Like that Alanah Pearce chick, who doesn't just come out and says she's bisexual, no, too afraid of hurting one of the thousands movements and losing subs or being attacked, no, she states she is Pansexual. She is of the rare breed that she can love everything. So yes, FtM, MtF... anything.
Yes, because to some extent it is a political move.
For the "everything is political" crowd of course your sexuality is highly political.
So political discussions around that aspect of life will take place and get quite heated.
As someone who is a bit older I think it's kind of weird to get into conversations about sexuality.
The truth is that I have been with the same woman exclusively for many, many years now.
We've been married for years and to be honest unless there is some catastrophic event I will never be with anyone else.
So it's not like it's even all that appropriate for me to be constantly going on about being straight.
What would I be doing there? Constantly reminding the wife about how much I love women? That's weird.
She has this one friend who always annoys me. Like us, this chick has been with her husband for a long time. Something like 12 years married. Yet she goes on about how her family won't accept her bisexuality. Like she constantly goes on about her experience as a bisexual woman and how society and her family don't accept her just as she is. Let's be clear here. She has had one BF before her current husband. Has never been with any other dude. Has never been with a woman. Yet constantly makes her "sexuality" this political issue.
I often wonder what is the average time when people are actively dating and hooking up etc, how many partners does the average person have and when do people settle down on average.
It seems like this raging political debate only focuses on a small window in the lifespan of the average human.
Yet it's very important to have the exact correct opinions and make the exact correct statements about how you feel during this period.
"I've only had about 7 sexual partners in my entire life and I will probably settle down with one partner by my early to mid 30s and ALL of those partners have been dudes but honestly you guys I am totally Pansexual definitely".
The thing about equal rights is that it was a total disgrace that gay men and women couldn't just be out in the open.
It's shameful that gay people didn't have the same right to openness and legal protections etc as anyone else.
I mean, you are talking about people who legitimately love each other being forced to keep it locked away in secret because some people in society just would not accept it. That's wrong.
If Adam and Steve love each other then they should be allowed to be just as open and happy in their relationship as anyone else.
This new stuff is a much darker kind of debate where we are actually getting into things like "if Laura comes out as gay but won't sleep with Susan because Susan has a penis then is Laura a bigot".
That's a shift from wanting people to be free to express themselves without fear of persecution to wanting people to clearly submit a list of types of people they would or would not be willing to have sex with for society to pass judgement.
It kind of has the potential to be bad for people who are transitioning because you'll have large sections of society who just won't be honest with them.
Maybe you chat up a woman at a bar and down the line you find out she has a penis. So you make some excuse about feeling tired and you go home because it's unacceptable for you to say you prefer someone with a vagina. Then that trans person has a mob of angry philosophers insisting that anyone who rejects them on the basis of having a penis is actually a massive bigot.
You end up actually seeing some reflections of the Incel movement in there.
The attitudes towards women, lesbians in this case, and a woman's personal choices are similar in a lot of ways.
The anger at feeling unfairly rejected and the feeling that if we just talk enough we can convince ourselves that these rejections are evil and immoral.
This group who supposedly cares so much about consent and women's rights and all that comes with that?
Well actually they think it's cool to apply social pressure and bullying to make sure that gay women are at least afraid to state they have a preference.
Certainly they are setting up a situation where gay women will be pushed into situations where they are so afraid of being "found out" they will be vulnerable to being forced into certain situations.
Everything is political apparently so... here we are.
Even preferences can be brought into question if you don't have the correct set of preferences.
So it's no longer a case of "if someone doesn't want to touch a penis shouldn't have to touch a penis".
Now there is an addendum that basically asks "but WHY don't you want to touch the penis" and if the answer is not satisfactory there will be much anger.