balls of snow
Let's take a look at this gaming forum:
Should sticker that to the main page of REEE...
Let's take a look at this gaming forum:
Should sticker that to the main page of REEE...
Must be exhausting being an "ally" of ResetEra shitbirds, it ain't easy having to navigate endless minefields and thin /facepalm
Because its their "safe space" rememberThey seriously believe that anyone outside of Resetera is outraged over alleged transphobia in Cyberpunk 2077.
May i remind you that the game isn't even out yet.
Dude, you need to just let it go, that site hates any normal person and just bans them, your situation is no different.Indeed. By taking it so far to the extreme, by demonizing everyone who has a slightly differing opinion, by banning all discussions that implies the entire theme isn't necessarily black and white... these situations happen when you either say word by word what others said before or you stay silent (though in this case even those who said nothing were attacked), else you get piled on, mass reported. I have had 20k+ posts on Era, but to permaban me they had to go back to that one time 2 years earlier that I posted a copy-pasta meme that could be interpreted as transphobic if viewed with no context. So it does not matter to me that I always spoke up against authoritarian governments, that I did my best to help minority communities on the site, that I called out a lot of vile shit done against discriminated folks around the world. No, my permaban had to include "transphobe" because of one meme an eternity ago.
Fortunately, I am not the kind of person that will change political and social views based on the vile treatment a forum reserved me. But yes, this is not how you make allies. Banning everyone making a question, piling on everyone who isn't 100% agreeing, even going as far as insulting those who dare enjoying this game instead of talking about the bad shit, as if all Apple phone threads, all Rockstar game threads and such forced people to put a disclaimer about them being against the terrible stuff done by said companies. It's a sad state of affairs all in all because I legitimately am on board with a lot of the stuff Era stands for, but they're killing any chance of decent discussions with this moderation.
TIL cars can be racistA racist car
That thread is the last straw for me. I’m afraid of expressing my views on that forum and have to censor myself. I’m tired of seeing the same group of people preaching as if they are the authority in all these social issues. When frankly most of them are the least qualified to speak on such matters. Everything is a chance to be outraged. These people have forgotten that a lot of us just want to talk about why we love video games.
Do they... do they think all Dodge Chargers are named after General Lee?
yeah, it was awesome, what Saturdays were for, along with Airwolf, Knight Rider and the A Team
Lol, cars can be racist
Is this Orange Car Bad?
LMFAO. My god, what is this..i had no idea we had a thread for this. its amazing. finally. that forum is just ridiculous when it comes to CDPR.
Lol you're so lucky our mods aren't as trigger happy as Era mods![]()
Regarding Jeff Grubbs 120hz mode comments....
but they're killing any chance of decent discussions with this moderation.
That’s the issue though, they want to play on it, find fault with everything so they can flip tables. If they don’t then they just get relegated down the minority ladder. The sad thing is there are probably lots of trans people out there that if they read half the shit in those threads would also flip tables for how poorly their being represented. I mean I wouldn’t want a basement dwelling neckbeard in a dress and bad wig representing me!What makes transgendered people so great to begin with? Like sure, dont be an asshole to them for no reason, but why should everyone kiss their asses?
Like i get not being a bigot, sure, but with how much they go on and on about how all these subtle transgressions are so hurtful... shouldn't they be more focused on why they are who they are? Take some pride? Give back to the community? They make their entire lives just sound like this unending bout of misery. Like you're that unsettled by a video game? How old are you?
don't you remember this episode of Knight Rider?Lol, cars can be racist
Man I don't know, the Lore is somewhere, right? I'm going back to re-reading the item descriptions in dark souls...What makes transgendered people so great to begin with? Like sure, dont be an asshole to them for no reason, but why should everyone kiss their asses?
Like i get not being a bigot, sure, but with how much they go on and on about how all these subtle transgressions are so hurtful... shouldn't they be more focused on why they are who they are? Take some pride? Give back to the community? They make their entire lives just sound like this unending bout of misery. Like you're that unsettled by a video game? How old are you?
Yup, this is not representative of the whole community. Contrapoints did a great video on how the irrational irates muddy the waters for others :That’s the issue though, they want to play on it, find fault with everything so they can flip tables. If they don’t then they just get relegated down the minority ladder. The sad thing is there are probably lots of trans people out there that if they read half the shit in those threads would also flip tables for how poorly their being represented. I mean I wouldn’t want a basement dwelling neckbeard in a dress and bad wig representing me!
The way they get triggered about everything hurts their cause as any stain person will nope out of there and leave thinking all trans people are insane (their not). I honestly couldn’t care if they dressed as a elephant and identified as a fruit, it’s their choice, but all the “woe is me” bullshit is too much. Go outside, away from your keyboard and fucking experience some life before you die. Or just stay inside, in your “safe place” and cry on the internet about how everyone you have never met IRL hates you ffs![]()
What makes transgendered people so great to begin with? Like sure, dont be an asshole to them for no reason, but why should everyone kiss their asses?
Like i get not being a bigot, sure, but with how much they go on and on about how all these subtle transgressions are so hurtful... shouldn't they be more focused on why they are who they are? Take some pride? Give back to the community? They make their entire lives just sound like this unending bout of misery. Like you're that unsettled by a video game? How old are you?
Well putA lot of trans people aren't like that. They're just living their life fully aware that there's an adjustment period for a lot of people that didn't even know they existed until recently. They don't get offended at every little thing and sometimes they'll see the way their own community acts as extremely infantilizing.
It's the always-online ones that make it such a core part of their identity. They, like every marginalized group, have their basic civil rights fights, but they turn literally everything into that. Completely separate from being trans, they're just fucking children that found something to latch onto that'll allow them to whine as much as they want because it's no longer acceptable to chastise them for it. But of course they don't seem to realize that it's just making it harder for normal trans people that aren't whiny lunatics.
Shut up cisWhat makes transgendered people so great to begin with? Like sure, dont be an asshole to them for no reason, but why should everyone kiss their asses?
Like i get not being a bigot, sure, but with how much they go on and on about how all these subtle transgressions are so hurtful... shouldn't they be more focused on why they are who they are? Take some pride? Give back to the community? They make their entire lives just sound like this unending bout of misery. Like you're that unsettled by a video game? How old are you?
Courtesy of the farms, Messofanego getting assblasted on Twitter.
You seem jealous. Maybe if you ask him nicely his parents can buy you a wife too.imagine wasting your time twitter activisming. what a fucking loser.
Holy shit, savage stuff especially the last tweet.
He can't help himself from posting utter nonsense and I reckon he thinks thinks he's some form of ally when nobody gives a flying-fuck about what he says.
Doesn't get more pathetic than that.
Keanu on the Pro column?Cyberpunk 2077 (pros and cons so far)
- Keanu Reeves
- Paid overtime
- Racist cars
- Fully customisable character creation (transphobic somehow)
- Keanu Reeves hasn't denounced the game
- The developers are racist because of tweets on the official account run by interns
- Fully playable in 2020 (misleading as it says 2077 on the box)
- Not on Switch. Would be perfect for Switch, Doom can be played on Switch so why not this game?
- Company based in Poland not diverse enough. It should have more African Americans women since they are so common in Poland.
Feel free to add to the pros and cons list.
In this thread also my worry for quite a while was realised: The stage was set for David Wise's cancellation; one of the most brilliant video game composers there are.this thread is some insane shit right here. so this thread was started because they want to cancel a voice actor for liking a tweet from Kirstie Alley which is somewhat critical of BLM.
Karen Strassman (Poison from Street Fighter, Mileena from Mortal Kombat, Aigis & Nanako from Persona, and Anna from Fire Emblem) likes Anti-BLM tweet
Goddammit, this shit stings. In case you're curious where I got this, just pull up her Twitter & checked her list of Liked tweets. This shouldn't be that far down the list. Source: Karen Strassman (Twitter)
thread was bumped this morning by these dudes all celebrating the deplatforming of this woman
when i say "dudes" i literally mean all these accounts celebrating a woman losing her job for not being woke enough have their genders listed as male
so... yeah... this is feminism in 2020, a bunch of dudes on a video game forum literally calling women pieces of shit
oh and here's the kicker. this "piece of shit" actually does work to help the homeless and sex trafficking vitcims.
they bring it up because they want to use her words from an interview about her charity work to show she is a hypocrite (or something? i guess if you help homeless people that doesn't matter if you like the wrong Tweet?)
take a guess!
You seem jealous. Maybe if you ask him nicely his parents can buy you a wife too.![]()
I wasn't sure so I put him in the cons list just in case. Fucking hell, the nicest guy in Hollywood getting shit on.Keanu on the Pro column?
Keanu on the Pro column?
Image is broken.Keanu on the Pro column?
Fixed?Image is broken.
First try, incredible.PonyStation4 is that you?
???First try, incredible.
It's British food!Food? Looks like bull shit.
"Yes" would have been a more efficient answer.It's British food!
Yes. Interestingly, a pretty rough discussion style is permitted. I am known for being opposed to religion I think, but some statements are actually pretty strong, even for me.Did they permit discussion of the French teacher beheaded by a refugee for showing Mohammed cartoons?