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Resident Evil HD Remaster |OT| Rediscover the evil.

Platinum done.

What a great ride.

So, is there a good word concerning trophy progression in regards to saving? For instance if I go after the trophy for unlocking all weapons, does that stack across all saves or do I need to keep replaying over the same exact save file? This is one reason why I haven't really attempted much outside of the knife only because I want to be sure as shit.


What's the best way to avoid blowing up when carrying the fuel in the lab?

Does taking damage explode it? I'm pretty sure I've exploded before either firing or taking a hit. And do certain weapons trigger it? I have been using the infinite launcher on this run but that seems waaay too risky for that.

There's that one chimera just before you replace the fuel that I'm very worried about. It's a no save run.
What's the best way to avoid blowing up when carrying the fuel in the lab?

Does taking damage explode it? I'm pretty sure I've exploded before either firing or taking a hit. And do certain weapons trigger it? I have been using the infinite launcher on this run but that seems waaay too risky for that.

There's that one chimera just before you replace the fuel that I'm very worried about. It's a no save run.

I believe I read that it's percentage-based; i.e. if you're grabbed by a zombie there's a 30% chance it will explode. That could vary by difficulty, I have no idea.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What's the best way to avoid blowing up when carrying the fuel in the lab?

Does taking damage explode it? I'm pretty sure I've exploded before either firing or taking a hit. And do certain weapons trigger it? I have been using the infinite launcher on this run but that seems waaay too risky for that.

There's that one chimera just before you replace the fuel that I'm very worried about. It's a no save run.

You should go kill it ahead of time. That and the zombie in the hallway just before it are the only real dangers.


Ah! I was always under the impression that they spawned infinitely for some reason? Nice one thanks, just clearing them out ahead of time then!
The question I frequently ask myself when the topic comes up... what would be the big 'Lisa Trevor' change to REmake 2? A new enemy? A new area? A new playable character?

They just might beef up Mr. X and make you encounter him more. Like make him run like Nemesis and travel between rooms. I found Nemesis was really interesting in that he made the game tense if he was going to pop up and having Mr. X be a persistent threat to Leon makes sense. Birkin could also show up more for Claire and maybe he can do something like infect other enemies with his parasite to make them stronger or maybe have a feature where if you see a parasite you should destroy it because it makes super zombies or really strong enemies if it reaches a corpse or BOW. I think they can explore a lot of mechanics, especially since something like burning bodies and crimson heads is such a great way to build tension when exploring the mansion in REmake, having something that strengthens enemies will raise the tension when exploring Raccoon City.


So, is there a good word concerning trophy progression in regards to saving? For instance if I go after the trophy for unlocking all weapons, does that stack across all saves or do I need to keep replaying over the same exact save file? This is one reason why I haven't really attempted much outside of the knife only because I want to be sure as shit.

Playthroughs stack no matter what, you can keep a single save file if you want, doesn't matter. All data retains in the save file.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
What was Nemesis doing during RE2? Was he up and about? He should at least make a cameo appearance in a remake, if so.

Outbreak 1 + 2 should be referenced. Add a file about Kevin Ryman failing the S.T.A.R.S. exam, meet a survivor, etc.

Crimson heads would obviously be added.

Mr. X is already the Lisa Trevor of RE2, so they could add more scenes with him.

They just might beef up Mr. X and make you encounter him more. Like make him run like Nemesis and travel between rooms. I found Nemesis was really interesting in that he made the game tense if he was going to pop up and having Mr. X be a persistent threat to Leon makes sense.
Ah, beaten to it.

Maybe add more subtle hints as to what Leon/Claire are doing in the game you aren't playing. As in, say you choose Leon A, you would see little traces of what Claire was doing during the B game you're going to play in the future.


One trophy to go, and it's a Bronze: Every Nook and Cranny.

Question: Does visiting the rooms and picking up items for the trophy stack across playthroughs, or do I have to visit every room and pick up every item in one playthrough?

Thanks for any help anyone provides.


One trophy to go, and it's a Bronze: Every Nook and Cranny.

Question: Does visiting the rooms and picking up items for the trophy stack across playthroughs, or do I have to visit every room and pick up every item in one playthrough?

Thanks for any help anyone provides.
One playthrough.
The question I frequently ask myself when the topic comes up... what would be the big 'Lisa Trevor' change to REmake 2? A new enemy? A new area? A new playable character?

One idea is they could expand the Hunk play through into his own mini campaign a la RE4 "Seperate Ways" campaign they did with Ada.

For the main campaign I think they could really expand upon the sewer segment in RE2, maybe lengthen it out and give it a unique boss.


I think I am going to restart as Jill and play through on easy. I'm probably 3 hours in, with Chris on normal. Limited inventory is driving me mad. Also I didn't know I needed to burn zombies earlier in the game, so the whole joint is crawling with crimson heads.

I think I could get back to the same point in about 1.5 hours now that I know what I'm doing.
One trophy to go, and it's a Bronze: Every Nook and Cranny.

Question: Does visiting the rooms and picking up items for the trophy stack across playthroughs, or do I have to visit every room and pick up every item in one playthrough?

Thanks for any help anyone provides.

That's a really easy trophy but time consuming. Any room coloured in red on your map is a room that still has items in it and the ones with no items in them are coloured white. So before leaving an area, double check your map and if there's any red rooms, pay them another visit.

The only one that's a little confusing is the outside corridor, since you have to wait until the end of the game to pick the Stone & Metal Object back up.


Just finished up a CQC run(Easy mode) and the
Crimson Zombie in the Crypt
was definitely the hardest part. Have to mention again that I love this game and the nostalgic bliss that it brings me. Bring on Zero, though it's not on the same level.


Mr. Furlong

Neo Member
That's a really easy trophy but time consuming. Any room coloured in red on your map is a room that still has items in it and the ones with no items in them are coloured white. So before leaving an area, double check your map and if there's any red rooms, pay them another visit.

The only one that's a little confusing is the outside corridor, since you have to wait until the end of the game to pick the Stone & Metal Object back up.

Regarding this, I think my game is glitched. Is there meant to be a hidden item in the Item box/Typewriter room in Mansion 1F east? It's the only room left in the game I haven't 100% but I swear I've cleaned everything up.

EDIT: Nevermind, don't know how many times I saved in that room without seeing the handgun ammo on the floor.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The question I frequently ask myself when the topic comes up... what would be the big 'Lisa Trevor' change to REmake 2? A new enemy? A new area? A new playable character?

Integrate the Outbreak events that were taking place at the same time into the narrative. Or just generally have more alive NPC's and RPD policemen. For a whole city, RE2 had literally no survivors.
I want to do real survivor, but the lack of auto aim seems like such an arbitrary handicap in the classic games.

Maybe someone else can confirm this, but the 180 degree quick turn feels a lot faster in Real Survivor.

Random thing I noticed in my Real Survivor Chris playthrough; you can go through that door with the damaged door handle as many times as you want. Unusually nice thing for Mikami to do. ;)


Elza Walker scenario.

The best and most logical thing they could do, I think.

With REmake, they took existing, unused elements of the 1996 game, that being George Trevor's affiliation with Umbrella, and ran with it. Elza would need some tweaking so as not to clash too much with Claire, but it'd go down well, especially with old school RE fans.

I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a bit of 1.5 in a REmake 2, actually.


Low Poly Gynecologist
You know, that's why the idea of potential REmake 2 doesn't excite me anymore. We already have updated models of RE2 staff (be it from Darkside Chronicles, RE4 or RE6) and already saw how the RPD and few other locations would look like with improved graphics (Darkside Chronicles again, Birkin's lab in RE Zero). With REmake it was a huge upgrade from early PSX graphics to a new GameCube game with its detailed animated backgrounds and character models that even today look pretty good. RE2 was already spoiled by Darkside Chronicles and other titles.

By the time Leon and Claire arrived to Raccoon City, Jill and Carlos were already at St. Michael Clock Tower.

As much as I'd love that, but doesn't RE2 take place when Jill is out cold? It's been a long time since I looked at any kind of timeline though, so my memory is a bit fuzzy on that.


Or this.

This so much.

What we'd likely get is a playable Sherry sequence as she runs and hides from Birkin.

Don't care! It's a remake, change the story!

Real talk though, I have no idea how the two games relate timeline wise other than "they sort of overlap." and I just love the design of Nemesis.


Random thing I noticed in my Real Survivor Chris playthrough; you can go through that door with the damaged door handle as many times as you want. Unusually nice thing for Mikami to do. ;)

I'm at a point after multiple playthroughs where I use that door as little as possible, that I was really surprised when I discovered this. I don't remember it being a thing in the original REmake on Gamecube.


The best and most logical thing they could do, I think.

With REmake, they took existing, unused elements of the 1996 game, that being George Trevor's affiliation with Umbrella, and ran with it. Elza would need some tweaking so as not to clash too much with Claire, but it'd go down well, especially with old school RE fans.

I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a bit of 1.5 in a REmake 2, actually.

Well, crap... Now I'm excited.


I started a run to complete Every Nook and Cranny last night.

Ended up doing a No Save instead. Which is great, because I needed that, but I missed out on Nook and Cranny. And I know exactly why. I missed out the Plant 42 routes room. Went in every other room in the game, every stage of every map green.. apart from that damn room.



So after i finished chris campain it was now jills time, correct me if im wrong but this game isnt so difficult has i remembered, at least not on normal difficulty, i saved all the magnum ammo and a lot of the grenade launcher ammo for nothing, tyrant goes of with 5 or 6 shots and all the other bosses goes in the same way, even less shots, excepting the plant 42, its was all a piece of cake i think, it was more difficult for me the crimson heads than the bosses!

Dont think that im bragging or something, just telling my honest opinion, what do you guys think?
So after i finished chris campain it was now jills time, correct me if im wrong but this game isnt so difficult has i remembered, at least not on normal difficulty, i saved all the magnum ammo and a lot of the grenade launcher ammo for nothing, tyrant goes of with 5 or 6 shots and all the other bosses goes in the same way, even less shots, excepting the plant 42, its was all a piece of cake i think, it was more difficult for me the crimson heads than the bosses!

Dont think that im bragging or something, just telling my honest opinion, what do you guys think?

the first 30 minutes or so are difficult, but once you get the shotgun and the health starts piling up, the game is quite easy on normal, i agree


Now that i think about it, evil within was way more harder for me, and i was playing resident evil 1till the end for the first time.


So after i finished chris campain it was now jills time, correct me if im wrong but this game isnt so difficult has i remembered, at least not on normal difficulty, i saved all the magnum ammo and a lot of the grenade launcher ammo for nothing, tyrant goes of with 5 or 6 shots and all the other bosses goes in the same way, even less shots, excepting the plant 42, its was all a piece of cake i think, it was more difficult for me the crimson heads than the bosses!

Dont think that im bragging or something, just telling my honest opinion, what do you guys think?

Normal is only hard if you're playing it for your first time. If you already know what's ahead, you should have played it on hard. Even hard is not that hard though.


Normal is only hard if you're playing it for your first time. If you already know what's ahead, you should have played it on hard. Even hard is not that hard though.
When i said it was easier than i tought, im including the first time playing too, but you re right.


So after i finished chris campain it was now jills time, correct me if im wrong but this game isnt so difficult has i remembered, at least not on normal difficulty, i saved all the magnum ammo and a lot of the grenade launcher ammo for nothing, tyrant goes of with 5 or 6 shots and all the other bosses goes in the same way, even less shots, excepting the plant 42, its was all a piece of cake i think, it was more difficult for me the crimson heads than the bosses!

Dont think that im bragging or something, just telling my honest opinion, what do you guys think?

A lot of the difficulty comes from what you know, or rather don't know about the mansion the first time you play it. Not knowing where your next ink ribbon or handgun clip is coming from, while dealing with the items and backtracking, and with zombies crashing through windows, Crimson Heads etc..

After your second or third play through you start operating on muscle memory, and the difficulty all but disappears.

It's actually one of the things I enjoy most about the game. It starts off as an intense survival horror experience, then takes on a second life on subsequent play throughs. It's the most re-playable game I've played in years.


I'm ALMOST earning my Platinum, but on my last trophy, Every Nook and Cranny, I've hit a dead end. I am in the catacombs in the room/space where you use the trash compactor to get the broken flamethrower and it is showing red for this room, but I have no idea what else you pick up other than the flamethrower.

Any advice? I don't see any handgun clips, herbs, or maps... which are usually the easiest-missed things.
I'm ALMOST earning my Platinum, but on my last trophy, Every Nook and Cranny, I've hit a dead end. I am in the catacombs in the room/space where you use the trash compactor to get the broken flamethrower and it is showing red for this room, but I have no idea what else you pick up other than the flamethrower.

Any advice? I don't see any handgun clips, herbs, or maps... which are usually the easiest-missed things.
climb up the boxes .


I did that too.

Hmmmm... such a head scratcher.

Plus, I just checked again and that area counts as a separate room from this one anyway. This is literally the area where you take the lift down and then you can climb the ladder down to where you use the compactor. It says I'm missing something in that area. Odd.
Is the candle room and bedroom part of the area? I'm trying to remember if there's anything on the wall in the that main chamber with Lisa. Could also be a handgun clip on the floor or something like that that's hard to see.

Never mind I know what room you're mentioning. Where the actual elevator is? With the item chest?


Is the candle room and bedroom part of the area? I'm trying to remember if there's anything on the wall in the that main chamber with Lisa. Could also be a handgun clip on the floor or something like that that's hard to see.
Nope. Candle room/bedroom is a different area and I greyed it out too.

I saved in her cabin so I can go back down and check later. I am honestly out of ideas and wondering if the game just glitched. That would really suck, to come this far, go into every room, collect every item, and then right before I'm heading to the laboratory get screwed by a glitch.


That's what I was thinking too. Haven't found anything there even with slowly walking around clicking constantly.

I appreciate the help. I think I'm screwed, though.
I'm ALMOST earning my Platinum, but on my last trophy, Every Nook and Cranny, I've hit a dead end. I am in the catacombs in the room/space where you use the trash compactor to get the broken flamethrower and it is showing red for this room, but I have no idea what else you pick up other than the flamethrower.

Any advice? I don't see any handgun clips, herbs, or maps... which are usually the easiest-missed things.
What difficulty? I'm trying to remember if Very Easy or Easy added ammo down there.



cute dog.

I'm ALMOST earning my Platinum, but on my last trophy, Every Nook and Cranny, I've hit a dead end. I am in the catacombs in the room/space where you use the trash compactor to get the broken flamethrower and it is showing red for this room, but I have no idea what else you pick up other than the flamethrower.

Any advice? I don't see any handgun clips, herbs, or maps... which are usually the easiest-missed things.

YO i know what you are missing. i had to look it up too. at the top of the ladder before you go down to the trash compactor, there is a handgun clip on the floor. its right there, but its hard to see. look and you shall find it.



cute dog.

YO i know what you are missing. i had to look it up too. at the top of the ladder before you go down to the trash compactor, there is a handgun clip on the floor. its right there, but its hard to see. look and you shall find it.

Man, I'm telling you, I clicked ALL around that room. At least now I have hope!

I actually pushed through and played another hour to beat the game just to see if the trophy would pop and it didn't. So now it is back to my save in Lisa's cabin so I can head back down to the compactor.

Hopefully that clip is all I'm missing!
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