banned for throwing his own logic back at him
Yeah, I loved that little exchange.
Cheebo: "If you watch his videos you are endorsing his hateful idelogy."
Yet you can't know what that ideology is without watching the videos.
I suppose it's why they need to come up with bullshit like "dogwhistle" because most normal people will watch these videos and think "OK nothing extreme is really being said here". Ahhhh... but let the experts come in and tell you how you are wrong.
I love how they set themselves up as the authority on who is and is not "alt-right", "incel" or whatever else and then want you to just let them apply the label without challenge.
Oh, here's a cool video I found about why Skyrim is so popular.
"Woah now, did you know the guy who made that video made a sexist tweet 3 years ago and he said he watches Joe Rogan?"
Um, no.
Do these dopey cunts really think that we don't know the difference between a fucking neo-nazi, making neo-nazi talking points, and some guy who doesn't like new Star Wars, making points about why he doesn't like new Star Wars?
The way they go on about Youtube channels such as The Quartering you'd think that the guy is angrily and mindlessly ranting and really pushing some extreme ideological point of view. The truth is that he is a fairly "by the numbers" news channel that likes to have a laugh at the expense of movies and games etc that pander to much to the SJW crowd.
I don't know if it's just be cause they care WAY too much about modern pop culture and so they think that a guy criticizing Ghostbusters 2016 is on a par with a guy who uses his power and authority to actually abuse and hurt women. Like they literally care about these movie franchises so much that an attack on them is seen as being as bad as legitimate bigotry against actual people.
Oh no no it's the "alt-right playbook" or something.
You see it only STARTS with not liking The Last Jedi.
Before you know it you'll be invading Poland with the boys and trying to take over the world.
It's hilarious that THEY can watch all these YouTube videos "for research" but you really really REALLY must not because you'll "fall for it".
The obvious question is that if I am watching some Youtuber and he is talking about why he doesn't like a movie and all he is talking about is the movie then how the fuck am I supposed to know he is a secret racist? Like even if he makes a joke like calling a character "Mrs Gender Studies" because of her hair or fat body then does that really mean anything?
It feels like a good demonstration of how poor some people are at social interactions.
For a lot of these "forbidden" Youtubers I feel like you could easily go for a beer with them and have a good time slagging off shitty games and movies and you could have a good laugh. If they said something outright abhorrent you'd be saying "that's not cool" and you'd be less inclined to associate with them ever again. I feel like that would never happen though since a lot of these guys just don't come across as being hateful AT ALL. They just seem like normal dudes who do well on Youtube because people can relate to them and they have interesting things to say (sometimes).
On the flip side of the coin I don't think you could hang out with the likes of Cheebo or Messofanego without feeling like it's just hard work. I don't even think they'd be able to hang out with each other too well since it would feel like "drama" and screeching is just around the corner.
Of course, the most socially stunted people in the room want to tell you how they alone are the experts on who is and is not a good guy.
Again, the seem particularly pissed off with people who just want to enjoy, and have fun with, pop-culture. The choices are take it seriously and comment on how it changes the world OR have fun with it in very specific and safe PG ways OR you are alt-right.