Welcome to the enlightenment.
And yeah I never played Rev2 but Rev1 was so disappointing, especially since its interaction with the website and reward unlocks was so much nicer compared to RE6. I honestly would have rather wished they give RE6 a raid mode like that than make Rev2.
P.S. It seems like the next thing on this level will be Devil's Third for Wii U.
i mean, i've always been one of the biggest advocates of RE6 on a mechanical/core design level and am constantly posting RE6 gifs every time i possibly can
it's just been awhile cuz i've been looking for something fresh in the shooter department but everything else i've played is just rotten to the core
also i don't think a raid mode style thing would work for RE6 as a core component of it's design being effective in no mercy is how your loadout and moveset determines your options in dealing with enemies- there's a very 'unique' dynamic to most of the loadouts in how they approach things, which would be lost in the system that rev1/2 have due to the RPG-style advancement and loadout customization.
it highly evokes an arcade-like experience with it's design, which is something that'd be lost in the more RPG/simplistic 'progression' trappings of raid mode