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Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 Platform and Version Differences


Thought I would try to throw one of these together after seeing Jawmuncher's Dino Crisis thread. A big problem with at least the first two Resident Evil titles is there's no real definitive version, so hopefully this will help with the differences. I'll try to make this as accurate and succinct as I can, but if I've gotten something wrong or missed something important, please let me know. I'll try to keep the OP free of pictures but will provide links to as much as I can.

Also, if a note has an asterix, it means that this is a feature exclusive to that version. I've mentioned which version each subsequent release is based on so all of the features from that build should be included unless otherwise stated.

Resident Evil

Original version, things to note:
-No auto-aim in Western releases (Auto-aim is present in the original Japanese release)
-Dpad Only
-Censored intro presented in B&W (Fully uncensored and in B&W in the original Japanese release)
-Censored Kenneth death scene (Uncensored in original Japanese release)
-Japanese release includes alternate Opening Song & Ending Song by Fumitaka Fuchigami (click for links)
-Japanese release includes difficulty description in the character select screen (Chris = Hard, Jill = Easy)
-Japanese release includes background images for all files (Black backgrounds in international versions)
-Japanese release has an adjusted difficulty (Enemies have less health, both characters have more health, Ink Ribbons contain 3 instead of 2, Zombies are easier to defeat by shooting the torso)​

Playstation Director's Cut
Based on the Playstation original, with the following changes:
-Original/Standard mode included (Based on the original Japanese difficulty for Resident Evil, see above)
-Advanced mode included (Mixes up puzzle item, ammo, health and enemy amounts/locations, Handgun with a random chance to headshot, additional Forest scene, some rearranged camera angles and retextured rooms)
-Training mode included (Essentially easy mode)
-Censored Intro/Kenneth death (French and German versions of this game have the uncensored & colour intro, however these versions are unavailable digitally.)
-Original US release was advertised as uncensored and was mentioned on the box reverse, despite the game still being censored
-Dpad only
-One new additional costumes for both characters (totals three outfits for each)
-Japanese version now uses the same instrumental Opening & Ending music from the international versions
*Retail version came with a trial for Resident Evil 2
-Available on EU PSN Store (Runs at Euro 50Hz, so 5/6th of the US version, English text & English voice acting) or on the JP PSN Store (Runs at NTSC 60Hz, Japanese text with English voice acting)​

Playstation Director's Cut Dual Shock
Based on Director's Cut's cut, with the following differences:
*Infamous reworked soundtrack by Mamoru Samuragochi (actually by Takashi Niigaki)*
*Supports Rumble and Analogue
*International version has increased difficulty (Enemies have more health, both characters have less, Ink ribbons give 2 instead of 3 again)
-Not available in Europe
-Available in US as the Greatest Hits label version of Director's Cut, I beileve.
-Available on US PSN Store​

Same as the Playstation original with the following differences:
*Uncensored, colour opening intro video/Kenneth death scene
*Exclusive unlockable weapon for each character (MAC-10 for Jill, FN Minimi for Chris)
*Different alt outfit for each character
-No auto-aim
-Door animations are skipable​

Same as the Playstation original with the following differences:

Deadly Silence (DS)
Reworked version of the original with the following differences:
-Classic mode
*Rebirth Mode (Includes new/reworked puzzles and item/enemy locations, first person knife battle touch screen encounters, Handgun can randomly perform headshots)
*Reworked item menu for both modes including touch screen support
*Top screen used for map, ammo and health, bottom screen for the game itself
*Local Wireless multiplayer mode, supports up to four players in either cooperative or competitive modes. Features three stages (Mansion, Guardhouse, Labs) and nine playable characters (Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Wesker, Forest, Kenneth, Richard, Enrico)
-Auto-aim activated by default
*Ability to use knife without equipping for both modes
*Ability to reload while aiming for both modes
*Ability to 180 turn for both modes
*New alt costumes for both characters
-Censored intro
-Uncensored Kenneth death
*Includes subtitles for both FMVs and in-engine cutscenes
*Some music tracks are not present, replaced with alternate music (Likely size limitation of the DS cartridges)
*Loading screens/doors can be skipped
*In-engine cutscenes can be skipped
*Lower graphical quality in backgrounds and FMVs, lower sound quality overall​

This link should show the differences in costumes between versions.

Resident Evil 2

Original version, things to note:
-Dpad only
-No rumble
-Normal and Easy difficulty
-Auto-aim is included, but it's need to be activated in the menu (Always on in the Japanese version, no option to disable within the menu)
-4th Survivor unlockable minigame
-Tofu Survivor unlockable minigame
-No Extreme Battle
-Japanese release has adjusted difficulty (Enemies have less health and the player has more, less enemies with different placement, different ammo/health placement)
-Japanese release has censored game over screens (You Died against a black background, no death animations)
-Japanese release game ranks go from S through D, West releases rank A through E
-320x240 resolution
-Two discs​

Playstation Dual Shock Ver
Based on the original version, with the following additions:
-Analogue support
-Rumble Support
-Extreme Battle mode can be unlocked
-Arrange/Rookie Mode (Start with infinite ammo S. Machine Gun, infinite ammo R. Launcher/Gatling Gun in item box)
-Japanese release includes a USA mode under "Arranged" (US difficulty mode)
-Available for download on US and EU PSN (US 60Hz version on both stores)​

Nintendo 64
Based on the Playstation original version, with the following notes:
-Does not include any additions from the Dual Shock or PC releases
*Expansion Pak support EDIT: (Enables higher resolutions, which vary based on the scenes and scale to output at 512x384. Need to look into this one further)
*16 Ex Files can be found, linking the game to both Resident Evil 3 and the then unreleased Resident Evil Code:Veronica and Resident Evil Zero
*Different unlockable costumes for both characters
*3D control method in addition to the 2D "tank controls"
*Item randomiser option unlockable (Affects ammo and health)
*Blood colour option (Red, blue, black, green)
*Violence Control option (Adjust the amount of blood and gore)
-Lower quality FMVs due to compression
-Annette's Recollection FMV streamlined to one variation meaning it will always be incorrect for both scenarios.
-Missing Scenario B credit music
*Sound now uses higher quality midi samples and Dolby Surround, although sounds much duller than other versions
-Character models were reworked, the models themselves are smoother although their textures are of a lower quality
*One Cartridge​

Windows 98
Based on the Dual Shock Ver with the following additions:
-Both 320x240 & 640x480 background resolutions
-Can run at 60fps
-Slightly improved graphics for in-engine models
-Hard difficulty unlockable under Original Mode
-Arrange Mode includes Easy, Normal and Hard difficulties
-Door animations are skipable
-Gallery mode (Character model/concept art/FMV viewer)
-Two discs​

Based on the Windows 98 version with the following additions:
-Runs at 640x480
-Runs at 30fps for 3D scenes with video interpolation (60fps for menus)
-VMU monitor for health and ammo
-At least two music tracks are missing and not replace, these rooms are now silent ("Left Alone" outside the RPD, "The Buildup of Suspense" in Marvin's office)
-Can be run in VGA mode
-Arrange mode difficulties retitled to Rookie, Expert and Nightmare
-Supports rumble
-Supports analogue or dpad
-Japanese release (Biohazard 2 Value Plus) has Hunk, Tofu and Extreme Battle unlocked by default
-Two discs​

Based on the Dual Shock Ver with the following notes:
-Does not include any additions from the Windows 98, Dreamcast or N64 versions
-Background resolution is at 320x240 upscaled
-Slightly improved graphics for in-engine models
*In-engine cutscenes can be skipped
*Main Menu voice is different
-Analogue support
-Rumble support
*One minidisc​

SourceNext PC Rerelease (JP Only)
Based on the Windows 98 Ver with the following notes:
*Updated to run on Windows XP
*Best quality CG FMVs running 640x480 and 30fps
-Hunk, Tofu and Extreme battle unlocked by default
*One DVD
-Japanese language only (Translation patch available)​

Resident Evil 3

Original version. Some things to note:
-Hard/Easy difficulties (Japanese release titles these as Heavy/Light, both are easier; you have more health and enemies have less)
-Analogue support
-Rumble support
-Auto-aim default activated
-Mercenaries unlockable minigame
-Five additional outfits unlockable
-Eight unlockable Epilogues screens
-Some scenes censored in Europe, such as hunter hospital scene, kicking ankle biting zombies' heads off (These will also be reflected in US/Japanese re-releases on all platforms)
-German release censored even further (No gore, grey blood, enemies disappear when defeated, Mercs minigame broken)
-Available on both EU and US PSN Store (US 60Hz version on both stores)​

Based on Playstation original with the following additions:
-Slightly higher quality in-engine models
-Two additional outfits
-All outfits default unlocked, selectable when starting a new game
-Mercenaries minigame default unlocked
-Clothing boutique is inaccessible through normal ingame methods (Boutique Key is no longer an unlockable, costumes are selectable in the menu)​

Windows 98
Based on the Dreamcast version with the following additions
-Ability to run the game in resolutions up to 1600x1200 (albeit the background will always be 640x480 upscaled)
-Door animations are skipable​

Based on the Playstation version with the following additions
-Slightly higher quality in-engine models
-Slightly higher quality CG FMVs
-Runs at 640x480, same for backgrounds
-Brightness option added to Options menu
*Main menu voice is different​

SouceNext PC Rerelease (JP Only)
Based on the Windows 98 version with the following additions:
*Updated to run on Windows XP
*Best quality CG FMVs running 640x480 and 30fps
-Japanese language only (Translation patch available)​


The N64 RE2 is not 640x480 or 320x240. It actually switches between a multitude of resolutions depending on the background. You can experience it using angrylion's pixel accurate plugin.


In the modern day, I find each of these games most enjoyable on handhelds, especially the Vita!

Excellent post, by the way. I suppose it's a bit too bad that there had never been a definitive version of RE1 or RE2 anywhere with everything thrown in.


The N64 RE2 is not 640x480 or 320x240. It actually switches between a multitude of resolutions depending on the background. You can experience it using angrylion's pixel accurate plugin.

Damn, my mistake. I'll have to give this a try and come up with a more concrete answer. Thanks!


Something to note- if you're going to include the Japanese versions, the initial release of Biohazard actually does have auto-aim, and of course the uncensored intro.


That RE Director's Cut have the crappiest soundtrack ever by the impostor Mamoru Samuragoch.


In the modern day, I find each of these games most enjoyable on handhelds, especially the Vita!

Excellent post, by the way. I suppose it's a bit too bad that there had never been a definitive version of RE1 or RE2 anywhere with everything thrown in.

Good excuse for Capcom to create a Ultimate Edition then, like RE4(Steam) :)


That RE Director's Cut have the crappiest soundtrack ever by the impostor Mamoru Samuragoch.

I agree. Such a shame we didn't get the original psi version released along side the director's cut

That soundtrack is only with the Director's Cut Dual Shock version. The standard Director's Cut has the original soundtrack. I think, in the US, only the Greatest Hits label versions of Director's Cut are the Dual Shock version. I'll update the OP.

So RE2 on the VITA is the Playstation Dual Shock Ver.

What about RE3 on the VITA?

RE3 on Vita is the original Playstation release. I'll update the OP to say it's available on PSN.


Damn, my mistake. I'll have to give this a try and come up with a more concrete answer. Thanks!

The N64's VI (the part that adds all the filters) automatically scales all N64 games to 640x480, no exceptions. But framebuffer-wise, RE2 switches resolutions like crazy.

So in short, it is not 640x480, it is just "scaled" to that res.


Those Sourcenext PC releases sound great, but they have hardsubbed FMVs don't they? I've been interested in them ever since I heard about the improved FMV quality but I never really looked into them properly.

You'd think Capcom would've released those on Steam by now though. The FMV thing sounds annoying but I imagine it'd be an easy fix considering they must have the originals lying around if they were able to up the quality years later.
I was always interested in the ingram for resi 1, a screenshot of jill holding it was used for a playstation magazine and from then on I was always wanting to know what it was and where it came from.
Maybe I'm weird but I've always preferred playing the originals of these, warts and all. Though I have played through RE2 on the Gamecube a few times as well.
I believe the Dreamcast version of Resident Evil 2 uses 320x240 backgrounds but the game does run in 640x480, so it's a mix of low res images and higher res 3D models together.
Randomwab, you're good people. I recently did the same during searches, but it's great to have all the information collated like this. Great notes, would love to hear people's impressions... Like what's your preferred order to play RE2 in?
I pretty bought bought a VITA just to play RE2 and RE3

Thats kinda sad isnt it?

I wanted it for that Sword Art Online game but couldn't get into it and no other VITA games interest me but then I saw I could get Resident Evil and I did.


I play the GC versions of 2 and 3 on Wii U via Nintendont, and it's my favorite way to play them now.

I have the DC versions of 2 and 3 but I never invested in a VGA cable so I don't know if I'm missing out on the superior versions visually, they always looked similar on my SDTV in composite. The GC versions look absolutely great on my HDTV over HDMI.
Gamecube had the best RE versions of them all IMO.

Still baffled at why Capcom didn't release the slightly uprezzed GC versions on PSN but ported the PSone versions. GC versions had a much crisper IQ IIRC.


Gamecube had the best RE versions of them all IMO.

Still baffled at why Capcom didn't release the slightly uprezzed GC versions on PSN but ported the PSone versions. GC versions had a much crisper IQ IIRC.

Well we got the RE REmake on PS3, PS4 and Steam (at least)

Joey Ravn

I've recently played RE1 REmake HD on PC, and RE2 and RE3 on the GameCube, all for the first time. They are really great games, especially REmake HD.

Then I played Code Veronica X (GC) and what the fuck happened there. I'm about to finish RE4 HD on PC and I don't know if I can continue with this series. I hope RE5 is better, because I honestly can't see what makes RE4 such a beloved game. I don't think I've had any fun in the 8 hours or so that took me to get to Chapter 5-3.


My kind of thread. Was thinking about making it myself after seeing the Dino Crisis thread. Subbed for later reading. Yay
For the record, Vita/PS3 users in Europe, I can give info on the versions available for purchase on the PSN store:

-Resident Evil 1 Dir.Cut is the European version with the ORIGINAL soundtrack (not the dualshock version from the US with the crappy music). It's a great package as you can play both the original game and the dir. cut one without any change to the soundtrack, it's 25fps though. D-pad only, but you can map this on the Vita to the analogue sticks.

-Resident Evil 2 is the standard US version, not the dualshock release of later time, and European users then get the benefit of 30fps.

-Resident Evil 3 is the standard US version and European users then get the benefit of 30fps.


For the record, Vita/PS3 users in Europe, I can give info on the versions available for purchase on the PSN store:

-Resident Evil 1 Dir.Cut is the European version with the ORIGINAL soundtrack (not the dualshock version from the US with the crappy music). It's a great package as you can play both the original game and the dir. cut one without any change to the soundtrack, it's 25fps though. D-pad only, but you can map this on the Vita to the analogue sticks.

-Resident Evil 2 is the standard US version, not the dualshock release of later time, and European users then get the benefit of 30fps.

-Resident Evil 3 is the standard US version and European users then get the benefit of 30fps.

Thanks for this!
So that makes Suikoden 1, 2 and RE1 I should get from EU PSN.
Is anybody able to find or take screenshots of the casual outfits that are unlockable in the PC port of RE1? There are no pictures in the link above and I can't find any elsewhere.
Gamecube had the best RE versions of them all IMO.

Still baffled at why Capcom didn't release the slightly uprezzed GC versions on PSN but ported the PSone versions. GC versions had a much crisper IQ IIRC.
RE3 definitely, but the PC- and Dreamcast-versions exclusive hard modes of RE2 make them superior to the Gamecube-version.
Playstation Director's Cut
-Available on EU PSN Store (Runs at Euro 50Hz, so 5/6th of the US version)[/INDENT]

The regular DC with the original music is available on the japanese PSN store too, original NTSC speed and uncut intro/Kenneth scene as well.

Text is japanese but voices are in english, so if you want to grab the first game from PSN and have already played it, the japanese store is your best bet.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty sure the intro of the EU Director's Cut for PSX isn't censored.
I'm pretty sure the intro of the EU Director's Cut for PSX isn't censored.

This is a weird one. The EU Director's Cut intro was uncensored and in color in the german and french versions...all the other european versions were still cut for some reason. And even in those two versions, Kenneth's death was still censored. On PSN you'll only get the UK version in Europe though. The japanese version is the only one on PSN that's uncut. (Though still in black and white, it's always been like that.)

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
This is a weird one. The EU Director's Cut intro was uncensored and in color in the german and french versions...all the other european versions were still cut for some reason. And even in those two versions, Kenneth's death was still censored. On PSN you'll only get the UK version in Europe though. The japanese version is the only one on PSN that's uncut. (Though still in black and white, it's always been like that.)
Ah yes, I remember something like that. I think it has to do with Chris smoking or something.


I'm pretty sure the intro of the EU Director's Cut for PSX isn't censored.

I used to own the original PAL version of the director's cut (I'm in AU) which is the same as the UK version and I definitely recall that it was censored.

On the subject of the RE1 live action intro, does anyone reckon the censored intro is actually superior in some ways?

If you check the censored version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf0EpML-AWM

and the uncensored version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkLBLn_eyDo

During the segment at 0:35 to 0:53 of the censored version, I thought the newspaper articles were more appropriate for Chris's dialogue compared to the uncensored intro compared to the closeup footage of a corpse shown the uncut version from 0:31 to 0:50.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
I used to own the original PAL version of the director's cut (I'm in AU) which is the same as the UK version and I definitely recall that it was censored.
Yeah, I have the German version, and apparently that and the French one are the only ones uncensored.
That's so weird that the Gamecube version of RE2 isn't the best console version, but the RE3 version is (at least for performance, but not options).

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