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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left


Welcome to the enlightenment.

And yeah I never played Rev2 but Rev1 was so disappointing, especially since its interaction with the website and reward unlocks was so much nicer compared to RE6. I honestly would have rather wished they give RE6 a raid mode like that than make Rev2.

P.S. It seems like the next thing on this level will be Devil's Third for Wii U.

i mean, i've always been one of the biggest advocates of RE6 on a mechanical/core design level and am constantly posting RE6 gifs every time i possibly can

it's just been awhile cuz i've been looking for something fresh in the shooter department but everything else i've played is just rotten to the core

also i don't think a raid mode style thing would work for RE6 as a core component of it's design being effective in no mercy is how your loadout and moveset determines your options in dealing with enemies- there's a very 'unique' dynamic to most of the loadouts in how they approach things, which would be lost in the system that rev1/2 have due to the RPG-style advancement and loadout customization.

it highly evokes an arcade-like experience with it's design, which is something that'd be lost in the more RPG/simplistic 'progression' trappings of raid mode


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
also i don't think a raid mode style thing would work for RE6 as a core component of it's design being effective in no mercy is how your loadout and moveset determines your options in dealing with enemies- there's a very 'unique' dynamic to most of the loadouts in how they approach things, which would be lost in the system that rev1/2 have due to the RPG-style advancement and loadout customization.

it highly evokes an arcade-like experience with it's design, which is something that'd be lost in the more RPG/simplistic 'progression' trappings of raid mode
I was thinking just more in terms of unlocking cool stuff through the website. Different guns doesn't have to equate to more powerful, and costumes and stuff are just for style. I really liked the feedback with Raid mode in that sense. It also had more predetermined challenges to beat rather than a pure "try your best" approach.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
RE6 is on sale for $7.50 on Steam right now. I already have the 360 version but I'm tempted to double dip for updated visuals and all the Mercs maps. Does anyone still play the PC version online? Is there still an active player base online?


RE6 is on sale for $7.50 on Steam right now. I already have the 360 version but I'm tempted to double dip for updated visuals and all the Mercs maps.

Don't forget about the No Mercy mode - the proper way of playing Mercenaries.

Does anyone still play the PC version online? Is there still an active player base online?

From my experience, you can meet someone online, but rather rarely. The best thing to do is to either have a friend who owns the game and play with her/him or arrange a game on forum (NeoGAF, Steam or any other RE forum).

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
RE6 is on sale for $7.50 on Steam right now. I already have the 360 version but I'm tempted to double dip for updated visuals and all the Mercs maps. Does anyone still play the PC version online? Is there still an active player base online?

People play all the RE's in some capacity. I've never hopped on and not seen a game going, at least for the campaign, never checked Mercs since I usually have friends to play with.

But I would suggest having someone to play through with. I also would push for the PC version. Playing the game in 60fps is revolutionary and makes the game far better, but outside of all mercs maps, the PC version also has the exclusive No Mercy mode for Mercenaries, which is fantastic, and includes in that mode the Left 4 Dead 2 cast. You can see a trailer for No Mercy/L4D2 cast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1jYSEumR4g


RE6 on pc is the real version of the game

bc mouse aiming + 60 fps + no mercy mercs + the inherent design of the game creates one of the best shooters ever made


Can you do all the dodging/rolling/countering mechanics easily on M+KB? I feel like I need all ten fingers to do it on a controller.
it's surprisingly intuitive besides the inventory which sucks real bad (inventory management by clearing things out w/ deleting isnt that big of a deal so its nonissue to me)
besides that you can still do sprint+move to dodge and countering is just M1- there's still the same trick of ready
but the precision in aiming you get fits perfectly with the design of the game's pace
also consider that i was perfectly fine with DS1's keyboard controls so... i might just be a weirdo fringe case

my current kb controls are:
m1 aim
m2 ready weapon
wasd movement
E use/reload
R side switch (for cancels)
Shift sprint (works like controller where aim+sprint = dodge)
G horizontal weapons (guns)
F vertical weapons (explosives + first aid sprays)
H quick mix herbs
1 heal
Q open inventory
V is partner related stuff (re5 carryover habit)
tab is taunt

that's all i use, i think. pretty standard shooter scheme stuff

60fps gifs are so huge but that smoothness ;_; (all my gifs are normally 30fps or 15fps to cut down on size)

it really makes such a massive difference in how responsive the game is

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Can you do all the dodging/rolling/countering mechanics easily on M+KB? I feel like I need all ten fingers to do it on a controller.

I can say that RE6's PC controls are surprisingly great. Most of it is simply done with the directional keys and the left and right mouse button. Press left mouse button right before being hit to counter, which is the same button as is to melee, most of the rolling and sliding stuff is all associated with the right-mouse button, which is also used for aiming, but quickly tapping it and a direction along with a tap of the sprint key, or doing it while sprinting, will do a variety of moves.

And of course, you can use a controller if you like. But the mouse controls are well-done, and as someone who played on 360 first, I think you won't realize how much a difference 60fps makes to the fluidness of the combat until you experience it.


oh i forgot to mention there's also the benefit of mods and trainers which let you do stuff like effectively picking between the preset loadouts w/ the character of your choice (see sherry having chris, sherry alt and leon loadouts in those gifs) and a whole buncha other stuff

there is one unfortunate nerf though- the side switch button is the same as the sniper zoom button so you can't do rapid fire shots with the sniper rifles anymore- you've got to do neutral dodge/crouch canceling instead which is significantly slower than letting a fuckton of 50 cal sniper rounds rip in a few seconds


R side switch (for cancels)

there is one unfortunate nerf though- the side switch button is the same as the sniper zoom button so you can't do rapid fire shots with the sniper rifles anymore- you've got to do neutral dodge/crouch canceling instead which is significantly slower than letting a fuckton of 50 cal sniper rounds rip in a few seconds

Wait, what? You can cancel your moves with the side switch? o_O
Holy shit, why haven't I known this? Until now I've only used the side switch at the beginning of the game - to switch my character to the right side of the screen (as a lefty, I prefer to have my characters that way) and never touch the switch again during the whole game (when, unless Napad/Tank used its pounding attack on me which usually resets characters position to the left).

This might be a game changer.

60fps gifs are so huge but that smoothness ;_; (all my gifs are normally 30fps or 15fps to cut down on size)

According to the RE.net I have over 156 hours on the clock in RE6 and I still haven't seen all counters. This game is amazing.

It will be travesty if Capcom won't implement all those mechanics in RE7 and instead return to the more toned down gameplay like in Revelations 2. REV2 combat is so boring when compared to RE6 :(


Wait, what? You can cancel your moves with the side switch? o_O
Holy shit, why haven't I known this? Until now I've only used the side switch at the beginning of the game - to switch my character to the right side of the screen (as a lefty, I prefer to have my characters that way) and never touch the switch again during the whole game (when, unless Napad/Tank used its pounding attack on me which usually resets characters position to the left).

According to the RE.net I have over 156 hours on the clock in RE6 and I still haven't seen all counters. This game is amazing.

It will be travesty if Capcom won't implement all those mechanics in RE7 and instead return to the more toned down gameplay like in Revelations 2. REV2 combat is so boring when compared to RE6 :(

yep, you can cancel out the recovery on a lot of stuff with side switching or dodging. rule of thumb is if you can cancel it with a dodge, you can cancel with a side switch for faster results. the easiest/best application of this is canceling out the recovery on shotgun rounds (and sniper if you're on controller) as you can effectively rapidfire them

yeah i'm pretty sure RE7 is gonna be boring as fuck bc of the backlash, it's pretty depressing! oh well

edit: also other big thing is you can cancel reload anims early to greatly increase efficiency w/ weapons. shotgun, nade launcher, ada's crossbow are all fantastic weapons to use with this as the actual reload vs. the anim is massive- ada's crossbow gets effectively like 3x the firing rate bc of it

also comedy example of side switch cancels: (gfycat because there's no way in hell i'm putting an 11mb gif on this page..)

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Against my better judgment I pulled the trigger on RE6 Steam. I've never double dipped on game before but the promise of RE6 combat at 1080p60 was too good to pass up. If anyone still plays the game online feel free to add me: dance_inferno

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Just connected my RE.net account and forgot how much time I spent in the 360 version:


Hopefully the Steam version will have more longevity. :)


Against my better judgment I pulled the trigger on RE6 Steam. I've never double dipped on game before but the promise of RE6 combat at 1080p60 was too good to pass up. If anyone still plays the game online feel free to add me: dance_inferno

please write a trip report 'cuz i'm real curious on how the transition from console->pc is for someone else

i double dipped asap and was blown away/continually am blown away by the difference every time i go back to see console stuff and i can't help but wonder if it's like stockholm syndrome or what

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I really struggled with the decision to buy RE6 (out of all the games I bought during the Steam sale), but holy shit I forgot how much damn fun this game is. Told myself I would play the campaign for a bit and before I knew it I had spent 3 hours ripping shit up in Chris' campaign. I finished the first two chapters and half of the third.

The mouse + keyboard controls take some getting used to. Dodging is pretty iffy for me (shift + right mouse button + direction), it's almost less intuitive than it is on console. I'll have to practice it some more. Also I feel like the mouse aiming is weird. It's not pure mouse control, it still has the same acceleration that the console versions have. I dunno, I may plug in a controller later and see how it feels.

That being said, 1080p60 is absolutely the way to play this game. So much fun, so fluid, and the combat is as great as it always was. I also got three people joining my campaign during that time, so the community is clearly still active. 10/10 would triple dip next gen.

I wonder if you still have to unlock costumes through RE.net. I need that Sherry alternate costume for Mercs.


I really struggled with the decision to buy RE6 (out of all the games I bought during the Steam sale), but holy shit I forgot how much damn fun this game is. Told myself I would play the campaign for a bit and before I knew it I had spent 3 hours ripping shit up in Chris' campaign. I finished the first two chapters and half of the third.

The mouse + keyboard controls take some getting used to. Dodging is pretty iffy for me (shift + right mouse button + direction), it's almost less intuitive than it is on console. I'll have to practice it some more. Also I feel like the mouse aiming is weird. It's not pure mouse control, it still has the same acceleration that the console versions have. I dunno, I may plug in a controller later and see how it feels.

That being said, 1080p60 is absolutely the way to play this game. So much fun, so fluid, and the combat is as great as it always was. I also got three people joining my campaign during that time, so the community is clearly still active. 10/10 would triple dip next gen.

I wonder if you still have to unlock costumes through RE.net. I need that Sherry alternate costume for Mercs.
good to hear that i'm not an insane person in regards to the vast difference, haha

in regards to awkward dodging: you can aim first and then hold a direction and hit shift to dodge, no need to simultaneously press the stuff- it feels a lot more 'natural' to me that way as that's how you did it in max payne to a degree

and you can just use this save editor to unlock all the mercs chars/costumes- that's what i've done every time when i reinstall the game 'cuz i like to use modded costumes for the ex3 slot (not a fan of the throwback ex costumes besides as a gimmick)

the save file is located in Steam\userdata\profile#\221040\remote

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
good to hear that i'm not an insane person in regards to the vast difference, haha

in regards to awkward dodging: you can aim first and then hold a direction and hit shift to dodge, no need to simultaneously press the stuff- it feels a lot more 'natural' to me that way as that's how you did it in max payne to a degree

and you can just use this save editor to unlock all the mercs chars/costumes- that's what i've done every time when i reinstall the game 'cuz i like to use modded costumes for the ex3 slot (not a fan of the throwback ex costumes besides as a gimmick)

the save file is located in Steam\userdata\profile#\221040\remote

Cool, thanks for the file. This is why I love PC gaming. Will this overwrite my campaign save files at all?

Also how do I get modded costumes for the third slot? I'm with you in regards to the EX3 costumes - not a huge fan of the blocky design.

Also do you know if there are any mods that change the way the mouse aiming works? It feels off to me and I wonder if it's because they've implemented mouse acceleration.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Cool, thanks for the file. This is why I love PC gaming. Will this overwrite my campaign save files at all?

Also how do I get modded costumes for the third slot? I'm with you in regards to the EX3 costumes - not a huge fan of the blocky design.

Also do you know if there are any mods that change the way the mouse aiming works? It feels off to me and I wonder if it's because they've implemented mouse acceleration.

You're on PC... now you can play as Jill.


Cool, thanks for the file. This is why I love PC gaming. Will this overwrite my campaign save files at all?

Also how do I get modded costumes for the third slot? I'm with you in regards to the EX3 costumes - not a huge fan of the blocky design.

Also do you know if there are any mods that change the way the mouse aiming works? It feels off to me and I wonder if it's because they've implemented mouse acceleration.

it shouldn't overwrite your campaign saves as it's a save editor but use at your own precaution etc.

as for modded characters, http://residentevilmodding.boards.net/board/9/re6-modification-releases is the site for it but usually the modded chars are one of the main slots. using EX3 is pretty rare and i use a really weird hacky solution (with extracted .arc files taking priority) to replace 'em

as for the mouse aiming, uhh... i have no idea. i can't feel any major mouse acceleration but i also have all the sensitivity set to maximum in my settings.

this is the old version of that site that also has a buncha stuff that didn't get carried over to the new version

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
You're on PC... now you can play as Jill.

Oh man! Totally did not think about that... :D Maybe someone has a REmake Jill that I can use... I'll even settle for RE5 Jill.

it shouldn't overwrite your campaign saves as it's a save editor but use at your own precaution etc.

as for modded characters, http://residentevilmodding.boards.net/board/9/re6-modification-releases is the site for it but usually the modded chars are one of the main slots. using EX3 is pretty rare and i use a really weird hacky solution (with extracted .arc files taking priority) to replace 'em

as for the mouse aiming, uhh... i have no idea. i can't feel any major mouse acceleration but i also have all the sensitivity set to maximum in my settings.

this is the old version of that site that also has a buncha stuff that didn't get carried over to the new version

Cool thanks, I'll take a look at these sites!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh man! Totally did not think about that... :D Maybe someone has a REmake Jill that I can use... I'll even settle for RE5 Jill.

You want Jill? They have Jill!





^The three I easily found.

I surprisingly don't see REmake Jill off the top, surprisingly as REmaster HD has made such a thing a lot easier to do.


One Jill-related mod I'd recommend is this one to replace Ustanak with Nemesis. It's surprisingly great except for messing up a bit in the final scene on the speeding elevator with Jake.

Nemesis Mod video (download link in description): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ai90KgETUY


Just connected my RE.net account and forgot how much time I spent in the 360 version:


Hopefully the Steam version will have more longevity. :)

I wondered why this thread popped up, saw your post and checked mine. I haven't played in a year! I never bought the PC version too.


there used to be a REmake jill but the only link that isn't broken (..due to format of all things) is an old one that's a bit buggy in cutscenes and stuff
nvm sussed it out and found 'em on the old board. unfortunately they use the GC REmake textures (since they're from like 2013) so i wouldn't go expecting much outta em in that department.

REmake jill over helena asia

REmake jill over helena ex2
+patch to fix graphical glitch w/ straps

more over here: note that they replace EX2 and not 3 as stated in the title. sometimes they even replace ex1! gotta pay attention to the filenames. omake00 is ex1, omake01 is ex2, omake02 is ex3

the difference in quality is so staggering between the GC models/textures/general port quality(?) and the more modern ones, haha
then and now said:

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Awesome, thanks for the links guys. I assume if I rename the file to omake02 I can use it to replace the EX3 outfit?

I wondered why this thread popped up, saw your post and checked mine. I haven't played in a year! I never bought the PC version too.

Whoah that's a lot of hours.

there used to be a REmake jill but the only link that isn't broken (..due to format of all things) is an old one that's a bit buggy in cutscenes and stuff
nvm sussed it out and found 'em on the old board. unfortunately they use the GC REmake textures (since they're from like 2013) so i wouldn't go expecting much outta em in that department.

REmake jill over helena asia

REmake jill over helena ex2
+patch to fix graphical glitch w/ straps

more over here: note that they replace EX2 and not 3 as stated in the title. sometimes they even replace ex1! gotta pay attention to the filenames. omake00 is ex1, omake01 is ex2, omake02 is ex3

the difference in quality is so staggering between the GC models/textures/general port quality(?) and the more modern ones, haha

These links just send me to a black screen... Do you have other links for them?


Awesome, thanks for the links guys. I assume if I rename the file to omake02 I can use it to replace the EX3 outfit?

These links just send me to a black screen... Do you have other links for them?

fixed the links. forgot onedrive uses some dumb auth key thing so you gotta use the original sharing hyperlink rather than the link you get on the page to the actual file

in regards to renaming the files, iirc it doesn't work but it's been so long that i don't remember if that's true or not

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
fixed the links. forgot onedrive uses some dumb auth key thing so you gotta use the original sharing hyperlink rather than the link you get on the page to the actual file

in regards to renaming the files, iirc it doesn't work but it's been so long that i don't remember if that's true or not

Thanks! Downloading now.

Sucks that you can't switch them over to EX3. I kinda like Helena's EX2. Anyway I'll play around with these and see what I can do.


Also I feel like the mouse aiming is weird. It's not pure mouse control, it still has the same acceleration that the console versions have. I dunno, I may plug in a controller later and see how it feels.

Check in the settings if there's a mouse acceleration option and whether it's turned on. It's a common issue with console to PC ports that developers include mouse acceleration option and it's turned ON on default. I'm pretty sure I can't feel any acceleration - the mouse does what I want it to do.
I always felt the character abilities belonged in another game because are never needed in RE6, plus I really disliked that melee attack variation (depending on wat you stunned and where you're standing) got cut out.


I always felt the character abilities belonged in another game because are never needed in RE6, plus I really disliked that melee attack variation (depending on wat you stunned and where you're standing) got cut out.

character abilities...?
are you mixing this up with rev2?
there's no real character-specific ability, only weapon specific stuff

melee variation is still there to a degree but yeah it's a bummer that a lot of it got cut out
it actually makes sense given the more chaotic pace in no mercy mercs (having a lot of the weaker/slower melee stuns would basically be pointless or overpowering with no real inbetween) but in every other mode it's sorely missed variety

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Check in the settings if there's a mouse acceleration option and whether it's turned on. It's a common issue with console to PC ports that developers include mouse acceleration option and it's turned ON on default. I'm pretty sure I can't feel any acceleration - the mouse does what I want it to do.

I think you're right. I went back and finished Chris Chapter 3 last night and there is no mouse acceleration. It feels weird though because the mouse sensitivity while aiming is much lower than the free camera sensitivity, even at max settings. I feel like I have to use my entire arm to yank the mouse around if I want to quickly hit different targets. I'll probably get used to it, but I wish the aiming sensitivity went higher.

I'm talking about the sliding, rolling etc etc. Really not needed.

Dude, that's like the best thing about the combat system. Diving out of the way of an incoming zombie attack, running away from a horde of J'avo and sliding through a hole in the wall to get away, it's what makes the combat so fun.


I'm talking about the sliding, rolling etc etc. Really not needed.

i mean, they're kinda core components of the battle system- you gotta view it as it's own thing rather than an offshoot of the 4/5 system. i get the feeling you think that because you're viewing it from the angle of a straight offshoot/branch of the RE4/5 system rather than an attempt at making an evolution of that system.

it probably sounds crazy but it's like... in comparison, dead space's combat system is more directly the 4/5 system brought to it's logical conclusion in terms of the overall core combat design. yes, the campaigns and encounters are weaker (than 4, minimum) but ultimately the way your options are structured in dealing with enemies retains a very controlled aspect to it- adding a dodge roll or a slide to dead space wouldn't do much in terms of adding to the combat as it's ultimately not built around having those options as the game is ultimately designed around you working around your limitations and exploring those limitations with preplanned encounters

with RE6 you more or less need to use them to get any kind of mileage in the only mode where the combat system shines as the combination of enemy design + encounter design makes it much more chaotic and quicker paced. while you technically could not employ those options, your chances of survival/performing well lower by means of timer, grabs, or the overall accumulation of strong enemies and ranged enemies. the game's designed around being more freeform in your approach to enemies, letting encounter design be freed up by strong enemy designs that mesh together in obscenely large groups. the player is given a toolbox to use in a wildly mutating situation that could be anything. RE6's campaign has a terrible flaw in that it doesn't encourage this at all or even attempt to teach it, even by text- it's only left to imagination for what kind of encounters that could be designed with the proper level geometry, gimmicks and clever usage of the different enemy types. enemies are already there designwise in regards to encouraging the player to mess with their large toolset, but no actual encounter design uses it outside of mercs/no mercy mercs gimmick waves

it's like saying you'd enjoy devil may cry more if there was only one combo/weapon and only jumping instead of the huge array of options you get. sure, you technically could finish the game by doing so but you'd highly lower your chances of doing so and definitely lower your enjoyment

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I forgot just how terrible Chris' Chapter 4 is. What a mess of a level. Respawning enemies, snipers shooting at you, time limits, and to top it all off freaking Rasklapanje.

So glad that's over. I think that may possibly be the worst chapter in the game.


Man, I forgot just how terrible Chris' Chapter 4 is. What a mess of a level. Respawning enemies, snipers shooting at you, time limits, and to top it all off freaking Rasklapanje.

So glad that's over. I think that may possibly be the worst chapter in the game.

i raise you jake/sherry chapter 2
non-stop shitty gimmicks

or leon chapter 1 because of the entire godawful intro


Completely disagree. Chris 4 is actually a great chapter. What you mentioned sounds like stuff that give the player a hard time, which isn't a bad thing.


Yeah Jake 2 and Leon 1 are the worst chapters for me. Jake 2s whole stealth sequence along with the snow mobile is just crap. The beginning part is a good idea but you're better off just running it.

Leon's 1 is just too slow. Had half of it not been stuck behind a NPC and slow movement it would be fine.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I find people's opinions on the best/worst chapters always changes so much between person to person. I think part of it is that they try so much that different tastes collide a lot of the time in RE6.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I find people's opinions on the best/worst chapters always changes so much between person to person. I think part of it is that they try so much that different tastes collide a lot of the time in RE6.

Agreed. The one thing I can say for certain about RE6 is that no one will agree on what the best/worst chapter/campaign is. I personally think Jake's campaign is the best, but most people hate it. Most people love Ada's campaign; I hate it. And so it goes.

By the way, has Capcom mentioned anything whatsoever about Resident Evil 7? No info at E3? No rumors floating around? I know they've been busy with REmake HD, RE0 HD, and Revelations 2, but surely RE7 is already deep in production at this point?


For me:

Leon > Chris > Sherry > Ada

By the way, has Capcom mentioned anything whatsoever about Resident Evil 7? No info at E3? No rumors floating around? I know they've been busy with REmake HD, RE0 HD, and Revelations 2, but surely RE7 is already deep in production at this point?

I would be very, very surprised if it isn't deep into production. The mainline RE games are their best selling games by a large margin.


Leon 1 second half is actually pretty good if you can get over the two potential instant kills by scripted cars, the slight awkwardness with the trains sequence, and maybe, to a lesser extent, the placement of some of the body armor zombies with magnums. The gunshop section in particular is a fun moment. All in all, Leon's campaign is easily the most flawed of the three main ones.

Speaking of car deaths, I think the funniest way I've died in the game is being run over by a tank in Chris 1 while laying down. Took me by complete surprise.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
By the way, has Capcom mentioned anything whatsoever about Resident Evil 7? No info at E3? No rumors floating around? I know they've been busy with REmake HD, RE0 HD, and Revelations 2, but surely RE7 is already deep in production at this point?

Here's what we know about it:

-Resident Evil 7 has been in development since late 2012, apparently Capcom started pre-development of the game right after they launched RE6 in late November.

-An ex-Capcom higher-up joined Sony in the middle of 2013, but before he did he talked about projects going on at Capcom at the time and touched on RE7. He said Capcom was working on it, and talked about reception to RE6 and Capcom's attitude towards horror. He mentioned that RE6's reception Capcom took to heart and researched, and talked about how Leon's campaign was received more positively, how the game was bloated and maybe missing the series polish standard, and talked about how Capcom thought horror was liable again possible for business, but his examples of why it was liable again was to point at Walking Dead, Tomb Raider, and Last of Us, so take that as you will.

-In mid-2014, a few voice actors put Resident Evil 7 on their resume, but quickly took it down.

-In late 2014, the voice actress of Hunnigan tweeted, "re-occurring game character roles are the best!", or something like that, but she hasn't voiced many characters in games, and Hunnigan is one of the few she has. A few days later, another voice actor posted a twitter image of her, Paul Mercier, and a couple other voice actors together, with the message, "working on a secret project," but both her and him deleted the tweets once people pointed out what all these actors have in common is that they've all been in Resident Evil together in the CG films. This could be related however to those CG films they make like they did with RE5 and RE6 rather than saying Leon is going to be the star of RE7, however.

We haven't heard too much about it outside of that, but Revelations 2 came out and was well-received by fans, REmake HD sold way above Capcom's expectations, so we'll see if anything comes of that. Another big point is that Resident Evil's 20th anniversary happens next year, March 22, 1996 is when RE1 first released. RE6 and Revelations 2 were both revealed about half a year before they released, so a popular theory is that Capcom may reveal RE7 at TGS, or somewhere around that, and release it on the series 20th anniversary date.


I'm going to be rolling in agony if they follow Rev2 design for RE7. While I liked Rev2 more than 1, it's still pretty low on the totem of RE games.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Here's what we know about it:

-Resident Evil 7 has been in development since late 2012, apparently Capcom started pre-development of the game right after they launched RE6 in late November.

-An ex-Capcom higher-up joined Sony in the middle of 2013, but before he did he talked about projects going on at Capcom at the time and touched on RE7. He said Capcom was working on it, and talked about reception to RE6 and Capcom's attitude towards horror. He mentioned that RE6's reception Capcom took to heart and researched, and talked about how Leon's campaign was received more positively, how the game was bloated and maybe missing the series polish standard, and talked about how Capcom thought horror was liable again possible for business, but his examples of why it was liable again was to point at Walking Dead, Tomb Raider, and Last of Us, so take that as you will.

-In mid-2014, a few voice actors put Resident Evil 7 on their resume, but quickly took it down.

-In late 2014, the voice actress of Hunnigan tweeted, "re-occurring game character roles are the best!", or something like that, but she hasn't voiced many characters in games, and Hunnigan is one of the few she has. A few days later, another voice actor posted a twitter image of her, Paul Mercier, and a couple other voice actors together, with the message, "working on a secret project," but both her and him deleted the tweets once people pointed out what all these actors have in common is that they've all been in Resident Evil together in the CG films. This could be related however to those CG films they make like they did with RE5 and RE6 rather than saying Leon is going to be the star of RE7, however.

We haven't heard too much about it outside of that, but Revelations 2 came out and was well-received by fans, REmake HD sold way above Capcom's expectations, so we'll see if anything comes of that. Another big point is that Resident Evil's 20th anniversary happens next year, March 22, 1996 is when RE1 first released. RE6 and Revelations 2 were both revealed about half a year before they released, so a popular theory is that Capcom may reveal RE7 at TGS, or somewhere around that, and release it on the series 20th anniversary date.

Woah thanks for the awesome write up! So maybe the game isn't so far after all! :)


Speaking of car deaths, I think the funniest way I've died in the game is being run over by a tank in Chris 1 while laying down. Took me by complete surprise.

chris has a lot of random hilarious potential car deaths in the 2nd chapter, especially in the very first room/area because iirc at least 3 different cars break through parts of the scenery there and if you're bumrushing through the area and near the wall for two of them you'll get hit and killed. you can also get killed by the friendly APC in the alleyway after the first gigante encounter and the two trucks that burst in after that alleyway section

there's also the random sherry/leon bus 'WE FIXED IT WE'RE COMING TO HELP" *runs helena/jake over* death that i'm sure everyone's experienced
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