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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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When Trump is made president cant he just replace the head of the CIA with Rudy Giuliani or some twat and make all the evidence vanish and have the investigation stopped?
He's already replaced the director of the CIA. Mike Pompeo takes over on Friday.

Meet Mike Pompeo, the far-right Christian zealot with Islamophobe ties who will lead Trump’s CIA - Salon.com


Rep. Mike Pompeo is a Rapture-believing evangelical who sees "radical Islam" at work in small-town America.
All I'm saying is that if I was Kellystan, I'd take the money and run.

Sticking around just to bullshit is only going to arouse more suspicion.

EDIT: Bleaugh...Mike Pompeo. Where does Trump keep finding these assholes?


When Trump is made president cant he just replace the head of the CIA with Rudy Giuliani or some twat and make all the evidence vanish and have the investigation stopped?

I am just trying to understand how much damage he can do to impede or stop the investigation once he is officially Prez.

The CIA, or any American intelligence agency, are not the only people investigating and certainly not the only people with access to sources and information useful in an investigation. He might be able to appoint people sympathetic to him but it will accomplish little.
Not that easily. Yes, he nominates a new director, but that requires confirmation by the Senate. Also, there are tons of career intelligence people, that will whistleblow/leak if legitimate avenues of investigation start getting shut down.

If any info leaked will just be as useful as the Steele leak. If the people calling the shots wont want to act on it, it will be just another story for the pile.

I just start to think that it wont matter if the global intelligence agencies have proof and made it public at that point.



Good interview with CIA director Brennan. He seems genuinely pissed off by Trump's "IC = Nazis" comments.

That "neither denial nor confirmation" when he tells Wallace they would have shared any solid intelligence about Russian ties to Trump's camp with the FBI is intriguing.
Almost like he passes the buck to Comey for not having acted sooner.


If any info leaked will just be as useful as the Steele leak. If the people calling the shots wont want to act on it, it will be just another story for the pile.

I just start to think that it wont matter if the global intelligence agencies have proof and made it public at that point.

If the media get their hands on damning info they can corroborate there is no cover any more. The moment that happens Republicans will turn on Trump as a unit.


I wonder what Paul Ryan is thinking. I mean...if you were that close to knocking out the president and vice president to gain the throne...wouldn't you take it?


I wonder what Paul Ryan is thinking. I mean...if you were that close to knocking out the president and vice president to gain the throne...wouldn't you take it?

Republicans have been almost entirely silent after the closed-door briefings and announcement of the senate investigation, neither confirming or denying anything. Just a few days ago they didn't want any investigations and now several have begun and they've gone quiet. It's... interesting and could mean any number of things.... Thinking of dumping Trump, riding it out, how to spin this, etc.


I wonder what Paul Ryan is thinking. I mean...if you were that close to knocking out the president and vice president to gain the throne...wouldn't you take it?

He doesn't see like the type to stand front and centre. Seems like he avoids it and just wants to be in the shadows.
I wonder what Paul Ryan is thinking. I mean...if you were that close to knocking out the president and vice president to gain the throne...wouldn't you take it?

Dude would lose in 2020, and it would be at the cost of maybe being assassinated by a Russian agent in 5 years and the alienation of your parties base?

It is probably the only way that guy is ever becoming president but I think the GOP is so rotten it might just go along with trump for the foreseeable future.
He doesn't see like the type to stand front and centre. Seems like he avoids it and just wants to be in the shadows.

Is that why he was Romney's VP and took over as Speaker of the House after Boehner left? And took a highly visible role as chairman of the budget committee ("the Ryan budget")?
I wonder what Paul Ryan is thinking. I mean...if you were that close to knocking out the president and vice president to gain the throne...wouldn't you take it?

Sure, if he wanted to inherit a country that is reeling from corruption of the highest order. Everything he did would be deeply scrutinized and many people, Democrats and Republicans alike, would not consider him legitimate. He'd be out of office the second 2020 hits.


Is that why he was Romney's VP and took over as Speaker of the House after Boehner left? And took a highly visible role as chairman of the budget committee ("the Ryan budget")?

It's still a pulling strings gig. I'm not saying he can't do a speech or whatever but I don't think he wants the top job.


I am 100% sure the reason Trump is pushing for a meeting with Putin as soon as possible is because he needs an excuse in order to call for the removal of sanctions, otherwise the GOP can't remove them, but they just want an excuse to proceed.

Trump already has this figured out, and feels that if at worst he can't stay as president for long, removing the sanctions will have been worth it for his post-presidency life, since it brings billions back in many companies/people's pockets and probably clears off a lot of his own debts.

"Today I met with Vladimir Putin, and we have agreed that for the sake of global security and peace we must combine our efforts to fight against Islamic terrorists around the globe. In order to establish good relationships between our two countries and fight this global threat together and with our allies, I am calling for congress to remove the Obama sanctions placed on Russia so that we can move forward as soon as possible."

GOP removes sanctions, done.


I am 100% sure the reason Trump is pushing for a meeting with Putin as soon as possible is because he needs an excuse in order to call for the removal of sanctions, otherwise the GOP can't remove them, but they just want an excuse to proceed.

Trump already has this figured out, and feels that if at worst he can't stay as president for long, removing the sanctions will have been worth it for his post-presidency life, since it brings billions back in many companies/people's pockets and probably clears off a lot of his own debts.

"Today I met with Vladimir Putin, and we have agreed that for the sake of global security and peace we must combine our efforts to fight against Islamic terrorists around the globe. In order to establish good relationships between our two countries and fight this global threat together and with our allies, I am calling for congress to remove the Obama sanctions placed on Russia so that we can move forward as soon as possible."

GOP removes sanctions, done.

Senate wouldn't, I would be shocked if McCain, Graham, Collins and Rubio to name just 4 agreed to that.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Every time Kelly Ann Conway lies, she ages 2 years
Nah, if it were true, she'd already look like this by now:

I wonder what Paul Ryan is thinking. I mean...if you were that close to knocking out the president and vice president to gain the throne...wouldn't you take it?
Well, he's scummy enough, but he doesn't have the balls. Paul Ryan is the epitome of the cowardly politician.
Sure, if he wanted to inherit a country that is reeling from corruption of the highest order. Everything he did would be deeply scrutinized and many people, Democrats and Republicans alike, would not consider him legitimate. He'd be out of office the second 2020 hits.

Probably best case scenario at this point. A Dem should easily take back the presidency in 2020.


Could be the strongest wave of change yet, if this shithole of a presidency blows up.

How can Republicans come back from literally putting in a treasonous sack of shit?

You are overestimating it. Even if he were banged to rights for the treasonous fuck he is. At least 40% of the country would still vote for him. They are too far gone.


No matter how serious this will get Trump won't be kicked out of office, even if he is potentially a threat to national security?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I just... what? What is happening?


Jesus fucking what the fuck

Either Trump pandering to the insane evangelical zealots who make up a core part of the modern GOP base, or Pence whispering in Trump's ear. (The CIA pick isn't just a delusional islamophobe, but also a extremely virulent homophobe who thinks gay people represent America embracing "disease".)

Good interview with CIA director Brennan. He seems genuinely pissed off by Trump's "IC = Nazis" comments.

That "neither denial nor confirmation" when he tells Wallace they would have shared any solid intelligence about Russian ties to Trump's camp with the FBI is intriguing.
Almost like he passes the buck to Comey for not having acted sooner.

How come Fox News does not like Trump? I never understood that
Mike Pompeo, our next CIA director:
After a 2013 visit to [Guantánamo Bay], Pompeo said, of the prisoners who were on hunger strike, "It looked to me like a lot of them had put on weight."
"Congress should pass a law re-establishing collection of all metadata, and combining it with publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive, searchable database. Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed. That includes Presidential Policy Directive-28, which bestows privacy rights on foreigners and imposes burdensome requirements to justify data collection."

He will leave that aside and do his job right?

They might be crazy but surely the job isn't dictated by their beliefs. I'm hoping.
Not in this reality


I just wanna say... out of all the names implicated in this large conspiracy... I expected the surrogates, Trump himself, Manafort, etc...

What I did not expect was for JILL FUCKING STEIN to be accused as a Russian plant for the sake of cultivating discord among the liberal base.

I had a friend on my Facebook accusing me (a Black man) of being the real racist because I voted for Hillary, who he believed had KKK funding, instead of Stein.

Now, months later, after de-friending him and nearly whooping his ass, the other shoe has dropped. Can't believe I wasted breath on trying to debate with him about this shit, lol.
Could be the strongest wave of change yet, if this shithole of a presidency blows up.

How can Republicans come back from literally putting in a treasonous sack of shit?
Well, a few months ago everyone thought the Republican party was dead and divided with Trump running for President. And now they hold more power then ever. So you never know.


I just wanna say... out of all the names implicated in this large conspiracy... I expected the surrogates, Trump himself, Manafort, etc...

What I did not expect was for JILL FUCKING STEIN to be accused as a Russian plant for the sake of cultivating discord among the liberal base.

I had a friend on my Facebook accusing me (a Black man) of being the real racist because I voted for Hillary, who he believed had KKK funding, instead of Stein.

Now, months later, after de-friending him and nearly whooping his ass, the other shoe has dropped. Can't believe I wasted breath on trying to debate with him about this shit, lol.

Stein was at RT gala dinners with Putin, who was sat next to Flynn. I mean this was known well before the dossier.
I am 100% sure the reason Trump is pushing for a meeting with Putin as soon as possible is because he needs an excuse in order to call for the removal of sanctions, otherwise the GOP can't remove them, but they just want an excuse to proceed.

Trump already has this figured out, and feels that if at worst he can't stay as president for long, removing the sanctions will have been worth it for his post-presidency life, since it brings billions back in many companies/people's pockets and probably clears off a lot of his own debts.

"Today I met with Vladimir Putin, and we have agreed that for the sake of global security and peace we must combine our efforts to fight against Islamic terrorists around the globe. In order to establish good relationships between our two countries and fight this global threat together and with our allies, I am calling for congress to remove the Obama sanctions placed on Russia so that we can move forward as soon as possible."

GOP removes sanctions, done.
I think trying to remove the sanctions is exactly what Obama wants Trump to do. Not to get all "3D Chess" or anything, but that was certainly the point of Obama extending them. It places Trump in a very difficult position.
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