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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member

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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes

Yes, you really are living in a dystopia. The one in your head.

I really do feel sorry for people like this who are ruining their lives by inventing ever more esoteric ways to make themselves miserable. These people need a friend or family member to metaphorically slap them across the face to snap out of it. Instead we have evolved into a society where people feel obligated to indulge it as these ill people go further down the rabbit hole.
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I really do feel sorry for people like this who are ruining their lives by inventing ever more esoteric ways to make themselves miserable. These people need a friend or family member to metaphorically slap them across the face to snap out of it. Instead we have evolved into a society where people feel obligated to indulge it as these ill people go further down the rabbit hole.

What starts off as well intention-ed support can often quickly become enabling behavior. Like any addict they have to keep chasing that attention high.


So I was JUST banned for comments I made the other day where I, in a not-drive by comment, explained why I didn't like Abby Russell and hoped they pick someone that has a bit more knowledge of the gaming industry next time. That was Thursday. They called me a misogynist in the ban. Resetera is absolutely batshit crazy. At this point the site is just a cult and if you don't agree with everything they say, you are a racist, sexist whatever-phobe. I'm the opposite of all that--but I guess anything to fit into their little labels and make it easier to pigeonhole someone. They have become what they think they want to root out and crusade against. The irony is too much. They have become a radical fringe group hive mind.

Imagine belonging to a group that only has one way of thinking and any deviation from the dogma is not tolerated. It's pretty freaking scary.
So I was JUST banned for comments I made the other day where I, in a not-drive by comment, explained why I didn't like Abby Russell and hoped they pick someone that has a bit more knowledge of the gaming industry next time. That was Thursday. They called me a misogynist in the ban. Resetera is absolutely batshit crazy. At this point the site is just a cult and if you don't agree with everything they say, you are a racist, sexist whatever-phobe. I'm the opposite of all that--but I guess anything to fit into their little labels and make it easier to pigeonhole someone. They have become what they think they want to root out and crusade against. The irony is too much. They have become a radical fringe group hive mind.

Imagine belonging to a group that only has one way of thinking and any deviation from the dogma is not tolerated. It's pretty freaking scary.

I've been called a sexist, misogynist, bigot, transphobe, etc. Even though I've never been called these things in anywhere else in my life, or in ANY other online community, and they are actually things I've always fought against. It's a very "special" place. And by special, I mean if you deviate a mm from the most extreme fringe opinion, or the opinions approved by the mods, you're utterly fucked.

Meanwhile, you can call any other member every name in the book, telling them to go fuck themselves and kill themselves, and as long as you have the "right" kind of posting history, you're all good.


We have a bunch of fucking choosing beggars on ResetEra that wants everything for free lol. The included in-game guide for some first party titles on Sonys games is only included in PS+. So these fuckers complain about that. EVEN WHEN PEOPLE EXPLAIN that someones is sitting on their ass and doing the work, these in-game guides are tailored by the developers, spoilerfree and with a video attached for that specific object, quest etc.

BUT MAH FREE STUFF! Get the fuck outtahere.



So I was JUST banned for comments I made the other day where I, in a not-drive by comment, explained why I didn't like Abby Russell and hoped they pick someone that has a bit more knowledge of the gaming industry next time. That was Thursday. They called me a misogynist in the ban. Resetera is absolutely batshit crazy. At this point the site is just a cult and if you don't agree with everything they say, you are a racist, sexist whatever-phobe. I'm the opposite of all that--but I guess anything to fit into their little labels and make it easier to pigeonhole someone. They have become what they think they want to root out and crusade against. The irony is too much. They have become a radical fringe group hive mind.

Imagine belonging to a group that only has one way of thinking and any deviation from the dogma is not tolerated. It's pretty freaking scary.



these morons are mad that authors "compare minorities to non-humans" in this cyberpunk fiction jfc

do they not understand that this is one of historical science fiction's primary ways of commenting on societal treatment of minorities? showing the mistreatment of people based on what they look like? you have heard of the first cyberpunk book, Franknenstein have you? where they lynch the main character? THAT WASNT TO ENDORSE LYNCHING MONSTERS IT WAS SOCIAL COMMENTARY YOU MORONS.

that the genre they constantly go on about being so progressive is known as progressive BECAUSE IT DOES LITERALLY THIS USING SCIENCE FICTION TROPES TO EXPLORE MINORITY EXPERIENCE YOU IGNORANT DUMBSKULLS WHO ARE TOO THICK AND HELL BENT ON BEING MAD ABOUT VIDEOGAMES TO CRITICALLY INTERPRET SOCIAL COMMENTARY WHEN ITS STARING YOU IN THE FACE? as socialists, you would think that they would understand the link between minority labor and the machines of capitalism, because they are always ranting about such things, yet when a work of art illustrates this, it somehow offends them.

why? it is saying exactly what they are!

science fiction has literally talked about the shit they are pretending is brave and new for hundreds of years, and they are acting baffled that it is suddenly dealing with these issues. are they illiterate? perhaps these people have really never read a book, they just skim wikipedia and tell everyone on the internet they are experts.

like, help me out here, i'm not just imagining this, am i? they are upset that the genre is doing social commentary? how anti-intellectual can you get?

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You can't criticise Star Trek Discovery without being piled on over on Resetera.

They even pre-empt any criticism by calling any past critics misogynistic and other such nonsense.

I think they're doing it on purpose. They know it's shit, but would rather get the level headed trek fans riled up by not allowing any debate.

Bunch of cunts.
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So I was JUST banned for comments I made the other day where I, in a not-drive by comment, explained why I didn't like Abby Russell and hoped they pick someone that has a bit more knowledge of the gaming industry next time. That was Thursday. They called me a misogynist in the ban. Resetera is absolutely batshit crazy. At this point the site is just a cult and if you don't agree with everything they say, you are a racist, sexist whatever-phobe. I'm the opposite of all that--but I guess anything to fit into their little labels and make it easier to pigeonhole someone. They have become what they think they want to root out and crusade against. The irony is too much. They have become a radical fringe group hive mind.

Imagine belonging to a group that only has one way of thinking and any deviation from the dogma is not tolerated. It's pretty freaking scary.
You said nothing wrong in that thread. The problem is that "Nooooooo! This is soooooo sad! Abby is the BEST!" is the only acceptable opinion on there (as well as among the GB community at large, in fairness). I wasn't surprised by who I saw dogpiling on you, many of them have been white-knighting for her since the start.

The dogpiling is to get any "wrongthinkers" banned from there. I never engage with any of it for that reason.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It seems to me like CDPR were damned no matter what they did in regards to this whole transgendered outrage with Cyberpunk

The best thing CDPR could have done is went with their observations of transgenderism and simply ignored the dissent. Completely ignored them, no statements, no replies to questions about it in the media. As you noted it's not only an unwinnable situation to engage them, but if you do try to appease the myriad factions within the trans community they will keep complaining until the entire game, its every facet, matches their minority views.


You can't criticise Star Trek Discovery without being piled on over on Resetera.

They even pre-empt any criticism by calling any past critics misogynistic and other such nonsense.

I think they're doing it on purpose. They know it's shit, but would rather get the level headed trek fans riled up by not allowing any debate.

Bunch of cunts.

It's got gay and a non binary character in it and a whole bunch of woke stuff. They'll defend that shit to the end even when the show is hated and it's ratings have absolutely tanked.




We're locking the Cyberpunk OT for a day.


Like that's actually going to appease the trans mob, but luckily the team sent out the trans diversity hire admin to deliver the message. So that will make it OK!


Last years trans awareness week on Resetera was an absolute banger! The OT limped along with a few safe drive bys "Trans rights are human rights" and not much else becuse nobody except trans people really care. Then they banned Ketkat and the whole thing blew up as the trans community ate the mods, other members jumped in on the mods under the cover of the trans outrage as it made them untouchable. Oni-link Plus requested a perm thinking he'd have the trans community stand in solidaryity and leave with him
They didn't
. Roylan got demodded.

Good times.

Looking forward to another great Trans awareness week, post election, Cyberpunk release, growing tensions on Ree!
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like, help me out here, i'm not just imagining this, am i? they are upset that the genre is doing social commentary? how anti-intellectual can you get?


Matthew77 one of my favorites when he pops up, has a backstory that would make a talent show contestant win a guaranteed spot on the show.


When it comes to a person with these creative writing skills you'd think they would actually understand scifi allegories.



Amazing how many fucking bans some people can accumulate and still have posting privileges, as long as they happen to be nasty woke bullies and trans extremists.

lol, looked mine up, was only allowed back 2x, my 2nd ban, I didn't join the circle jerk but instead asked for facts to have a civil discussion, this was apparently defending the subject and needed to be silenced.


If I still had an account I would now be a full transgender activist, this wouldn't be enough for me now, only 1 day? the issue is bigger than that. The fact that they delayed the game 2x to piss on the trans community like that is unacceptable. Additionally I wouldn't feel safe knowing that there are people who would like to discuss this game while looking past all the trans issues that we brought up.

It's gonna be great come release day.



I think you are a liar because you are a liar. No fucking way that happened. You are telling me the stepfather called the cops because his stepson was in a dress.... and not only did the cops respond to that call but actually arrested him (for wearing a dress?) and even worse.... saying they'd like to shoot him?





From a forum that thinks it's good at spotting trolls they really do fall for this stuff so easily.



Funniest fucking shit I've read all day. Wonder how many board meetings they had to come to that monumental, earth-shattering decision? This will definitely be a game-changer for the "trans community".

What a bunch of fuckwits. Superficial, worthless virtue signalling at it's finest.

That's a quick decision. It took them weeks to organize the "Asian summit" because ummm covid makes it really difficult right now to get the team together to find a time to discuss it, even though we are unemployed or locked down and cant go outside anyway.

At Ree the smallest represented group "the trans" sit at the top of the oppression tree there and must be coddled and pandered to all all costs.





What a fucking circus. Incredible mix of virtue signalling, ass kissing, circle-jerking, and self-promotion, all for a mind-bogglingly meaningless move.

And yes, thank you Black Chamber and vestan. Hopefully they can recover from the incredible sacrifice of having the thread locked for a single day.
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Gold Member
I love the sheer arrogance of “That sounds acceptable to me as a starting point”

what a fucking sociopath. a private forum does not need a random member to “accept” anything, even less so ”as a starting point”. In a private forum a member is free to fuck right off if they do not accept something.
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I love the sheer arrogance of “That sounds acceptable to me as a starting point”

what a fucking sociopath. a private forum does not need a random member to “accept” anything, even less so ”as a starting point”. In a private forum a member is free to fuck right off if they do not accept something.

"It's a start".

Also hope there’s enough time before Nov 20 to get the logistics all worked out, seems quite complex. But I have faith they can pull it off!







What a fucking circus. Incredible mix of virtue signalling, ass kissing, circle-jerking, and self-promotion, all for a mind-bogglingly meaningless move.

And yes, thank you Black Chamber and vestan. Hopefully they can recover from the incredible sacrifice of having the thread locked for a single day.

Bunch of trans women sucking each other off. What a surprise, it just comes across as so fucking fake as they try to one up each other with the empathy and support.







What a fucking circus. Incredible mix of virtue signalling, ass kissing, circle-jerking, and self-promotion, all for a mind-bogglingly meaningless move.

And yes, thank you Black Chamber and vestan. Hopefully they can recover from the incredible sacrifice of having the thread locked for a single day.

November 21st.

Goes to Cyberpunk 2077 OT.

"Spent the entire day yesterday playing this. Good times."
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