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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25


God damn it how do you make a patch that makes performance universally worse across the board? I could just about play Raid mode ok yesterday morning, then today it's gone to shit altogether.

Between this and the £14 of 'storage space' DLC I'm feeling pretty pissed off right now.
Not complaining but anyone a little bugged by character/costume selection?
Barry - REmake S.T.A.R.S.
Jill - REV1 Wetsuit
Chris - RE6 China
Leon - RE6 Tall Oaks
Claire - RE2
Wesker - RE5 Midnight

S.T.A.R.S. Chris, Jill, Barry and Wesker with RE2(Darkside/ORC) Leon & Claire would have been a great cohesive selection.
At the very least REV Chris over RE6 to match Jill.


I switched to Japanese for my second playthrough and noticed that the voices and subtitles are completely different versions of the text. I guess they had one script that was used to create the English version, then they re-translated that back to Japanese for the dub. Weird that they didn't update the subtitle text though.

Also, I loved that the Kafka quotes are in German when you're playing in Japanese.
I'm thinking about playing through episode one again now, because I see I missed stuff like Tower Emblems, and Kafka Drawings, but I don't know if I wanna waste time searching for that stuff when I have no idea where they are. Are they all really hard to find if I try to keep an eye out for them more, or am I better off using a guide because some are really obscure?


Really surprised about the freezing problems on PS4, already beat all the stages with 5 medals and my Claire is at level 53, not a single problem on PS4.

Strange how it's working fine for some but not for others. The freezing problems only started happening to me today to be fair. Yesterday raid mode was fine but now it's gone to the opposite extreme today. EU PS4 here if it makes any difference. I don't think it's my internet as it's been working fine on everything else.

Just tried accessing raid mode again after restarting my PS4 and it seems to be working now. Also it seems like people on other consoles are getting the freezing problem as well.
Not complaining but anyone a little bugged by character/costume selection?
Barry - REmake S.T.A.R.S.
Jill - REV1 Wetsuit
Chris - RE6 China
Leon - RE6 Tall Oaks
Claire - RE2
Wesker - RE5 Midnight

S.T.A.R.S. Chris, Jill, Barry and Wesker with RE2(Darkside/ORC) Leon & Claire would have been a great cohesive selection.
At the very least REV Chris over RE6 to match Jill.

Ahh, didn't know
Jill and Alex were playable characters, cool! Also kinda sad there's no STARS Wesker =/


Hi guys, I'm here.

Many of you have noticed the patch update that went live earlier today which went out ahead of schedule. The fix was intended to address the odd skipping animation when the FPS option was set to 'variable.' Unfortunately it appears the fix has introduced a knock-on effect that impacts rendering performance for some users. Dev team will be review the patch and work on another another update, among other things.

And to revisit the local split-screen coop issue, rest assured the team is looking at providing potential solutions per the earlier announcement. We will provide details of the plan very soon once everything checks out.

Lastly, rest assured this won't be the last patch update -- we still have the promised online coop functionality that will be added in later.

More to come!


On mobile. Beat Episode One on PS4. So good! Controls are so smooth -- it's a pleasure just to move around. Game balance gets deliciously tense at times, too. I actually found myself running out of ammo, despite leaning heavily on the knife and stun/melee/crowbar combo. Speaking of the tag-team dynamic, it's really refreshing. I find myself exploring with Moira's flashlight (always ready to stun for Claire) and with Natalia's enemy detection. Seems smart to have those two take the lead until you're ready to fight; then you switch back to Claire and Barry.

I'm surprised by a couple things. First, the setting is much more effective than anticipated. On paper, it sounds generic, but in practice, the blood-caked prison and SAW-style shenanigans serve this RE well. Second, Natalia is adorable. I originally thought she looked creepy and out of place in previews, but now I like her and hope Barry adopts her!

All of the characters are likeable. Even Moira , jarring swear words aside. The monsters look cool and all move in unique ways that force you to react accordingly. The stun mechanic and stealth kills are nice additions to the RER formula. Like I said, the character switching is great. I'm intrigued by many of the skills on the skill tree, too. There's already so much content to unlock, and I already want to replay Episode 1 before the next installment hits. :)


I think one thing I really like about Revelations 2 is that the enemies have a lot more personality than the Ooze did from the original game.

Yeah, they still kind of fit the typical RE aarchetypes, but they're still cool and varied.

I also loved the introduction to the Revenant. Really well done horror imo


Just finished episode 1. This is one of my first Resident Evil games (I've dabbled in 4, 5 and 6) and I'm LOVING Barry. Just a great voice performance and his character just seems like a good lad. Makes shitty dad jokes, absolute animal on the battlefield, what a guy. What. A. Guy.
I found the bit at the end of his chapter a bit tough compared to the rest of it but once I learned to run the hell away from the monsters I did a bit better, heh. Reminded me of Alan Wake!

Just dabbling in Raid Mode now, Hunk seems OP but I'm bad at these games so what the hell. Wish they had online in there now.
Had a really good scare with this the other night when I was playing coop with a friend.

During the part where Barry pushes the door and Natalia says "whats that" etc. Well, my friend and I were running about and I was kind of laughing to myself because I was aware of the whole shadow on the door thing because i'd played through the game solo a few times. Anyway, I was playing as Natalia and I could sense the monster through the ceiling but I didn't tell my friend because I wanted him to be surprised. So, as we made our way back to the door it crashed through the damn ceiling right infront of me. Made me jump like hell because I was so used to the shadow on door situation and was not expecting that all.

Got a good laugh out of me anyway.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
My favorite Barry lines were surprisingly not
the throwback lines, but these two gems (might be paraphrased):

"This place is totally messed up."

"This island is completely crazy!"

I laughed pretty hard at both of them. They had the same kind of cheese factor as his RE1 dialogue, in a "well, thanks for pointing out the obvious" way, but they fit the moment, too.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My favorite Barry line is just the ,
. Lol... he just yells it at her. It's fucking amazing. I still laugh every time.


Getting that itch to play episode 2.

Lot of content here, even if most of the raid stages seem like they're from RE6. Hot lvl 20 with Claire and I'm not slowing down.

Couple of things though. I wish the game was a bit more gruesome, as heads should always explode when getting a head shot. Also, I am definitely missing RE6's slide and dive, as well as the vast array of melee moves.

Enemy variety is fun, and those squid dudes that require you to hit each point of their body to find the glowey bit is cool.


Patch must have really screwed up performance on PC. Some Raid mode maps have a really unplayable framerate. Also repalying the first section of Claires campaign the framerate is erratic as hell, once I get to the prison part though it's a constant 60fps.

Really hope they get the performance issues sorted out.


Hey guys, haven't followed the game much, but I've heard Xbox one version has better performances than the PS4 one: is it right?
Trying to figure out which version I should buy.
Hey guys, haven't followed the game much, but I've heard Xbox one version has better performances than the PS4 one: is it right?
Trying to figure out which version I should buy.

Yea, that's probably the best version to buy atm. The PC version was really solid before this latest patch but now performance is quite terrible. The PS4 suffers from a lower framerate in areas but also a few minor graphical bugs. Everything will probably be sorted out with time, but I think the Xbox One version has the least amount of problems right now.


Yea, that's probably the best version to buy atm. The PC version was really solid before this latest patch but now performance is quite terrible. The PS4 suffers from a lower framerate in areas but also a few minor graphical bugs. Everything will probably be sorted out with time, but I think the Xbox One version has the least amount of problems right now.
Ok, thanks a lot. :)

News Bot

They're a new enemy in Revelations 2, those specific brand of them are called Revenants. They're sewn-together body parts combined with
, but we don't know all about them yet.

They are this game's Ooze, with several variants. They are just corpses directly injected with the Uroboros Virus, which wasn't known to revive corpses before. Previously only the G-Virus and C-Virus could, but they could only produce a Zombie. Uroboros goes one step further. This is pretty much the same reason Steve will never return as a human.



Raid Mode is so much fun.


So if I choose to replay an episode form the select menu, does that overwrite all my ammo and stuff like that? Do you still start out with all of your guns and stuff or what?

Want to go in and get the collectables I missed.
I wish raid mode had online matchmaking, I know it has co-op and that is cool, but having online co-op would be nice.
Really strange that they didn't have this in. I know its coming but they must have been pressed for time.
So if I choose to replay an episode form the select menu, does that overwrite all my ammo and stuff like that? Do you still start out with all of your guns and stuff or what?

Want to go in and get the collectables I missed.

Really strange that they didn't have this in. I know its coming but they must have been pressed for time.
you keep all your stuff each time you play.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So if I choose to replay an episode form the select menu, does that overwrite all my ammo and stuff like that? Do you still start out with all of your guns and stuff or what?

Want to go in and get the collectables I missed.

Really strange that they didn't have this in. I know its coming but they must have been pressed for time.

It's persistent. I honestly have so much ammo there's no space for anything else. I was playing on casual to search for emblems and such... and the ammo just keeps building up. It's funny.

Dr Dogg

So I decided to playthrough RE Rev 2's SP again after the recent patch... What the fuck have Capcom done! They have somehow managed to make some of their lighting more demanding than the volumetric lighting in Metro 2033. The start of Claire's campaign and looking at the sun in Barry's have almost quadrupled in performance cost for no graphical gain at all. I not as looking forward to next Wednesday as I once was.
I played over episode 1, enjoyed both sides of the story and I like how they share parts of each area, leaving stuff for one means the other can use it instead.

Way too much ammo laying around IMO, I was maxed out with barry and ran out of empty space to pick up the flame bottles half way into his act.

For the price I really like it.
Please, the whole log section in Barry's episode seemed like ripped out of Alan Wake. I an clearly remember a section there where you had to swing a pile of wood logs to open a gate - and here you do just the same. And yeah, the flashlight and how it is used also.
And it seems you noticed it too with the enemies. The ironhead doesn't fit in there like at all....

I wonder when someone will have merci and rip this series out of Capcom's cold, dead hands. It's just sad to watch what's happening with it.

You're reaching pretty hard with the Alan Wake comparison. And the Ironhead is defiantly nothing new to the series either. RE4 had Garrador and RE5 had the Executioner.


I'm struggling to even make it through the first episode. I can't stand this forced co-op shit. So far, I'm hating my time with this.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
An actual melee weapon. As an actual weapon? What!?

Is this unlockable now?


It says I installed the Throwback Pack, but I don't see it in Raid. (PS4)

In Raid mode's mission select page the Throwback maps will show up as Gauntlet IX, which should be at the very bottom of the page once you've installed them (the Throwback Map Pack) along with the Compatibility Pack.


I'm struggling to even make it through the first episode. I can't stand this forced co-op shit. So far, I'm hating my time with this.


I just finished the campaign and so far I found it a very mediocre experience. I just can't stand forced co-op games. The first Revelations was a much better game IMHO.

Raid mode is fun for a while, but I'm not a fan of grinding games.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Holy crap a katana! How do you unlock this?

90 Completion Medals for
. It's not possible to get right now, as at the moment in episode 1 you can only get 54 Completion Medals (66 if you have the Throwback Pack), but when episode 2 it should be possible to get. There will be exactly 90 Completion Medals between episode 1 and 2, so if you do every level and get all medals on every level between episode 1 and 2's raid stages, you'll unlock it. Or if you have the Throwback Pack, a bit less than all, should be 102 Completion Medals possible total if you have that.
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