Chuck Norris
I totally agree his issues are pointed in the wrong directionSure, I get that. But it's also hard for someone to be "white men are the lowest on the totem pole" when they, by an overwhelming majority, control most of the world's wealth.
If life is getting harder for the average white rural male, it's because everyone else has been trying to get an actual slice of the pie, while he's been auctioning off greater slices of his pie to the super wealthy via way of conservative politicians. So of course it seems like everyone is doing better than him. He had the most to lose.
BUT grouping all white males together is also extremely problematic. This kind of person does NOT feel the benefits of being a white male. As with most things all the benefits of the sort of hierarchy go to the ruling class
Liberals have divided many white males because of racial and gender politics. They (like many in this thread) group low income white males with the ruling class and there has been a major rhetoric about the white male vs everyone else.
The real discussion should be the 1% class versus everyone else. They may be mostly white males but they don't represent the interests of most white males. Republicans have done a good job of making them think that they do, while Democrats have pushed this demographic to the side