advanced basic bitch
Just like Jordan Peterson. He's also mentioned in that thread along with the Bliar white thread. They can't stop thinking about him.Yet another person they've "cancelled" but can't stop posting about.
Just like Jordan Peterson. He's also mentioned in that thread along with the Bliar white thread. They can't stop thinking about him.Yet another person they've "cancelled" but can't stop posting about.
Hey guys, long time lurker of Gaf, then ERA during the switch. Got permabanned there in one of the angry joe threads and I just want some honest opinion here if I deserved a permaban right away??
Angry Joe accused of sexual harassment/predatory behaviour [Updates from both posted]
how? what he's saying is that people who fabricate sexual assault allegations do a disservice to real victims. It's so true, unfortunately the internet has this mob mentality where it's guilty until proven innocent. We are not jury, we are not judge. If this person was sexually assaulted
There's the link, and my responses that follow after. I send them some messages to appeal the ban because I am definitely not a troll. I did mess up by not taking enough time to understand that the woman didn't actually accuse Joe of sexual assault and went off on that. Someone called Joe a garbage human and I thought well I should reply. I think I did deserve some punhishment here, but a PERMANENT ban?? Damn...that's not the way to teach, especially since I never even had a warning or anything of that nature.
What do you guys think? By the way, I haven't been on this forum in years, I hope you guys are doing alright. Being permabanned stings cause it's like...I'm not a bad person to be exiled forever, know what I mean?
Is Catherine Full Body Worth Purchasing/Playing Despite Its Bigotry?
I've never played Catherine, but the turmoil in regards to its behavior towards the trans community makes me hesitate to purchase it as I don't feel comfortable supporting bigotry. I haven't kept up with the topic however so I may have missed out on updates in regards to its
Era was founded by destroying this website over an unsubstantiated (and completely BS) allegation, so you shouldn’t expect fairness or rational thinking from the authorities there. What you said was reasonable.Hey guys, long time lurker of Gaf, then ERA during the switch. Got permabanned there in one of the angry joe threads and I just want some honest opinion here if I deserved a permaban right away??
Angry Joe accused of sexual harassment/predatory behaviour [Updates from both posted]
how? what he's saying is that people who fabricate sexual assault allegations do a disservice to real victims. It's so true, unfortunately the internet has this mob mentality where it's guilty until proven innocent. We are not jury, we are not judge. If this person was sexually assaulted
There's the link, and my responses that follow after. I send them some messages to appeal the ban because I am definitely not a troll. I did mess up by not taking enough time to understand that the woman didn't actually accuse Joe of sexual assault and went off on that. Someone called Joe a garbage human and I thought well I should reply. I think I did deserve some punhishment here, but a PERMANENT ban?? Damn...that's not the way to teach, especially since I never even had a warning or anything of that nature.
What do you guys think? By the way, I haven't been on this forum in years, I hope you guys are doing alright. Being permabanned stings cause it's like...I'm not a bad person to be exiled forever, know what I mean?
Hey guys, long time lurker of Gaf, then ERA during the switch. Got permabanned there in one of the angry joe threads and I just want some honest opinion here if I deserved a permaban right away??
Angry Joe accused of sexual harassment/predatory behaviour [Updates from both posted]
how? what he's saying is that people who fabricate sexual assault allegations do a disservice to real victims. It's so true, unfortunately the internet has this mob mentality where it's guilty until proven innocent. We are not jury, we are not judge. If this person was sexually assaulted
There's the link, and my responses that follow after. I send them some messages to appeal the ban because I am definitely not a troll. I did mess up by not taking enough time to understand that the woman didn't actually accuse Joe of sexual assault and went off on that. Someone called Joe a garbage human and I thought well I should reply. I think I did deserve some punhishment here, but a PERMANENT ban?? Damn...that's not the way to teach, especially since I never even had a warning or anything of that nature.
What do you guys think? By the way, I haven't been on this forum in years, I hope you guys are doing alright. Being permabanned stings cause it's like...I'm not a bad person to be exiled forever, know what I mean?
Hey guys, long time lurker of Gaf, then ERA during the switch. Got permabanned there in one of the angry joe threads and I just want some honest opinion here if I deserved a permaban right away??
Angry Joe accused of sexual harassment/predatory behaviour [Updates from both posted]
how? what he's saying is that people who fabricate sexual assault allegations do a disservice to real victims. It's so true, unfortunately the internet has this mob mentality where it's guilty until proven innocent. We are not jury, we are not judge. If this person was sexually assaulted
There's the link, and my responses that follow after. I send them some messages to appeal the ban because I am definitely not a troll. I did mess up by not taking enough time to understand that the woman didn't actually accuse Joe of sexual assault and went off on that. Someone called Joe a garbage human and I thought well I should reply. I think I did deserve some punhishment here, but a PERMANENT ban?? Damn...that's not the way to teach, especially since I never even had a warning or anything of that nature.
What do you guys think? By the way, I haven't been on this forum in years, I hope you guys are doing alright. Being permabanned stings cause it's like...I'm not a bad person to be exiled forever, know what I mean?
What's the over under on the time before Terry Crews is called a c**n again by Soliloquy of a Dogge?
What's the over under on the time before Terry Crews is called a c**n again by Soliloquy of a Dogge?
Any new threads from screech mcnegro
Good for him. a handful of powerful celebs coming out against the nonsense could just about end this retardation I reckon
What's the over under on the time before Terry Crews is called a c**n again by Soliloquy of a Dogge?
What's the over under on the time before Terry Crews is called a c**n again by Soliloquy of a Dogge?
Racist postThe phrase 'dark times' is actually more racist than 'master bedroom' so can WHITESUPREMACYGaf please try to do better in future?
Btw Terry Crews is a coooooooon.
I'm a good guy.
Sweet! Another suicide thread!
Love how like clockwork they just robotically dole out that fucking hotline number![]()
That reads like one of those parody meme ads that's been doing the rounds in recent years.Hey what's up?
Let's just chat a sec
What's the over under on the time before Terry Crews is called a c**n again by Soliloquy of a Dogge?
Don't bother getting upset about getting banned from that site, its not worth it,( a lot of us in this thread got banned for stupid reasons and on reflection it was the best thing everHey guys, long time lurker of Gaf, then ERA during the switch. Got permabanned there in one of the angry joe threads and I just want some honest opinion here if I deserved a permaban right away??
Angry Joe accused of sexual harassment/predatory behaviour [Updates from both posted]
how? what he's saying is that people who fabricate sexual assault allegations do a disservice to real victims. It's so true, unfortunately the internet has this mob mentality where it's guilty until proven innocent. We are not jury, we are not judge. If this person was sexually assaulted
There's the link, and my responses that follow after. I send them some messages to appeal the ban because I am definitely not a troll. I did mess up by not taking enough time to understand that the woman didn't actually accuse Joe of sexual assault and went off on that. Someone called Joe a garbage human and I thought well I should reply. I think I did deserve some punhishment here, but a PERMANENT ban?? Damn...that's not the way to teach, especially since I never even had a warning or anything of that nature.
What do you guys think? By the way, I haven't been on this forum in years, I hope you guys are doing alright. Being permabanned stings cause it's like...I'm not a bad person to be exiled forever, know what I mean?
Meh you are in far better place anyway, so welcome!Hey guys, long time lurker of Gaf, then ERA during the switch. Got permabanned there in one of the angry joe threads and I just want some honest opinion here if I deserved a permaban right away??
Angry Joe accused of sexual harassment/predatory behaviour [Updates from both posted]
how? what he's saying is that people who fabricate sexual assault allegations do a disservice to real victims. It's so true, unfortunately the internet has this mob mentality where it's guilty until proven innocent. We are not jury, we are not judge. If this person was sexually assaulted
There's the link, and my responses that follow after. I send them some messages to appeal the ban because I am definitely not a troll. I did mess up by not taking enough time to understand that the woman didn't actually accuse Joe of sexual assault and went off on that. Someone called Joe a garbage human and I thought well I should reply. I think I did deserve some punhishment here, but a PERMANENT ban?? Damn...that's not the way to teach, especially since I never even had a warning or anything of that nature.
What do you guys think? By the way, I haven't been on this forum in years, I hope you guys are doing alright. Being permabanned stings cause it's like...I'm not a bad person to be exiled forever, know what I mean?
I Fucking Hate Yay-hoos Setting Off Fireworks
Thanks, dickheads. My dogs are totally freaking out because you like making thing go BANG!
These people are beyond...anything. I shouldn't be supprised but they just keep doing it to me.
What's this in reference too, his social unrest podcast episode? That was weeks ago.![]()
Look who's triggering them again.
Lol, the fuck? Only those 3 options, with one being suicide... Yes, he was trying to commit suicide by hitting soft fleshy people as he sits in his protected metal car. Clearly he is the one who would be killed in that scenario..............edit: Never mind. I'm just going to ignore them from now on.
This guy makes some good points with data about this whole Woke racism crysis, and he is heavily anti Trump too![]()
Look who's triggering them again.
I Fucking Hate Yay-hoos Setting Off Fireworks
Thanks, dickheads. My dogs are totally freaking out because you like making thing go BANG!
These people are beyond...anything. I shouldn't be supprised but they just keep doing it to me.
I …. Don't care? these fucks are triggered at every fucking thing. And fuck that chode for blaming it on Asbergers. Pussy bitch.
That reads like one of those parody meme ads that's been doing the rounds in recent years.
I Fucking Hate Yay-hoos Setting Off Fireworks
Thanks, dickheads. My dogs are totally freaking out because you like making thing go BANG!
These people are beyond...anything. I shouldn't be supprised but they just keep doing it to me.
Look at Fiestyboots dropping the aspie bomb.
I dunno if aspies is a normal term for you lot in America, but it's derogatory over here in the UK.
Also, happy independence from the British empire. Who'd of thunk, all these years later, our prime minister would look like your presidents illegitimate son.
This guy makes some good points with data about this whole Woke racism crysis, and he is heavily anti Trump too
Scary times, covid and depression combined with all this violence,just gonna be a rough time for everyone
At least the planet gets to rest a little from our pollution with more people on their houses![]()
Sam Harris said:I think social media is a huge part of the problem. I’ve been saying for a few years now that, with social media, we’ve all been enrolled in a psychological experiment for which no one gave consent, and it’s not at all clear how it will turn out. And it’s still not clear how it will turn out, but it’s not looking good. It’s fairly disorienting out there. All information is becoming weaponized. All communication is becoming performative. And on the most important topics, it now seems to be fury and sanctimony and bad faith almost all the time.
I quite enjoy how Rowling is breaking their minds and destroying their childhoods.![]()
JK Rowling's Transphobia now extends to Trans People are Mentally Ill Who Need Therapy not Hormones
I wonder if Universal will keep their plans of building a harry potter section in their new park. That woman is becoming worse each
Please announce the game already, I want to see how the reveal thread plays out, it’s going to be horrific
I quite enjoy how Rowling is breaking their minds and destroying their childhoods.
Why not also destroy our children's dreams and aspirations while we're at it.
What a hero. Tearing down your child's beloved stories and escapism to post on a forum that 'your kids knows better'.
Nothing wrong with trans people....just the ones on era are a special type of stupid who are probably won’t live till their 30 not due to their mental health but due to bringing in a toaster into their bathtub to keep the water warmJust had a quick peek out of morbid curiosity, didn't disappoint.
Trannies, mental health, trannies, misogyny, trannies, racism, trannies, etc, etc, etc.
And all in the gaming subforum too.
I quite enjoy how Rowling is breaking their minds and destroying their childhoods.
Why not also destroy our children's dreams and aspirations while we're at it.
Nothing wrong with trans people....just the ones on era are a special type of stupid who are probably won’t live till their 30 not due to their mental health but due to bringing in a toaster into their bathtub to keep the water warm
From the guy who thought a prostitute was his girlfriend, comes another classic.
(He has no kids)
Also no updates on his true-love prostitute.