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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


What do you guys think about Jill's boss fight in RE5?
I just replayed it the other day. It's pretty much perfect, imo. The contextual "Entreat" command freaking out Jill + restraining her while you or your co-op partner shoot the device with a magnum at point-blank range = hilarious fun. Surprisingly dramatic, too, with Chris' pleas and "Sad But True" playing. Plus, I like Jill's feral cat-like animations, and sometimes she'll run up the wall and just sit chillin' on the railing, lol.


I enjoy the cat-and-mouse with her and Wesker, but once it's just her the button mashing is kind of a drag.
According to the guide, the device has its own HP (10,000) and each QTE tap does like 30. So it goes faster if you rely more on shooting it. But you'll kill her if you miss, so be careful. If you're playing solo, you can restrain her and your partner will never miss.


What do you guys think about Jill's boss fight in RE5?
boring because she's not that threatening and the fight just kinda ends up being 'do qte + mash button" for most of it as doing the chris 'yell at jill' qte thing is the most effective way to fight her/start the chain stun
on a first playthrough the aiming/shooting at the control device thing becomes tense until someone fucks up it up and either you decide to just pull it off with qte mashing or successfully do it with the same boring rest of the fight so it just becomes irritating

also spencer dying an ignominious death is actually one of the best parts about that deal b/c it kinda summarizes what makes the RE universe appealing to a degree
killing the guy who is responsible for the big evil corporation did nothing to change how messed up everything is because that's not how the world works.
turning him into a big hulked out superpower guy violates that tone to a degree- see rev2's hulkman, re5's irving or rev1's final boss for similar examples. superficially it's similar to birkin in re2 but it misses the point entirely at every other level, especially in regards to how fucking insane birkin's transformations become
it's another one of those classic god tier 80s action movie things RE takes root from that works extremely well to make the universe easier to connect with.
despite the actual ground level stuff being batshit insane the greater picture is largely sensible given the events that have occurred


Does his best thinking in the flying car
According to the guide, the device has its own HP (10,000) and each QTE tap does like 30. So it goes faster if you rely more on shooting it. But you'll kill her if you miss, so be careful. If you're playing solo, you can restrain her and your partner will never miss.

Yeah, later playthroughs (I love speedrunning pro with infinite magnum ammo) definitely are easier if you just take the shot. 'Course, solo, it's so damn hard to keep your partner alive during the seven minutes, that I don't get often get the chance. It's my only struggle point solo.
I'm still shocked we never got to fight Spencer and have him transform into some Ultimate B.O.W. Instead he gets taken out like a chump by Wesker. I will never forgive RE5 for this.

WhIle I'm surprised as well, I actively dislike the villain turns into super-powered monster. Didn't mind Birkin or Wesker mostly, but everyone in 5 doing it was overkill.
Yeah, a few years ago my rankings would have been quite different. I started doing a full series playthrough once a year (after the first year, I started skipping vehicle/turret segments when possible), and things got shuffled a good deal because of that. CVX and REV1 used to be much higher, and RE5 was near the bottom. I actually considered RE5 a disappointment at launch time. It still isn't really what I want out of RE, but I came to enjoy it for what it is--a well-constructed co-op shootbang.

But I certainly get why some fans didn't care for it.

Yeah I kind of hope it gets remastered, I'd like to check it out again, now years removed. After RE 4 came out and was so great, I think RE5 was like my most hyped game ever, and yeah for what I was wanting back then it was a big miss, but I think I could enjoy it more now


Kevin would kick so much ass. xD

What do you guys think about Jill's boss fight in RE5?

Loved it, the tense music, the emotion behind it, the cool idea behind the fight. Was hard as hell on the higher difficulties, but tons of fun to play co-op with my brother.


What is the endgame for people injecting themselves with viruses and going all B.O.W. anyway?

I mean is it a suicidal thing? because 99.99.99999% of the time it's gonna turn out horribly monstrous and horrific as all fuck. And even if they win, you're still a fugly monster/bug/tentacle thing and suffering horrible terrible crippling pain.


What do you guys think about Jill's boss fight in RE5?

Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you.

What is the endgame for people injecting themselves with viruses and going all B.O.W. anyway?

I mean is it a suicidal thing? because 99.99.99999% of the time it's gonna turn out horribly monstrous and horrific as all fuck. And even if they win, you're still a fugly monster/bug/tentacle thing and suffering horrible terrible crippling pain.

Their endgame is "shut-up, I'm a monster"
Most are accidental/caused by someone else, or have been cornered into a position where they'll probably die either way so might as well take everyone with them.

News Bot

Their endgame is "shut-up, I'm a monster"
Most are accidental/caused by someone else, or have been cornered into a position where they'll probably die either way so might as well take everyone with them.

They either gamble on becoming superhumans, or see becoming something else as their only way to continue living. The reasons are actually quite varied and specific to each character. It's never a case of just because.


I'm still shocked we never got to fight Spencer and have him transform into some Ultimate B.O.W. Instead he gets taken out like a chump by Wesker. I will never forgive RE5 for this.

It was a really disappointing reveal. The series had spent so much time building him up into a mythic figure, an omnipresent architect of infinite horror and madness. Then we meet him and he's just a rich power-tripping old geezer doing a deliberate impression of the Emperor from Star Wars. I hoped for something better.

Still, good scene, and it led to Lost in Nightmares which is ace.


What do you guys think about Jill's boss fight in RE5?

Probably the most amazing and emotional 7 minutes of my life.

Jill and Chris are such bros.

so what did you get from the cutscene afterwards when jill his talking about stopping wesker and she says; dont you trust your partner? And chris then turns his head to Sheva.

Hes like, which partner do you mean ?


So on a whim tonight I decided to boot up The Mercenaries 3D. Last time I played it was on my OG 3DS. This time I was playing it on my New 3DS XL with the huge screen and super-stable face-tracking 3D.

...and wow, I'd forgotten how awesome this game can be. I'm playing as BSAA Jill, with an infinite Longbow, in the Village from RE4, at nighttime with torches burning everywhere, fighting the castle cultists. And the minibosses are both Garrador AND Super Salvador, at the same time. :-O

In other missions, Popokarimu (the bat/silkworm boss from RE5) shows us as a miniboss.

The controls are perfect, too. You can smoothly strafe sideways by holding the L trigger. And tapping the touchscreen to quick-change weapons and heal with herbs is lovely.

All of the melee animations and enemy animations are fully intact. You can tell where they cut corners here and there, but on the whole the game is detailed and colorful and looks fantastic in stereoscopic 3D. A great warmup exercise for Revelations, and it makes me wish they'd make a dedicated Mercs game for consoles.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
One of these days Capcom will release a Resident Evil: Mercenaries game for consoles and PC, and it'll be great.

The only problem is I don't know if they should go for RE4/5 or RE6 combat for it, and if they did it they might have to do more sizable content for it since if people paid for it alone they'd want more than the bonus modes in RE4-6.


I'm still shocked we never got to fight Spencer and have him transform into some Ultimate B.O.W. Instead he gets taken out like a chump by Wesker. I will never forgive RE5 for this.

I dunno, I feel like that'd be too hammy. I'm really surprised they went that route with Wesker as well in the end. I guess RE is hammy though.

I like the way they handled Spencer - though honestly I'd rather they just had left him hidden or something in the end.


Probably one of my favorite fights ever.

"Don't do this, Jill! I don't wanna hurt you! It's me, Chris. Don't you recognize me?"

i cri evrytiem

I never ever thought I would get even the slightest bit emotional during a Resident Evil game but this was probably the closest I ever did. The music, the whole situation, the decades long build up to something so weird that we'd never think we'd be doing. It was a perfect storm.

Of course, it's Resident Evil, and I wasn't emotional but it was pretty close >_>


Wait a second, you can still play Outbreak online? :|

Yes there are fan servers now. You need to use the JPN copies though. Also you want the games installed on a external HDD. That's the setup I have anyway for it. Though I can't play now since the servers don't like my strict NAT.
Wait a second, you can still play Outbreak online? :|

Yep, yep.

A really cool fella reverse engineered the old Japanese servers, and was able to create a private server for people to connect to.

Only bummer is it only works with the Japanese version of the game. However, there are English patches which exist, and are pretty easy to apply to have the full English experience.

Probably put hundreds of hours into it since it's been back, but I'm getting the itch to play again. :)

Yes there are fan servers now. You need to use the JPN copies though. Also you want the games installed on a external HDD. That's the setup I have anyway for it. Though I can't play now since the servers don't like my strict NAT.

Honestly, the best method is a Fat PS2 with an Internal Drive for fastest loading and best connection to the servers.

Although we need to get you remedied so you can play with us!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I always thought it'd be fun to have some twisted Ozwell Spencer. While I know they aren't intentionally similar, I think some elements they had for Lorenzo, the main antagonist of Haunting Ground, works a little too well for what could of worked for a potential Spencer. Hell, Old Lorenzo looks a lot like Ozwell E. Spencer as well.

Old Lorenzo:

Ozwell E. Spencer:

They both are twisted old cooks who live in fantastical estates with a goal to gain immortality. Ozwell E. Spencer just comes off as conceited & delusional with his god talk in RE5, which I guess works. But Lorenzo comes off as absolutely creepy and for a time actually obtains his goal of gaining youth before things get... heated up for him.

I understand Ozwell is a behind-the-scenes figure who works maybe better as an enigma, but due to some definite similarities both share, and how creepy Lorenzo comes off yet calculated but desperate he seems, I feel Lorenzo would of worked pretty decently in a number of ways for Ozwell in Resident Evil (probably taking away his raping overtones and his magic voodoo what-nots however).


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I like how it took Spencer eleven years in real time to show up in a game, and then he dies right away.
I know we saw the back of his head in UC but that hardly counts

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I like how it took Spencer eleven years in real time to show up in a game, and then he dies right away.
I know we saw the back of his head in UC but that hardly counts

That's the other thing, Ozwell comes and goes the moment we finally meet him, and again, I understand the enigma thing, maybe works better as a figure in the background and us never getting to properly know him... But I think they could of done some fun things with him. And the super desperate, pretty creepy and obsessive take they did for Lorenzo would of been fun to see in Resident Evil context for Spencer I guess.

Hell, Lorenzo even has the tendency of not fucking dying like a Resident Evil monster/villain.
Lorenzo as an old man falls out of his wheelchair, but then literally chases you by crawling after you, eventually he gets caught in mining equipment in some caves and gets steamrolled over with a rock crusher... But comes back and manages to complete the first stage of gaining his immortality and youth... But then gets defeated and succumbs to a pit of magma... Only to come out as he's burning alive and chases after Fiona and Hewie as the place collapses while jogging, laughing, and screeching and dying as his skin melts away and he chases you as a literal burning corpse/skeleton.

I mean, that exact context may not work in the world of RE, but Hautning Ground has some RE similarities (maybe obviously being a Capcom horror game), and Lorenzo does strike some similarities to Ozwell's depiction, given Ozwell comes off as more collected and brief, while Lorenzo came off as a lot creepier and crazy and wouldn't die.

News Bot

Haunting Ground's original scenario draft was written by Noboru Sugimura, the similarities to BIOHAZARD aren't a fluke. The setting, Fiona and Hewie were both reused from the scrapped Castle version of BIO4.

Spencer was not featured in that game so it's doubtful Lorenzo has any connection to him, but Sugimura probably wrote Lorenzo based on how he envisioned Spencer in his head.

Spencer was originally going to be a monster in the version of BIO4 that became Devil May Cry. He was initially superhuman, an adapter to the Progenitor Virus, who then administered it to his twin sons. He would've used the G-Virus and become a transfigured God, only to be killed and replaced as Umbrella CEO by his son Dante.

Spencer's final depiction is pretty much perfect. It's not grandiose and it shouldn't be.


What do you guys think about Jill's boss fight in RE5?

I think the length of the battle killed any emotional impact there was. By the time the battle ended I was like "goddammit, finally! fuck you Jill!". The idea was neat, the plead QTEs and music were nice, but the overall execution was rather meh.

I remember on Professional you could shoot the device with magnum or even rocket launcher (I'm not sure about that, but I think we tried it) and the device was still functioning.

I'm still shocked we never got to fight Spencer and have him transform into some Ultimate B.O.W. Instead he gets taken out like a chump by Wesker. I will never forgive RE5 for this.

I loved that. The guy spent his whole life working on a virus that would give him god-like status; he was behind-the-scene villain of the whole series for so long. And when we finally see him, he's an old fragile man sitting in a wheel chair who can't do really anything anymore and who is still bitter about how things went. And eventually, he is killed by the monster he created.

Having him mutate into a B.O.W. would completely kill the effect - he would become RE generic villain #2454.

One of these days Capcom will release a Resident Evil: Mercenaries game for consoles and PC, and it'll be great.

The only problem is I don't know if they should go for RE4/5 or RE6 combat for it (...)

Why not both?

I would buy both RE Mercenaries: Tank Controls Edition and RE Mercenaries: Burly Brawl Edition.

and if they did it they might have to do more sizable content for it since if people paid for it alone they'd want more than the bonus modes in RE4-6.

I'm still impressed by RE6 bonus modes. Just in Mercenaries you have 16 characters (9 characters + costume variations with different weapon set) and 10 stages. On PC they also added 4 characters from Left 4 Dead 2 (so that's 20 characters variations total) and an ability to bring monsters from the game to the Mercenaries mode. That's total madness even when compared to RE5 (10 characters, 8 stages) or RE4 (5 characters, 4 stages). Then there's No Mercy, Onslaught, Siege, Predator, Survivors and Agent Hunt.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Haunting Ground's original scenario draft was written by Noboru Sugimura, the similarities to BIOHAZARD aren't a fluke. The setting, Fiona and Hewie were both reused from the scrapped Castle version of BIO4.

Spencer was not featured in that game so it's doubtful Lorenzo has any connection to him, but Sugimura probably wrote Lorenzo based on how he envisioned Spencer in his head.

Spencer was originally going to be a monster in the version of BIO4 that became Devil May Cry. He was initially superhuman, an adapter to the Progenitor Virus, who then administered it to his twin sons. He would've used the G-Virus and become a transfigured God, only to be killed and replaced as Umbrella CEO by his son Dante.

Spencer's final depiction is pretty much perfect. It's not grandiose and it shouldn't be.

Spencer is grounded well for his role, and he does work better being someone we see briefly, and how he's depicted works with everything else we know about him. More-so, going from Lost in Nightmares, you do see more of his reasoning and lead-up to that encounter as a lot of the DLC story is to really build of Spencer's final moments and a bit more of who he was behind the scenes, both from his final plea for life and his personal butler's impression of him. There wasn't any room in RE5 as it was for an over-the-top Spencer. But I do admit I someday want to see the sort of RE villain who goes over-the-top in personality twistedness rather than monster transformations. It's definitely been toyed around with, between Alfred/Alexia, Simmons, and Alex post-infected most recently. But it'd be interesting to see how it plays out.

I know some of the Resident Evil/Haunting Grounds relations, but I do think the similarities between Lorenzo and Ozwell's final depiction are more coincidental than intentional (unlike, say, Uroboros, who no one can convince me wasn't at least slightly based off of the very similar looking tentacle monster in RE3.5). There are definitely Haunting Ground plot points that scream Resident Evil inspiration in them, and while Haunting Ground takes place in a European Castle that may explain some setting similarities, there are certain rooms in Haunting Ground that unmistakably bear a similarity to scrapped rooms seen in early footage of RE4, and all the observations one can make. While Haunting Ground follows Clock Tower 3's footsteps, it definitely has more of a Resident Evil flavor than CT3 or any of the CT games, which I always found fascinating about the game. It's like a weird cocktail if you were to take Clock Tower 3 (specifically since Haunting Grounds' core gameplay originates from it), then blend it through weird Resident Evil vibes (gameplay similarities, early RE4 similarities, focusing more of pseudo-science (of alchemy & cloning mostly in this case), and there's just a more RE feel in general one could dig into with how its designed) mixed with stronger Giallo horror tones like the original Clock Tower, and added exploitist horror tones.

So how many capcom games owe their existence to Resident Evil? In terms of a potential RE game becoming a new IP.

Well, got to start at the root, Resident Evil originally was supposed to be a remake of Sweet Home, so even RE was spun-off of an existing Capcom thing.

Devil May Cry is the obvious one. Dino Crisis would be another big one. Haunting Ground definitely pulled some stuff away from RE. I don't know what level of inspiration Resident Evil had on Dead Rising actually, though you feel there's got to be something there (despite RE and DR not being all THAT similar, they differentiated them pretty well, even though Dead Rising: Drop Till You Drop specifically owes a lot to the RE4 Wii). Lost Planet 2 has definite Resident Evil 5 inspiration behind it.

I'm sure there's more than we know or will be listed, but Devil May Cry, Dino Crisis, and Haunting Ground would be the obvious ones.

And obviously outside of Capcom, a lot of horror games owe a lot to RE.


Did you take the machine gun or backpack from the armoury? Also did you use any health sprays? Both drop your ranking I think.

I took the backpack and I used one spray, but I read it was ok using one if you can take less completion time like I did.


Is there meant to be some sort of Resident Evil/Capcom event in the coming months? Or did I imagine that

There's a hint towards it in March or something i believe due to Capcom asking to use reviews and mentioning an "event". Probably hear about press being invited in the coming weeks.


There's always one thing I never liked about the old school resident evil games. Which is how selfish they are with the person playing. If you want a decent rank you can't save much, but you also can't pause the game since the counter still ticks. So at least for me, it always feels like before I play some old school RE I gotta be committed in doing so. Like having a free evening or something.

Like I can't just go "Oh i'm going to play for 30 minutes and take a break". I waste a save and hurt my rank.
Then again i'm playing RE:0 again and I was never going to get super good ranks anyway. So I don't know why I care.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
There's always one thing I never liked about the old school resident evil games. Which is how selfish they are with the person playing. If you want a decent rank you can't save much, but you also can't pause the game since the counter still ticks. So at least for me, it always feels like before I play some old school RE I gotta be committed in doing so. Like having a free evening or something.

Like I can't just go "Oh i'm going to play for 30 minutes and take a break". I waste a save and hurt my rank.
Then again i'm playing RE:0 again and I was never going to get super good ranks anyway. So I don't know why I care.
Does suspend and resume pause the timer?

Also, just noticed your tag links to Bish's twitter. So are you now officially ban-proof? lol
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