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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Ships Over Three Million Worldwide!

Astral Dog

I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.
RE5 was even worse than this


Mercs and Raid mode in a cheap digital only game with free maps and paid characters a la Rainbow Six, please.


RE5 was even worse than this

I was like "don't let Jawmuncher see this post."


Although I hope action RE continues in some form. Some people call them generic, but there's something unmistakably RE about the way they play. The movement, the way they use melee. Even in games that are markedly different like RE6 or Revelations you know what you're playing can only be Resident Evil. I'd hate for that to go to waste.

I'm glad there are dozens of us.

We really just need a Mercenaries All Stars game, and I'll be happy.

This would stave my hunger for quite a while.

Meh , that needs to be a Dino Crisis game not Resident Evil, suplex'ing Dinosaurs will never get old.



Meh , that needs to be a Dino Crisis game not Resident Evil, suplex'ing Dinosaurs will never get old.


No. I feel action RE and action DC are different types of games. I like the slower pace of action RE where the characters feel weighty and the guns tend to be heavy. Same with the melee. Zombies are also softer targets which make more satisfying splatters.

For Dino Crisis I would really want them to go all in on Dino Crisis 2's concept. Very fast paced, almost designed for score attack and speed running. Agile Regina in a slim power suit, rapid fire weapons, kill combos, score multipliers, heck throw in cartwheel moves, flips, and Bayonetta style movement! "PN03 meets Jurassic World"



This reaction is perfect. I'm saving this.

No. I feel action RE and action DC are different types of games. I like the slower pace of action RE where the characters feel weighty and the guns tend to be heavy. Same with the melee. Zombies are also softer targets which make more satisfying splatters.

For Dino Crisis I would really want them to go all in on Dino Crisis 2's concept. Very fast paced, almost designed for score attack and speed running. Agile Regina in a slim power suit, rapid fire weapons, kill combos, score multipliers, heck throw in cartwheel moves, flips, and Bayonetta style movement! "PN03 meets Jurassic World"

We need you at Capcom stat


Loved the game, the DLC is giving it longevity, and my only regret is that my virgin experience of it can never be in VR having completed it nearly three times already without trying it. My hope is I can experience whatever Resident 8vil has in store for us in VR first! (Don't steal my ingenious title, Capcom, PM me for royalty information)
RE5 is perhaps the best coop game ever made, so poor man's RE4 or not, I'm thankful for that at least.

Unsurprised that RE7 is selling well, but very pleased regardless. I doubt we'll see 8 be anything other than a continuation of this direction.

And then there's Rebecca, and Billy, and Sheva, and every version of Wesker, and Krauser, and HUNK, and Ada, and Luis, and Josh, and Carlos, and Nikolai, and Barry, and Sherry, and Jake, and Helena, and Piers, and Steve, and all of S.T.A.R.S.

K I'm done


Super happy to see that there are still people who love/want action RE. 4, 5, and 6 are pretty much my favourite action game's full stop, and 6 specifically might have the best TPS mechanics ever. I hope Capcom doesn't abandon this style of RE entirely, as it's fantastic.
RE5 is perhaps the best coop game ever made, so poor man's RE4 or not, I'm thankful for that at least.

Unsurprised that RE7 is selling well, but very pleased regardless. I doubt we'll see 8 be anything other than a continuation of this direction.



I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.
I can overlook the Bayformers fanboyism, duck. But not this. Never this.

I would be so in for a new Dino Crisis in that style though.
What other games can I do this in? Aside from RE5 & 6

It definitely is, but i'm with you.
I think RE4 was so great because it was a great blending of genres. At it's core, it was an action game, but instead of being like Devil May Cry, which was basically RE2 with combos, (fantastic game) they fused character action/shooter/puzzles into one game.

No title does exactly what RE4 does, but I get the same feeling of accomplishment with games like Souls. I felt Gears was certainly heavily inspired by RE4, same as Uncharted. In fact, part 4 especially the gun play feels like ND were playing RE4 while revamping drake's shooting.

Capcom might make it action heavy again one day, but in all honestly, that is probably going to just be DMC. This it the direction that inspires the team. That's what I want. To ask for the same thing over and over again is not seeing the forest from the trees. If we truly want a classic like RE4 to happen again, we have to let the team be inspirational. They've done something special here with VR and horror, there' s no denying it, at least let them perfect it before we ask for a return to form.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.

I want the complete opposite, I am so done with the old RE formula. For me RE7 felt like a massive step in the right direction for the series and I'd be so disappointed if they went back to the cheesy, over the top big budget style of RE6.


An amazing game, makes me want to play the RE series. Luckily ps+ gave me REmake but its so hard to play because I still have to beat madhouse
Awesome! I love RE7 and was honestly worried about them getting their target. Glad I was wrong and this sort of game is catching on again!

I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.

Most I've disagreed with a user with a red name

Don't worry we'll still get Revelation 3 and I'm sure it'll be good

And (RE7 DLC spoilers)
we can hope for FALCON PUNCH with Chris in FP VR for Not a Hero


I think RE4 was so great because it was a great blending of genres. At it's core, it was an action game, but instead of being like Devil May Cry, which was basically RE2 with combos, (fantastic game) they fused character action/shooter/puzzles into one game.

No title does exactly what RE4 does, but I get the same feeling of accomplishment with games like Souls. I felt Gears was certainly heavily inspired by RE4, same as Uncharted. In fact, part 4 especially the gun play feels like ND were playing RE4 while revamping drake's shooting.

Capcom might make it action heavy again one day, but in all honestly, that is probably going to just be DMC. This it the direction that inspires the team. That's what I want. To ask for the same thing over and over again is not seeing the forest from the trees. If we truly want a classic like RE4 to happen again, we have to let the team be inspirational. They've done something special here with VR and horror, there' s no denying it, at least let them perfect it before we ask for a return to form.

I get that. I don't even dislike RE7. I do hope RE8 perfects on what it has done.
But i'll always push for action over Horror.

RE's back nghhhhhhaaah!

It never left.

Awesome, games incredible

and Capcom if you're reading this please ignore the terrible "make re action again" opinions

They better not ignore my money


The game deserves twice this amount at the very least. Absolutely incredible RE game.
Hopefully Capcom makes the next Revelaitons game action-focused to appease the whiners and also myself, loved 4/5/6 but main RE should stay horror focused.


The game deserves twice this amount at the very least. Absolutely incredible RE game.
Hopefully Capcom makes the next Revelaitons game action-focused to appease the whiners and also myself, loved 4/5/6 but main RE should stay horror focused.

It better be RE 4-6 style action.
Rev 2 is watered down as hell action


It's not a popular opinion around these parts since some people actually do seem to dig the horror aspect. It's certainly good for them, but I have to look out for my own interests too.

Sorry guys, but if Capcom wants to make a first person horror game with jump scares and not use any established RE characters and mythos for most of the setting, they should just do a new IP or something...

Same could've been said of the action games.


I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.
Duckroll the worst mod confirmed.

So. Much. Wrong.
RE5 is perhaps the best coop game ever made, so poor man's RE4 or not, I'm thankful for that at least.

Unsurprised that RE7 is selling well, but very pleased regardless. I doubt we'll see 8 be anything other than a continuation of this direction.

Despite it clearly trying to be like Gears of War, it's way better than Gears of War imo.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.
I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.

No. Take it all back.
Despite it clearly trying to be like Gears of War, it's way better than Gears of War imo.

The sections where it's aping gears are its worst moments. I don't know why they thought the laser-sighted gun weilding enemies forcing you into the weakest stop and pop cover shooter encounters I've ever played was a good idea. It's antithetical to everything that makes RE5's combat so fun. No melee, no strategic positioning and crowd control, just waiting for the green laser sight to be off you so you can peek over and line up a shot before doing the same thing for the next three stationary dudes.
How many actually sold through?

Publishers never talk about sell through (or at least very rarely) so who knows.

Has to be a high number though. They shipped 2.5 million copies week 1, and then another half a million since then. You don't ship additional copies unless you are selling through you're inventory.

An educated guess is sell through is probably somewhere a bit above 2 million.


I would agree with Duckroll 100% if it wasn't that I read long ago his point extends also to the originals, even REmake. He basically wants Gears of Evil regardless.


FUCK YEA Outlast/Amnesia clone my ass. Welcome back to survival horror.

I laugh at those who said it could no longer succeed without being a cheesy action blockbuster.

I just got the platinum trophy last night, really enjoyed doing so. The first time in forever that I felt satisfied playing a RE game. I hope they continue to place an emphasis on survival horror, I love being scared. First person, or Third person, whatever, just make it scary.
This isn't a bad thing

Resident Evil shouldn't be run and gun. It started as survival horror and and now it has successfully gone back to its roots. Hell they even wanted the original RE to be first person, but the hardware would not allow it back then. I mean I hope they continue provide action oriented titles like Revelations and will buy them, but the big budget RE game should be exactly like RE7 in terms atmosphere, resource management and fear of the unknown. I wasn't sold at first, but after playing it they made a brilliant decision. P.T. who?
Well-deserved, it's the best RE game since RE4.

That's not a high bar, granted, given RE5 and RE6 were inexcusable tragedies of the highest order, but even by the standard of good RE games, RE7 is amazing.


I would agree with Duckroll 100% if it wasn't that I read long ago his point extends also to the originals, even REmake. He basically wants Gears of Evil regardless.

I think this is an unfair characterization. I can't really play horror games anymore. I've talked about this. I don't like being scared, and as graphics and immersion get more realistic, it's much harder for me to play a horror game that actually wants to scare you. I played all the REs back in the day when I was younger. I absolutely love RE2. I definitely wouldn't want REmake 2 to be like RE4 at all. I think REmake 2 should be a little scary at least, I think it's allowed to have jump scares that pay homage to what the original was. But RE2 also had a lot of action, and a lot of silly character/mythos stuff. It also had set pieces where you could kill a giant mutant alligator by shooting a gas canister in its mouth. It had a zombie Terminator chase you through the second quest. And a thrilling boss battle as you escape at the end. These things also need to be emphasized and elevated in a remake. I respect REmake a lot for what it is, sticking with what made RE1 what it is and improving on everything else. I just personally -don't like being scared by jump scares-.

RE7 is something else entirely. It is the series moving forward in a different direction, rather than remaking a classic game. Hence it being a direction I am unable to enjoy and do not want for the series, it is important for me that I hope the direction does not succeed.
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