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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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They are not OLED, but WOLED.

More like LOLED though.
Unfortunately, Samsung tried to make an actual RGB OLED TV-sized panel and even released a TV one year with that technology. They withdrew the technology from market after just one year of a small production run because they had too many difficulties with producing enough panels without defects, and the fact that the different color pixels degraded at different rates meant the TV's that did make it into customer hands soon had really horrible burn-in and color shifting of the entire image.

The current WOLED panels that LG use with color filters overlaid at least ensures the pixel degradation occurs at a constant rate for all colors, but burn-in is still an unsolved problem because of how emissive displays inherently work. If you primarily watch movies it's probably not a huge deal. Games have a lot of non-moving display elements on the screen though, like HUD's and HP bars and shit like that. It's just not a good idea to buy an OLED TV exclusively for gaming.


TaySan TaySan

You're a two. faced. nasty. little. fuck. Your "Opinion"on who is a "Decent" fellow is worth nothing when it's a gaggle of cunts covering each others back.

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Xaero Gravity

TaySan TaySan

You're a two. faced. nasty. little. fuck. Your "Opinion"on who is a "Decent" fellow is worth nothing when it's a gaggle of cunts covering each others back.

He didn't acknowledge it when I brought it up, doubt he will with you.

Edit: I'm always wrong :(
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TaySan TaySan

You're a two. faced. nasty. little. fuck. Your "Opinion"on who is a "Decent" fellow is worth nothing when it's a gaggle of cunts covering each others back.

I didn't want him to kill himself and I didn't know anything about him before he made those videos. I made a knee jerk reaction to and I apologized. I don't think anyone In era wanted that to happen.


I didn't want him to kill himself and I didn't know anything about him before he made those videos. I made a knee jerk reaction to and I apologized. I don't think anyone In era wanted that to happen.

You Never apologized. If you did, it was after you showed how much of an asshole you were to the world.

Receipts please.


You Never apologized. If you did, it was after you showed how much of an asshole you were to the world.

Receipts please.
"I'm so sorry we let you down :( R.I.P Hope you find peace in another life." It's right there in your post. We did let him down. What was more to say? :(


I get nervous as fuck driving through the bible belt, ...

Why? Did anything ever happen to you there? Did you see anything happen to anyone else like you?

Could it be that the reason you get "nervous as fuck" while driving through the bible belt is merely the negative image created by the media - which distorts, deceives and in general lies to the Moon and back in the last ten years or so?
Why? Did anything ever happen to you there? Did you see anything happen to anyone else like you?

Um, yes? I've had run-ins with straight up neo-nazis in both South Carolina and Alabama, and they were in broad daylight. I just kept my mouth shut because I doubt they would have been as kind had they heard my last name.

Do I think everyone there or even the majority of the people there are like that? Hell no, but I've had enough experience in many of those areas (the ones outside the cities mostly) where ignorance about other religions can turn to passive-aggressive malice very quickly. It's not like that's some unheard of phenomenon, it's a legit part of human psychology for people largely isolated from certain groups, which is made worse by strict belief structures. It's not like I think I'm less safe there than 90% of the middle east, but it doesn't invalidate my own experiences.

I didn't want him to kill himself and I didn't know anything about him before he made those videos. I made a knee jerk reaction to and I apologized. I don't think anyone In era wanted that to happen.

Whether they wanted to or not doesn't change the fact they not only misunderstood the situation, but CONTINUED to spread misinformation about mental illness even after it happened.

I'll just quote myself when the whole thing happened:

I haven't been keeping up with this thread, so I'm sure it's already been posted, but this:

Actively makes me FURIOUS. I've been dealing with suicidal thoughts and depression my entire life alongside borderline personality disorder. Those who actually have experience dealing with people like that know that yeah, there's going to be times where you're a MASSIVE asshole. And yeah, that includes bigotry and other shit that you might not actually believe in an attempt to push people away or get attention or whatever.

These people will spout off about empathy and understanding and all that other bullshit, but the second they actually have to do the most minuscule amount of work that is interacting with a truly mentally disturbed person, they turn tail and try to fucking "cancel" them. Then once it's too late, they talk all these platitudes and hollow promises to do better when THEY CONTRIBUTED TO THAT CULTURE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Looking in on Era as an outsider, I saw them as aggressive but ultimately well-meaning. I've gotten frustrated with their methods, but I was never once angry at them. That has changed. This selective empathy is far more rage-inducing than the jokers on twitter and hate sites shitting on everyone. At least I know where they stand and have already acknowledged that they're awful people, something they probably will tell you themselves. But I expect this supposed "progressive" space to be so much better, not just the opposite extreme.

You fuckers over at Era need a trigger warning for your entire goddamn forum. Not for your shitty "Oh, I'm super privileged but got slightly offended at someone being ignorant over modern terminology" posters, but the people with ACTUAL mental illness visiting the place.

And the people that are supposedly "regretting" their past words. Let me ask you this. Would you extend the same support you're now retroactively extending to Etika for a Trump voter? What about a clearly mentally ill famous person like Kanye? Because I've seen enough of you wishing death on people like that that I can't see it. I remember that thread about the GOP lawmaker that killed himself and people were fucking CELEBRATING.

If you're an Era user and everything I said above doesn't apply to you, I really recommend you stop posting there. It is contributing to a culture where tragedies like this WILL happen again. To use some of their own terminology, you're not gonna be on "the right side of history" if you remain there.


Can we even be sure TaySan TaySan isn't legitimately crazy or just an elaborate troll? What if they're playing Chess while we're stuck playing Checkers? 🤔

I think you mixed it up. It's them playing checkers while thinking they are some goddamn Kasparov.
Compare some of our sleeper agents to REEEs. We are getting people banned and sometimes set the narrative for topics.
Why? Because it's easier to play crazy than to act normal. That's why theyalways burn their cover. They can' function in a society 😂
I didn't want him to kill himself and I didn't know anything about him before he made those videos. I made a knee jerk reaction to and I apologized. I don't think anyone In era wanted that to happen.
So would you agree that reee in general has lots of knee jerk reactions?
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Gold Member
I didn't want him to kill himself and I didn't know anything about him before he made those videos. I made a knee jerk reaction to and I apologized. I don't think anyone In era wanted that to happen.

You should feel bad for contributing to his death. I suspect it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever done given your lack of empathy.


You guys are giving this anime twat way more attention then he deserves. Let him (her?) (I don’t know if they have a male penis or a female penis) go into politics and get banned, there’s no need to drag that trash into here.

Oh, but I wasn't talking about him.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
What are you even talking about?The only i time i ever personally seen anyone wear that hat is when they want to start shit with someone because they know they will get a reaction. I remember reading a story about a Vape shop employee losing his shit at some guy with a MAGA hat and a camera and the dude fell for his trap hard. lol Not saying he should have reacted that way, but it makes people uncomfortable when seeing that stuff in public.

That's confirmation bias.

No one reports on people wearing the hat without anything happening and certainly no trump voter will feel uncomortable seeing the hat.

I don't like the hat nor trump but your attempts to compare a piece of modern political marketing with a klan hood are ridicolous.


Gold Member
What is your guys deal with Era anyways? How would you guys feel if Era had a thread on you guys monitoring everything you post. Wouldn't that make you guys uncomfortable? It makes me a little uncomfortable when you have Kiwi Farms, ReseteraTakes, 4chan and others watching us and im sure that puts staff on the edge.
Dude, you aren’t that naive. People on Era have threads about EVERY. SINGLE. SENTENCE uttered by people who they deem “problematic” or worse. Trump can’t take a sip without someone opening a thread about it on Era, and you can’t deny that a good 30+% of EtcetEra is threads about something said or tweeted by people on any other side of the political spectrum, or by “allies” at risk of becoming the latest milkshake duck.
The only reason this doesn’t apply to GAF is that GAF is a forbidden topic on Era. That’s it. Some of the hatred for GAF sometimes seeps through the curtain but it’s occasional enough to be conveniently ignored, and if it has the potential to get bigger it’s immediately shut down as “cross-forum drama”.

Era also recently manifested the classic Mussolini “lots of enemies, lots of honour” mentality in that thread where the OP found out one of their posts on Era was screencapped and exposed publicly over the Internet. I’d wager that having lots of outlets watching the forum and making fun of it should be an honour for Era staff and members, not a reason to be on the edge.

Lets face it though guys, if/when Ree collapses no doubt they place the blame on "infiltration by alt-right trolls" and such, because there's no way they, and their buddies in the woke media, will ever cop to the fact that there are serious issues within their own ideological bubble.

The reality is that Ree is a perfect example of how despite their lofty championing of empathy and inclusion, creating that "better world" seems to have created a maelstrom of hatred, exclusion and tyranny over thought and speech.
They brought this upon themselves with their very own hands.

There was a time when Era began, when they had the choice to call out and question the most egregious posts as trolling and create a very different environment. But so many of those (supposed) troll posts were usually from protected people or in favour of what Era would call “the right side of history”, so they banned the people who rightfully questioned those posts instead and it all snowballed from there. By allowing the trolls and the real crazies to run (mostly) scot-free they created a rule based on protecting the most outlandish comments, even when they go against the TOS, as they so often do, as long as they’re “on the right side of history”. And they put in place mods who double down on the craziness instead of people who could bring in some veneer of order.

They were so scared of reprimanding even a single, actually oppressed person with a slap on the wrist and a temporary ban that they lost almost any power to do so, even when the situation would actually require it.
Unfortunately for them, they felt there was something wrong with the board when the first reports of women leaving the forum because they felt “unsafe” started coming in. Which is ironic because, if some women and minorities really felt “unsafe” in early 2018 Era, then they were probably too frail to go anywhere on the Internet but private chats. But the forum paid a big price for that by quickly making the place “unsafe” for everyone but the people most committed to the “cause”, not a few of which could very well be trolls.

Let’s face it, things were probably going to go like this considering the whos, whens and hows of the board’s creation, but worse choices have been made since then than most could imagine.


Gold Member
I'd bet good money this person has an account on the Ree
Jesus, this “microaggressions” thing has to be the most convenient shit invented in recent years.

I’m privileged as fuck, but as a member of human society and as a person who does a public service job (not going to disclose details) I’m on the receiving end of myriads of “microaggressions” every time I put my nose outside. Everyone is. Talking about “microaggressions” as if they go towards an imaginary oppression counter trivializes the importance of actual “macro” aggressions that a lot of people suffer from every day. I understand that being misgendered can make you suffer, but if it’s intentional then it’s a macro aggression plain and simple and may be sanctioned as such, and if it’s a mistake, well, that’s a mistake and by calling it a “microaggression” you’re making it so much bigger than it is.


Yup and thier "Diversity hires" in the mod team being paraded around as representation for marginalised groups to show how damn woke they are are a massive misstep too when they are just angry and bitter and use that position to lash out at the world, except it's not the world it's thier own team.


So would you agree that reee in general has lots of knee jerk reactions?
In that situation? Yes it was a bad knee jerk reaction and I hoped most of the forum learned and grew from it. It opened my eyes up to mental health awareness, but I obviously only speak for myself.
The only one responsible for shooting down a jetliner with people on board is Iran. Stop this stupid REEEE bullshit of trying to blame Trump for something Iran did.

I am not trying to be like a REEEE member, I thought you were better than this? You know I wouldn't argue a point without a good reason.

Yes, Iran did hit the Plane, but no they didn't just do it without reason.

Or are you going to ignore how the whole thing came about?

Honest question: if some nearby civilians had been killed in the strike against Solomeini, would you have been giving partial blame to Iran for stirring up problems?

Yes I would. Because the situation would be in reverse in this case.

I understand why Trump wanted him killed, but there were always going to be repurcussions regardless of if he didn't intended them. Now I do honestly think the US were in the right to take him down, but I think both parties should have forseen that somewhere along the line a civilian (or many in this case) would get caught in the crossfire. If it were a covert operation where he was killed without Iran knowing, then it perhaps would have been a better scenario.

If the UK did this and the same thing happened, I would hold Boris responsible too.
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Gold Member

But I thought Iran was such a GREAT place, or what Ree wants you to believe.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Dog piling doesn't exist on REEEE.

You'd think by the 3rd time someone calls out the post that people would realize them adding on top of it aren't actually advancing the conversation. But, the number of things you can post and not get banned are few and far between. I suppose it's that or somehow trying to blame the defection on Trump. 🤷‍♀️


And of course he got banned. For calling women beautiful.

I agree it's kind of an odd comment considering the thread, but it's a compliment at worst. This is the shit that makes REEEE look so unhinged.
It was in appropriate for the thread, but idk if the ban should have been that harsh. Give him a 3 day ban or something.


Gold Member
Really?!? He seems like one of the most hate-filled people there.
He is, and an awful person in general. He exploits people. I met him in real life, and used to be in his LGBT clique many years ago, you can search through my post history here. My husband is his ex whom was similarly lied to and exploited which is why that toxic relationship came to an end. I was a gullible idiot and stupidly trusted him on numerous occasions, culminating in my lending him money (a classic rookie mistake). He still owes me $1500, and I “have the receipts” as he used to put it, two files named Asshole.jpg and Asshole2.jpg that I have retained in the event he and I ever clashed in the future since we broke all ties.

It’s all posturing horseshit. The pretense of being woke is nothing more than a mask for the shittiness underneath. He’s a manipulative cunt. Anytime I see his posts and anyone else making similar forum commentary, I wonder what the real person is like through that carefully constructed online persona.
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