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resident evil 2 and 3 for GC...


I was just checking out e-bay, and the prices are insane!! I was hoping to find a used copy for my GC collection purpose, and realized that new copies sell nearly 70+ dollars. Whoa..

I already have all the RE games in original PSX form (my original RE is JP ver, complete with that wacky smoking Chris movie ;)), and I am having second thought regarding making a complete set. Perhaps there's no use for me...


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I still see copies lining store shelves for the same $40 price tag as when they released. Eerie.


That's what I might try. Just go out and get it from retail stores.
For them I would pay budget price (19.99) for the max, but I might just give in and get new at 40 bucks...



wtf I just made a thread about this, this is not a common topic, I doubt it's been brought up since neo-GAF and now two topics in one day...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I was hoping to get Japanese versions of both games cheap when I was there this past summer, and Biohazard 2 and 3 both still go for the same $40+ price tag for each, too. :\
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