Today I learned that pills not only restore your health, but also fully restore your stamina. Yay me. This knowledge already managed to save my butt few times.![]()
What really?
Today I learned that pills not only restore your health, but also fully restore your stamina. Yay me. This knowledge already managed to save my butt few times.![]()
What really?
Today I learned that pills not only restore your health, but also fully restore your stamina. Yay me. This knowledge already managed to save my butt few times.![]()
If you lay down on your back it restores your stamina faster as well.
Looking to get a Resident Evil game on the PC while there is a sale. GAF bro informed me that RE6 has some pretty great multiplayer modes a while back. So, RE6 for multi? Revelations? Both?
Get RE6 and we can suplex zombies together, eye em oh.
i've been playing through on leon's campaign, just started chapter 5. am i going to regret playing through his campaign first, only to have to back track a bunch with the other campaigns? or is that not correct, and the only cross over is where the 4 player sequences occur? does the story just end with leon and then bam, replay the story with the other characters even though you know how it wraps up? that would seem like an awfully hamfisted way to do it, so i've been waiting for it to shuttle me into the other campaigns at the end of a chapter, but nothing yet.
The first chapter and the beginning of the second chapter. Of course it was different than in previous RE, much more action oriented and much more chaotic, but it was the closest to the "Raccoon City incident" feel that we will probably get in modern RE titles.also, what section of the leon's campaign was supposed to elicit the survivor horror feel? i remember that being mentioned when it came out, but really didn't get that out of it at all.
The first chapter and the beginning of the second chapter. Of course it was different than in previous RE, much more action oriented and much more chaotic, but it was the closest to the "Raccoon City incident" feel that we will probably get in modern RE titles.
I thought that buying a new RE6 for $16 is a great deal. I was wrong. Capcom should pay us to play this shitty game. I played, enjoyed, & beat RE1 to RE5. Despite all the negative press surrounding RE6, I wanted to give it a try. I am on chapter 4 on Chris' campaign & I think I had enough.
Why did they name the game Resident Evil 6 and ruined the franchise?, Why didn't the name it RE: Operation Hong Kong City, or RE: Code Antarctica or whatever.
I thought that buying a new RE6 for $16 is a great deal. I was wrong. Capcom should pay us to play this shitty game. I played, enjoyed, & beat RE1 to RE5. Despite all the negative press surrounding RE6, I wanted to give it a try. I am on chapter 4 on Chris' campaign & I think I had enough.
Why did they name the game Resident Evil 6 and ruined the franchise?, Why didn't the name it RE: Operation Hong Kong City, or RE: Code Antarctica or whatever.
You have to play the game as an action shooter and not as a survival horror game. If you're looking for a classic RE game you'll be disappointed, but play it as a balls-to-the-wall action game (dodging, punching, shooting, melee, sliding all over the place) and you'll have fun with it.
I started the game with that mindset, but still the game is terrible.
I'm playing this at the moment. About three or four hours in. I am enjoying it, but man there are some major annoyances here too. I hate the inventory system so much; they nailed it with Resi 4 but keep needlessly meddling with it since then. Why can't I choose to eat a herb directly if my inventory is full? Or combine it with something else in my inventory? That doesn't affect the amount of free space I have, so it shouldn't be an issue. Also, I'm playing Leon's campaign and everything is so goddamn dark. He's got a light on his ear but hardly ever switches it on for some reason. Why have Leon and Helena just got a bus outside of the city in order to go to the cathedral? I'm not a city planner, but surely the cathedral would be inside the city? I'm also not entirely comfortable with the controls. They feel too sluggish, and some of the zombies leap and move very quickly. The cover system is next to useless, and I just that as a third person shooter it lacks refinement I've grown used to over the past generation.
Read up on the combat system because they do a terrible job of explaining it.
You have a lot of movement options so leaping zombies are a non issue. With your gun up hit a direction plus the X or A button and your character will leap in that direction. You can also stay and move/roll while you are on the ground and shoot. Also, if you get knocked down then you can fire your gun from the downed position immediately, no need to get up first.
The slide is very useful as well.
Thanks BW; I'll give the game another whirl tonight with your suggestions in mind. Can you advise on the best place to read up on tips for the combat system?
the dude i got partnered up with (azu-nyan?) was constantly getting 64 to 100+ second bonuses with sherry and i have no idea how
i gotta do my research because seriously WHAT
Man, the camera changes can really fuck you up.
You do know there are time bonus pickups in different locations on every level, right?
Dunno how to get constantly high time bonuses, but there's a certain glitch that dragonlife taught me: throw a flash grenade to stun a bunch of enemies; throw a normal grenade among them and in the meantime perform a melee finisher on an enemy. If you get it right and you kill an enemy the exact moment the grenade explode (and kill the rest of stunned enemies), the time bonus will be multiplied by the number of all enemies that you've just killed.
yeah that! getting it consistently high is just a matter of grouping together enemies but man getting the coup de grace in a large group of enemies is a task in itself
On Leon's chapter 3 now, in downtown China. Some enjoyable stuff here, but it's just so absurdly ridiculous, and stuff like trying to fly the plane while it goes down via a QTE was such a bad section. I liked the part where Leon and Helena were trapped on the street with the Pig Meat Regenerators, and I quite enjoyed the battle against the Ustanak, although the signposting in that battle was pretty awful. The fight at the end of chapter 2 against the giant infected shark with the glowing tentacle-arm in its mouth was so, so silly.
But, as ridiculous as it all is, I'm still enjoying myself. The combat is really fun since I've learnt to slide and roll and so on, and I love the silly earnestness which comes off as cheesy.
One thing - what does sending an item to the case do? I've done this a few times from the Triangle inventory to create space, but what does it actually do? I can't find these items once I've sent them off.
On Leon's chapter 3 now, in downtown China. Some enjoyable stuff here, but it's just so absurdly ridiculous, and stuff like trying to fly the plane while it goes down via a QTE was such a bad section. I liked the part where Leon and Helena were trapped on the street with the Pig Meat Regenerators, and I quite enjoyed the battle against the Ustanak, although the signposting in that battle was pretty awful. The fight at the end of chapter 2 against the giant infected shark with the glowing tentacle-arm in its mouth was so, so silly.
But, as ridiculous as it all is, I'm still enjoying myself. The combat is really fun since I've learnt to slide and roll and so on, and I love the silly earnestness which comes off as cheesy.
One thing - what does sending an item to the case do? I've done this a few times from the Triangle inventory to create space, but what does it actually do? I can't find these items once I've sent them off.
Send to case? Huh? I've spent over a hundred hours in this game and I have no idea what you mean lol.
Omg, if there is a way to remove items from inventory... omg.
this game is so excessive and ridiculous that it would make a COD game directed by Michael Bay seem realistic by comparison.
this is what i love about the direction of re5 and 6
they decided 'well people liked the over the top shit so let's go nuts'
there's 'this is a generic future/military shooter ooh rah' and then there's 'my character just punched a zombie mutant raptor in the head'
i sincerely can't think of any other game that takes such batshit insane concepts and presents them 100% straight like 'yep time to punch this volcanic boulder out of the way' or 'welp i guess im gonna re-create the drill scene from total recall with a giant monster that has a gun arm'
I've now gone back to Jake's campaign, I'm on Chapter 2 and I remember why I left it shortly after buying it. Fucking snowy level is just horrible, with infinitely-respawning enemies, vision completely obscured by snow at times and a multitude of sniping enemies capable of shooting you from afar. I finally got past it though and I'm now sneaking around trying not to let the Ustanak catch us. So many weird design decisions in this game, and it really could have used a producer to come in and strip out or cut down on all the fucking sections that drag on too long (which is most of them).
you should get like five billion bonus point for finishing a game of no mercy mercs with a 300 combo and last stand on
it's so hardddd
especially on zombie maps, jesus christ those enemies are really poorly made
But, but... zombies are fine
However, Mining the Depths on No Mercy can be pretty hardcore. Lots of zombies with dynamites and a couple of shriekers that can stun you easily - it's a pretty explosive mix. Add a couple of Strelats to the mix.
Man it seems I really love Leon's campaign, just finished it on Professional and had a blast.
Moving on to Chris in this difficulty now and intend to use the knife a lot.
How do you guys usually re-play campaigns? With or without carrying over your inventory?
After beating the game (and being selective about what weapons I pick up for each character), I just jump into random co-op games to replay stuff. I tend to only avoid Leon 1, because so many people were playing it and the beginning is such a drag.