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Resident Evil 6 PC Version |UnOT| Bros before BOWs


By the way, I'm amazed at how this thread seems to be showing a better reception to the game than the OT.

I'm still amazed at the overblown hate this game got. It does have it's fair share of problems, but it's also incredibly fun. I guess the world was ready to hate it from the get go.


It feels good playing RE6 again. It doesn't deserve all of the press negativity.

Played the first two chapters of Leon's campaign with a friend today. I don't get where the hate comes from. I love the faster controls and the location feels way more Resident Evil than anywhere in 5.


I just finished Chris's scenario. I'm really pretty irritated. I died so, so, so many times. Not to enemies. Not to bosses, per se. Rather, to failures in scripted sequences. One in particular seemed random in terms of whether I'd make it past a certain part, despite me doing it with exactly the same timing each time. Bleh. I also found most timed running sequences to be impossible to complete with the keyboard, so I always ended up switching to controller.

Chris also has the best final boss battle.
HAOS is one scary mofo.
Hated it. So much.
I was told to play as Piers, so I did. But controlling him in the last fight was a nightmare.


By the way, I'm amazed at how this thread seems to be showing a better reception to the game than the OT.

I'm still amazed at the overblown hate this game got. It does have it's fair share of problems, but it's also incredibly fun. I guess the world was ready to hate it from the get go.

Which might explain this thread.

Maybe many of us heard so much bad stuff from console release that our expectations were lowered and we found ourselves surprsed.

Then again my three co-op partners for the campaign do not really keep up with videogame news and remain unaware of the game's initial reception and all three of them are enjoying it a lot.

And personally, I really think I would like it regardless of what expectations I entered with. It is just a really fun coop experience.


Ran into a problem where I couldn't fully accelerate during a car chase in the Chris campaign. Made it impossible to beat it. I was using the PS3 controller and had shot/attack on R1 (which is also accelerate when driving). Switching it back to R2 fixed it. If you are not at full speed by just accelerating (with boost taking you off the meter), then you are suffering from this problem.

EDIT: Google tells me switching controllers also fixes it, but that was on consoles (assuming this is the same problem).


This game is great. I was quite anxious the week or two before release... I knew this game was truly something good when I got better at slide kicking and smashing skulls into walls and counters.

I've played Chris's first two chapters, part of Jake's first, and all of Leon's first, which I think I like the most at this point.

The first Chris Chapter was, in my opinion, a really poor opener to the game. It felt claustrophobic and manic in all the wrong ways. It would've benefited from some larger areas with less enemies to give players optimal room in which to learn the movement mechanics. The second chapter was a lot better, though.

Jake's campaign so far has had two awful, "let's take the camera away from you, but still let you move, and inopportunely place the camera away from where you need to go." Also the platforming is too feigned, but it's mostly benign I guess. I like Jake and Sherry, though.

The only thing I dislike are the QTEs (and unpredictable death events). Christ, why do they think hammering space bar or A and D is any way challenging or entertaining. Is they any way to turn them off?


Gold Member
I'm still amazed at the overblown hate this game got. It does have it's fair share of problems, but it's also incredibly fun. I guess the world was ready to hate it from the get go.

Well the controls suck (IMO ofc), no matter how many times I play the re6 demo it (controls) never gets better, could ofc be that the final game have different controls but I doubt it.


I just can't get the hang of the controls. I rolled through RE4 (GC) and RE5 (PC) but something in this feels.... off. And the guns seem to have no punch to them at all.


No a lot of people matchmaking No Mercy Mercs. I think the PC version has a low population.

That + Campaign first, so I hope it'll increase with time.
Even though I see essentially no games to join most times, I do find a partner a little bit faster than consoles if I'm the one creating the session.

Another way to help this is to get more people in this thread into No Mercy. :D


I started playing the game (I've just finished first chapter of Leon's campaign) and right now I honestly don't understand all the hate the game got. It is a little bit chaotic and much less focused than RE4/RE5, but I still find it fun and quite atmospheric. What irritated me the most is how dark the game is. On default settings (20) there were moments where I could barely see anything and thus were attacked out of nowhere by zombies.

Also, I think that mouse + keyboard controls helps the game a lot. Aiming is easier (I remember having a lot of problems with it when I was playing the demo, but maybe that's just me sucking at playing shooters with gamepad) and functions like dodge left/right/back or mix herbs and put them in the inventory have their own separate buttons, so you don't have to remember all the combinations. What I hate is how you can't assign buttons to specific weapons, like you could do in RE5. Scrolling through weapons (and then scrolling through items if you want to use granade or remote bomb) is annoying.

Of to try Chris's campaign and see if I will hate the game then. :p


I started playing the game (I've just finished first chapter of Leon's campaign) and right now I honestly don't understand all the hate the game got. It is a little bit chaotic and much less focused than RE4/RE5, but I still find it fun and quite atmospheric. What irritated me the most is how dark the game is. On default settings (20) there were moments where I could barely see anything and thus were attacked out of nowhere by zombies.

Also, I think that mouse + keyboard controls helps the game a lot. Aiming is easier (I remember having a lot of problems with it when I was playing the demo, but maybe that's just me sucking at playing shooters with gamepad) and functions like dodge left/right/back or mix herbs and put them in the inventory have their own separate buttons, so you don't have to remember all the combinations. What I hate is how you can't assign buttons to specific weapons, like you could do in RE5. Scrolling through weapons (and then scrolling through items if you want to use granade or remote bomb) is annoying.

Of to try Chris's campaign and see if I will hate the game then. :p

I had issues with the aiming until I disabled the crosshair. The laser jumps around a lot, so the crosshair is really pointless, I just go laser only.


A few chapters into each I wpld rank the campaigns as follows:

1) Leon
2) Jake
3) Chris

But that isn't because Chris's is bad. It is actually quite fin, especially co-op. But the other two have some great set pieces. The last half of Chapter 2 in Jake's campaign is terrific. i lke that Jake's campaign seems filled with different ideas, a hunt in a blizzard, stealth sections, vechicle chases, godzilla monster movie, etc. Jake's campaign is definitely the least polished and the opening 10 minutes of it is atrocious amd feels super cheap, but it really feels unique.

So far, I am still just really loving the different tone of the three main campaigns. I think Capcom got it pretty right. It really feels like getting three different RE games, all with co-op.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I finished the first couple chapters with Jake. I was a little worried about his campaign initially, I think it starts off on the wrong foot, but thankfully it slows down the suck and turns things around. The variety in just his first two chapters alone is very impressive. Really enjoyed wandering around in the snow (and driving over my friend with a snowmobile).


You can key bind however you want.

But what was the difference? I honestly don't notice any big control changes from RE5.

Not to answer for that guy, but personally going into and out of the sprint seems a little weird to me. The way the camera lowers and the stick sensitivity goes down, I almost always mess up going where I'm trying to go. Consequently, I don't use the sprint a whole lot.


I finished the first couple chapters with Jake. I was a little worried about his campaign initially, I think it starts off on the wrong foot, but thankfully it slows down the suck and turns things around. The variety in just his first two chapters alone is very impressive. Really enjoyed wandering around in the snow (and driving over my friend with a snowmobile).

Yeah, I get the concept they were going for with trying to escape from chaos with explosions in the beginning of the first chapter, but it was a really shitty thing to just throw a player into.

I was playing it with my younger brother and it was his first experience with the game (or maybe any Resident Evil game, frankly). I was worried at first, but as soon as
Tyrant like creature
showed up, thinks got a lot better, even in the first chapter.
I've been running through the Chris campaign and I seem to run out of ammo ALL THE TIME. I've been trying to rely more on the Knife and single shots to secure kills but on boss fights especially, I feel rather helpless. I'm just not gelling with how the game controls (playing on a 360 controller)


how do you not notice? that was my biggest gripe with the game.

Well I asked because I don't remember. I played Re5 on default settings and finished the game 4 times through (with different people and once on my own) so I was pretty familiar with it. But it was a few years ago the last time I played it. All I know is when I picked up RE6 it fit like a glove except the new diving mechanics, which I love but I'm still getting used to.


I've been running through the Chris campaign and I seem to run out of ammo ALL THE TIME. I've been trying to rely more on the Knife and single shots to secure kills but on boss fights especially, I feel rather helpless. I'm just not gelling with how the game controls (playing on a 360 controller)

Whenever you only have a single enemy or even two in close vicinity, always try dashing up and smashing them with a melee.

With most of the boss fights (so far anyway) there are are always fodder enemies that will drop ammo if you kill them (with melee). It also helps to pick up the item drop increase perk.


erotic butter maelstrom
Well I asked because I don't remember. I played Re5 on default settings and finished the game 4 times through (with different people and once on my own) so I was pretty familiar with it. But it was a few years ago the last time I played it. All I know is when I picked up RE6 it fit like a glove except the new diving mechanics, which I love but I'm still getting used to.

The basics are similar aside from the addition of walking and shooting in RE6, but RE6 also adds a bunch of new, more complex stuff like falling, sliding and melee is a lot more fleshed out. RE5 has a pretty limited move set and is a little easier to grasp because of it.

I feel like I still suck at RE6 so far, but I dig that there's an actual learning curve to the mechanics.


Ok, Chris's chapter 1 finished. And... I really liked it. I think I even prefer it more to Leon's first chapter. Now let's try Sherry's scenario.

Anyway, whoever thought that making a unique HUD for each scenario is a good idea was an idiot. It's really confusing. Not to mention, both Leon's and Chris' HUDs are ugly.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I finished this last night, or rather ~6 hours ago.

I think I enjoyed Leon's missions the most, though I liked some of the classic RE type puzzles in Ada's missions.

Still too many QTEs. Chris's missions were Dude Brah, not RE.

I've been running through the Chris campaign and I seem to run out of ammo ALL THE TIME. I've been trying to rely more on the Knife and single shots to secure kills but on boss fights especially, I feel rather helpless. I'm just not gelling with how the game controls (playing on a 360 controller)

Equip the melee skill and make a habit of using melee until your stamina is down then switch to ammo.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I was playing it with my younger brother and it was his first experience with the game (or maybe any Resident Evil game, frankly). I was worried at first, but as soon as
Tyrant like creature
showed up, thinks got a lot better, even in the first chapter.

Yeah, this is when it started to turn around for me too. Suddenly my friend and I went from being mostly quiet and bored to cracking up laughing and having a great time. Very curious to see where things go next with his campaign.

Also I think Jake and Sherry are very likable. Thought I'd loathe him and find her to just be the dumb bubbly blonde type, but no. They're great and play off each other very well.

Anyway, whoever thought that making a unique HUD for each scenario is a good idea was an idiot. It's really confusing. Not to mention, both Leon's and Chris' HUDs are ugly.

Man, ain't this the fucking truth. What were they thinking. These should all be various HUD designs you can select from in the option menu, at the very least. Maybe a modder will save the day.


You have to finish off all the campaigns to unlock everyone right?

Everyone (and their costumes) unlocks playing Mercenaries except for Ada.
She requires that you finish her campaign to unlock, which then opens the path to unlock Carla last.

Anyway, whoever thought that making a unique HUD for each scenario is a good idea was an idiot. It's really confusing. Not to mention, both Leon's and Chris' HUDs are ugly.

It gets less confusing with time.
The HUD actually reflects what those characters are carrying with them. Personally, I like Ada's best.
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