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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


LeonA/Claire B
ClaireA/Leon B

Make them all seperate save slots. No, unlocks from one slot do not carry over to another. Starting fresh I am afraid.

Eh, I'll try to unlock The 4th survivor, but I don't know if I can do it. I mean, I scored 4:40 woth Leon and 3:52 with Claire, the positive thing is now I know the game and what to do, the negative one I still want to check all cutscene because they will be probably different (and also the game should be different in some points).
Anyone still playing on the Outbreak Server? Been out of the game for the past year or so, would love to get going again if anyone's down for some games :)


And the Wolf Maze, don't forget that!

Personally I loved RE4 all the way through and don't get the Island hate that gets thrown around. I loved how long the game was as well, at the time I was so mindblown by the game that I didn't want it to end... and it didn't!

The whole village was easily my favourite area of the game, it was just dripping with atmosphere and there were some great areas that didn't say anything but showed a lot. The bloody rock that Ada wakes up on in Separate Ways, for example.

The castle was okay, but also kind of weird. I appreciate the way they weaved that family and the castle and their history into the storyline - and how they used their position to make it relevant that the organisations did what they did to retrieve things from that location (the history with the plagas and such).

The island is probably my least favourite - just felt too sterile. Appreciated the regenerators, of course, but it just seemed too generic. Too much like Code Veronica, which I've decided since a recent replay is my second least favourite of the series :(
Village has the best atmosphere but the castle had the best encounters. Island is the craziest for the most part, but is also my least favorite part of the game. It's still great though.


RE4 is the perfect game in terms of pacing...in terms of everything! Hard to think how Capcom is going to someday top that. I hope that, if they continue the "action" trend in the series, they should improve the sort of gameplay you see in the village fight in 1-1 chapter: large enemy mobs with inteligent AI, open enviroments, loads of oportunities to escape the enemy and for the enemy to flank you! Like Kojima's MGS4 early vision of Old Snake having "no place to hide".


Village has the best atmosphere but the castle had the best encounters. Island is the craziest for the most part, but is also my least favorite part of the game. It's still great though.

I just don't think I liked the guns the enemies had and it made the whole affair so frustrating.

You're right about the castle stuff though, all of the encounters with the Los Illuminados and the Garridors still stick out in my mind. And of course the first time we meet Ada again :3


I have no idea what they're actually saying, know no Spanish, but I usually hear stuff like they're saying (different verse than being quoted) as, "koge-ga-koge, Sleeeep, Sleeep."

"Cogedlo, Cogedlo, Cogedlo..."? (catch him, catch him...)

My friends and I still yell to each other "Detras de ti, imbecil!" (Behind you, imbecile!) randomly.

I need to play RE4 again. It's just to funny to understand what they're saying.
People get really nostalgic about the village and I don't know why.

(Speaking as someone who has only played it once.) I thought the village was really scary actually, the handful of zombies gave me chills (whoever decided they should talk to each other was a genius, such a unique and creepy idea), and yeah the atmosphere was great.

Then somewhere near the end of the village (start of the mines maybe?) they threw like 50 zombies at you at once and that totally killed the horror for the rest of the game, seeing as I knew I could handle so many enemies at once. Plus the new enemies they introduced later on never came close to the scariness of the villager zombies.
The island made the ambivalence between the two stages of development (horror vs. action) most transparent in RE4. It becomes really obvious on replays and almost goofy. In one room there might be gazillions of goons to shoot with stressful music. Enter the next door, all of a sudden everybody's gone and the focus shifts to a handful of regenerators and creepy soundscapes. Enter the next door, all of a sudden you're back on some battlefield.
Such incoherence is one of a few reasons why RE4 is not as great as REmake, regardless of the series' genre change.


RE4 is the perfect game in terms of pacing...in terms of everything! Hard to think how Capcom is going to someday top that. I hope that, if they continue the "action" trend in the series, they should improve the sort of gameplay you see in the village fight in 1-1 chapter: large enemy mobs with inteligent AI, open enviroments, loads of oportunities to escape the enemy and for the enemy to flank you! Like Kojima's MGS4 early vision of Old Snake having "no place to hide".

Thing is, RE4 was completely revolutionary at the time - I remember ever feeling quite so overwhelmed within minutes of starting the game and it was a real shock!

Also I think RE4 was the first game to popularise the 'over the shoulder' third person shooting style, which was again pretty revolutionary. These days it would be much harder to make an impact without going so over the top as to be ridiculous (e.g. Metal Gear Rising or something!)


Thing is, RE4 was completely revolutionary at the time - I remember ever feeling quite so overwhelmed within minutes of starting the game and it was a real shock!

Also I think RE4 was the first game to popularise the 'over the shoulder' third person shooting style, which was again pretty revolutionary. These days it would be much harder to make an impact without going so over the top as to be ridiculous (e.g. Metal Gear Rising or something!)

Oh yes I agree with you regarding the first minutes of RE4, you are barely beginning the game and they already introduce enemies that can one hit kill you (Dr. Salvador). The intensity that is present in that early village siege is amazing!

And thats the thing, in order for the next RE be a worthy successor of RE4 it doesn't need to be revolutionary again but deliver that kind of intensity you get in RE4 encounters and expand that kind of tactical gameplay (new mechanics that complement that idea of blocking doors, windows, kicking ladders to create bottlenecks for your enemies...).
RE4's absolutely at its best when forcing you to juggle multiple objectives in an open area - usually that means the bits where you have regular enemies and a mini boss at the same time. I love how the Garrador is first introduced on its own and then later you fight it alongside several cult members, and having them present REALLY complicated the picture because it makes you way more likely to make noise. But yeah, having to crowd control *and* do high concentrated damage on a specific enemy is a great recipe for tension, especially in an environment where enemies can get behind you.
People get really nostalgic about the village and I don't know why.

We all know for a lot of people RE4 was their first RE game. And that is the first experience of it.

I'd assume a lot of people feel the same about the RE1 mansion or the RE2 RPD, since those were big sellers. I doubt as many people jumped into the series with RE3/CV/0/5/6. Maybe 5.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm not describing it as canon at all. It exists in a vacuum, outside of the story. Just like so many other things.

Here's something you can add to that post, Kamiya pointing out the nature of how the game cannot be viewed as a linear narrative:

Remember, BIO2 was made in a very short timeframe. There were things that were included but cut for various reasons (a scene with Leon/Claire mistaking the Tyrant for human was cut because it was more effective for the horror to just have it round a corner and attack your character with a sudden music queue). There were also things that couldn't be included due to time and budget issues, just like the first game. On top of this, there's the standard common sense in fiction that you don't need to see or read something from a direct perspective to know something happens off-page or off-camera. Games have the added caveat of things happening even if not seen while playing.

BIO3 is the first game to have a "completed" narrative but it still uses player choice and as a result there are various ways to view the story. Archives doesn't present a canon outline of the story. They are just overviews of the story that choose specific events because that's the only way to present the story without being confusing. BIO3's overview outright states in a postscript that it may conflict with the player's experience. Unlike the rest of the book, which is information taken directly from CAPCOM's planning and scenario documents, those story overviews are original content written by the Archives staff. Official story overviews do not go into that much detail because of the reasons I've stated many times already.
That's bizarre that an entire segment of the game technically doesn't happen. I'll just agree to disagree on that note, or at the very least stick to my headcanon that it is the lab, although I suppose I can see why your reasoning is the way it is.

I updated the post to reflect your added info.

The castle, particularly the first half or third of it or so, is definitely the weakest part of RE4, but that doesn't mean much when every segment of the game is enjoyable. The island is a step up and even has an edge over the village in some ways (Regenerators bringing back the creepiness factor and turning it up to 11, for example) but the village is still the absolute highlight of the game - and even of third person action/adventure game design in general, I'd argue.


My first RE was the first RE.
I remember of me playing the game on PS1, and a friend playing the game on PC, so since there was no internet (there were 56k connections, but no one used those because they were simply too expensive to do something) we used to help each other.


The first RE I played was actually 5. I enjoyed it so much that I went back to play the older games afterwards, and after playing 4 for the first time I did prefer it over 5, but its still one of my favorites.


RE2 was my first RE. Specifically the N64 version which we rented when I was young.
I remember my first experience of loading up the previous person's save file to see how far they were and just going out the first door I saw:


I got a pretty good amount into the game before we had to return it. ):

RE3 was the first one I was actually able to finish though.
I remember loving the sorrowful atmosphere created by the sound and music after the first save room.


I remember my first experience of loading up the previous person's save file to see how far they were and just going out the first door I saw:

God this terrified me when I played this the first time. It's the only time that this happens in the entire game I think! There's a certain genius in slipping a jump scare into a loading screen, especially when they already spent a game and a half with them being completely inert and almost a 'safe space'.

I think if this game came out today I would have already had it spoiled for me within a few days of release.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
My first RE was, well, RE (psx) at a friend's house. I thought it was amazing, but it would be years before I owned an up-to-date console of my own--then I really went nuts. I could binge-play in a way that I just couldn't on somebody else's console. That was on the GC, and I owned every available title/port. Seriously, what a time to be alive.

RE2 was my first RE. Specifically the N64 version which we rented when I was young.
I remember my first experience of loading up the previous person's save file to see how far they were and just going out the first door I saw:
Haha yeah that was the best. I'm adding that to the OP


Yeah my copy of RE2 for N64 is my favorite. I bought it from a rental store, so there's a ton of saves on it. Even have everything already unlocked. Still really impressive what that team did to get the game on there.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Yeah my copy of RE2 for N64 is my favorite. I bought it from a rental store, so there's a ton of saves on it. Even have everything already unlocked. Still really impressive what that team did to get the game on there.

Yep, it's a pretty amazing technical achievement. This is an old-ass article, but great insight into that project if anyone's interested.

Gamasutra--RE 2 (N64) Post-Mortem
My embarrassing RE story is that somehow I didn't know there were these scenarios in RE2, I thought that you play the same story no matter which character you pick so I only ever completed one play through with Claire. Never played Leon B or Leon A and Claire B.

I'm dumb :(


Does his best thinking in the flying car
My embarrassing RE story is that somehow I didn't know there were these scenarios in RE2, I thought that you play the same story no matter which character you pick so I only ever completed one play through with Claire. Never played Leon B or Leon A and Claire B.

I'm dumb :(

Did you own it digitally or on N64? The two discs in the other physical editions probably would have tipped you off. Switching discs on PS1 Classics version is not exactly intuitive.

Have you gone back now that you know? The scenario variation is definitely one of the many things that makes RE2 great!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.



RE2 was my first RE. Specifically the N64 version which we rented when I was young.
This was my first too. At least, the first RE that I bought and had any idea how to play. Before that I had a bunch of loaned Playstation games for a night, and tried working out RE1. I think I managed to put one of the eyes back into the tiger statue, and nothing else. I'd say I was too young to know how to play these games properly, but to be honest I was just too stupid.

I really have a soft-spot for the extreme voice compression of the N64 RE2. I like to see these games as classic horror movies, so having cracking voices and muddy visuals helped sell the aesthetic to me.
Did you own it digitally or on N64? The two discs in the other physical editions probably would have tipped you off. Switching discs on PS1 Classics version is not exactly intuitive.

Have you gone back now that you know? The scenario variation is definitely one of the many things that makes RE2 great!

I had it on ps1, maybe it was obvious, but all I know is my 10 year old self didn't realise if I started it again with Leon he would get out on the other side of the car.. my mind was blown when I found out.

I tried to go back and play it again when I completed Remake and RE4 but I found it to ugly after playing those to get through :(


Does his best thinking in the flying car

Whenever Jill is an option, I pick Jill. Though I also enjoy Jessica in REV1 Raid and Rebecca in Mercs Reunion

I had it on ps1, maybe it was obvious, but all I know is my 10 year old self didn't realise if I started it again with Leon he would get out on the other side of the car.. my mind was blown when I found out.

I tried to go back and play it again when I completed Remake and RE4 but I found it to ugly after playing those to get through :(

Oh, I see. I played RE2 (both scenarios) last year and had a great time, but I'm pretty accepting of older presentation styles. I usually rank them


Though honestly I'd rather play 6 than do another cvx playthrough. At least for co-op or mercs. Sometimes RE2 and RE4 switch places for me.... depending on mood I guess. So RE2 is definitely a peak experience for me, one of my GOAT titles for sure.
Whenever Jill is an option, I pick Jill. Though I also enjoy Jessica in REV1 Raid and Rebecca in Mercs Reunion

Oh, I see. I played RE2 (both scenarios) last year and had a great time, but I'm pretty accepting of older presentation styles. I usually rank them


Though honestly I'd rather play 6 than do another cvx playthrough. At least for co-op or mercs. Sometimes RE2 and RE4 switch places for me.... depending on mood I guess. So RE2 is definitely a peak experience for me, one of my GOAT titles for sure.

RE2 is still one of my favourite games of all time even only playing through 1 scenario lol. I love the first 4 RE games, never played CVX or RE6 started RE5 but didn't like it and never finished it.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
RE2 is still one of my favourite games of all time even only playing through 1 scenario lol. I love the first 4 RE games, never played CVX or RE6 started RE5 but didn't like it and never finished it.

Yeah, a few years ago my rankings would have been quite different. I started doing a full series playthrough once a year (after the first year, I started skipping vehicle/turret segments when possible), and things got shuffled a good deal because of that. CVX and REV1 used to be much higher, and RE5 was near the bottom. I actually considered RE5 a disappointment at launch time. It still isn't really what I want out of RE, but I came to enjoy it for what it is--a well-constructed co-op shootbang.

But I certainly get why some fans didn't care for it.


Even on a fake dream roster Ozwell E Spencer gets robbed. The grand daddy of RE villains completely robbed.

Golnei said:
Tofu's the more notable absence. They were actually playable.

It can be like old school Mortal Kombat secret characters, where you had to press weird button inputs in the right places to become the characters, rather than have them on the actual select screen


I think it'd be awesome if Bitores Mendez was playable in a MvC-style fighting game.

His body could transform mid-attack, so one moment he's a tall imposing Osama bin Laden lookalike, the next he's twice as tall with the centipede-like upper torso, and then next thing you know he splits in half and his upper torso is running around by itself.

But they'd have to animate him returning to his normal self, complete with the trenchcoat. Hmm...


I think it'd be awesome if Bitores Mendez was playable in a MvC-style fighting game.

His body could transform mid-attack, so one moment he's a tall imposing Osama bin Laden lookalike, the next he's twice as tall with the centipede-like upper torso, and then next thing you know he splits in half and his upper torso is running around by itself.

But they'd have to animate him returning to his normal self, complete with the trenchcoat. Hmm...

Not to mention It would have to be M rated.
I'm still shocked we never got to fight Spencer and have him transform into some Ultimate B.O.W. Instead he gets taken out like a chump by Wesker. I will never forgive RE5 for this.
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