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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!

Man, was really hoping for something today.


Same, but I think all of us knew deep down
that things probably weren't going to come to head yet. There just wasn't enough direct rumblings/teases for it, where with RE6 we had the castings outing the China connection and the ARG leading up up to the experience event.

With how huge and successful the marketing campaigns for RE5 and 6 have been, it's likely that we'll see similar tactics to 7's (
and hopefully REmake2 to give it a fair chance at comparative sales
) unveiling and release.
The biggest bummer about today is that one video they released wasn't even remotely interesting. They basically just said all RE games are good even they aren't horror. Go buy them.


The new Hope is for RE7 to be revealed when 6 comes out. That's a free way to push sales. If we're really waiting until e3 I don't see it releasing until next year.

RE is big but it's not COD big where they can announce a new game and release it during a crowded holiday with no issues with only a few months of marketing. RE6 moved away from a crowded holiday after trying a November release.

Unless Sony or Capcom are footing the bill on marketing, which I'm still unsure of. I don't recall song or ms pushing for RE6 marketing. Though MS did for RE5.
RE7 is probably going through development hell and has been discarded and repurposed several times by now.

That's fairly typical of these titles, if not game development as a whole. RE2 went through a few iterations. Veronica had some darker stuff going on with ties to the Nazis. RE4 is probably the most famous with having a few public showings of the different forms (Hookman especially). 5, unless being some translation misunderstanding, was to have some survival elements in keeping hydrated and in the shade, alongside some other aspects.

As suggested above by jawmuncher, it wouldn't be surprising if phanta rhei engine is a notable factor to what many feel is a delayed unveiling.


Anyone find it funny how he seemed to swap 'horror' and 'entertainment' as gameplay types.
I think we know what he means. Both are entertaining, but there's a difference between amusement derived from horror, and amused derived from soap operas and superhero shenanigans, which are also part of the series' DNA.


Resident Evil 6 |OT| Sliding to drop bombs and spinning around to shoot oxygen tanks on firefighter zombies

probably too long
Resident Evil 6 Remastered |OT| 500 Days of Ada
Resident Evil 6 Remastered |OT| The Only Dino Game
Resident Evil 6 Remastered |OT| Vents are quite a view

Jumping the gun here, but:

Resident Evil 5 Remastered |OT| Complete Combo Saturation


RE7 is probably going through development hell and has been discarded and repurposed several times by now.

As it should be, thats how we got RE2-4 such tight quality games.

And in the meantime we got lots of cool expiremental titles off the scraps of RE3/4 like DMC, Haunting Ground. Dino Crisis, Onimusha, and RECVX.


Happy 20th Anniversary everyone!


GROUP PHOTO! Not pictured: digital releases I own, including a copy of Resident Evil 6 on Steam.

Played a bit of Resident Evil 1 tonight before dinner. Had a ton of fun, despite being so familiar with the game. I think I'm going to go through the series again over the next few months, at least the earlier games since it's been a while. Though I might play REmake HD over RE: Director's Cut.

Because this is the 20th anniversary of the original RE I want to share my favorite gaming memory, the first night I played RE. I've told the story many times, but I enjoy telling it. It was week of the release of RE and my brother who had a PS and was a huge horror fan had followed the game in magazines, so he bought it when it hit. I was a sega fanboy, a bad one, I refused to play Nintendo games and laughed at the stupidity of Sony trying to get into the market. I was a proud owner of a sega Saturn, the clear winner over the dumb Sony PlayStation. But deep down I just wanted to play great games, and man did RE look crazy, unlike anything I have ever played in my life.


We made a whole event out of playing RE for the first time. I invited my best friend over for a sleep over. We purposefully waited till midnight to start the game for maximum effect. To kill time my brother also bought the game D, so we played and finished that game in like 3 hours. It was a nice appetizer to the main course. Midnight came and we popped in the black coated disc (remember how awesome those were). The capcom logo appears, then we see a man in a hallway being chased by something, he screams and blood splashes and that VOICE booms out “RESIDENT EVIL!” I was in love.

My brother got to play first so my friend and I just watched. He chose Chris because he was a man, he looked like the hero so of course that was the choice. The typewriter noises begin displaying the date, the amazing FMV intro started. I was watching a movie… I was going to play a movie. “Jill run to that house!” Gunshots firing! They get inside and the cast list rolls out and we get introduced to these characters that we are still following today. The rock music blaring, everyone is standing in an awesome pose. I remember seeing Barry Burton and thinking, that right there is the man, a red beard and a magnum. It ends on the team leader Albert Wesker, who looked like every 80s movie asshole villain so immediately I loved to hate him. Explosion with the title screen RESIDENT EVIL! I remember thinking this is the greatest thing I have ever seen and the game didn't even start yet.


Then the first in game cutscene began with the greatest bad voice acting ever. “Barry, where's Barry?” It didn't matter what it sounded like, what mattered is that it was like watching a scene in a movie. When my brother first took control of Chris he had no clue how to move him, we cracked up as we saw him struggle to move around a dinner table. He finally opened the door to the hallway and there we saw the first zombie, that famous head turn in CG glory. The zombie was slowly walking toward my brother and he had no clue what to do. We all started screaming, “do something! Run! Attack him! He was like “I don't know how!” He managed to find the knife and equip it but it was too late the zombie started to eat him “You Died”.


My turn now, I was smart and knew that Jill had a handgun, I also read the manual so I knew how to play. So we watch the Jill version of the intro, this time it has Barry which instantly became my favorite character. “A dining room!” He is so observant! I remember the first time I took control of Jill, the tank controls felt so strange, like learning to drive a car for the first time. So I go to the first zombie with my gun equipped, no need for it to get close. He starts shambling toward me and I aim and fire.

Pop pop pop, down it goes. Yeah bitch you dead, let me check this body over AHHHHHH it's eating my leg! I mash every button and Jill finally smashes it's head in and a blood puddle forms around the body, my first lesson. So I check Kenneth who is just a shadow of his former self at that point and I got some bullies, woo!

Deep into the mansion I go, blown away at the level of detail. I am pushing statues, solving puzzles, trying to find my way around. I have never played in a 3D like world quite like this, it was groundbreaking. I reach a hall which I remember from magazine pictures, the dogs. We all knew it was coming, the moment was legendary before the game even came out. It didn't matter, i was so scared, inching forward. Slowly. Slowly. And then CRASH! I screamed like a girl and threw the controller into the air! The dogs jump into the room running around me! We are all trying to grab the controller, screaming, the dogs are eating Jill! It was too late. Never has a game instilled fear in me in that way.


My friend went next and got deeper into the mansion than any of us and that is how the rest of the night went. It was magical, an experience that only the new 3D era of gaming could provide. We fought a giant snake, barely escaped situations alive desperately trying to reach that item box. We solved some puzzles like the fantastic picture room with the crows, such a great puzzle that has been copied by so many games. Eventually we went to sleep but my brother played all night. We woke up to him describing this magical run where he went outside the mansion into a guest house with a giant mutant plant and then he went back into the mansion and was killed by the crazy reptile like creature. I had to see this. Oh we had no memory cards so we did all this with one life.


That's how I played for weeks, always starting the game over and getting further and further each time, death meant DEATH. I memorized every line of dialogue, I could navigate the mansion with my eyes closed at one point. This game had so much going on, so many cool locations, incredible music, and an epic finale. I remember the first time I reached the Tyrant and Wesker revealed himself as the villain I wanted him to be, I died fighting the Tyrant, which meant starting all over again. The next time I made it all the way to the end and finally beat the game, got the bad ending with Jill, still it was such a triumphant moment that I called my brother who was out just to tell him I finally finished it.

The reason why this game meant so much to me is that it shattered that fanboy mentality, from that moment on I loved games on a different level. Video games didn’t just have to be toys, it didn’t have to be this odd sporting event where you pick a side. Gaming was the future of entertainment, it could present itself like a movie while still allowing the player to interact in a meaningful way. I got my own PS1 soon after and I started to play everything I could get my hands on. I still did not have a nintendo console for a long while but I finally could admit I really wanted to play their games. The NES started love of gaming but it was Resident Evil that cemented it as the hobby I will love more than any for the rest of my life.

Through this journey as a RE fan I met some wonderful people online. The old ERE group at GS which eventually got its own home when Yama created the Biohaze fan site. Many of you are here as well, your knowledge of the series astounds even me. I love the community, even when we fight because we can’t agree on what makes a better RE game. I think that's a good thing, all the greatest franchises have major debates on which is the best entry, Zelda, MGS, Mario, FF. The reason there is debate is because so many of the games are classics, RE is no different. I hope the debate can continue with new classics on the way, I hope REmake 2 is everything we dreamed of. I hope RE7 is something new we can get behind. I can’t wait to see what’s up ahead.

Great post, I enjoyed reading it! I was very similar to you, except instead of Sega I was a Nintendo fanboy lol. Resident Evil was one of the main reasons I started branching out to other platforms more. I even bought a Dreamcast primarily for Code Veronica.

And I especially agree on that last paragraph. As long as people keep it civil and critique the games, not the people playing them ("rose tinted glasses" type comments don't lead to healthy discussion), the debate's all in good fun.
My RE collection. It's no CVXfreak but it covers basically everything.


Not pictured, I forgot to include Mercs 3D. My original RE1 big box case. Some action figures and the CG movies. Of course all the digital games.


Great read Miami! What an amazing game. Sounds like you had a better time with the game than I did first time around: I killed everything I came across and lept running out of bullets, leaving me dead over and over.
The concept of Survival Horror didn't click with me until I played RE2 when it released
My friend is playing REmake HD (PS4) for the first time and I'm not sure what advice to give her on approaching the game. She's used to the post-RE4 era of the franchise and I'm not super knowledgable on the earlier games myself.

Should she just "Dark Souls" it and play blind? If so then I fear it may never click.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My friend is playing REmake HD (PS4) for the first time and I'm not sure what advice to give her on approaching the game. She's used to the post-RE4 era of the franchise and I'm not super knowledgable on the earlier games myself.

Should she just "Dark Souls" it and play blind? If so then I fear it may never click.
You can't kill everything. Learn to run past enemies. If you do kill, because it's to thin the threat or clear an area you revist often, burn the body.

Saves are limited. After a save, explore until you die. Then with that knowledge, do your real run, that you'll save. And in a fraction of the time.

Main advice I'd give.
My friend is playing REmake HD (PS4) for the first time and I'm not sure what advice to give her on approaching the game. She's used to the post-RE4 era of the franchise and I'm not super knowledgable on the earlier games myself.

Should she just "Dark Souls" it and play blind? If so then I fear it may never click.

Be smart! Fighting foes isn't the only way to survive this horror.


My friend is playing REmake HD (PS4) for the first time and I'm not sure what advice to give her on approaching the game. She's used to the post-RE4 era of the franchise and I'm not super knowledgable on the earlier games myself.

Should she just "Dark Souls" it and play blind? If so then I fear it may never click.

She has to learn the mansion layout: shortcuts, enemy-free bypasses, which room is where and what other rooms will she visit on her way to room X. She also need to learn how to avoid enemies that don't have to be killed (i.e. are in the room/corridor you will only visit once or twice).

She can also play it as (IIRC) Neiteio once suggested: save game, play as far as you can until you die, repeat the section with the newly obtained knowledge (REmake is a pretty short game once you know where to go and what items you will need).

Ein Bear

I'm trying to play REMake on my Xbone, but these control schemes are breaking my mind. I suppose it's hard to directly translate Gamecube buttons to an Xbox pad, but I'm using Type B and swear that A/X and B/Y need to be swapped. It seems weird that there's not a single control scheme with Run on the A button.


Just beated RE4. It was my very first RE game and wow. Really great game. Now I intend to pay through 5 and 6. Then REmake, 2, 3 and 0.

Can't wait.
Just beated RE4. It was my very first RE game and wow. Really great game. Now I intend to pay through 5 and 6. Then REmake, 2, 3 and 0.

Can't wait.

In some ways I'd suggest REmake, Nemesis, 5, RE2, and 6 in that order, just to be a bit more familiar with characters and motivations without having to consult a wiki. Nemesis could arguably be left last since only one element that is clearly spelled out is incorporated in 5, but is the
best of the classic games all the same

But your order may be best from a gameplay standpoint in not having to jump between 'styles'.

Welcome to the fam.
Don't forget 0 that game is nowhere near as bad as people like to make out.

True, but I left out 0 as it has overall zero
bearing on the modern games that they were intending to tackle, and I'd say that it has little impact on how one approaches REmake.

A chronological or classic title run, then it would for sure be a first or second entry on the list.

Edit: Details for the upcoming animated film, RE: Vendetta, are starting to come out.


Honey Bunny

While slogging through Rev 2's fantastically uninspiring raid mode, I had a revelation, I enjoy these games far more than I can explain, so much so that I must be a Resident Evil Fan. I think it came 3 hours into the play session when I looked across at my friend who was deadly bored and I couldn't figure out why I wasn't.

I like Leon the most. I haven't played anything pre-RE4. Please accept me.


In some ways I'd suggest REmake, Nemesis, 5, RE2, and 6 in that order, just to be a bit more familiar with characters and motivations without having to consult a wiki. Nemesis could arguably be left last since only one element that is clearly spelled out is incorporated in 5, but is the
best of the classic games all the same

But your order may be best from a gameplay standpoint in not having to jump between 'styles'.

Welcome to the fam.
I might do that, then. I prefer a story-centric order than a gameplay-centric order. Thanks!

EDIT: It seems that I have both revelations on steam too. go figure. where should I put them in the list? at the end of the rest?
I've just started playing through Leon's campaign in the PC version of RE6 online with a buddy but we've hit a roadblock almost immediately. We're following the guy that's worried about his daughter but he got stuck on a table and no matter how many times we restart from the check point the result is the same. I'm guessing it's a syncing issue, but does anyone know of a fix for this issue?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I might do that, then. I prefer a story-centric order than a gameplay-centric order. Thanks!

EDIT: It seems that I have both revelations on steam too. go figure. where should I put them in the list? at the end of the rest?

If you want to play story order, Revelations 1 takes place between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, Revelations 2 takes place between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6.

I've just started playing through Leon's campaign in the PC version of RE6 online with a buddy but we've hit a roadblock almost immediately. We're following the guy that's worried about his daughter but he got stuck on a table and no matter how many times we restart from the check point the result is the same. I'm guessing it's a syncing issue, but does anyone know of a fix for this issue?

I have never heard of that, but googling it, found this topic: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221040/discussions/0/864975632384976572/

What I pulled from it is fucking around and away might work?


Leon looks good.

Only Leon can get away with that haircut.

But I did rock that haircut myself in school many many years ago.



News Bot

Vendetta is a "reboot" (new studio, new staff, etc) and to showcase that, it uses the stylized BIOHAZARD instead of the lowercase biohazard like Degeneration and Damnation. The same happened with BIO5 and BIO6, while the opposite style change was implemented with the GameCube titles to signify a new generation. That's also why they're abandoning the "D" subtitles.

Since CAPCOM's 20th Anniversary "celebration" was a dud, I have a few things in the works over the next few weeks.


Vendetta is a "reboot" (new studio, new staff, etc) and to showcase that, it uses the stylized BIOHAZARD instead of the lowercase biohazard like Degeneration and Damnation. The same happened with BIO5 and BIO6, while the opposite style change was implemented with the GameCube titles to signify a new generation. That's also why they're abandoning the "D" subtitles.

Since CAPCOM's 20th Anniversary "celebration" was a dud, I have a few things in the works over the next few weeks.

But it's still within the lore right?
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