There are a lot of misconceptions about the "benefits" of being a woman and I think your post (although well intentioned) exhibits this. For example, while you list alimony as a benefit of being a woman, it's not commonly awarded and it's awarded only to the lower earning (disadvantaged) spouse. Also, regardless of alimony (and contrary to the common perception) women are significantly more likely to experience poverty, following a divorce.
Next, while you mention custody as a benefit of being a woman, studies have found that fathers who ask for custody, receive it over 70% of the time.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean by referring to "maternity leave" as a benefit of being a woman, but I'd remind you how limited maternity leave is in the U.S. and how much of what is protected is necessary just to physically recover from giving birth.
So many of the commonly believed "benefits" of being a woman are based on misinformation. It's a shame and it keeps people from really considering the effects of sexism.