it really is a kind of self-annihilation they are after. they hate themselves, because they were born male, and have all this toxic masculinity. raised by a feminist society, they were told that fathers are bad, you shouldn't want to start a family, so any positive role is cut off to them. feminism has robbed them of a legacy. women as well, who must sacrifice the "chains" of Motherhood for the "freedom" to "pursue a career" (money) or love life (empty sex) or college (useless Gender Studies degree). as Millenials enter their mid-life crisis, they are slowly realizing they will die alone, without this legacy, ending in a single selfish generation millions and millions of years of evolution (or God's grand design). desperate to escape this reality which they themselves have constructed, they retreat to nostalgia. thus women act like they are back in college (dating, day drinking, astrology, gossip) and men do the same (video games, porn, sports). this is why Hollywood has blinded us all with nostalgia, we are primed because we are in a state of global arrested development. so they are not raising children, which they would be doing if they followed traditional roles. so they have all this extra energy to burn. if they had kids and worked real jobs, they would be exhausted.
instead, they are idle hands. a lot of them are probably really mad at themselves and the world. they know when they die there is no son or daughter to pass on their genes. they think this means those roles were always a lie, rather than that feminism stole them away. they don't believe in a future at large* because they don't believe in a future for themselves. feminism starts with The Pill and abortion and ends with the kind of genital mutilation we are seeing these days. it is a cult of self-annihilation and some of them want to take US down with them.
*notice how no one advocating for "tear it down and build anew" has, ahem, shown us how they would construct all of society from scratch?