Well gentlemen,
The one good thing that I can say about this game, is that has exposed Mercenaries to a lot of gamers who otherwise would have ignored it in RE4/RE5, and new RE players who've never played it before.
Gentlemen, do you now realize how great this mode is, and why it absolutely SHITS all over every other mini game in existence?
If you're enjoying the 3DS version now, and haven't played Mercenaries on RE5, then I really really REALLY suggest you pick up RE5 on the PC because that is where Mercenaries *REALLY* shines! Perks the PC version has over the 3DS/console versions:
2)Graphics absolutely DESTROY the console versions....60fps, much better textures, better lighting and NONE of the slowdown that the console versions suffer from!
3)Incredible mods as well such as custom maps/stages, thanks to Sectus!
4)Mods that allow you to play as different characters not intended to be played such as the big black Majini with the gattling gun, and the fucking Reaper!!!
5)But best of all, it's now $19.99 on Steam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Run don't walk to your PC and buy RE5 NOW!
Then proceed to send me a friend request so we can play Mercenaries CO-OP. My GFWL name is GroovyGhouliez.
That is all.