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Republican Debate 12 [CNN] Ru-Bi-Oh! It's time to d-d-d-d-dddddd-drop out

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i've been begging for over 5 years.
I'm not nerdy enough to understand most of these OP's but I'm glad they exist.


That's exactly what he's hoping for. He should have bowed out long ago "for the good of the party". But it might not have mattered with Kasich anyway.
Kasich and Rubio remaining is for the good of the party, so that they don't end up with Trump or Cruz as a candidate.
If neither gets a majority before the convention, anything can happen. There are a couple of rules to who exactly can be chosen, but it doesn't have to be Cruz or Trump.

If it comes to that, voters are going to be pissed off and the Republican is almost definitely going to lose the election.
If neither gets a majority before the convention, anything can happen. There are a couple of rules to who exactly can be chosen, but it doesn't have to be Cruz or Trump.

Kasich and Rubio won't have enough primary wins to be eligible. It will only be Cruz and Trump in the pool unless they change the rules at the last minute.


remember me
The convention rules can be changed before the convention. The rules committee meets like a week before. If they want to rewrite them to allow Kasich, Rubio or Rmoney to be options they can.
The convention rules can be changed before the convention. The rules committee meets like a week before. If they want to rewrite them to allow Kasich, Rubio or Rmoney to be options they can.

I honestly believe if they pulled that, Cruz would blow himself up and tell his delegates to vote for Trump.

He seems to not want any sort of convention back room deals going on, and wants to either win or lose the traditional way. He's said as much a few times.



Bah gawd!
They would just need to get those after the first round fails to produce a winner, no? At that point, the delegates would be free to choose for themselves.

After the first round, assuming they don't change the rules, only those who have 8 or more wins are eligible. So it would only be Trump and Cruz, as Rubio and Kasich have no chance to get 8 wins by the convention. I think Rubio has 2 and will probably drop out next week, Kasich has 0, but might win a few eventually (but not 8).
Kasich will remind everyone of that time he worked with that guy that one time to do that thing that won that award.

Then he'll mention something about how jolly gee willikers of a dang honest nice guy he is, be called out on it by the moderator for running hate ads against whoever, and then say "Yea, I'm not going to address that, sorry" and then awkwardly laugh.

Repeat 3-5 times and there's Kasich's entire debate.


41 > 38
Rubio will be desperate tonight, expect many many cheap shots at Trump, and everyone will ignore Kasich as usual

I'm not so sure. Internal polling found that his support collapsed once he started in with that shit, and he has even said several times in recent days that he regrets going there. My prediction is that he will try to do what he can to salvage his political future. He knows he isn't going to be the nominee.
Who knows maybe they're prepping Kasich to go anti-Trump too. Trump might be fighting 1v3 tonight.

Kasich can't go up against Trump.

Kasich has ran his entire campaign as being the moderate, nice, non confrontational candidate.

Getting in a shouting match with Trump would destroy that, and every time you address Trump it's a shouting match.
Every single time.


Giant tropical centipedes share their territories with tarantulas. Despite it's impressive length, it's a nimble navigator, and some can be highly venomous. As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing venom.


It will be interesting if Kasich does start truly flaunting his numbers. Trump might get pissed and we'll see if Kasich can keep avoiding confrontation once Trump goes in.


Makai, hypothetically who would be who if this was the theme for the Democratic debate last night


Hillary Clinton
will evolve to get elected

Ash Ketchum
Bernie Sanders
universal healthcare - outrageous food inflation


Professor Oak
Joe Biden
loaned Bernie his Voterdex - empty

Lt Serge
Jim Webb

Lincoln Chafee
comic relief villain - attempts to catch Hillary always backfired

Lawrence Lessig
science went too far - communicates telepatheticly

Martin O'Malley
rock hard body - spends all his time in a gym


If neither gets a majority before the convention, anything can happen. There are a couple of rules to who exactly can be chosen, but it doesn't have to be Cruz or Trump.

If that happens Trump will certainly run as an independent regardless of what he said at the last debate. There is a difference between someone else winning the actual primaries, and the convention choosing somebody who doesn't have the majority of the votes.

If they actually choose someone that isn't Trump or Cruz, Trump will run as an independent and they will lose the entire election.


So last night the "take a shot" word/phrase was Wall Street. What about tonight?

I'm the best?
Make a deal?
A reference to current polls?
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