush him a long time ago. And it would have given a news agency that was able to break the story with proof one of the biggest stories of all time. If it was true it would have been proven by now. And add in that ludicrous story about prostitutes peeing on the bed the Obama's slept in, and the whole thing just sounds absurd. There's just no way it's true.

But it hasn't been investigated until now, the FBI sat on it for months and did nothing.
This dossier has been around a long time and a ton of people have seen it. If it was real it would have allowed Trump's republican and democrat enemies to crush him a long time ago. And it would have given a news agency that was able to break the story with proof one of the biggest stories of all time. If it was true it would have been proven by now. And add in that ludicrous story about prostitutes peeing on the bed the Obama's slept in, and the whole thing just sounds absurd. There's just no way it's true.

This Dossier has been around since June/July, has been corroborated by at least two other sources(see the BBC), and was largely not acted on because Trump was thought to lose.

Which is more likely to you:
That a vast majority of Mainstream Media news sites have verified that this is true, with Carl Bernstein(the guy who helped break Watergate) backing it, with a top former MI6 Agent having compiled the dossier and working voluntarily during the last part

Or that it's all just a hoax?

Remember, this is Trump, the man who opened his campaign accusing Mexicans of being racists, someone who boasted about Sexual assault, tax Evasion, etc. Trump is a walking Anamoly of absurdities.

The fact that The Senate is having Bipartisian hearings based on this indicates that this something at least serious.


This dossier has been around a long time and a ton of people have seen it. If it was real it would have allowed Trump's republican and democrat enemies to crush him a long time ago. And it would have given a news agency that was able to break the story with proof one of the biggest stories of all time. If it was true it would have been proven by now. And add in that ludicrous story about prostitutes peeing on the bed the Obama's slept in, and the whole thing just sounds absurd. There's just no way it's true.

Intelligence agencies have apparently seen other material that is not the dossier that corroborates the material and in other instances, offer different/further allegations.

Add to the fact that the MI6 agent who collected this data has worked with the FBI, is highly regarded in the intelligence community.

I think at this point, at least some aspects of this dossier is real. IC community, not just America's, but everyone else clearly thought it was important to be escalated into presidential briefings and further investigations. Also, as many people in this thread have highlighted, there has already been a ton of shady stuff that has been reported all of 2016 that for whatever reason, no on bothered to investigate (because, e-mails)

I'm not saying all of everything in the dossier is real. But some of it probably is because you don't see need the dossier to make those links.
He's pretty brazenly expressed his intention to "clean house" and install his own "people" in the intelligence agencies as soon as humanly possible. The entire point is he's going to remove everyone who would provide a check on his abuses of intelligence and assets.
We all know what happened the last couple of times a president tried to "clean house". This is not going to end well for Trump.


Wouldn't that be Nixon and deep throat, the FBI guy.

The writing is on the wall when other countries are thinking of not trusting the US Intelligence services because Trump is President and nobody would blame them.
We all know what happened the last couple of times a president tried to "clean house". This is not going to end well for Trump.

Has anyone ever tried to clear out the intelligence agencies?

Obviously, it's common practice for them to replace the old cabinet and diplomats, and I assume it's not unusual for them to change out department heads here and there, but I think the idea of replacing spies of all things is actually so utterly ridiculous that it would be unlikely for anyone to have tried it.

I mean, speaking as someone who was at the lower end of the totem pole (but still held a top secret clearance at one time), these aren't people with a skillset you have in such abundance that you get to be particularly picky about who fills the positions. That's the whole reason Obama's stuck with Comey: he's a shitlord, but it's not like he was ever spoiled for choice replacing him.

A list of presidents who tried to overhaul the intelligence community by installing partisans would probably be a short list of wannabe Hitlers, because the only real way you value party loyalty over core competency in those positions is if you're more concerned about fighting your own populace than foreign threats.
But it hasn't been investigated until now, the FBI sat on it for months and did nothing.

Why would they sit on something as serous as this for months?

This Dossier has been around since June/July, has been corroborated by at least two other sources(see the BBC), and was largely not acted on because Trump was thought to lose.

Which is more likely to you:
That a vast majority of Mainstream Media news sites have verified that this is true, with Carl Bernstein(the guy who helped break Watergate) backing it, with a top former MI6 Agent having compiled the dossier and working voluntarily during the last part

Or that it's all just a hoax?

Remember, this is Trump, the man who opened his campaign accusing Mexicans of being racists, someone who boasted about Sexual assault, tax Evasion, etc. Trump is a walking Anamoly of absurdities.

The fact that The Senate is having Bipartisian hearings based on this indicates that this something at least serious.

No mainstream news sites have verified that the dossier is true. No one has verified it, or Trump would be done right now.


Why would they sit on something as serous as this for months?

Why would they make an announcement that they were looking into Hillary's emails again less than a week before the election only to then say "nothing to see here" a few days later. And from the sound of things, the FBI only started investigating when McCain prodded them to after the election.
Why would they sit on something as serous as this for months?

No mainstream news sites have verified that the dossier is true. No one has verified it, or Trump would be done right now.
Sorry, I mistyped that. It's not that the Dossier is true, it's that they felt confident enough in their sources to publish an article mentioning the dossier. Considering the likelihood of Trump getting all the deflection rights if it's wrong, I don't think anyone would have published it if they didn't believe that it was true/had Merit being in the public discourse. Multiple high tier journalists have essentially staked their career in this, and I don't think they'd do so if there wasn't something leading them to believe it's truth.

As for your first question, It's Comey's fault. Dude spent all of 2016 pre-election trying to hurt Hillary. He had the report in the summer, but he chose not to comment on it, instead choosing to comment on fucking emails he hadn't even read yet.


Why would they sit on something as serous as this for months?

That's the correct question. Let me point you to this:

However, say security sources, Mr Steele became increasingly frustrated that the FBI was failing to take action on the intelligence from others as well as him. He came to believe there was a cover-up, that a cabal within the Bureau blocked a thorough inquiry into Mr Trump, focusing instead on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

And then you have this:

Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited.

“The FBI is Trumpland,” said one current agent.

The Daily Beast reported on Thursday on ties between Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor, and the FBI’s New York field office, which reportedly pressed the FBI to revisit the Clinton server investigation after beginning an inquiry into Weiner’s alleged sexual texting with a minor. The website reported that a former New York field office chief, highly critical of the non-indictment, runs a military charity that has received significant financial donations from Trump.

From the first article:

The New York office, in particular, appeared to be on a crusade against Ms Clinton. Some of its agents had a long working relationship with Rudy Giuliani, by then a member of the Trump campaign, since his days as public prosecutor and then Mayor of the city.

The FBI and Director Comey, it was announced this week, will be under investigation by the Department of Justice on their conduct during the election.
Why would they make an announcement that they were looking into Hillary's emails again less than a week before the election only to then say "nothing to see here" a few days later. And from the sound of things, the FBI only started investigating when McCain prodded them to after the election.

I assume you forget the Paul Combetta saga which reopened the week before?
I mean Hillary paid his company 56,000 dollars after he Justice department gave him immunity


Not sure why people keep comparing this stuff from Hillary to this, you think Mossad and other agencies haven't also tracked Trump. More then 1 report out there, not just be ex-agents ones based on chinese whispers


I assume you forget the Paul Combetta saga?
I mean Hillary paid his company 56,000 dollars after he Justice department gave him immunity


No, I mean the fbi director coming out and announcing they were investigating the weiner emails which included Hilalry literally less than a week before election day before knowing if there was anything new there, only to turn around and say they were just duplicates of emails already examined.

Oh wait, I misread, thought you said mean rather than forget. Combetta worked for Hillary, she paid them. Big story.
Why would they make an announcement that they were looking into Hillary's emails again less than a week before the election only to then say "nothing to see here" a few days later. And from the sound of things, the FBI only started investigating when McCain prodded them to after the election.

Sorry, I mistyped that. It's not that the Dossier is true, it's that they felt confident enough in their sources to publish an article mentioning the dossier. Considering the likelihood of Trump getting all the deflection rights if it's wrong, I don't think anyone would have published it if they didn't believe that it was true/had Merit being in the public discourse. Multiple high tier journalists have essentially staked their career in this, and I don't think they'd do so if there wasn't something leading them to believe it's truth.

As for your first question, It's Comey's fault. Dude spent all of 2016 pre-election trying to hurt Hillary. He had the report in the summer, but he chose not to comment on it, instead choosing to comment on fucking emails he hadn't even read yet.

That's the correct question. Let me point you to this:

And then you have this:

From the first article:

The FBI and Director Comey, it was announced this week, will be under investigation by the Department of Justice on their conduct during the election.

Maybe you guys are right. This is some crazy stuff.
It is really disturbing to think that anyone in the FBI could be infatuated with Trump. It's one thing to be conservative. This is something else.
What a coincidence on December 26th: A top executive of Rosneft Oleg Erovinkin, also a former FSB agent, was found dead, with no official cause of death.

No official cause of death?
But it says in your source that he had a heart attack...

Oleg Erovinkin has passed away due to a heart attack, Russian state-run RIA Novosti news agency reported on Monday.


No official cause of death?
But it says in your source that he had a heart attack...
Yeah, it says official cause of death (I'm not sure why that poster said that).


On May 22, 2008 Erovinkin was appointed as the Head of the Secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, serving until May 2012.

Russia's Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov was assassinated in Ankara on Dec. 19. Another Russian diplomat, Petr Polshikov, was also found dead in his apartment in Moscow the same day. Yves Chandelon, the chief auditor of NATO relating to terrorism financing and money laundering, was also found dead in his car on Dec. 16 in an incident that has also raised suspicions.

Oleg Erovinkin
Petr Polshikov
Yves Chandelon
Andrey Karlov (edit: well, this was a public assassination, so it seems a bit conspiracy-theory to think the Russians ordered someone to suicide-assassinate as a deliberate obfuscation)

Four mysterious deaths within 11 days... all ambassadors, or related in some way to Turkey/NATO/Rosneft/Igor Sechin(CEO of Rosneft and Putin loyalist)

Perhaps these people had something to do with Christopher Steele's intelligence gathering. I wonder if anyone here can come up with any stronger links between these four men.


Four mysterious deaths within 11 days... all ambassadors, or related in some way to Turkey/NATO/Rosneft/Igor Sechin(CEO of Rosneft and Putin loyalist)

Perhaps these people had something to do with Christopher Steele's intelligence gathering.

I'm sure this is normal /s.
No official cause of death?
But it says in your source that he had a heart attack...

Cue: "Russian state-run RIA Novosti news agency reported"
The initial Russian report seems to have had a different headline: "Sechin’s Chief of Staff Killed in Downtown Moscow". See https://cgrozev.wordpress.com/2017/01/14/tower-of-cards-part-1/ (chapter "Sudden Death Syndrome").

The official cause of death is made more dubious by:

According to Life.ru, the cause of death has not yet been determined. Officials from the Federal Security Service (FSB) have opened an investigation.

Later, Rosneft Press Secretary Mikhail Leontiev confirmed Erovinkin's death, saying that the 61-year-old had problems with his heart.
Best interest to keep intelligence agents intact. If he just clears them out, boy, the secrets will come flying out. If agents have anything on him, forcing them out practically guarantees that that comes out.

Trump presidency will be the Age of Whistleblowers, my prediction.
The age of dead whistleblowers if Obama's policy trends carry forward.


Cue: "Russian state-run RIA Novosti news agency reported"
The initial Russian report seems to have had a different headline: "Sechin's Chief of Staff Killed in Downtown Moscow". See https://cgrozev.wordpress.com/2017/01/14/tower-of-cards-part-1/ (chapter "Sudden Death Syndrome").

The official cause of death is made more dubious by:



The Rosneft Press Secretary mentioned in that article, one Mikhail V. Leontyev (or Leontiev)...

... was heavily involved in the FAKED MH17 PHOTO scandal of 2014 (just before he was appointed to Rosneft).

"We can assume that the photograph was taken by an American or British satellite," Andriyevskiy told Channel One, "we have studied the photograph in detail and found nothing suggesting that it is fake.

The presenter, well-known pro-Kremlin commentator Mikhail Leontyev, agreed. "To fake something like this, you'd have to be an even bigger professional than to have access to this kind of information," he said.

Mr Leontyev also suggested that the timing of the report was not accidental either. "We know that Australian Prime Minister Abbott threatened to ask our president some difficult questions about the Malaysian Boeing. Let us help him," Leontyev said
at the start of the broadcast.
(partial) summary write up of the money trail for now:
Seems this is at the core of what is going on.

Ex Mi-6 agent Chris Steele's 35 page long opposition research dossier on Trump is dated October 18th and has this bombshell in it:
Russian State Oil Company CEO Sechin (who is part of Putin's inner circle) offered Trump/Page associates 19% stake in Rosneft if personal and state sanctions were lifted.
SOURCE: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984/Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.pdf

On November 7th, Russia signed the deal to sell 19.5% of its stake in Rosneft - which amounts to $11 billion - to Glencore Plc and Qatar sovereign wealth fund.
Commodity trader Glencore Plc and Qatar's sovereign wealth fund agreed to buy a 10.2-billion euro ($11 billion) stake in Russia's largest oil producer from the state in a triumph for President Vladimir Putin over sanctions imposed by the West.

What a coincidence on December 26th: A top executive of Rosneft Oleg Erovinkin, also a former FSB agent, was found dead, with no official cause of death.

Starting in September, it was reported that Carter Page would be 'advising Trump on energy policy and Russia', and has been probed by the US regarding ties to Russian leaders. Page also has ties with executives at Gazprom through his assistance in advising 'some of its biggest deals in the past decade'. Gazprom is the investment bank that funded the 19.5% purchase of the Rosneft stake by Glencore.
SOURCE: https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/media-russias-gazprombank-fund-rosnefts-145052476.html
"Trump's mystery man in Moscow"

And then we have this:
The head of Qatar's sovereign wealth fund said it would invest $10 billion in unspecified infrastructure projects inside the United States in response to Donald Trump. Qatar was part of the sale of the 19.5% of Rosnef.
SOURCE: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-qatar-usa-investment-idUSKBN1421AF

Bonus round:
Rudy Guiliani's law firm also has Rosneft as a client.
SOURCE: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...m-may-open-in-china-after-london-office-grows
They also advise Qatar's state run oil company:
SOURCE: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/giuliani-foreign-clientele-possible-conflicts-231413

Carter Page, who has worked for several years in Moscow for Merill Lynch is tied to that Glencore fund.
SOURCE: http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-update-december-13-2016/
also Page seeing opportuniities in Russia:
SOURCE: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-usa-trump-idUSKBN13Y1VD

And in an interview from January 14th with the WSJ, Trump still going on about lifting sanctions as soon as Russia is nice and helps with the fight against terrorists.
SOURCE: http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-sets-a-bar-for-russia-and-china-1484360380

DoublePlusGood bonus round:
Trump's SOS pick Rex Tillerson has excellent ties to Sechin/Rosneft
SOURCES: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...side-rex-tillersons-long-romance-with-russia/

Problem with something like this is that the same kind of connections with unsavory actors can be found with the Clintons, and the Bush family. Did their connections impact their behavior? Probably, but how do you prove it? That a massive organization like the Trump group is going to swim in circles with other wealthy, powerful groups is to be expected. Question remains, though--how much or little impact will it have on Trump as a president - how much did the Saudi ties impact George W. Bush? How much did China ties impact Clinton?

The Chinese funneled money to the Clintons, not much happened with that, in spite of Clinton getting China MFN status. The Bushes were deeply in bed with the Saudis, and protected them after 9/11. Nothing happened there, either. I don't see anything happening to Trump, either.

As much as I would like to see subpoenas and warrants issued in light of this data, conflicts of interest are necessarily illegal for the president. Clintons taking campaign donations from China was illegal for sure, but they got off with a slap on the wrist. The Bush family protecting the Saudis after 9/11 was nauseating, but I don't think it was illegal. That's the problem with Trump, without a smoking gun it's hard to prove (no matter how obvious it appears to an onlooker) that US govt interests were compromised as part of a quid pro quo agreement.

Edit: Wow at the string of (ostensibly) related deaths... that said, any particular way to PROVE they're related?


Yeah, it says official cause of death (I'm not sure why that poster said that).


Oleg Erovinkin
Petr Polshikov
Yves Chandelon
Andrey Karlov (edit: well, this was a public assassination, so it seems a bit conspiracy-theory to think the Russians ordered someone to suicide-assassinate as a deliberate obfuscation)

Four mysterious deaths within 11 days... all ambassadors, or related in some way to Turkey/NATO/Rosneft/Igor Sechin(CEO of Rosneft and Putin loyalist)

Perhaps these people had something to do with Christopher Steele's intelligence gathering. I wonder if anyone here can come up with any stronger links between these four men.
I'm sure this is normal /s.
They probably all ate some borscht that didn't agree with them. People really need to start taking better care of themselves and eating healthier.


Water is not wet!
Best interest to keep intelligence agents intact. If he just clears them out, boy, the secrets will come flying out. If agents have anything on him, forcing them out practically guarantees that that comes out.

Trump presidency will be the Age of Whistleblowers, my prediction.
i was listening to talk radio today to get a feel for how the GOP is going to move forward. ive been hearing a lot of propaganda on sedition. Emphasizing the wisdom of Lincoln to go after Americas enemies whether they were foreign or domestic. i say get ready for the Age of Crackdowns.


there was a Civil War going on at the time of Lincoln. so if they want to use that premise, they're going to need to try a lot harder.
Problem with something like this is that the same kind of connections with unsavory actors can be found with the Clintons, and the Bush family.

Quite possibly. What makes the whole string of connections interesting in this particular case isn't necessarily that it exists, but that it can be tied to the leaked document through the 19% number promised for a specific political favor (lifting the sanctions), which again would make the deal valuable. A vague economical connection between state leaders would be problematic but hardly treasonous in most cases, but in this case it goes way, way beyond that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Cross-posting from PoliGAF:

On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.
Cross-posting from PoliGAF:

On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.
Well, that is very stupid from Pence. If Trump gets booted out of the White House if evidence is found of his ties, is Pence then still an option if he goes along with this?
Help Us Map Trump’s Global Businesses And Associates - BuzzFeed News




never left the stone age
Man, this is all so interesting to follow, definitely one for the history books. I hope we get to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes


Man, this is all so interesting to follow, definitely one for the history books. I hope we get to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes
For me it'll only be facinating if something goes down before Friday. After that point I expect the worst.


Anyone gonna send anything? I was about to send this but I'm wondering if GAF has more to add (I have limited time):

Please investigate the ties between Trump and ROSNEFT (including Tillerson, Exxon, Giuliani, Glencore, Igor Sechin, Mikhail V. Leontyev (or Leontiev) and the three dead officials between the 16-26 December, 2016 (Oleg Erovinkin, Petr Polshikov and Yves Chandelle).

See this NeoGAF forum thread for a little digging: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=228412090#post228412090

There may be various interconnections between any and all of these people.


This is turning into a fascinating story fit for a movie...The Illuminati is real i see.

I wonder how will the greatest empire today, will deal with this. How can the US allow the cold war loser to pull her strings like a fiddle?


Well, that is very stupid from Pence. If Trump gets booted out of the White House if evidence is found of his ties, is Pence then still an option if he goes along with this?
Pence shouldn't be allowed to squirrel his way out of this. He needs to go down with the Trump ship.
I don't care if he was initially thrust upon an unwilling Trump camp or not. He's part of it now.

It's Ryan or bust as far as I'm concerned. Kudos to Wallace for putting Pence on the hot seat.
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