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Resident Evil REmake Remastered Review Thread

It's probably the best Resident Evil game, and arguably the best survival horror game ever made. There's no reason not to buy this.

Third best for me (RE2>RE4>RE)

At this point though I was just waiting for confirmation of no technical issues before I buy the game.
I will add the link to the Gameinformer review once they put it on their site. The Quote from them is from Metacritic.


Looks like they put it up!


As others have already stated themselves, this will be my first time playing a resident evil game. Looking forward to it.

Which is fine, because after playing the HD version for the past month I consider it to be the best resident evil game in the series.

I rate it far above RE4 and RECVX even.


Which is fine, because after playing the HD version for the past month I consider it to be the best resident evil game in the series.

I rate it far above RE4 and RECVX even.

Not very high praise for the latter. CVX is one of the most poorly designed games in the series :/


fucking jim sterling

There are many reasons why this game essentially codified survival horror and is credited as the genre’s greatest inspiration. For me, it was the mansion itself that stood the test of time. These days, with huge open worlds and a growing stigma against backtracking, we’ve lost the concept of an environment that we get to know and adore over a prolonged experience. Like Shadow Moses in Metal Gear Solid, the Spencer Mansion of Resident Evil is a tiny place compared to huge modern game worlds, and there’s a significant amount of running back and forth through the same sets of corridors and rooms. Released brand new today, Resident Evil could very well risk a critical mauling for forcing players to backtrack, as we’ve collectively forgotten how much a sense of intimacy with one’s surroundings can positively impact a game experience. Now, I’m actually none too fond of some of the ways in which Capcom cheaply increased the amount of required back-and-forth (screw that shortcut door with the breakable handle!), but I can still respect exactly how much playtime Capcom got out of one main building and a few connected areas.

What first introduces itself as a sprawling, intimidating maze soon feels like home. A deadly home crawling with zombies and other biological atrocities, but a home nonetheless. Continued exposure to familiar hallways instills a navigational expertise in the player, as they soon learn the best shortcuts, the safest routes from room to room, the faster and more efficient methods of navigating their world. Unlike many modern games, players were given time in a place just the right size, and drip-fed new areas as and when required, rather than shunted around a vast open sandbox with barely a moment to take in the scale. This method of environmental design was a mainstay of old adventure games, expanded upon with Metroidvania style titles, and produced a number of unforgettable PlayStation-era action releases. The word “unforgettable” is important. I will never forget Resident Evil. I won’t forget its lavish entrance hall, its eerily silent barroom, its crow-infested gallery, or the relief I felt every time I reached its stairwell safe rooms. I can’t tell you about a single memorable place in Far Cry 4.
man i want to buy the ps4 version, but what is up with the frame rate drops? 16 frames per second? I can buy the PC version, but I want to play this via remote play on vita

Fox Mulder

Haven't played RE in forever, probably since the ps1. Will buy and hopefully they release all of them so I can go through each.


Not very high praise for the latter. CVX is one of the most poorly designed games in the series :/

I love RECVX more than RE4.

It's one of my all time favorite RE games and it's what ultimately made me a fan of the RE games. I love everything about no matter how terribly designed it was, I can play that game blindfolded at this point, I own every version.


I wish I was more excited about this, but I recently played it for the first time on the Wii, and now I don't know if I'm in the mood to play it again so quickly.

Ouch, drops to 16 fps on the ps4 version? Which review was that mentioned in?

man i want to buy the ps4 version, but what is up with the frame rate drops? 16 frames per second? I can buy the PC version, but I want to play this via remote play on vita

The game play is 30fps

When the camera switches to a new location it drops frames.

A frame-rate analysis of Resident Evil remastered on PS4. It's a 30fps game, despite the heavy use of pre-rendered backdrops and cut-scenes. The series' idiosyncratic stutter that goes with each camera angle shift is maintained here also, causing drops below this number.

It was common in the classic RE games as well. The PC version seems to remove the stutter though. You will be fine as the Gameplay is smooth
I love RECVX more than RE4.

It's one of my all time favorite RE games and it's what ultimately made me a fan of the RE games. I love everything about no matter how terribly designed it was, I can play that game blindfolded at this point, I own every version.

Ah, the game magazines in 1999/2000 making previews about RECV... Seemed like owning a Dreamcast was a must only for that one game.

Good times.


Ouch, drops to 16 fps on the ps4 version? Which review was that mentioned in?

There is a slight half second pause whenever the camera transitions. Thats probably where those frame drops are coming from.

It's absolutely nothing to be concerned about.


Nice to see these reviews. I was on the fence to get this on PS4. I now think I will. It has been a loooong time since I play RE. Never played the GC remaster.


There is a slight half second pause whenever the camera transitions. Thats probably where those frame drops are coming from.

It's absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

To be specific, the frame drop is usually 33ms or 66ms long. It's the same thing on the xbox 360 version and I didn't notice them in my playthrough.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Well, it's cool to see a great game still getting great reviews, even 12 years later.

That said, I'm sticking to the Wii version. I'm not impressed by the smeary "remastered" backgrounds.


Loves Robotech S1
I'll be sticking to playing the wii version on my tube, but I'm super happy this game is still getting positive attention. To me it just feels a bit like a Frankenstein's monster-ish messy patchwork version of one of my favorite games.

Personally I'll never understand the mindset some reviewers have that it's somehow reprehensible for a company to re-release games on new platforms for different audiences unless it gets a massive overhaul each time (lookin' at you, Sterling!). Games are all products of their time and should to be appreciated as such.
I noticed that We Got This Covered's review is missing. Here's a link:

We Got This Covered - 4/5

Those who've visited Resident Evil's iconic mansion countless times over the last twenty years will be safe to pass on this remaster. However, if you're interested in going through it for the first time, then Resident Evil HD is the version to buy.


I've played basically every version of RE1.

Loved REmake.

Whatever happened with the whole "assets" situation? Is it still the same lo-res assets with just an upres?

I quit following it after all that early on.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

These reviews are MUCH higher than I was expecting.

Lets hope the Sales matches this so Capcom has incentive for revisiting classic survival horror again.


Already playing it a dozen times on GameCube, I'm still excited for this re-release. Nice to see the scores hold up, really didn't expect that.
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