Finished Resident Evil 7 for the first time a few days ago. I actually really enjoyed it - my gut reaction is to say it's better than almost all of the fixed-camera games, but not sure that'll hold up.
I really enjoyed the combat, which is why I'm glad I was able to start on Madhouse - the classic Resident Evil games tend to be a little on the easy and simple side, which I think really harms the resource management and survival elements. But 7 was pretty consistently challenging throughout; every encounter was tense and ammo management was always critical (even if inventory management wasn't, compared to the originals). I think the bosses were generally very good too - Mia, Jack 2, and especially Marguerite 2 were pretty excellent fights. I might go so far as to say that 7 had the best lineup of bosses in the franchise, honestly (even if there were some weak ones like Marguerite 1 and Eveline).
I think there were a few weak spots. The game felt a little weirdly-balanced difficulty-wise, which might be a result of me having only played on Madhouse - Molded kind of felt like damage sponge enemies (for how dodgey they are, you would expect headshots to be more effective than they are - especially against the four-legged molded who just kind of fuck you over if you don't spawn-kill them every time they appear). (On the subject of the Molded, they're pretty boring visually, and yeah, the fact that there are only like four types and they serve as the only non-boss or non-stalker enemies for the entirety of the game is disappointing. Definitely one of the game's weaker bits.) And the environments you go through were seriously small - massively less complex than anything you deal with in the classic games. Puzzles were still pretty satisfying and the game did a good job of mixing up enemy locations so that backtracking never felt boring, but it feels like the entire game has about as much space in it as, like, the police station of RE2 or the initial mansion bit in RE1.
Also, stalkers were really, really underutilized. Jack is absolutely fantastic - but you only deal with him twice outside of boss fights, and only in very limited areas. Then Marguerite is just a walking bug turret and... that's it. Feels like some serious wasted potential.
I think the game was overall pretty great still, but I do think that there's some serious room for improvement. If the enemies felt a little more finetuned and if the stages you traverse were comparable in complexity and size from the classic games, I think RE7 could be a real masterpiece - so if this acts as the blueprint for future RE games, I hope they do a good job of expanding on it. Admittedly I still would have preferred a refinement of RE6 as the next main game in the series, but I'm pretty happy with RE7.
I'm going to go back and replay the original RE1. I've never actually played through advanced / arrange mode with Chris, only Jill, so I think that sounds like an interesting challenge.