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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Off-Site Inflammatory Member
Imagine reading fantasy as an adult
sally kohn troll GIF by The Opposite of Hate


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Why is there foot binding in Monster Hunter Rise?

Here we goooooooo

This shit is so annoying. Acting like black men are riddled with bullets every time they resist arrest. It’s such bullshit and factually untrue. This is in response to the girl in New York who accused the black kid of stealing her phone and then tackled him. It’s bullshit that this is being paraded around so much as some kind of huge racist incident when this bitch is clearly mentally unstable or under the influence of something. Fucking Gayle King even interviewed her. I feel bad for the kid and his father for having to deal with this psycho.


Why is there foot binding in Monster Hunter Rise?

Here we goooooooo
Does he not know what footbinding is? Nothing in his link looks even close to foot binding...


This shit is so annoying. Acting like black men are riddled with bullets every time they resist arrest. It’s such bullshit and factually untrue. This is in response to the girl in New York who accused the black kid of stealing her phone and then tackled him. It’s bullshit that this is being paraded around so much as some kind of huge racist incident when this bitch is clearly mentally unstable or under the influence of something. Fucking Gayle King even interviewed her. I feel bad for the kid and his father for having to deal with this psycho.

Oh course, it was the same with the rioters in the capital the other day. They're so against police brutality but they are livid when someone isn't beaten to a bloody pulp by police.

Also love the jump to a man rather than saying a black woman? Yes, a small white woman poses less of a thread than a black man in general. I can fend off an average woman attacking me much better than an average sized man.

They've drank so much koolaid they think that men and women aren't different in any way.
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Tuff McNutt

They're trans and quite vocal about it between screaming at other countries politics.

They flat out they said they love picking fights before, actually posted that.

For some reason they are protected.
They're trans, which gives a free pass for being an asshole on Era.

Also, they're one of the power posters that inflates the site's stats. They like to pride themselves on how active the site is, but really it's the same 100 or so people doing the vast majority of the posting on there.


it is a form of self hatred. feminism has told them men are evil, but they themselves are men. they perform the ritual of denial of masculinity in various ways, from calling out sexy women in videogames/tv/movies (it's bad because it is catered to men) to trying to convince themselves and the world that they are not men but some new, special, magical thing that has never existed before. this is also why they hate the idea of having children and the concept of fatherhood. they hate men (themselves) so much they are voluntarily & purposefully ending their genetic line. based on political-ideological radicalism.

of course, even when they do go both the former and the latter routes, they fail to show how this new wonderful gender is in any way different from the old "toxic" one. if a gendertrash person spends all his time screaming about video games and gamers, whipping up outrage towards AAA game companies (outrage that inevitably will end in death threats via social media), and aggressively attacking anyone who criticizes him, then why are all these considered traits of "toxic masculinity" and not "toxic gendertrash". if trans people are acting just as bad as the men they claim they are not, then what difference does it even make what they call themselves?

or could it be it doesn't matter what label you give yourself, nothing stops you from being either a nice person or a jerk. this is something this lot of fanatics and extremists constantly fail to remember.
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These idiots think they at war. At war behind their keyboards.

It's super interesting and I'd love to pick their brains on what they think Gamergate actually is or was.

I saw a few things going around about a "direct link" between Gamergate and the trouble earlier this week.
As if political unrest, riots and protests are some brand new concepts that were first thought about in... 2014.
As if there wasn't political unrest when Trump won in 2016 and even earlier this year.

The basic belief is that tech companies should have "clamped down" on Gamergate back in the day.
By not clamping down and punishing those involved they allowed this fringe political movement to grow and elect Trump and finally spend one day causing trouble in Washington.

So the same people who want to rake the authorities over the coals for being too heavy handed also want them to go in hard on people who send people verbal or written abuse over the internet. They want to "speak truth to power" but they also want to wield power against those who disagree with them.

Maybe there was some kind of incidents with GG where people were attacked in the streets or something but it seems like all of it took place online?
I'd love to just see the list of "Terrible Things That GG Has Done" just to get a grip on exactly what they are claiming GG did.

I'm not sure how, back in 2014, you'd be able to explain to law enforcement that they need to arrest some Youtuber in England because he said some woman slept with games journalists in exchange for positive coverage of her videogame but that's not true and she can sleep with who ever she wants. Like, to what extent is this even a criminal offense and what would the maximum punishment realistically be?

When it boils down to it they are saying that back in 2014 there was a scandal in the gaming community and they wanted to control the narrative but they failed because too many people were pushing a different narrative. If only the authorities had stepped in and absolutely crushed the opposition then the narrative would have been fully controlled.

Then step back and realize that they are literally talking about some personal drama about a woman who had an affair with some guy who said something good about her game in a professional capacity with no disclosure of the relationship. That's it.

We aren't talking about a developer that was murdered or a publishers office that was burnt to the ground by an angry mob.

I think you could reasonably argue that ResetEra have done more harassing and abusing of people in the gaming industry than GG ever did.
Trying to get games cancelled and people fired.
Creating blacklists of content creators based on things like who they are friends with.
Singling out and going after streamers etc and trying to ruin their reputations.

To the point where I'd say a part of any community managers job in this industry is to make sure that, whatever you put out, you don't rouse the mob.
Read each Tweet over and over looking for something that could conceivably be twisted and used against you or your employer. Just incase.
If you mess it up? Here they come.

Yet they'll sit there knowing full well that they were part of all that and claim there's a direct link between some small time industry drama playing out exclusively online and full scale political unrest in Washington IRL.

Was there some mad and crazy gamergate protest that I missed?
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They're trans, which gives a free pass for being an asshole on Era.

Also, they're one of the power posters that inflates the site's stats. They like to pride themselves on how active the site is, but really it's the same 100 or so people doing the vast majority of the posting on there.

Absolutely, same posters over and over again.

Nearly 50k posts though? That really is beyond insanity, their life must be so bloody empty and void of happiness.


it is a form of self hatred. feminism has told them men are evil, but they themselves are men. they perform the ritual of denial of masculinity in various ways, from calling out sexy women in videogames/tv/movies (it's bad because it is catered to men) to trying to convince themselves and the world that they are not men but some new, special, magical thing that has never existed before. this is also why they hate the idea of having children and the concept of fatherhood. they hate men (themselves) so much they are voluntarily & purposefully ending their genetic line. based on political-ideological radicalism.

of course, even when they do go both the former and the latter routes, they fail to show how this new wonderful gender is in any way different from the old "toxic" one. if a gendertrash person spends all his time screaming about video games and gamers, whipping up outrage towards AAA game companies (outrage that inevitably will end in death threats via social media), and aggressively attacking anyone who criticizes him, then why are all these considered traits of "toxic masculinity" and not "toxic gendertrash". if trans people are acting just as bad as the men they claim they are not, then what difference does it even make what they call themselves?

or could it be it doesn't matter what label you give yourself, nothing stops you from being either a nice person or a jerk. this is something this lot of fanatics and extremists constantly fail to remember.

In a lot of ways I think it's quite sad.
Some of these lads probably never got a sincere or genuine complement in their lives.
If they went to a place like ResetEra saying something like they feel so down about how society is constantly belittling white dudes they'd be told where to go.
Slap on a bit of make up and a dress and start calling yourself Jane and suddenly all the love in the world is coming your way.

For lonely people, or those with low self-esteem, this must be a real head-wrecker.
Spend your whole life as a worthless piece of human garbage and then say the words "I'm a woman now" and the world changes instantly.

That's probably quite an appealing prospect for many.
Spend your whole life as a worthless piece of human garbage and then say the words "I'm a woman now" and the world changes instantly.
That's not wrong. In a strange way people are not allowed to say bad things about you if you do it. People could call you the worst things in the world during your life before if you were a someone not seen as normal.



Call the FBI on your boss, yeah great advice on getting fired. These people are idiots.

Call the FBI on your boss, yeah great advice on getting fired. These people are idiots.

bootlicking and snitching is cool now


Now they believe police will "sort things out". It's beautiful how stupid they are to not understand they're now admitting they lied about actually caring what happens to people. You love to see it.


Bit long for a T-Shirt though.

I just can't believe Nepenthe wasn't there to move the 'fur'niture in the Oval Office.

Imagine her trying to push a small desk, would have been comical. (Fur-suit a must)
I don’t like Trump or what he stands for. And I’ve been allowed to say this here despite many of GAF’s members seemingly lean to the right and vote Republican. If I said on Era that I don’t like Biden’s policies etc I’d be banned in seconds.

And what I love about this place is we talk about games first and foremost and all the other stuff is in the background. There’s a good balance of views here and because we’re treated like adults by EviLore EviLore and the mods, we behave in a considerate manner (most of the time anyway! And yes we’ve got a few idiots but so has every forum on the internet)

Reset Era isn’t a gaming discussion forum now. It’s a political and social drama school. And the irony is, for a LEFT LEANING website, the moderators are Nazis and free speech isn’t allowed. It’s either toe the line and agree with the general Era consensus that all cops are evil and that the next world leader should be Transgender, or you get your ass banned pretty quickly.
Would not call here a right leaning forum...I actually think it’s more centre with quite a few left leaning people...the difference is that people engage with each other in conversation and can have different opinions

its actually refreshing to not feel strangled


Imagine despising your father enough to ask strangers on the internet how to fuck with him.
What a fucking piece of shit.


Lol “miss me with saying it’s unethical”. Truly the role models of society. Also love the mod saying he blocks channels on his parents tv to be a dick. Such petty losers who are always so butthurt.

Always love how these losers can’t hold a job and live with their parents rent free but want power over them to harass them. Completely normal people.


They do understand someone like this can easily decide to just throw the thing into a drawer and never use it, right? I mean the guy is almost certainly not addicted to tech so it wouldn't be a big deal for him to do that.


just so we’re clear, nothing wrong with reading fantasy once in a while, but reading fantasy only like that guy said feels very wrong to me tbh
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Hi gang. First Neogaf post! I have been proudly permanently banned from Resetera for stating that a thread asking people whether they hate all Republicans is prejudiced.

This is after I was banned for arguing that the sentiment All Cops Are Bastards is also prejudiced.

Can share the full story if there is interest and if this is the right place to share it.

Please make it less than 10,000 words.


Plus Member
Hi gang. First Neogaf post! I have been proudly permanently banned from Resetera for stating that a thread asking people whether they hate all Republicans is prejudiced.

This is after I was banned for arguing that the sentiment All Cops Are Bastards is also prejudiced.

Can share the full story if there is interest and if this is the right place to share it.
Tell Deon Cole GIF by Team Coco


OK so I'll do it as a 3 Act Play.

Act 1 : The Nintendo Defense Brigade

There's a cohort of Nintendo fans on there who can't stomach criticism of the company. (I've owned all Nintendo consoles except NES GBA VB and WiiU).

When 2020 was looking bleak with no Direct after a cancelled E3 some of us had the gall to worry that the outlook looked bleak. Cue indignation and personal offense taken by these folks. It pissed me off A LOT so I called them the Nintendo Defence Brigade. Looking back I took their ire too personally and deserved a short ban to cool off.


Nobody care what you think, read the room.

There is actually specifically an adult fantasy genre.
If nobody cared I wouldn’t have found myself with all these angry replies at my snarky comment

Just felt like it was better to clarify I was just messing around in good spirit rather than leaving it like that especially if someone got offended. I mean I throughly dislike fantasy, but everyone is free to read what they want, I don’t care and won’t judge. I will judge the resetera guy for saying he only reads sci-fi and fantasy however, and that to me it’s like saying you only eat hamburgers. Which are fine, of course, but there’s plenty of other fine food around.


Hi gang. First Neogaf post! I have been proudly permanently banned from Resetera for stating that a thread asking people whether they hate all Republicans is prejudiced.

This is after I was banned for arguing that the sentiment All Cops Are Bastards is also prejudiced.

Can share the full story if there is interest and if this is the right place to share it.
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