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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I am your incident manager. I guarantee to cause at least three minor incidents a week and one major incident of moral depravity and possibly questionable legality.
So it is written so it is done.

Fucking Hobbes is embarrassing as hell. How old is he, like twelve? In a thread someone was talking about food and he complained that he only gets bland food because that is all his dad cooks? Seriously? Shut ins for life I guess. Then in a black aggro thread all like "yeah we need to keep this from happening!" and now trying to be my buddy of the LGBTQALTAB crowd.
"As incident manager it's my job" shut the fuck up.
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1. TransEra has one of their weekly sooks about them not being protected enough
2. TransEra leader, KetKat, leaks information from a private discord chat for minority mod members stating that Royalan (gay and black) is an acephobe
3. KetKat has been accessing the private discord chat with the login details of her girlfriend ex-mod Robin and leaking the info
4. KetKat gets banned permanently and the forum goes into an uproar
5. Abstrusity wants an Internal Affairs department created
6. Hobbes confirms, as an Incident Manager, he doesn’t accept the way this “incident” has been managed. He wants you to know, he’s an incident manager though. He’s started to hide his posts to “mitigate off-site harassment.”
7. Royalan steps down as a mod, and has now been cancelled.
8. Excelsiorief posting history dig up, showing she agreed with Royalan on a problematic post...nothing happens cause she’s another defacto leader of the trans community on era. Noticeably...she hasn’t changed her avatar like most of the forum has, to KetKats she-tra furry looking avatar to show support.
9. We’re now waiting for Cerium to unban KetKat, confirming there are rules for minorities and then different rules for normal class members.

basically, we’re watching various mental illnesses battle eachother to become the most protected minority group on Era.


ok. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member

The longer ERA survives, the bigger a testament they become to the failure of their ideology. The funny thing is they think GAF is the only place that laughs from a distance. There are other sites that are fascinated (and horrified) by what they see on ERA.

But it's just the GAF boogeyman....

They’re just jealous of all the fun we have here. Fun there is bannable (duration pending).

Xaero Gravity

I am your incident manager. I guarantee to cause at least three minor incidents a week and one major incident of moral depravity and possibly questionable legality.
So it is written so it is done.

Fucking Hobbes is embarrassing as hell. How old is he, like twelve? In a thread someone was talking about food and he complained that he only gets bland food because that is all his dad cooks? Seriously? Shut ins for life I guess. Then in a black aggro thread all like "yeah we need to keep this from happening!" and now trying to be my buddy of the LGBTQALTAB crowd.
"As incident manager it's my job" shut the fuck up.
Excuse me, I've already taken the role of GAF Incident Manager. Move along please.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
2. TransEra leader, KetKat, leaks information from a private discord chat for minority mod members stating that Royalan (gay and black) is an acephobe
Correction: Royalan isn't the moderator that supposedly said the "acephobic" statement in the discord. Members on reset, after Royalan's apology, still want the unknown moderator to be named, shamed, and demodded.
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Correction: Royalan isn't the moderator that supposedly said the "acephobic" statement in the discord. Members on reset, after Royalan's apology, still want the unknown moderator to be named, shamed, and demodded.

It's clear as day the whole moderation team, nay, the whole administration is ACEPHOBIC TRANSPHOBIC PHOBICPHOBIC! Probably also really secretly alt-right too, it all makes sense. This cannot be allowed to continue!

2nd ban reversed!!

It's working, just need to go BIGGER, LONGER, & UNCUT!
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Conspiracy Theories, Twisting Words....it is as though they don't like what they have instigated as an original concept to control their members. :pie_thinking:


Correction: Royalan isn't the moderator that supposedly said the "acephobic" statement in the discord. Members on reset, after Royalan's apology, still want the unknown moderator to be named, shamed, and demodded.

The mystery is still playing out on who it was??

I’m on the edge of my seat here


Gold Member
Well Ree fears the first one.
Reeee fears both.

Ace and the cops were all gagging in disgust when Finkle was Einhorn and Sean Young showed her panties with a giant nutsack.

Therefore, Ace Ventura is a bad guy, as so is real life Jim Carrey.

Side topic..... what a bod on her.
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But he's anti-gay! He will only do it if the Trans Community forgive the Acephobe. :p

If he truly understood the kind of people he's dealing with, then he'd recognize the writing on the wall and realize that shit's already FUBAR so he might as well go out like a rockstar and tell people to dilate and shit. Human beings have a really hard time parting with money though so I don't expect it to happen.


Gold Member
1. TransEra has one of their weekly sooks about them not being protected enough
2. TransEra leader, KetKat, leaks information from a private discord chat for minority mod members stating that Royalan (gay and black) is an acephobe
3. KetKat has been accessing the private discord chat with the login details of her girlfriend ex-mod Robin and leaking the info
4. KetKat gets banned permanently and the forum goes into an uproar
5. Abstrusity wants an Internal Affairs department created
6. Hobbes confirms, as an Incident Manager, he doesn’t accept the way this “incident” has been managed. He wants you to know, he’s an incident manager though. He’s started to hide his posts to “mitigate off-site harassment.”
7. Royalan steps down as a mod, and has now been cancelled.
8. Excelsiorief posting history dig up, showing she agreed with Royalan on a problematic post...nothing happens cause she’s another defacto leader of the trans community on era. Noticeably...she hasn’t changed her avatar like most of the forum has, to KetKats she-tra furry looking avatar to show support.
9. We’re now waiting for Cerium to unban KetKat, confirming there are rules for minorities and then different rules for normal class members.

basically, we’re watching various mental illnesses battle eachother to become the most protected minority group on Era.
Thanks for the write up. Going to take a while to sift through pages of new posts here and on Resetera.

I got time though..... My hopeless Leafs don't play Vegas until 10 pm EST, so I won't get to see them get demolished for another 3 hrs or so.

By the way, for all you GAF fucks claiming Incident Manager, good for you. but I'm the new De-Incident Manager. And all you guys are fired because just like Hobbes you are doing nothing about these recent indecent incidents. lol
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I just found Hobbes doing Incident Managing in that thread.

Motherfuckers = NeoGAF

Lillies = Members of ERA outraged

Spongebob = Screencappers over here

Gun = Hiding Messages.

So I don't hurt the Incident Manager's feelings. /JOKE
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Thanks for the write up. Going to take a while to sift through pages of new posts here and on Resetera.

I got time though..... My hopeless Leafs don't play Vegas until 10 pm EST, so I won't get to see them get demolished for another 3 hrs or so.

By the way, for all you GAF fucks claiming Incident Manager, good for you. but I'm the new De-Incident Manager. And all you guys are fired because just like Hobbes you are doing nothing about these recent indecent incidents. lol

note: Royalan may not be the person who made the acephobe remark...but has been cancelled anyway as a mod lmao


The made a Trans Outrage/Look at us post and it didnt get adored, sticky'd, etc..and they got angry.
So they made another, and another.

This isn't quite correct, they made a topic and nobody except trans people and single drive by support members posted in it. They kept bumping it, and bumping it and it barely hit 200 posts. So someone made a modwhining topic of the same content and it got locked (no mod whining ban though). Then ketkat made a post in it where she got banned, the mods locked that topic and stickied the trans awareness one instead.

The South Park episode was the spark that set this all off.
"Someone messaged me so here are my thoughts."

I'd like to suggest an internal affairs tribunal to be held to determine who here is best qualified to become NeoGAF's first official Incident Manager. As I have been naught but a lurker for most of my time here, I will excuse myself from candidacy. However, in order to promote an atmosphere of transparency and pseudo-equal rights, I must inform everyone that I am attracted exclusively to women. I don't like the taste of white chocolate, nor am I a fan of Panic! At the Disco.

In recent years, I have felt ostracized from communities which I had once called home merely because of my identity. This is who I am and I have every right to occupy this world as you do; probably more, in fact, because I am brave. As such, while I will readily step aside from the Incident Managerial elections, it would be foolish (if not downright acephobic) of GAF not to permit me to helm the aforementioned internal affairs tribunal.

Currently, I believe there are several viable candidates. Xaero Gravity and Ol'Scratch have both asserted themselves as our Incident Manager, which is impressively direct. However, as I am new here and do not know people, my tribunal has determined that I cannot select them. Dismissed. ZhugeEX no longer has ties to ResetEra, whilst still rocking a Zhuge Liang avatar with a noticeably smug facial expression. The former factoid is savory; the latter is highly questionable. Dismissed. I do believe sabrina would be a strong candidate, as she is bold and incisive. Unfortunately, she is not here, ergo dismissed.

Which leaves Hobbes and ManaByte. Hobbes clearly has the experience to be the best Incident Manager he can possibly be. He is willing and able to appear in any thread, at any time, and make himself topical by any means necessary. He has even managed to make himself topical here in this very thread via a calculated system of stupidity. ManaByte, however, has suggested that each and every one of us become our community's Incident Manager. His proposal to alter the natural state, shifting the "Member" tag to "Incident Manager," is the most dynamic solution to a complex problem since that thing with the horse in Troy.

My tribunal has adjourned. ManaByte is our official Incident Manager.
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"Someone messaged me so here are my thoughts."

I'd like to suggest an internal affairs tribunal to be held to determine who here is best qualified to become NeoGAF's first official Incident Manager. As I have been naught but a lurker for most of my time here, I will excuse myself from candidacy. However, in order to promote an atmosphere of transparency and pseudo-equal rights, I must inform everyone that I am attracted exclusively to women. I don't like the taste of white chocolate, nor am I a fan of Panic! At the Disco.

In recent years, I have felt ostracized from communities which I had once called home merely because of my identity. This is who I am and I have every right to occupy this world as you do; probably more, in fact, because I am brave. As such, while I will readily step aside from the Incident Managerial elections, it would be foolish (if not downright acephobic) of GAF not to permit me to helm the aforementioned internal affairs tribunal.

Currently, I believe there are several viable candidates. Xaero Gravity and Ol'Scratch have both asserted themselves as our Incident Manager, which is impressively direct. However, as I am new here and do not know people, my tribunal has determined that I cannot select them. Dismissed. ZhugeEX no longer has ties to ResetEra, whilst still rocking a Zhuge Liang avatar with a noticeably smug facial expression. The former factoid is savory; the latter is highly questionable. Dismissed. I do believe sabrina would be a strong candidate, as she is bold and incisive. Unfortunately, she is not here, ergo dismissed.

Which leaves Hobbes and ManaByte. Hobbes clearly has the experience to be the best Incident Manager he can possibly be. He is willing and able to appear in any thread, at any time, and make himself topical by any means necessary. He has even managed to make himself topical here in this very thread via a calculated system of stupidity. ManaByte, however, has suggested that each and every one of us become our community's Incident Manager. His proposal to alter the natural state, shifting the "Member" tag to "Incident Manager," is the most dynamic solution to a complex problem since that thing with the horse in Troy.

My tribunal has adjourned. ManaByte is our official Incident Manager.
No no no no

Everyone you named that is on this site is way over qualified to be an Incident Manager.

The only acceptable answer is to not ban 1 of the Spam Bots. Make they/them GAF's incident manager
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Gold Member
Can someone explain the everyday struggle of asexual people?

"No, I don't want to have sex. Ugh, the struggles!"

The struggle is:

"I'm asexual. How come nobody gives me attention or a hug with cookies and a glass of warm milk?"

Anyone who has this low self-esteem doesn't realize that whether someone is heterosexual, homosexual or any of the various acronyms, 99.99% of the time nobody gives a shit about everyone else's sexuality or gender identification. So it's not just asexual people getting a cold shoulder. Everyone is.

People are more concerned with work, school, and no doubt give more attention to making sure they don't drive into that fucking pot hole on the way home, as opposed to catering to people's sexuality.

The counter to this argument is people who have sex and flirt are getting attention because many people are horndogs and would jump at getting into someone's pants.

Well, if you're asexual and don't give a shit about sex, then too bad. Nobody will give you sexual attention.


please contain the crazies until november 3rd 2020, then you can collapse into a black hole where you belong
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Xaero Gravity

The interesting thing about all this, is that if KitKat Chunky or whatever the hell their name is gets unbanned despite it being justified, how will the rest of Era react when it's obvious certain segments of the community get preferential treatment?

Cerium is basically damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Considering how much has been contained within two threads, I imagine he'll see caving into TransEra's demands as the more viable option.


The interesting thing about all this, is that if KitKat Chunky or whatever the hell their name is gets unbanned despite it being justified, how will the rest of Era react when it's obvious certain segments of the community get preferential treatment?

Cerium is basically damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Considering how much has been contained within two threads, I imagine he'll see caving into TransEra's demands as the more viable option.


Gold Member

It's really messed up when you think about it.

I can't think of any community I've been a part of ever where snooping or hacking or eavesdropping into people's private conversations and affairs would not be met with instant dismissal from that group. Online, offline, whatever.

Even in friend circles or with family this would be a massive no-no. It's a huge violation of trust and a huge violation of privacy.
In the context of ResetEra you would think such a violation of consent would be seen as an incredibly bad and unforgivable thing.

Yet, despite all that, the defense tactic of "but I am Trans" has them in a spin. Like they even admit that they had to "discuss" the ban and that it wasn't easy. What? This person literally hacked your private convos, creepily spied on you, and then tried to make it public and you're wavering on whether or not that person should be booted out of the community just because they are cashing in their oppression points? At the same time you will gladly ban people permanently for calling game developers lazy or for saying that the new Star Wars is a bit shite?

Hey guys someone hacked our private chats and spied on us so we banned them.
OMG! You banned a trans person!? How dare you!?

KetKat was screwing around with someone else's access. It should have been KetKat is a "snooping ass wipe sticking her nose where it shouldn't be", but turned into "heroic saviour of justice" when there was dirt to be discussed.

So if I snoop into a friend's email, and secretly find out he's broke because he gambled it away and needs a loan, I have the right to tell the world he blew it all on slot machines?


The interesting thing about all this, is that if KitKat Chunky or whatever the hell their name is gets unbanned despite it being justified, how will the rest of Era react when it's obvious certain segments of the community get preferential treatment?

It isn't justified in their minds, though. Ketkat is a stunningly brave whistleblower that is exposing the horrible sin of acephobia. The rest of the forum will fall in line or get dog piled and reported to death by Transera. That's probably all they do on their Discord, post wrong think so everyone else can rush in to report and get those ban numbers up. A videogame forum.
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The interesting thing about all this, is that if KitKat Chunky or whatever the hell their name is gets unbanned despite it being justified, how will the rest of Era react when it's obvious certain segments of the community get preferential treatment?

Cerium is basically damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Considering how much has been contained within two threads, I imagine he'll see caving into TransEra's demands as the more viable option.

Obviously the point to be taken at that juncture is for everyone to identify as an asexual trans person.
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Darkness no more
1. TransEra has one of their weekly sooks about them not being protected enough
2. TransEra leader, KetKat, leaks information from a private discord chat for minority mod members stating that Royalan (gay and black) is an acephobe
3. KetKat has been accessing the private discord chat with the login details of her girlfriend ex-mod Robin and leaking the info
4. KetKat gets banned permanently and the forum goes into an uproar
5. Abstrusity wants an Internal Affairs department created
6. Hobbes confirms, as an Incident Manager, he doesn’t accept the way this “incident” has been managed. He wants you to know, he’s an incident manager though. He’s started to hide his posts to “mitigate off-site harassment.”
7. Royalan steps down as a mod, and has now been cancelled.
8. Excelsiorief posting history dig up, showing she agreed with Royalan on a problematic post...nothing happens cause she’s another defacto leader of the trans community on era. Noticeably...she hasn’t changed her avatar like most of the forum has, to KetKats she-tra furry looking avatar to show support.
9. We’re now waiting for Cerium to unban KetKat, confirming there are rules for minorities and then different rules for normal class members.

basically, we’re watching various mental illnesses battle eachother to become the most protected minority group on Era.

Congrats you are now GAFs Incident Manager.


Gold Member
The Ketkat ban is permanent.
The entire staff was given an opportunity to weigh in on this case over the past few days. In light of the violation of their privacy, many expressed that they would not feel comfortable or safe volunteering here if such intrusions were tolerated. For this reason, the ban has been made permanent. This decision was not and could not have been made without careful consideration and large consensus.
Great admission.

So that prevents Ree from trying to back peddle it was 1 or 2 mods being asses. When the whole staff does a united front on permabanning KetKat it means all mods (and the owner) are against you and people who associate with KetKat. lol

For the good of the community, we are commuting Ketkat's ban to time served. After speaking at length with Ketkat, we recognize that the breach of privacy was the crux of the problem and that it was a mistake to reference the personal relationship in the initial banner.

The timing and place of the ban sent a message to the community that was never intended in the least, and we sincerely apologize for that above all. We're taking this moment to listen, and we have reached out to the TransEra community to open direct dialogue about how we can all move forward and heal together.

So soft
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Gold Member
Just a thought, maybe someone should let Kotaku know about the drama so they can run a story on it.

Maybe a few people should let them know. Remember, keep it sincere.

Good point.

Where's that so called video game journalist Jason Schreier? All this stuff is public too. Hey Jason, forget about all your Anthem articles. How about a nice recap article on KetKat and Reeee, complete with editorial opinion?

Green Saber

The interesting thing about all this, is that if KitKat Chunky or whatever the hell their name is gets unbanned despite it being justified, how will the rest of Era react when it's obvious certain segments of the community get preferential treatment?

Cerium is basically damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Considering how much has been contained within two threads, I imagine he'll see caving into TransEra's demands as the more viable option.
I tend to agree, though there is no way in hell I would unban this kitkat person, sure a few of the fruitloops might leave the site if kitkat stays banned but that is a price worth paying in my opinion.
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