This is clearly that abusive partner telling his girlfriend constantly that no one likes her and she is lucky that this fuck is putting up with her shit. You want to leave, who the fuck will take you in? It was tough trying to restart on a new board, do you want to go through that again?
Like it's very easy to go to a different site and check it for yourself but if dumbfucks keep reinforcing it without any discourse then why would you check?
Also congrats to Evilore for being granted the title of 'Big Boi'.
Of the two sites there is only one calling minorities awful slurs with no consequences. That same site also advocating for the destruction of stuff, and attacking people. Only if they don't have to do it, I mean it sounds too much like work, KSweeley is worried it might affect his fraudulent disability claims if they found out he works.
The ways they are going about justifying things it won't be long before we hear justifications like
did you know that Nazi and Neogaf start with the same letter
Neogaf was named after Neo-Nazis as they both start with Neo. Concrete proof that GAF are Nazis and ERA are the good guys, now let's tear down every successful black person by using racist slurs. It's sad when this paragraph isn't even parody anymore.

some good people on ERA but have been silenced by the lunatics.