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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Oh boy...


Astral Dog


Oh boy...


I was part of that discussion and its simply some North Korea shit what they did. They just weren't pleased with the results. It was like 44% for bailey and 56% against her in the case of the Naughty Dog VA issue. They wanted to see 100% SA native vs 0% anyone else. Because ND was racist as fuck. There was no other explanation for it. Not that she happened to do the best audition, no it was 100% racist. Not in the least because Druckmann pitched Mankind once, a game with only females being infected. He had an agenda and he's an evil s.
They simply picked the wrong developer to mess with, Naughty Dog is worshipped on ERA there is an insane cult like following there, a poll about a 3 year old game won't work.

Im thinking if it was another game/developer with the same 'issue" but not as popular the results would have been more to the mods liking 🤔
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Gold Member

Wikipedia said:
Human penis

The human penis is an external male intromittent organ that additionally serves as the urinal duct. The main parts are the root (radix); the body (corpus); and the epithelium of the penis including the shaft skin and the foreskin (prepuce) covering the glans penis

Oof, not a good look. Time to cancel Wikipedia, you ain’t slick with transphobic penis definitions

EDIT: Yikes, removed the link since the preview image shows a very triggering image
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Oof, not a good look. Time to cancel Wikipedia, you ain’t slick with transphobic penis definitions

EDIT: Yikes, removed the link since the preview image shows a very triggering image

You joke, but it's coming to not just Wikipedia, but dictionaries of all kinds.


Gold Member
They make people in psych wards seem sane over there.

Tuesday in an actual Resetera psych ward:
*Mr. Smith, heterosexual white male, in an interview with a doctor*

- Doc (mod): “So how do you feel today, Mr. Smith?”
- Smith: “No doc, I’m Mr. King. Martin Luther King, Jr. Also, my peepee feels itchy today. Happens when you’re an active man, eh?”

*Patient BANNED (permanent): appropriating black culture, imaginary blackface, ignoring antipsychotic therapy, transphobia (misgendering genitalia). Long history of similar severe infractions*


Some sunday afternoon reading,

White guy wants confirmation to explain to black guy that he lost his job because of racism, not because of any other reason in these times lol


Some sunday afternoon reading,

White guy wants confirmation to explain to black guy that he lost his job because of racism, not because of any other reason in these times lol
LOL OP doesn't want to be a white hero.... but he REALLY wants to be a white hero. So much mental illness


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Some sunday afternoon reading,

White guy wants confirmation to explain to black guy that he lost his job because of racism, not because of any other reason in these times lol
I make it a point to not use the word "cringe" because I think the term is a bit childish and overused, but that? That is cringe.


Some sunday afternoon reading,

White guy wants confirmation to explain to black guy that he lost his job because of racism, not because of any other reason in these times lol
Blackface avatar, nice!



Haha fuck you for being gay and not wanting to have sex with someone who identifies as your gender.


I mean, what the hell does "lesbians love ALL women" even mean?

It really REALLY feels like there is this trend of socially pressuring lesbians to consider relationships with people who have transitioned or are transitioning.

It's pretty interesting because you previously had this "you're not gay, are you" social pressure on people when a guy would aggressively pursue a woman or, more commonly, a woman would aggressively pursue a guy who wasn't interested.

Oh I see Karen is hitting on you there Dave but you have rejected her... you're not gay, are you?

Pretty sure we all agreed this is some bullshit.

Yet, here we are with this idea that if someone comes out as a lesbian they'd better not be one of those horrible transphobic lesbians who doesn't like cock.

I am sure this is a conversation MOSTLY happening online at the moment but I would say eventually you will see this kind of thing becoming a proper issue in the real world.

Only a matter of time where you've got legit cases of young women coming out as gay only to be immediately pressed on whether or not they'd fuck a human male who identifies as a woman.

What's kind of fascinating is the idea that having genital preferences is seen as a bad thing BUT having a preference in regards to gender expression is perfectly fine.

"I prefer to date women, not men." This is perfectly acceptable.
"I prefer to date people with vaginas, not cocks." This is scandalous bigotry.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Idiots like this don't realize what will happen of they get what they want. Every job will become part-time with a part-time salary meaning you'd probably need to hold down 2 jobs in order to live. But at least you're not getting forced to spend 40 hours a week with a load of downtime allowing you to Ree on the internet while getting paid. You can now do that in your free time!

It depends on the job. There are a ton of tech and IT jobs that could be reduced to 32 hour weeks. They'd still be full time jobs, same salary, same benefits. We're already seeing it now with so many working from home during the pandemic.

The problem is, in the US at least, key benefits aren't guaranteed to part time workers. So while tons of people working for tech companies, finance, telecom, IT, etc, who are paid salaries would benefit enormously from a 32 hour work week, it would cause havoc for everyone else without proper legislation in place first.


Haha fuck you for being gay and not wanting to have sex with someone who identifies as your gender.

Holy shit that's ..... what? The mods there are truly well over the edge now. I don't understand how anyone can still try to have an honest conversation over there.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Holy shit that's ..... what? The mods there are truly well over the edge now. I don't understand how anyone can still try to have an honest conversation over there.

I don’t think they’re interested in any kind of dialogue or back and forth so much as allowing people to vent correctly.

Which is incredibly silly for a discussion board. Why not just stick to Twitter?


See this is the shit that makes TLOU overrated. This man made a couple zombie games and now they are holding him up next to the man who created Mario and Zelda LOL
He's also an asshole who strong-armed his way into a lead position at Naughty Dog, and got a woman in the game industry out of her lead position with the company. He's a fucking asshole. Those era fucks are such hypocrites.


Neo Member
I read through a lot of the Cyberpunk 2077threads, and I just don't get it (well, I do, but it's still mind blowing nonetheless).

So, you have a lot of games that are pushing political agendas nowadays. That's fine and dandy; I can ignore the majority of them if the game is good enough. However, if someone voices an opinion they dog piled with replies like "don't play," or "it's not for you."

CD Project Red took Cyberpunk 2077 in a particular direction. Era assumed one thing, Cyberpunk 2077 is obviously being delivered in another way. Sooo...don't play? It's not for you? But nope, instead they'll twist the developers arms into submission by first asking for an apology they will not accept, then demand a series of patches to change the game (ala Assassins Creed Odyssey DLC). It's almost like they have this sense of entitlement to the game before release. Not only that, but had preconceived notions of how the game's narrative will be delivered, how the player will interact will the world, and how the bigger picture plays between the two.

Alas, so much disappointment....it's funny. But like I said, I'm sure they'll bully the developer into submission. The media will join in I'm sure.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
It really REALLY feels like there is this trend of socially pressuring lesbians to consider relationships with people who have transitioned or are transitioning.
There was an internet movement to try and get men to date trannies a few hears ago. Men laughed and said no. For some reason lesbians are being labelled as transphobic for not wanting to date trannies.


There was an internet movement to try and get men to date trannies a few hears ago. Men laughed and said no. For some reason lesbians are being labelled as transphobic for not wanting to date trannies.

Honestly I think it's the transtrenders trying to game the system, How many of them specifically identify as "I'm a MtF female who's a lesbian" you almost never see other identify as MtF gay/straight. I'm sure a lot of them think it's a gateway to hot lipstick lesbian sex "Just like one of my pornos".

I mean what does even mean? "I'm a MtF female who's a lesbian" so you're a guy that was attracted to women and you're still attracted to women after putting on the dress? I mean a lot of MtF transgender women just end up dating each other "but that's totally NOT gay because were lesbians". No you're closeted possibly homophobic self hating homosexuals.

Remember this?

What got ignored was the fact she was pissed off by a friend who transitioned to female and then started hitting on her because they were both "lesbians" now. The tweets are out there if you want to look for them, they predate the "Transphobic"tweets and give them context.


Its very simple, you can't decide for others what they fancy. In some cultures they forcefully do, like convicting you or worse if you come out, so people simply stay in the closet and live a lie... does that sound a bit like some forum in fact?

But I prefer pussy, a real one. Nothing else turns me on more than a real female body with all her features. We're a few steps away of feeling ashamed of that and stating we like dick just as much when asked in the open. Its a lie, but hey, society is perfect now! Lets bury our heads and propel back 100's of years.

Like that Alanah Pearce chick, who doesn't just come out and says she's bisexual, no, too afraid of hurting one of the thousands movements and losing subs or being attacked, no, she states she is Pansexual. She is of the rare breed that she can love everything. So yes, FtM, MtF... anything. Once Animal Rights steps in, she'll love dogs too.

Its all a fucking charade.
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Gold Member
I bet the next clown world idea 4chan trolls introduce and these people fall for is that a white person getting married with a POC is a form of white privilege, and depraving other POC of the opportunity of being with a person that has shared history, so interracial marriage should be frowned upon.


I bet the next clown world idea 4chan trolls introduce and these people fall for is that a white person getting married with a POC is a form of white privilege, and depraving other POC of the opportunity of being with a person that has shared history, so interracial marriage should be frowned upon.

At this stage, I honestly wouldn't even be surprised.


I bet the next clown world idea 4chan trolls introduce and these people fall for is that a white person getting married with a POC is a form of white privilege, and depraving other POC of the opportunity of being with a person that has shared history, so interracial marriage should be frowned upon.

This isn't far fetched honestly. I mean I could picture we get these instances where a POC husband is carrying the bag (like most males do) and others decide its slavery. Then, when the woman decides to carry the bag its sexism.

Those guys will stop at nothing. It must be frustration, constant failure at getting laid must make you a professional hater. Something went wrong there i'm sure. Can't get it? hate it! I think its dangerous. Imagine your kid being part of such communities and actually adapting that way of thinking IRL. I'd give him/her a good piece of mind and pull the fucking cable.
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God Enel

A penis is not male genitalia.

Is that a hall of famer?
I already have it on my list. ✔️

RE Hall of Fame
1. accusations are evidence
2. freedom of speech being "the old racist's trope"
3. Neogaf is a trashfire of freethinkers
4. As a male, I would be totally okay with sacrificing my ability to vote so that the women can save us from the idiots among us men.
5. “The penis is not male genitalia” - Apollo
6. innocent until proven guilty can be a "dangerous ideology"
7. “Men and women can both give birth, and mother is inherently gendered female” - A.By
8. „All whites should divorce their families“ - Aizō
9. „Biological sex isn’t real“ a Bulbasort


Whats their stance on the reverse of number 6, someone wrongly accused and serves time while he's innocent?

I guess I know the answer. Swept under the rug like the many fucking handed out incorrect bans.
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Like that Alanah Pearce chick, who doesn't just come out and says she's bisexual, no, too afraid of hurting one of the thousands movements and losing subs or being attacked, no, she states she is Pansexual. She is of the rare breed that she can love everything. So yes, FtM, MtF... anything.

Yes, because to some extent it is a political move.
For the "everything is political" crowd of course your sexuality is highly political.
So political discussions around that aspect of life will take place and get quite heated.

As someone who is a bit older I think it's kind of weird to get into conversations about sexuality.
The truth is that I have been with the same woman exclusively for many, many years now.
We've been married for years and to be honest unless there is some catastrophic event I will never be with anyone else.

So it's not like it's even all that appropriate for me to be constantly going on about being straight.
What would I be doing there? Constantly reminding the wife about how much I love women? That's weird.

She has this one friend who always annoys me. Like us, this chick has been with her husband for a long time. Something like 12 years married. Yet she goes on about how her family won't accept her bisexuality. Like she constantly goes on about her experience as a bisexual woman and how society and her family don't accept her just as she is. Let's be clear here. She has had one BF before her current husband. Has never been with any other dude. Has never been with a woman. Yet constantly makes her "sexuality" this political issue.

I often wonder what is the average time when people are actively dating and hooking up etc, how many partners does the average person have and when do people settle down on average.

It seems like this raging political debate only focuses on a small window in the lifespan of the average human.
Yet it's very important to have the exact correct opinions and make the exact correct statements about how you feel during this period.

"I've only had about 7 sexual partners in my entire life and I will probably settle down with one partner by my early to mid 30s and ALL of those partners have been dudes but honestly you guys I am totally Pansexual definitely".

The thing about equal rights is that it was a total disgrace that gay men and women couldn't just be out in the open.
It's shameful that gay people didn't have the same right to openness and legal protections etc as anyone else.
I mean, you are talking about people who legitimately love each other being forced to keep it locked away in secret because some people in society just would not accept it. That's wrong.
If Adam and Steve love each other then they should be allowed to be just as open and happy in their relationship as anyone else.

This new stuff is a much darker kind of debate where we are actually getting into things like "if Laura comes out as gay but won't sleep with Susan because Susan has a penis then is Laura a bigot".

That's a shift from wanting people to be free to express themselves without fear of persecution to wanting people to clearly submit a list of types of people they would or would not be willing to have sex with for society to pass judgement.

It kind of has the potential to be bad for people who are transitioning because you'll have large sections of society who just won't be honest with them.
Maybe you chat up a woman at a bar and down the line you find out she has a penis. So you make some excuse about feeling tired and you go home because it's unacceptable for you to say you prefer someone with a vagina. Then that trans person has a mob of angry philosophers insisting that anyone who rejects them on the basis of having a penis is actually a massive bigot.

You end up actually seeing some reflections of the Incel movement in there.
The attitudes towards women, lesbians in this case, and a woman's personal choices are similar in a lot of ways.
The anger at feeling unfairly rejected and the feeling that if we just talk enough we can convince ourselves that these rejections are evil and immoral.

This group who supposedly cares so much about consent and women's rights and all that comes with that?
Well actually they think it's cool to apply social pressure and bullying to make sure that gay women are at least afraid to state they have a preference.
Certainly they are setting up a situation where gay women will be pushed into situations where they are so afraid of being "found out" they will be vulnerable to being forced into certain situations.

Everything is political apparently so... here we are.
Even preferences can be brought into question if you don't have the correct set of preferences.

So it's no longer a case of "if someone doesn't want to touch a penis shouldn't have to touch a penis".
Now there is an addendum that basically asks "but WHY don't you want to touch the penis" and if the answer is not satisfactory there will be much anger.
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The scary thing about it all is, that they encourage women to make up stories. So if there is one with bad blood, and she feels rejected, she can crucify me with a sob story and her story is right by definition (according to their policies).

I can also assure you, that if a well done trans talks me up, and i'm not sober enough to see through it right away, I will show her/him the door as soon as I find out. I will tell i'm only into real women and she wasn't what I signed up for. A trans with half a brain will understand. S/he must know somewhere deep down that not every straight guy is after a woman thats being altered. In fact, i'm positive its an instant turn off for the majority of honest straight men. If they make a scene out of it at that point, they're just playing a card. Its the same as those gay men who desperately try to convince you that you are also gay yourself. And then might play the card of bigotry if even that doesn't work. Some of them aren't saints either.

I sincerely hope those fucks will experience such an issue one day, since they're guilty by definition then,. And lol, they have to suck dick if it comes to that, I mean, you have to reap what you sow. Can't back out my friends. Though they will never elevate above hentai as they're keyboard warriors.
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